He is not leaving for Hollywood dammit?

That N Word

Actively evolving
Wrestlezone has been making post about Cena leaving for Hollywood. On my group on Facebook WWE & TNA Superstars people are posting it. Hell, I even posted something asking "Should he leave for Hollywood?" but I was wrong. John may leave for Hollywood someday but that day isn't today. People think by him making two movies and taking a lot of time off here and there that he is leaving. Now, for 13 years we have come to know the type of guy John is and it pisses people off. But I personally respect it, it is what made him a legend. He breathes pro wrestling/ WWE and there is nothing in this world that will make him leave. Now John may have down it all. But you never know what's left. I mean talk about tons of matches/feuds left for him. Ambrose,Reigns,Rollins,Cesaro,NXT stars,Steen (can't wait to see this),so much more. Reigns vs. Cena is the new Rock vs. Cena in 2006. Everyone wants to see it. Steen vs. Cena would be magic and could be a great feud and match(es.) Cena still has a good 4 or 5 years to go. Hell maybe even 10 more years (most likely not.) But I want the rumors and articles and editorials of "Cena is a hypocrite,leaving for Hollywood" to end. It won't happen any time soon. Now Cena will be there as a full-timer at least and to a new "Guy" is established enough to take his place. Also Cena hasn't done it all yet. There is always the potiental heel turn once there is a new face of WWE. Right now Roman Reigns is being built. Imagine WrestleMania 32 John Cena as a heel vs. Roman Reigns (or whoever is the new face of WWE.) This of course would be a non title match. A jealous Cena and maybe then he can announce going part-time in a heelish fashion. Saying something like "You don't appreciate me, but you need me. The fact in the matter is I don't need you, I don't need this. From this point forward I am only coming back when I feel like it." This most likely won't happen if Reigns doesn't prove himself at WM 31. But you never know. Back to my point Cena isn't going to Hollywood anytime soon. I know WZ won't stop there little post about it once a week but what is your take on all of this.
You do realize don't you that Cena has already been a few movies, and has another couple in the works? Most of them have been horrid, so I don't think he's leaving for Hollywood on a permanent basis for quite some time.

Just because this has become a pet project of his, you have to actually be good on screen for it to make any lasting impression, and from what I've seen of him, he's no Brad Pitt. Again as in wrestling it might be the projects he's been put in or just terrible acting ability, but he'll be around the WWE for a good few years to come.
I don't pay it any attention. I don't even acknowledge these dirt sheets. I don't acknowledge anything within WWE, until it becomes full circle and acknowledged by WWE.
No, not happening anytime soon IMO. John Cena lives and breaths sports entertainment, it's in his blood regardless of movies. Roman Reigns is going to be built up as a major star but obviously he's not all the way there yet but doing so will take the load off of Cena's back atleast.
fact is, you dont know if cena is staying or leaving. the dirt sheets dont know and the only one who knows right now is john cena. unless cena comes out and says he is going to hollywood it is all just pure speculation.
You know, I dont think I've seen a John Cena movie yet even though I'm a fanatical movie buff...I actually think he could be a good actor if the movies play to his strengths. From what I hear, he tries a bit too hard to be serious and dramatic in his films. Cena is at his best when he's utilizing his charisma...at least when it comes to wrestling. Light hearted, but not necessarily funny.

Cena made me laugh pretty hard when he was doing the last Money in the Bank promo, asks all these questions very quickly and immediately answers them himself without wasting a beat. But when he was doing that shit involving Bray Wyatt's mother, I groaned and when he brought up Stephanies...issue...with Vickie, even he seemed embarrassed. But, er, anyway, back to where I was.

The Rock didn't start attempting any kind of drama until he had more experience. But man, I really need to watch at least one Cena movie. I've even seen a Big Show movie...although I can't remember what it was called (he's an orphan fighting MMA matches or something; it wasn't very good, although Show did fine).

As for whether he will leave for Hollywood, I think he should eventually. Eventually his body will start struggling working on a consistent basis and doing movies is another form of employment. I'd rather he bow out before his age and his injuries declare war on each-other.
Cena leaving for Hollywood depends on how much interest and how much money he'll receive from studios that do not begin with the letters WWE. Until he (and we) see that interest, his previous movies don't really count for much.
Cena leaving for Hollywood depends on how much interest and how much money he'll receive from studios that do not begin with the letters WWE. Until he (and we) see that interest, his previous movies don't really count for much.

This. For Cena to actually want to go to Hollywood, he needs to get a taste of being in a "true" Hollywood movie.

He'll need to do what the Rock did. Land a small role like the Rock did in The Mummy Returns. Which landed him the lead in The Scorpion King.

Cena's movie career has been filled with WWE produced movies and the Fred movies on Nick.

Yes Dwayne was in the Tooth Fairy, but it was still a non-WWE product.

If he gets good reviews in a small part of a mainstream film, he'll start considering it.
The two movies that Cena is currently doing, Trainwreck and The Nest, are huge mainstream movies. They're not The Marine or even The Tooth Fairy. So, the "real" movie role is there.

Cena is an awful awful actor from what I've seen. I can't see him being a leading man like The Rock, so I don't know if he'd leave for a full time movie career. But, The Rock was the 2nd highest paid actor of the past year at $52million. $52million. The highest paid actor was Robert Downey Jr., again, at $75million. $75million...again. Batista is a co-star in a movie that's being called the best Marvel movie of all time by some. Batista is an awful awful actor, but he's about to explode.

You're telling me that if Cena could make $25million working 6 months out of the year in high profile movies instead of 320+ days and making (let's go ahead and give Cena $10million a year, which is probably way too high), he wouldn't entertain the idea?

Sure, he loves wrestling, but movie star Cena is probably better for WWE than regular Cena. Cena has almost zero mainstream recognition. He probably isn't leaving for Hollywood because he can't. But he could. And if he gets injured and can't wrestle anymore, he probably will. He's probably not leaving now, but it's not for the sake of "John Cena loves wrestling!"
The two movies that Cena is currently doing, Trainwreck and The Nest, are huge mainstream movies. They're not The Marine or even The Tooth Fairy. So, the "real" movie role is there.

Cena is an awful awful actor from what I've seen. I can't see him being a leading man like The Rock, so I don't know if he'd leave for a full time movie career. But, The Rock was the 2nd highest paid actor of the past year at $52million. $52million. The highest paid actor was Robert Downey Jr., again, at $75million. $75million...again. Batista is a co-star in a movie that's being called the best Marvel movie of all time by some. Batista is an awful awful actor, but he's about to explode.

You're telling me that if Cena could make $25million working 6 months out of the year in high profile movies instead of 320+ days and making (let's go ahead and give Cena $10million a year, which is probably way too high), he wouldn't entertain the idea?

Sure, he loves wrestling, but movie star Cena is probably better for WWE than regular Cena. Cena has almost zero mainstream recognition. He probably isn't leaving for Hollywood because he can't. But he could. And if he gets injured and can't wrestle anymore, he probably will. He's probably not leaving now, but it's not for the sake of "John Cena loves wrestling!"

It all depends on what his stature will be if he crosses over into Hollywood. For example, Dave Bautista may be in Guardians of the Galaxy, but I think out of the entire main cast, he is the one being talked about the least. Luckily, they've already announced GotG 2, so he's probably set. But, that doesn't mean that he's going to get offers for a lot of roles past this series.

According to this (http://whatculture.com/wwe/wwe-10-wrestlers-salaries-wont-believe.php/11) Cena is making 3 million a year, but what's more is he's making a hefty percentage off of merchandise sales, which brings that way higher.

It all comes down to whether Cena hits big, or whether he becomes a character actor -- that guy who everyone recognizes but isn't the star by any means. Rock pretty much chose starring vehicles from the beginning. Let's see if those two movies you mention really give Cena anything to chew on (and then see how well he does).

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