Hell in a Cell revamp idea


On A Break From Sig Requests
So, everyone is suggesting that WWE needs to have one PPV where the rating goes up.

I suggest scrap the Hell in a Cell PPV, and add a Lockdown-esque PPV.

Make the rating higher (I'm an Australian so I don't know what it'd be called, over here it would be MA15+) and have one world title defended in a HIAC, one in an Elimination Chamber. Have the second tier titles defended in steel cage matches. I've seen people call for a War Games return, throw that in as well.

All of these stips can be pretty boring without blood, but with the rating up they can have them and people won't get sick of these matches. It gives them leeway to have a shit cage match at some over time of the year.

People also want less PPVs so stories can be built up better. Why not cut out one event before or after this and use the cage PPV to settle and start feuds.

This may seem like a bit of a long shot, but it popped into my head as a perfect way to keep fans happy.

All feedback is appreciated
Everyone has to realize, WWE isnt going to move the rating up because you guys whine about it. They are making more money than ever so they can care less about listening to you guys whine about the PG rating. As far as your Cage revamp idea goes, not going to happen. Here's why, WWE doesnt copy TNA ideas. TNA copies WWE, Vince has a better creative team than TNA and if he wanted to make a new cage idea he would. He obviously likes everything the way it is now, regardless if its changed or not everyone is going to buy the ppv's. I do agree with you though, maybe 6 ppv's a year would be better. That would make better storylines, but wouldn't people get bored watching the same story 7 straight weeks? Then what if the World Champ loses his title, then he gets a rematch. That means 14 weeks of the same 2 people fueding. Think about it?
Hey, I said it was a long shot. when i say Lockdown-esque I just mean every match has a steel structure of some sort. And with longer feuds, there'd be more championship matches on TV, which would probably be a good thing.
I would say, make a a bigger, double decker cage. A 2 level cage with some sort of stipulation attached to it i.e 1st person to get a pinfall on both cages wins.

P.S - Does anyone know how to make WHAT IF thread if wwe ran a 3hour attitude theme show like they did with KOTR
And how exactly do you expect them to pull off a show like this? The Cell and The Chamber are both HUGE structures that must be assembled and hung above the ring before the show even starts, and then lowered for the match, so to have both a Cell Match and a Chamber match on the same night they would have to have two rings set up far enough apart to allow for the structures to be able to lower around them. Now they could do a quick manual cage set up for the regular cage matches, but in order to "throw in" a War Games match they would need to hang that one too, because it's not plausible to set up a roofed cage during a show, not to mention that theyd need two more rings set up right next to each other... So, that's a minimum of four rings, and three hanging cages/cells/chambers... And where would the Audience be? That much hardware would take up most of the floor space at most arenas.

Now as for the new cage match ideas I'd say don't look for new, look for old that hasn't really been done in a while. I remember watch an awesome steel cage "I Quit" match between Tully Blanchard and Magnum TA that I think could work again when the rating swings back in that direction. But until they decide that people can bleed again, I'd say that they should not use a lot of cage matches or cell matches or chamber matches. Hold off on them, then when they do decide to use them it would mean more then "Oh, we need to have ten cage matches tonight because the name of the show is Cage-a-mania" or some shit like that.

Less is more in the long run and what's old will always be new again someday. For every Rock'n'Wrestling Era there is an Attitude Era, for every PG Era there will be a Rated R Era. Just give it time and it'll happen.
Though not in the specific context of revamping HIAC, the subject of TV-14, MA, etc. WWE PPV's has come up before. Though attitude-era fans (and I'm sure quite a few others) would enjoy a more "mature" approach to content and storylines, it just isn't going to happen in WWE... at least not for the forseeable future.

WWE is firmly convinced that its core audience is children and families. I suppose numbers and sell-through rates don't lie. Don't let the occasional "hell" or "damn" on RAW fool you though. These demographics remain the ones that the company is constantly catering to with the characters, merchandising, and programming overall. To present a TV-PG rated television program as a sort of "infomercial" to a PPV show, only to have that advertised show contain a higher rating and more mature content would be senseless. Vince and Company would effectively be alienating the exact groups they are actively and continuously trying to sell products to. It's counterproductive.

Whether we like it or not, WWE programming (that is, ALL WWE programming) is TV-PG for the forseeable future. Until there is (possibly) another revolution like in the mid-90s, we're not going to see a return to extreme/attitude style programming. If you want that type of content now, that's why there's TNA.

Competition is a good thing.
Everyone has to realize, WWE isnt going to move the rating up because you guys whine about it. They are making more money than ever so they can care less about listening to you guys whine about the PG rating. As far as your Cage revamp idea goes, not going to happen. Here's why, WWE doesnt copy TNA ideas. TNA copies WWE, Vince has a better creative team than TNA and if he wanted to make a new cage idea he would. He obviously likes everything the way it is now, regardless if its changed or not everyone is going to buy the ppv's. I do agree with you though, maybe 6 ppv's a year would be better. That would make better storylines, but wouldn't people get bored watching the same story 7 straight weeks? Then what if the World Champ loses his title, then he gets a rematch. That means 14 weeks of the same 2 people fueding. Think about it?

Actually the reason they are making more money than ever is because of all the sponsors paying for their show now that its PG. On PPV though the rules are a little different. They can say their television show is PG and keep their sponsors. But they aren't going overboard if they go on PPV and do what they want just put in a disclaimer or something. People may still order the ppvs but more would order if they stopped with this boring PG crap. The characters are soft in the Attitude Era even the top babyfaces had an edge to them. I was 14 when I started watching wrestling quite impressionable age and I turned out fine all of us did. It's a television show like with movies its the parents responsibility to let them know whats real and what isn't and keep them from emulating the wrestlers or whatever. That's why I disagree with the PG rating. Anyway i got a bit off topic. The OP's original idea is cool, innovative and better than TNA's lockdown. Also why have a problem copying something TNA did if it is a good idea and makes money Vince will do it.
one poster brought up a good point. logistically, this would be difficult to do in one arena or building. the HIAC structures are huge, as are the Chambers. if you wanted to do a War Games, that'd be two rings and two cages. plus you'd need just the regular ring with the regular steel cage. so that would make it kinda difficult.

however, since we're on the idea. and this is only an idea. i do remember Mania 2 and that was held in 3 different venues with 3 different main events. why not do this again? isn't it possible that holding 1 event in 3 places can possibly triple the money? i'm not sure how all that works, but it is possible. and, rather than doing every match a Cage Match like TNA's Lockdown, WWE could do like the OP suggested and have every match be a Structure Match.

for example:

get an MMA fighter (as some have mentioned an interest in joining WWE for a one-off appearance or limited schedule) vs a WWE superstar in an octagon. there's a different kind of structure, but a structure for this pay per view.

have Khali fight in the Punjabi Prison. maybe against the Big Show in just a giant battle since they've feuded in the past and both have been in a Prison Match before. there's another kind of structure.

do an Elimination Chamber and HIAC and Cage Matches for some other feuds. couldn't be that hard to write up some feuds that need settling inside a structure.

maybe do an Inferno Match with Kane. that's a unique kind of structure as the ring is surrounded, albeit by fire.

WCW used to do a match called House of Pain which i believe saw the winner handcuffing the loser to the cage and then allowed to get all the free shots in the world. (this would work great with the Big Boss Man who is no longer wrestling, i know as he's dead... but this kind of character or gimmick... or what about back in the day when Foley kept getting handcuffed with his hands behind his back...? do a storyline like that which could end in a match like this). so there's a pretty basic Cage Match with a different stipulation just to make it interesting, or at least different.

Big Show vs. JBL back in the day -- Barb Wire Steel Cage. there's another structure.

maybe even a Casket Match with Taker. that's a structure. sort of.

so yeah, WWE could do a themed pay per view with different structures if they wanted. one way to get around the practical and physical difficulties of these structures being so large and taking up so much time and space to put together would be to hold the event at different venues. also, have basic cage structures with different stipulations, such as escape only, pin only, submission only, house of pain (the handcuffing idea) or barbed wire around the top, etc.

i couldn't think of a name off the top of my head, though. i do like the Lockdown name, but WWE would probably wanna do something different.
Really they are making more money under PG. Last time I checked WWE was the most popular from mid-97 to early 2001. During that time WWE was making over a billion dollars and now they make around 600 mill but if you take the sponsors money out between 350 and 500 mill
Everyone has to realize, WWE isnt going to move the rating up because you guys whine about it. They are making more money than ever so they can care less about listening to you guys whine about the PG rating. As far as your Cage revamp idea goes, not going to happen. Here's why, WWE doesnt copy TNA ideas. TNA copies WWE, Vince has a better creative team than TNA and if he wanted to make a new cage idea he would. He obviously likes everything the way it is now, regardless if its changed or not everyone is going to buy the ppv's. I do agree with you though, maybe 6 ppv's a year would be better. That would make better storylines, but wouldn't people get bored watching the same story 7 straight weeks? Then what if the World Champ loses his title, then he gets a rematch. That means 14 weeks of the same 2 people fueding. Think about it?
My idea is that WWE keep Hell in the Cell, however mix it up with something like a ladder match, having ladders in the cell with the championship suspended on the ceiling of the cell. It may fit the Pg era if the WWE can make it work, that sure will be entertaining and i can see this match happening in my head, but something tells me it wont happen
My idea is that WWE keep Hell in the Cell, however mix it up with something like a ladder match, having ladders in the cell with the championship suspended on the ceiling of the cell. It may fit the Pg era if the WWE can make it work, that sure will be entertaining and i can see this match happening in my head, but something tells me it wont happen

That could work seeing Taker and Edge had a TLC match basically inside of HIAC about 2 1/2 years ago in the PG rating.

As for the idea revamping...drop the ppv all together and have it to end feuds and bring it up to tv-14 for one night on that ppv. Having a themed ppv on pg is just regular matches inside a cage, so it's basically a huge cage match.
I totally think that WWE should do WARGAMES inside hell in a cell. We would still get a great wargames style match, and the WWE wouldnt have to deal with using two rings. Unlike lethal lockdown, the hell in the cell would give enough room so that ten people wouldn't be completely overcrowding the ring.
I totally think that WWE should do WARGAMES inside hell in a cell. We would still get a great wargames style match, and the WWE wouldnt have to deal with using two rings. Unlike lethal lockdown, the hell in the cell would give enough room so that ten people wouldn't be completely overcrowding the ring.

They did something similar in 2000 with a six pack challenge inside the cell, and even with just six people it was pretty crowded... Ten people would just be way too much in my opinion

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