Helms is coming back, finally.


Pre-Show Stalwart
ProWrestling.net reports that Gregory Helms should be returning shortly. He filmed some pre-tapes at the SmackDown tapings on Tuesday night. His profile has also been listed on the SmackDown website throughout his absence from television, so it looks like he will be returning on Friday nights.

Helms has been out for over a year, recovering from neck surgery.

You have all been waiting for it so here it is. Aftrer a 17 month hiatus, Helms seems to be close to returing to friday nights. Now the important question is...what to do with him. Do we stick him in the tag team division (or lack thereof) or do we puch of a US title reign, dose he come back heel or face. With no cruiserweight division, he may lack direction. So what do we do with Helms

This is my take on the situation, have him wrestle dark matches, for about a month, get off the ring rust. We dont want another Candice. Let him wrestle the matches as Gregory Helms. and then for his SD debut, Shelton Benjamin is talking smack and issues a chalenge, and then it happens: "Stand Back, There's a Hurricane coming through" The crowd would explode, or at least I would. Have him wrestle face in a heel dominated mid-card. It could work. What could the WWE do to correctly utilize Mr. Helms.
I have no idea. But I'm just glad that he's coming back soon. Helms was always the best cruiserweight (Rey included) imo. One because he has the physique to actually be a legit threat to heavyweight guys (unlike Kendrick, but Kendrick is still cool) and because
he has a lot of natural charisma.

Let's see where this goes.
He needs to return face. I believe he could be useful in supporting the upper mid-card, which is desperately short of faces.

Have him wrestle dark matches, as a face to get the reaction. Then have him accept an open challenge from Shelton, like the previous guy said. Some good matches there leads nicely into a Kendrick or MVP feud (Shining Wizard > Drive by Kick).

Matches with Kendrick would be two classy cruisweights without the label. MVP is still insanely over as a heel. He needs to work with a guy who is genuinely lighter and quicker than him, come on, do we really see him getting out muscled by a Hardy, and still get put away by high risk?
It'll be great to see him back, Helms is one talented man. But without the cruiserweight title, some changes need to be made for him to be successful again. Turning him face, for instance, would be a great idea since SmackDown is lacking faces in the upper-midcard.

He could use his injury to inspire sympathy, come back as a face and have some great feuds with THE Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin or MVP. Helms has got enough of the good stuff to get gold in WWE once more, in my opinion, but we'll see if he's still as good as he was before his injury.
I have to agree with Hardcore Kennedy here. Helms would be best suited as a midcard face on Smackdown. Right now, they essentially only have R-Truth since Kennedy is injured (and more of an upper midcarder) and Hardy is in the main event. Helms could be the first true feud with Kendrick to show off a fast paced competition.

Helms had his run as a comedic character...he's had his run as a tag team member...he's had his run as a heel.....its time for him to become a face again to help balance out the roster on Smackdown.
Personally, I feel Helms would be a perfect fit on ECW. He would provide a lot of star power on that brand, and I'm sure he could put on some great matches with Bourne, Finlay, and we all know how well he and Matt Hardy work together. There's a ready made storyline for his return as well. He can give Long crap about the "new talent initiative" and how it's not needed when a superstar of his caliber is overlooked. I would also say that a feud with Finlay is ready-made over Hornswoggle ruining the Cruiserweight Title (a title he proudly held for over a year, I think)... unfortunately, that title will probably never be truly referenced again for anything.

But Helms is a great wrestler who truly loves the world of wrestling. I hope he has a full recovery with zero complications from his injury.
Helms will make a great addition to a very depleated SD roster, he is a very talented wrestler. I also think the right move for him is also to turn face. I don't think his last heel run will get him over enough to compete in the middle card, he was kinda becoming a jobber for a while. Plus SD is also short on middle card faces and he'll be able to have awesome feuds with The Brian Kendrick, MVP, and Shelton. Maybe they should do something similar to his old WCW days as Sugar Shane Helms (but less pop-boy and dancish, play it more cool and serious). Whatever he comes back as, I'm excited for his return, hope it goes well.
I love that Gregory Helms is finally (seemingly) returning, but I have to admit I'm not happy about his return to Smackdown. He'll likely get a United States run, or at least definately a push. And a feud with THE Brian Kendrick would be amazing, but only stable enough to completely kill Kendrick off as being any type of anything.

I really agree with Pete in saying they're dropping the ball again on a possible great solution for E.C.W. Helms as a serious contender on E.C.W. is where he should be. The matches he had with Matt Hardy, in my opinion, only benefitted both of them and helped both of them. Furthermore 80% (if not more) of E.C.W.'s roster is made up of smaller guys.. which means Helms could become a respectable Heavyweight Champion on that brand.

I'm almost pretty sure he won't look any different, and even if he's spent the previous down-time pumping up, he's not going to return looking massive by any stretch which means he'll just look AS foolish as Kendrick, up against the likes of Taker, Big Show and Triple H.

He has as good a chance as any, being the new star returning, to rekindle his feud with Matt Hardy that set them both in the right direction.
i hope when he comes back he has the same intensity that he did when he left but hes comes back as a face he could have some awesome matches with the mid carders but id do agree if they get him to come back as the hurricane i think the crowed would explode just like the op said but as i was saying i hope he comes back and forfills a chris benoit intensity that smackdown/raw and ecw need
It looks like he'll be returning to SD but like others have said if he returned he would become US champion and maybe a feud with brian kendrick but then he should go to ecw and become a champion since he is a smaller guy he will fit in and he is definately great in the ring with matt hardy
It feels like an eternity since I saw Helms in a wrestling ring, he is a great talent and obviously the WWE knows this since they didn't release him after all this time. Now that the Cruiserweight title is gone, this could either make Helms, or break him, he basically carried that division on his back in the last couple of years, but it is gone now, so the WWE needs to find something else for him to do. Will he feud for the US title? Maybe, his promo popped up on the screen after the R-Truth/Benjamin match so it is likely, he also came off as a Face in that promo, so I wouldn't be surprised if he returns as a Face this time. There is also a strong possibility that he might get "lost in limbo" with the likes of Paul Burchill, Kenny Dykstra, and Paul London, without the Cruiserweight title, the WWE might grow bored of him quickly and he will end up like those three guys. I guess we will have to wait and see if anything becomes of Gregory Helms.
Id actually like to see him on Raw and team with Paul London. I think those two could really complimant eachother and challenge Priceless for the belts. Don't push them as cruiserweights, pust them as fast moving hard hitters. Helms would get a ton of pop from the crowd as well. If that goes dry, put them against Rey and Bourne. That would be a quick moving set up that allows both men to get over. This sets up 4 different tag teams that can go for the title on Raw.
So this past Smackdown we see two promos by Helms, neither in the ring, neither backstage but a rather bizarre segment. For those who haven't seen them here they are.


So does this give us any details? Not really, he's coming back to Smackdown and he called himself Hurricane Helms, whilst still in his Gregory Helms attire. The promo style was delivered like Ace Reporter and added what appears to be his new catchphrase of "I'm just saying."

What I think is obvious from those is he will be back as a face, after mocking "by calling them Curt and Jerk" and declaring "the price of gold just went down."

By the looks of it he will go for the US title, which will be good, as there is no cruiserweight division anymore. Though will "Hurricane Helms" be a ring name or will he return as the great hero?

I for one hope it is as The Hurricane, superhero gimmick, whilst the IWC as large seem to not like this gimmick I loved it. He was entertaining and was, in my opinion, one of the greats at promos. He seemed to lose that spark when he just went back as Helms, and to be honest he is typecasted as "The Hurricane." If he just came back as Gregory Helms, not many people would remember him, but if you had a "STAND BACK THERE'S A HURRICANE COMING THROUGH" he would get over rather quickly.

I'm just saying.
I'm glad Helms is coming back but I think it's a mistake to turn him into a comedy character is thats what they are planning on doing. There is no doubt that the Hurricane had a great comedic run, but he was only taken seriously when he was Gregory Helms. I think Helms should play the midcard baby face role, with some comedy infused with his character to make him likeable but not "hurricane" like. Helms is a solid worker and will hopefully be an asset to smackdown in the future.
It appears Helms might be going back to the Hurricane gimmick. His name on WWE.com was changed to Hurricane Helms. Either way I'm just happy he's back. If he's coming back as a face, I could see him on ECW. There aren't enough faces there.
Man...his new gimmick makes no sense. He's been out with an injury for a long long time, he should get vignettes or something if he's returning as a face. But random jokes that pop up on the screen? WTF. The announcers don't even make any comments about it...

Don't get me wrong, his jokes are funny, but we have Scotty Colton Cabana Goldman for that kind of stuff. It's turning into a typical TNA-style nonsensical gimmick, like Dolph Ziggler and Braden Walker before him. Ah well.
Yeah this gimmick smells of TNA to me. I just hope he doesn't become a comedy guy again, because even thought he was popular as Hurricane, he accomplished more as Gregory Helms, the heel. I wouldn't mind him coming back as a face as long as they are not 100% pushing him like a joke. ECW would be a better fit, and he would become mainevent material over there, and then he could possibly be transfered to Raw or Smackdown and become a guy like Punk.
The way I see it, the only reason they are sticking him with the "Hurricane" name again is because he was beyond over as the Hurricane. This way, he doesn't get lost in limbo land right off the bat and the only way to stop that from happening is to fuse his heel character and the Hurricane gimmick into one. Serious in the ring, yet still able to pull of the comedy stuff. Hell, Jericho got over with it before and now look at him.

But, like everyone said, I do think Helms would fit in better over on ECW. Granted, Smackdown needs faces in the mid-card. 'Cause, do you honestly think anyone would take R-Truth seriously with a belt? He's a joke. Smackdown needs Helms.
I think Helms has 2 options upon his return.

1. Stay on Smackdown and turn face. He could be a threat to the U.S title and a possible mainevent guy. He has the skills and charisma so i would like to see him get a U.S title run.

2. Go to ECW as a Heel and face Matt Hardy for the ECW title. This would be alot like what Chavo Guerreo did last year. But in my opinion Gregory has more skills than Chavo. He could hold the ECW title for a little while until ultimately dropping it to a up and coming face.
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I think it's obvious that he won't be getting a serious push when he returns. Those bubbles in the corner of the screen are a good indication that he's going to just another mid card wrestler. It's a real shame. I've always been high on Helms. I loved his feud with Hardy two years ago, so much so I think it would have been good to book it as an ECW title feud. But it looks like he'll be back on Smackdown, not getting on PPV. I see a feud with TBK, in which neither will get over, and Kendrick will lose momentum.
I'm looking foward to his return... With Rtruth being the only real face for mid card this gives Helms so much room to show what he's got... With Festus turning heel wit jesse in tow that leaves so much for the only two top faces... More space for RTruth and Helms to use their in ring and out ring skills.. Helms is great on the mic and as "Hurricane Helms" he's gonna get a reaction like a top star would and I do see him as a contender for world title in the future.. Yeah ecw would of been a good choice but even on sd and raw they have been pushing guys like him and sd needs a hurricane to come on through lol.. Lame joke I know.. Well I'm just sayin.. Its about time and please give us a helms and tbk and helms and shelton fued... It'll be much more then worth watching.. Oh and Hurricane Helms will be on PPV I can bet on that
Mark this down as a big ole "Who gives a fuck?" notice for me. Seriously, has Helms EVER been important? Ever? The answer is, quite simply, no. Even when the Rock was making him look like a million bucks, the Hurricane had no ability to stay over.

Gregory Helms, or whatever he'll call himself this time, will never be important. He's boring as a worker, not very good on the stick, and lacks any kind of ability to make fans care about him.
Well Sly is in the same postion as me right now. I really could care less about his return. He's a good wrestler, but that's great. Who gives a fuck? He's not really going to do anything when he returns. Smackdown has a solid midcard, they don't need Helms to come back for anything. And is this going to be back to his Hurricane gammick, or is he just going to call himself Hurricane Helms?
WWE is making it obvious ECW is their new training ground so why would any one want to tkae a step down from Samckdown Helms could start on ECW to get over the ring rust.
Then he could be sent to smackdown where they bring back
the CW title and have a feud with THE Brian Kendrick, Shelton and any other Heel Cruiser Weight
Ya know what Helm's little gimmick he's got going on right now kinda reminds me of. Sean O'Haire's gimmick back in like 2003 where he was playing devil's advocate and telling people to do stuff and always ending it with "I'm not telling you any thing you don't already know". Helms is essentailly doing the same thing with his "I'm just saying" quote; he's not telling us what to do, but he is telling us what we already know, like this week on SD when the third jobber came up to face the Big Show and Helms commented about the outcomes of the first two and wondered out loud about likely hood of the third one, or a few weeks back when he brought up MVP's losing streak. Helm's is calling out the boring predictableness that has become wrestling, trying to be cool about it which has been hit and miss in my opinion so far, and maybe WWE is hoping his character will be the beginning of an era of more exciting, unpredictable wrestling; doubt it, but hoping.

Side note, can't wait for Helm's to return. Now that the cruiserweight title in gone, it's nice to see some cruiserweights get legitimate middle card/middleupper card pushes like Mysterio, The Brian Kendrick, Helms, Bourne and Chavo. I hope Helm's gets a solid push when he does finally make his return to the ring.

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