Helms Breaks Neck

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Breaking News: WWE Star Suffers Broken Neck?

Bryan Alvarez of f4wonline.com is reporting that Shane Helms has a major neck injury, perhaps a break.

He apparently saw Dr. Lloyd Youngblood today and may be the next person in line for fusion surgery.

Not exactly a major blow to the roster like Taker or Kennedy. But it's still a shame. I really thought after he dropped the Cruiser title, it would be Helms who got a U.S. Title shot. WWE seriously missuse him. If there willing to push a glorified midget to the top of Smackdown. Why cant they push the average sized Helms into the mid card?

I expect him to return in a year or so, and then take up his Hurricane gimmick again. Before having to retire a la Lance Storm, because WWE dont know what to do with talented smaller wrestlers.
Who are you reffering to as a glorified Midget. I don't think Hornswoggle is actually an active wrestler. But I Think this is one of the major blows to Smackdown, This will probably screw up the plans for KotR if it is going ahead this year, but this is just my opinion as I think they would be pushing him in the midcard by having him reach the second round of the KotR, but hopefully the worst it is is a very bad Stinger and he doesn't require vertabrae fusion surgery.
Who are you reffering to as a glorified Midget. I don't think Hornswoggle is actually an active wrestler..

He's talking about Mysterio dude. But anyway, Helms is a great in ring performer and he is decent on the mic so he did have potential to be a really good mid card heel. It's a shame. He's out for a very long time no doubt.
It is a shame as Helms has charisma I mean look at his interaction with the Rock that time those segments were hilarious. But for Helms i swear I thought WWE was going to push this man as the Next US champ as he and Benoit could have delivered some great matches, but that was not the case and now he was rotting away as a jobber.

WWE doesn't give a crap about the little guys who can perform and when Helms returns ands i agree with Jake that they will let him come back as Hurricane as creative think that be best as he can job and have some name value with people.

I wish Helms the best in a full recovery and hopefully a bright future in the business.
What sucks is that he was and has pretty much been in purgatory since losing the Cruiserweight title. He's pretty much just been floating doing nothing substantial and then he gets injured. It's like they didn't have any plans for him while he was still wrstling so what will the do a year from now. This sucks. WWE will probably release him 6 months from now. Those bastards.
It's ashame that this happened but its not going to hurt the roster one bit they could care less about him or the other cruiserweights, with the exception on mysterio. He a good talent and deserves more tv time, and who knows maybe by the time he comes back WWE will decided to start pushing the cruiserweight division "sarcasm"
This is a damn shame. Gregory Helms is a fantastic performer. It's just too bad that the WWE doesn't recognize it. I hope his surgery goes well and that he makes a speedy recovery. I also hope that Vince opens his eyes and realizes the talent that is being misused on his shows. Without Helms there is no cruiserwieght division (like there already was one). But now it's dead. I hope helms doesnt come back as The Hurricane because that would be a nail in his preverbial coffin. It would ruin his career to the point of insanity. As Vince almost has already
if feel bad for gregory, after dropping the name Hurricane not alot of fans seemed to like him, and during his cruserwieght run no one really liked him either, wwe does really missuse him. this is a shame, hes a good wrestler
if feel bad for gregory, after dropping the name Hurricane not alot of fans seemed to like him, and during his cruserwieght run no one really liked him either, wwe does really missuse him. this is a shame, hes a good wrestler

erm, no one liked him because he was a heel, I'll try not to make the link between you being a Cena fan and the above comment.

With that, being said, it's a real shame about Helms, I've always liked watching him perform because I'm a bigfan of his and cruiserweight wrestling in general. When he returns I'd prefer to see him in a rejuvenated cruiserweight division rather than be pushed to the midcard. He can be a huge star if regains the cruiserweight championship and WWE give him some decent cruiserweight opponents like Mysterio back in the division. Wishful thinking? Probably. The way Stephanie's going he may get released while he's recovering.
If They are going to push Rey Mysterio to the main event. I do not see a reason why they can't do the same for Helms. He gets genuine heat and he does have pretty good mic skills. I would love to see him in the main event.
I would love to see him main event but he wont. The writers don't push him enough. He has awesome wrestling ability. Lets say that Stephanie does release him. TNA might sign him and they will use him. So this injury might not be too bad. As for returning to WWE, I think that if he does, he will be a face. Not in the Hurricane gimmick but just a face version of himself. Or if he is still a heel, he can run in the ring during the middle of a Cruiserweight match and beat the other Cruiserweights up. I actually want him to sign with TNA because he will definetly be used to all his talent there.
I think TNA would push him as well. He could quickly become the X Division champion. and I realllly want to see him go so he can start using the Vertabreaker again.. That is the best move ever!!!
I Don't think WWE has any plans on releasing Helms anytime soon, as said before Helms was a heel while on SD!, and got booed like one, it looked like they were trying to put together a tag team between him and Chavo, which would have been interesting especially if they had feuded with London and Kendrick, I don't know how this turned into a Helms should go to TNA thread, but if for some reason Helms did part ways with WWE, I think he would be better off in ROH, than TNA, if TNA was focused on returning the X-division back to where it was a few years ago then Helms would fit right into that but TNA doesn't seem to concerned with the X-divsion as of late, and in ROH he could be the top dog, by the way why does everybody think that every wrestler that is being misused in the slightest my WWE think that they should go to TNA, if TNA signed all these guys then they would just look like a WWE dumping ground and we would never see any of the great talent that they pick-up from the indy-scena aswell

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