HBK's role at Elimination Chamber


Pre-Show Stalwart
As we seen this past Monday on the Jerry Springer RAW that Shawn Michaels was a no show? But with the Elimination Chamber PPV tomorrow, will HBK be at the last PPV pit stop before Wrestlemania? Because if he were to show up in St. Louis or even compete in a chamber match? This is how it would go down...

The Smackdown EC match would go on first. And while John Morrison is on his way to the ring. Shawn Michaels would take on the Edge role like last year by attacking Morrison's so-called "injured ankle" with a steel chair. And there for taking John Morrison's spot in the chamber match. Now on last night's edition of Smackdown Teddy Long said to Vickie Guerrero that he would deal with Shawn Michaels for super kicking him in the chops.

Now what if somehow the SD GM would screw HBK out of the match, or even help him win the match and the world heavyweight title for further punishment on the road to Wrestlemania? But if Shawn Michaels did win the world heavyweight championship like Edge did last year, the play would be in motion for a Shawn Michaels Vs. The Undertaker rematch with the world heavyweight title invloved.

We all see that HBK is on the verge of a heel turn. Which could led to a possible WM match between HBK & his DX comrad Triple H? Now I wouldn't mind seeing that match up after so long! And then feud for a while after mania.
There are a few things wrong with your idea. 1. Shawn or Taker will not win or retain the title at the Elimination Chamber, and no title will be on the line at WM between Taker or Shawn since they are both reported to take time off after WM. Here is how I see Shawn getting a shot at Taker at WM. Shawn gets into the Smackdown Eliminaton Chamber, by doing exactly what you said. Taking out Morrisons leg to get into the match would accomplish that easily, and turn Shawn into the heel for his feud with Taker. Then in the Elimination Chamber you have Shawn pin Taker to eliminate him, and then have Jericho pin Shawn. Jericho should win the title to set up Edge vs. Jericho, have Jericho beat Taker in a quick rematch and then move on. Taker vs. Shawn because Shawn cost Taker the title, and Edge vs. Jericho because of the whole tag team thing.
Since my crystal ball is in the repair shop I can't tell you exactly what will go down. Thank you OP for making it clear. HOWEVER, if I were to make my best guess it'd be more along the lines of what Chismo16 wrote. I think that HBK will have something to do with Taker dropping the title at EC. Whether or not he gets his way into the chamber or not. I'd prefer something different as Edge just used the beat down, get instantly added to said match just last year. Repeating that so soon is just poor lazy booking.
But what if...... I think it'd be cool if Taker was one of the two to start this match. HBK runs down, superkicks taker and runs off to the back. Taker pinned 1,2,3 within seconds and then goes to find HBK and reap his soul...or whatever.
Then again like I said my crystal ball is on the fritz....
Well, this is how I see it happening.

HBK attacks Morrison turning himself heel. He enters the match. Him, Jericho and Undertaker left. HBK goes for SCM on Taker but he ducks, and HBK hits Jericho instead. Taker gives a tombstone, eliminating Shawn. Shawn goes on a rampage and attacks Taker. Gives him a super kick, and drags Y2J onto Undertaker. New champ, Y2J Vs Edge and Taker Vs HBK II at Wrestlemania 26.

Those are just my thoughts! :D
There is another way to look at this. Everyone seems to have HBK attacking Morrison and then getting into the elimination chamber. What if this happens? Instead have HBK hiding out among the fans, when someone gets eliminated from the EC, then the door has to open to let them out. I see then HBK jumping in through the door, superkicking Taker (costing him the title to Jericho) and then HBK leaving.

I think this works just as well because I don't really see HBK competing in the EC. HBK is not necessarily in the best shape, and in a match such as this, HBK would feel obligated to take some bump, and it could cost him the WM with Taker in a whole other way. By doing it this way, wwe does not become predictable and just do the same thing with HBK like they did with Edge the year previous. Also, I would like to see Morrison attempt to fight it out in the EC. Doing it this way also I believe will be another way to complete HBK's heel turn.
You guys are not seeing the bigger picture!? As you seen last year with Edge winning the world heavyweight title. The title reigh doesn't have to be a long one. Only further the storyline heading into Wrestlemania. If HBK does win the world heavyweight belt it will only be for a month. That will be the companys way to say to HBK "Thank You" for your efforts Shawn on Shawn's exit after Wrestlemania, and personally I think that Shawn deserves the belt if it is only for a little while.

And your right! The Undertaker doesn't have to lose the strap to HBK. He will indeed lose the gold to Y2J Chris Jericho for his Wrestlemania match against Edge. But we don't know which order the Undertaker or anybody for that matter will be in the Elimination Chamber as RAW & Smackdown wise?? It would help if we did, but were just going to have to watch and find out tomorrow night.
One very simple point.....

Why would HBK taking out Morrison turn him heel, as a few of you have said already?

HBK has superkicked far more over faces than Morrison over the years and remained face himself. Cena and HHH immediately come to mind. HBKs legacy is phenomenal and if the WWE did attempt to turn him Heel they'd need to do something pretty creative to turn him into at the very worst an antihero.

I do believe HBK will be involved in Elimination chamber in some way, comtinuing his efforts to gain Taker's attention ahead of Wrestlemania. There is no way he will succesfully become a heel however
I agree a lot with what Xgringo said. It would be poor lazy booking. What is wrong with the whole scenario (although it puts everyone in their exact spots for Wrestlemania) is that it is almost too predictable. WWE creative sometimes throws strange curveballs to throw off the audience, then does a quick instant fix to put everyone where they want. We are missing that the GMs can remedy this whole situation. Or at least Teddy Long can.

I see HBK not entering the smackdown EC as an entrant, but rather a 7th man who breaks in, causes chaos, and makes the Undertaker lose. I don't think they would squash Morrison's recent push by making him look so weak (a la Kofi Kingston like last year). Morrison will compete, and we be eliminated naturally. HBK is just there for chaos.

Teddy Long will book the match between UT and HBK for the pure sake of revenge, but I see him adding some sort of twist to it to make the match brutal. Possibly a career match/casket match. The match will be harsh enough that both superstars can take as much time as they want off after WM.

Edit: The reason why this casket/career match may happen is because in the event the UT actually loses, WWE can say that he has never been pinned or submit at WM. The casket match loss is a technical loss, which is all HBK wants and the best they could give him. HBK will not pin Taker.
Ok i know this sounds really stupid, but what if HBK attacks taker before the match and leaves. Then Undertaker wouldn't be 100% going in and if he starts with Jericho then Jericho could hit the codebreaker and pin Taker and then he gets to brag again how he pinned The Undertaker and presumably wins the whole match and faces Edge at Wrestlemania.
for some reason i see a hhh vs taker vs shawn match at wrestle mania. I know its not likly but for some reason it keeps poping in my head.

but anyways on topic, I dont believe shawn will be part of the chamber match. I believe he'll come in once some get eliminated. Which i believe is something that make the chamber wierd, that they open it up to keep for each person to leave it opens that storyline up with someone coming in. And i dont believe the wwe has done this befor so they'll think its something new. So i see this happening leading to Y2J win

Honestly i would really like the wwe to throw a curve ball tomm. Give us a winner we didnt think would win or something to get me guessing
Based on the tension between DX lately, I'd rather HBK vs. TripleH. So here is what I think should happen, during the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber, the lasts 2 particapants, Triple H and ? will battle it out, then HBK comes in and hits Sweet Chin Music on HHH setting up a feud between the two.
HBK's role is simple. Cost the Undertaker his title, so, that he loses his main event match at Wrestlemania. HBK for the next few weeks is going to piss of the Undertaker. Make him mad enough so that he has no choice but to agree to the rematch. As long as Taker is the champion, Shawn doesn't get a rematch at Wrestlemania (barring the far fetched notion that he enters and wins the MITB match, while not impossible, and would be really fun, it isn't going to happen). So, in order to set the match up, Shawn has to do something that makes the Undertaker want to fight...namely, cost him the belt.
I don't know what way it will go down, but like everybody else I can see how it most probably will go down. Yes, the most obvious way of going about this would indeed be to have shawn interfere in the chamber, cost taker the title and set up the obvious ensuing wm match ups.

But why does it have to be predictable???? I have not bought the chamber ppv because I have lost faith in wwe from a creative standpoint. It's only a few weeks to WM and I didn't even feel compelled to watch the tv shows this week, I only watched raw hoping to see the Bret/Vince feud would escalate in some way and it is the only thing that has the ability to hold my interest at the moment.

I think they could still have their ideal WM match ups.. but by going about it in a different and more creative way and could have us all so much more excited about it.

For instance, they could have HBK interfere/take part in the chamber but still fail to cost Taker the title. Draw HBK's obsession out further, make people wonder whats going to happen and make them tune into smackdown and raw not knowing what to expect for a change. Have taker lose the belt on smackdown to a HBK interference, but bring back some little bit of mystery on the lead up to Mania, and whats wrong with having the strap turn hands on tv anyway? Things like that kept people watching and interested in the tv products.

To be honest, I dont care who ends up fighting at Mania, so long as they make me interested in it. As it stands, I am not....but if they went about it in a more creative way and kept me guessing and actually tried to shock us for a change like they used to do when the creative department did what it was supposed to do, by being creative.

Say what you want about Russo, but he did give certain amount of credibility to the phrase 'anything can happen in the wwe'. I don't need blood to be excited about what I see, I don't need it to not be PG...I just need a few twists and a bit of drama instead of the current stale we've dont it all before BS.

It hasn't been that way in a very long time and in my opinion....that is what the product currently lacks most.
I've heard (almost) all the theories. They are all sound ideas for getting us to Wrestlemania. Like Caustic said: "Its too predictible". What I Mean is, are we all that SURE that Y2J will be the Champ after EC? Could they maybe give it to CM Punk, Rey Mysterio or Morrison since everyone thinks HBK will take Morrison out before the match anyways? I mean how shocking would it be if Morrison Won? I'm starting to expect a shocking winner. Then Maybe the winner drops the belt to Jericho on Smackdown before WM. One last Theory: Maybe HBK does somehow screw Undertaker and he getts pinned meaning we are guarenteed a New Champion. What if it then comes down to Jericho and (Whomever) and we get a second run-in from Edge who SCREWS Jericho out of winning the title and (The Other Guy) wins! Expect the Unexpected!
i also think that hbk will sneak his way into the chamber. probably by taking the injured morrison's spot. he could do this maybe through vicky, setting up some type of power struggle with teddy in the future perhaps. then it will be down to him, taker and jericho. jericho hits the codebreaker on hbk and eliminates him. this makes hbk furious so he superkicks jericho then turns around and superkicks taker. he can then drag jericho onto taker. this would show that hbk is so determined to face taker that he will help someone he hates, jericho (feud of the year, fyi), right after that person eliminated him. this would help hbk move to the heel roll as people hate jericho.

I like your "far fetched notion"..

Lets try this, shall we?...

HBK interferes in the smackdown chamber, only to fail, yet again, at costing Taker the belt, pushing his obsession further. Monday, HHH confronts shawn saying this needs to stop, etc. Shawn turns on Hunter setting up for a match at WM

Flash forward to 'mania-

Shawn beats hunter in the first match of the night. They have MITB two matches later, Shawn comes out near the end as some type of mystery entrant to win the briefcase, only to challenge Taker (posing over a defeated edge and/or Y2J) later that night, winning the gold and ending the streak in a way that doesn't tarnish Taker's legacy.

NOTE: this wont happen, (maybe it could have years ago) but it would be fun.

I like your "far fetched notion"..

Lets try this, shall we?...

HBK interferes in the smackdown chamber, only to fail, yet again, at costing Taker the belt, pushing his obsession further. Monday, HHH confronts shawn saying this needs to stop, etc. Shawn turns on Hunter setting up for a match at WM

Flash forward to 'mania-

Shawn beats hunter in the first match of the night. They have MITB two matches later, Shawn comes out near the end as some type of mystery entrant to win the briefcase, only to challenge Taker (posing over a defeated edge and/or Y2J) later that night, winning the gold and ending the streak in a way that doesn't tarnish Taker's legacy.

NOTE: this wont happen, (maybe it could have years ago) but it would be fun.

Sorry to burst your bubble. But that will NOT happen for two reasons...

1. There will not be a Money in the Bank match this year now that there's a PPV named after it.

2. Why would the WWE book HBK Vs. HHH for the very first match of the night????

Think McFly, think!
I What if it then comes down to Jericho and (Whomever) and we get a second run-in from Edge who SCREWS Jericho out of winning the title and (The Other Guy) wins! Expect the Unexpected!
That wont happen because edge said on smackdown he wants jericho to win so he can face him and beat him at wrestlemania.

Anyway Ive heard jericho is gonna win E.C. to set up edge vs jericho at WM. I for one do not want to see that match, I just wouldnt be interested in it. First of all it sounds stupid to make a guy who's had some embarassing losses over the past year to become whc. He wasnt even good enough to beat mysterio when it mattered most for the I.C., heck he even lost to J.T.G.

Im gonna stick to the topic now. We could have jericho, mysterio and the undertaker left. Taker eliminates mysterio then the chamber door opens, mysterio gets ready to leave when HBK music hits and he appears at the end of the ramp walkin towards the chamber door, mysterio leaves, taker is distracted then from behind jericho with a low blow and a codebreaker, goes for the pin 1, 2, kickout by taker but then michaels hands jericho a chair from under the ring which jericho repeatdly bashes on takers skull to pin him and become new whc. Next night on smackdown, undertaker tells michaels that he has accepted his challenge but it will be on his terms in hell in a cell, which ill be happy with.
I have no doubt that HBK will some how interfere in the Raw Elimination Chamber and cost Triple H a chance at winning the WWE championship. HBK feuding with Triple H makes more sense if you ask me. Remember, it was Triple H who went seeking HBK's help to fight Legacy. Shawn was threw with wrestling, and he wanted to be done with it. HHH is the one who coaxed him into a return, so that would give HBK a reason to be pissed off at him. I know these two have feuded in the past, but I wouldn't mind seeing the two lock up one more time.

I think the whole Undertaker VS HBK re match speculation was just a tease and swerve to keep everyone guessing. HBK and Taker put on a great match at Wrestlemania last year, and I don't think WWE should risk tarnishing that.
I see HBK doing a run in while the door is open from someone exiting after being eliminated, at this point taker has jericho or someone up on his shoulders and hbk super kicks taker and he falls back with the person on his shoulders landing on top of him. 1 2 3 undertaker has been eliminated. That or he is disguised as a camara man and nails taker with the camara or something. either of these scenarios work.
I'm thinking along the lines of miki. I would like to see HBK superkicking the Hell outta Taker as he is strolling to the ring. But I think with the Morrison ankle set-up, WWE will have Shawn take out Morrison setting up a died down the line when Morrison goes to Raw after the draft (yes I'm calling it now).
What would I love to see? Well, my favorite idea goes like this, though it is surely not going to happen. Taker gets in his chamber, the match starts, after maybe the first or second man is released we see Shawn come up through a grate in Taker's chamber. The chambers are just big enough to where Shawn could creep out right behind Taker with out him seeing. Shawn uses some sort of weapon to weaken Taker and for the next few minutes sits in the chamber crushing him with kicks and punches. If done right, when it is Takers turn to be let out he would be an easy pin. I just love the visual. Shawn slowly rising from Takers world below the ring to attack him and take him out. When the doors open, Shawn just throws Taker into the ring, SCM, and walks out.

To me, something like that is better than Shawn actually entering the chamber as a wrestler. I want to see a twist here, something better than just a run in. They have never used the chamber to it's full potential. The chambers themselves are a perfect opportunity for something like this. Surprise me WWE. Do something new, something different.
How bout this? The Raw Chamber is done first with HHH winning the belt. We see DX fall apart over HBK's jealousy leading to a super kick on Hunter.

Shawn takes Morrison's place in the Smackdown Chamber which comes to down to himself and Taker. The end sees HHH storm the ring for a beat down on HBK but instead ends up laying the pedigree on Undertaker instead. As the PPV leaves the air we see DX re-united once again as the super power of the WWE making both of them instant heels.
That wont happen because edge said on smackdown he wants jericho to win so he can face him and beat him at wrestlemania.

So Just because Edge said that were supposed to believe him??? Mmmmmm K :(
The way I see it happening, or at least, how I want it to happen is that John Morrison plays up his ankle injury in a promo at EC. Then Shawn Michaels comes out of nowhere and assaults Morrison, smashing his ankle with a chair or some other object. Thus, Morrison cannot compete in the chamber, and Michaels is put in the match. He attempts to win the title off Taker, thus forcing their WM showdown, but comes up short. As he is leaving the chamber, Morrison jumps him and they go at it.

This is all build for the eventual "Prodigy vs Veteran" wet dream match between Morrison and HBK that everyone has been dying to see, and would launch Morrison in to mega stardom, whilst HBK gets a dance partner that can keep up with him.

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