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help, anyone that watched during the attitude era


Ok..so im doing a bit of fan fiction here...i need 7 superstars from the attitude era or around 2000-2003...the 7 have to match the seven deadly sins:
1. Lust
2. Gluttony
3. Greed
4. Sloth/acedia
5. Wrath
6. Envy
7. Pride/vanity

I assume everyone here that was alive during 2000-2003 & can remebr stuff from wrestling has a decent education & I dont need to explain what these 7 things mean, but if you would liek a better understanding just ask...much thanks to anyoen who does it, rep will be given
Ok..so im doing a bit of fan fiction here...i need 7 superstars from the attitude era or around 2000-2003...the 7 have to match the seven deadly sins:
1. Lust
2. Gluttony
3. Greed
4. Sloth/acedia
5. Wrath
6. Envy
7. Pride/vanity

I assume everyone here that was alive during 2000-2003 & can remebr stuff from wrestling has a decent education & I dont need to explain what these 7 things mean, but if you would liek a better understanding just ask...much thanks to anyoen who does it, rep will be given

1. Vickie Guerrero
2. Vickie Guerrero
3. Vickie Guerrero
4. Rey Mysterio
5. Vickie Guerrero
6. Jack Swagger
7. Vickie Guerrero

Oh wait... Attitude era? Yeah, I didn't watch that shit.
Well do you want the Attitude Era or 2000-2003 because the Attitude Era was over by late 2001 at the very latest with its ending probably being more like April 1, 2001.
well I like 2000-2003..because its gonna be a story with raven & his run as raven in the wwf was around that time so ya 2000-2003
1) Trish Stratus
2) Sexual Chocolate Mark Henry / Viscera / Rikishi
3) Stone Cold (WM17 finish)
4) Big Show (first feud with Shan O'Mac, watch the promo)
5) Brock Lesnar / Kane
6) HHH (ordering Rikishi to run over Rocky)
7) HHH (formation of Evolution with much ego-stroking. His WM promo against Booker is good ammo)

Thought I'd be serious for once.
1. Sable - Need I explain why.
2. Rikishi - Just because he's very large.
3. Goldberg - He just did not like losing, been widely criticized for it.
4. (If you mean in the sense of not fulfilling potential) Lance Storm.
5. Triple H - for the feud with HBK during this time.
6. Christian - post split with Edge, and the reasons for the split.
7. There is of course only one candidate here: Y2J
well i like the artist ideas..but it has to be 7 diffrent people..im kind of making a new flock here with raven "cleansing" them of their sins & joinign them with a new stable so I kno it may sound hard but maybe not as much main eventers
Ok..so im doing a bit of fan fiction here...i need 7 superstars from the attitude era or around 2000-2003...the 7 have to match the seven deadly sins:
1. Lust
2. Gluttony
3. Greed
4. Sloth/acedia
5. Wrath
6. Envy
7. Pride/vanity

I assume everyone here that was alive during 2000-2003 & can remebr stuff from wrestling has a decent education & I dont need to explain what these 7 things mean, but if you would liek a better understanding just ask...much thanks to anyoen who does it, rep will be given

Try 2:

1. Lita
2. Sexual Chocolate
3. HHH: stealing other peoples wives, cunt.
4. HBK: at home, playing with his balls.
5. Big Vince McMahon
6. Christian
7. The Rock
like I said cult..not so much big names..they are all going to b going into a new stable with raven
I was just thinking about forming a faction based off the 7 deadly sins, but with today’s Superstars.

• Envy – Internet Champion – Zach Ryder (Envious of having an unsanctioned Title or making everyone else envious that he’s a part of this group.)

• Greed – Million Dollar Champion – Ted Dibiase (Ummmm…duh!!)

• Lust – Divas Champion – Kelly Kelly (K2 needs a Heel turn anyway. Who better to portray “Lust” than the Divas Champ??)

• Wrath – Intercontinental Champion – Cody Rhodes (He’s mad that his face is the way it is and he’s taking it out on everybody else. I understand that Pride fits him better, but Wrath wouldn’t work for…)

• Pride – United States Champion – Dolph Ziggler (He is “Perfection”. It just fits.)

• Gluttony – World Champion – Mark Henry (I know what you’re thinking, and no, I don’t mean cause he eats too much. I’m referring to him as a glutton for dishing out pain.)

• Sloth – WWE Champion – John Cena (Get it?? Plus a Heel turn would be nice.)

I would call them, “SALIGIA”!! I’d have Ted Dibiase and Zach Ryder gun for Air Boom while I’m at it. They both have Titles that don’t aren’t official WWE Championships, so why not?? Look at that list of names. Who’s going to stop them from taking over the WWE?? Who!?

Now to the Attitude Era version.

• Lust – Stacey Keibler – Seriously, Stacey Keibler.

• Envy – Chris Jericho – Envious of Superstars more successful than himself, and making other less successful envious of him.

• Gluttony – Kurt Angle – Again, not for food, but in this case, for Gold.

• Pride – The Rock – The People’s Champ. A very proud Superstar. Proud of his family history and his own accomplishments and he will let you know about it.

• Wrath – Stone Cold Steve Austin – Stomping a mud hole in your @$$.

• Greed – Ric Flair – 16 Time World Champion, more like 22 Time World Champion, but with his greed, who’s counting.

• Sloth – Hulk Hogan – Get it?? If Cena is Brandon Routh, then The Hulkster is Christopher Reeves. Yeah, that doesn’t sound as funny as I first thought it, but oh well!!

I’ll be back with a post-Attitude Era / pre-PG Era version later.
1) The Godfather
2) Viscera
3) Regal (Giving himself leeway because of being GM)
4) Mark Henry (Slow mover physically, slow career)
5) Rhyno (The War machine!)
6) Matt Hardy (Of Jeff), Marc Mero of Sable would be really good if you accepted that. It's a bit before '00.
7) Stevie Richards (In his R.T.C days)

Thought I'd be serious for once.

This is with less high-ranking stars of the day.
You do realize Raven pitched this storyline to Vince McMahon and that he got started with it on Heat, yes? It didn't go anywhere, but still.... this was Raven's baby, and it would have been awesome if the WWF gave him a chance.

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