So I've been thinking quite a lot about different ways we've seen people change from heels to babyfaces and babyfaces to heels.
Almost every superstar has changed from heel to face or face to heel at some point in their career. Most superstars work better as heels, as its easy to extract hatred out of people then it is to grab their attention and win over their hearts. However, one thing I've noticed is... I can't recall there ever being a turning champion.
There have been many moments where a superstar or diva has turned moments prior to becoming a champion, or quickly after becoming a champion... but has there ever been a time where a superstar slowly turned in the middle of a title reign? I really thought this would be an interesting idea to experiment on.
Has it ever happened that you can remember of?
How would you book a "turning" champion...?
I say its of course easier to go with the turning heel route, doesn't take much to turn someone heel... I also think it would be great to see Sheamus or John Morrison as a turning champion. They are both over and both can probably pull it off... it also shifts the dynamic of the WWE because once your champion has turned from a face to a heel or a heel to a face, you will also have different competitors for the WWE title which you would not otherwise normally have.
What do you guys think?
Almost every superstar has changed from heel to face or face to heel at some point in their career. Most superstars work better as heels, as its easy to extract hatred out of people then it is to grab their attention and win over their hearts. However, one thing I've noticed is... I can't recall there ever being a turning champion.
There have been many moments where a superstar or diva has turned moments prior to becoming a champion, or quickly after becoming a champion... but has there ever been a time where a superstar slowly turned in the middle of a title reign? I really thought this would be an interesting idea to experiment on.
Has it ever happened that you can remember of?
How would you book a "turning" champion...?
I say its of course easier to go with the turning heel route, doesn't take much to turn someone heel... I also think it would be great to see Sheamus or John Morrison as a turning champion. They are both over and both can probably pull it off... it also shifts the dynamic of the WWE because once your champion has turned from a face to a heel or a heel to a face, you will also have different competitors for the WWE title which you would not otherwise normally have.
What do you guys think?