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Heath Slater Suspended


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The main site just posted an article about Heath Slater being suspended for violating the wellness policy. Do y'all think this, combined with the assault accusation earlier this year, might be the final nail in the coffin for this lackluster star?
Why do Superstars think they can get away it? They know there is a wellness policy - do they have fucking rocks for brains? It's like athletes in track and field aswell.

Heath Slater and Darren Young should both just get cut anyway. The show or company won't miss them at all. They are far too irrelevant.
I think he's getting close, it could go either way though so I will make the case for both.

First: I'm operating under 1 assumption, the fact that to my knowledge Slater has NOT been charged with anything therefore there's no heat on him yet.

Case to keep him: it's his first offense with drugs, the he serves his suspension then returns, during the suspension, the investigation into the assault concludes the person who accused him was looking for a payoff to get rich and Slater is proven innocent. Vince has no scandal to worry about and Slater returns to goes back to jobbing on Superstars and in dark matches, collects his pay check...life continues

Case to fire him: it's his his first offense with drugs, during the suspension official charges are filed stemming from the assault, WWE gets attacked for their involvement, Vince decides the scandal isn't worth it and Slater is wished the best in his...crap it's trade marked...

I think he's gonna get fired, WWE does seasonal cleaning and Fall Cleaning time is coming up right around survivor series. I can easily see him coming back and being destroyed by Mark Henry then wished the best in his...(trademarked 2 word phrase we all love). Slater is a jobber with no charisma and he had nothing outside of Nexus...even jobbers need to be able to sell the beating they take to elevate the talent above them.

Final Verdict: Slater's gone by the Royal Rumble at the latest
Heath Slater getting suspended is not a bad thing, why? Because now we don't need to suffer boring slater-squash matches and that's... a good thing!
That is disappointing. I liked Slater but he may never recover from his jobber status now. It's bad enough he got in trouble for that assault issue a while back, and now he violates the wellness policy? That policy is in place to protect people but they keep on being dumb enough to violate it and when they do they deserve what they get. I'd say at this point that one more screw up and he'll be future endeavoured because you only get so many chances before WWE realizes the wrestler is wasting their time. Maybe he'd be better off in TNA.
If he does get fired, who will really care? Destined to be forever remembered as 'the ginger one off them people who invaded Raw that one time' and not much else. Well, apart from being gloriously mediocre. But yeah. Meh.
I just had a conversation with a friend this morning about how Heath Slater is a joke. His first appearance Carlito spits an apple in his face. Now in most of the WWE12 screenshots and videos Slater is what he is a jobber. Now this,uh oh! Slater has zero charisma in the ring and he's just a body to do a job which is make the other guy look good while losing. Wait he's not even good at doing that, cut him.

I assume, although im probably wrong, but maybe the wellness policy extends to physical assault? and hence hes been suspended after maybe this was dealed with in court or whatever.

Unlucky for him, he had good wrestling ability, but his character was craaaaap!
Slater had no chance of going anywhere outside of a stable, he was just a filler in the Nexus.
I won't be surprised if he doesn't come back. But, if he does, he'll probably just stay on Superstars, dark matches and house shows.
Poor heath slater gets accused of beating a woman then gets suspended....

Just kidding the idiot got what he deserved. I have never seen anything in this guy from the moment he showed up in NXT. He was the biggest fillers in both the original nexus and the corre. It won't piratically make any difference not that he is suspended. I wouldn't miss him if he was released.
Is this the last nail in the coffin for Slater?! No. And i think people the people saying he will be gone by royal rumble are wrong. Its only his first volation and we have no idea exactly what he did to get suspended. One of the Usos just got a DUI and I still see articles and stuff about them on WWE.com. Slater is not gone. But i think after mania next year there gonna have another big cut just like how we saw masters and kozlof, etc. get the boot!, We will be a big cut and I say that Slater will be gone, as well as Darren Young, maybe the Usos and prob some others including maybe one shocker.
Remembe how I said that WWE might be planning on keeping the oiginal Nexus for a big reunion sometime in the future?

Right. I take it back.

He's been skatin on thin ice since Nexus and I think his luck might've just run out. Thee's nothing going for him because he's not winning matches anymoe and for reasons unknown, the feud that might've put him on the map was dropped after one match! For yinz Heath Slater fans out there (in his hometown to be precise), cross your fingers and hope for the best, expect the worst and hundred bucks for seats.

Oooooh, I just ripped on the "You Know You're Fom Pittsburgh When..." video. XD
i think nexus needs a reunion ... because none of the nexus guys the original ones who went to the corre or even a face daniel bryan ahve anything going on...i would like daniel bryan to go heal then in an attempt to gain attention reforms the nexus with some new guys. will heath be back...i dont see why not.
Great. Heath Slater will go from not appearing on anything to...not appearing on anything and not getting paid for it. Who cares? There's nothing about it that impresses me, and I'll give ANY talent the benefit of the doubt. He's had a full year to grow on me, and I just want him GONE. The "one man southern rock band?" Don't make me laugh...

Slater LOST a competition where the winner was given a WWE contract, and ended up on Raw anyway. It's ridiculous that every member of that fail show is still employed by the WWE. I mean, what's the point of having NXT at all if they're all just going to show up? Look, the Nexus was awesome, but the only thing Slater has ever done is getting called the Wendy's chick by John Cena. Deuces!
Man I was hoping they'd hire more "Gingers" and eventually have all of them join up and form a heel faction getting upset that people make fun of them. Can you imagine the play-by-play on that? "OMG HERE COME THE GINGERS!!!!".

And no I'm not kidding I think that a stable of all Gingers seeking payback for always being made fun of COULD be entertaining. Jeeze look at Sheamus and Santino's incidents. Amazing!

But in all seriousness with Slater I wonder what the guy is thinking. He's not on anyone's heat list as far as I know the guy shows up, does his job, nobody gets hurt and he collects his check. There is always room to improve and Slater is one of those guys that I think COULD have potential if he is paired up with the right guys both backstage and on screen. He needs some help in the ring which is where the agents and other people come into play. This is where WWE needs guys like Chavo, Regal, Finlay, Malenko and others. Training the younger guys showing them how to improve themselves.
Heath, I hope learns his lesson from this and he and the WWE can move on.
Slater is a jobber. Yea. so what? The WWE needs jobbers. I think Slater makes other people look really good. His ability to take hits and make them seem monster is well above many other WWE "super"stars.

I hope that the WWE knows what he has and doesn't let him go. He should be a mid-card face and there is nothing wrong with that.

I'm pro Slater.
Heath Slater has done absolutely nothing to get me over. His "one man southern rockband" gimmick is ******ed and he's average in the ring. Nothing really special about him.. At all.

If the WWE actually decides to keep Slater around then they should send him back to FCW to develop some character and work on his in ring skills. They gave him a match with Orton where they gave him the chance to look good by making him dominate for a while but he made nothing out of it and didn't impress me one bit.

If Heath isn't planning on improving then I for one won't be sad to see him go. In fact I'd be happy to see him go if anything.
My feeling is that this is gonna be the excuse to finally get rid of him. He's not over with anyone, his gimmick is...well...yeah. He'll either quietly be fired, or he'll get sent back down to FCW to work on his shit...only to get released soon after. Either way, he's not gonna be back on the main roster.

Again, that's just my opinion on the matter.
Being a "bubble guy" on the WWE roster and getting suspended is not a good combination. He is a glorified jobber. I cant see him actually ever getting pushed.
Ah man, you guys need to cut Slater a bit of slack. Yeah, he's nothing special but he nowhere near as bad as people make him out to be. He is one of the best sellers on the roster (I mean that) and his ring work is very underrated. His gimmick is pretty lame but at least he has one! At least he's is trying to do something a little different.

He really should be a babyface, he's pretty smiley and I reckon he could be a great guy to put some of the tougher heels over. He doesn't work as a heel, people just can't hate him enough. Why? Because he sells all the time and he always loses! How the hell can he get himself over.

Don't get me wrong guys, in not just trying to play devils advocate here - Slater is nothing more than average, but that can be said for most of the guys working the lower midcard right now. That's why they are there!

I don't think this spells the end of the line for Slater, regardless of whether he has taken drugs or not. They are still having him appear quite regularly on Superstars and sometimes SD to lose in about 7 seconds to Sin Cara.
Hmmm, let's see if I can take my post from when Darren Young was suspended and take out his name an replace it with Heath Slater:

The fuck cares?

Heath Slater isn't John Cena. Heath Slater isn't Randy Orton. Heath Slater isn't even Kelly Kelly. Slater needs to do some hard thinking during his time off. He gets suspended from a company that doesn't care whether he exists or not then I hope he expects to do little to nothing when he comes back. Heath Slater is completely replacable on the WWE roster. He's bland, boring and brings nothing to the table that isn't already there. I guess he was doing fine on Smackdown with a couple of matches here and there but he fucked up his one chance at doing something even remotely relevant in the WWE. He can go fall in a deep hole.

....Hey, it worked. Get my point? It isn't a big deal. Heath Slater is born to make everyone else look good. He's a magnificent seller and one of the best the WWE has. Yet, he's completely replacable. It was always unlikely Slater would have a successful WWE career and I wouldn't be suprised if this was the last we heard of Heath Slater. He didn't interest me in Nexus, The Corre and was one of the few wrestlers on NXT Season One who I didn't care about. Heath Slater can join his buddy Darren Young in the imaginary hole I've created for wrestlers who do nothing relevant then get suspended for making a fucking stupid decision.
Some wrestlers are great at putting people over by selling great. However i don´t even think slater is capable of doing that too. He is very annoying. I seriously don´t even understand why wwe signed him. He is not the only one, curtis is also one of those guys that need to get released asap.

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