HBK top 5 all time matches!

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Dark Match Winner
He's my favorite wrestler and since he's out for a bit I've been thinking about his career and how many truly awesome matches he has put on with a variety of people and how many great matches he has had with:

Diesel, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Mankind, (hell even Vader at Summerslam was pretty good), Owen Hart, Bulldog, Undertaker (10 years ago), Austin, Jericho, Angle, HHH, Hogan, McMahon, Cena, Flair, and Undertaker again!

i have sooooo many of his matches on dvd and having seen most I wondered what most people Top 5 HBK matches would be (and say why!)

Mine are:

5. Iron Man Match: Bret Hart WM12, starts slow by my good how 2 guys can entertain for over an hour w/o any pinfalls is amazing, by the end the suspense was crazy! the perfect finish too!

4. Raw from England: John Cena, I am not Cena's biggest fan, not even close, but these guys went close to an hour and were absolutely amazing (not sure but i think they improv d the length to bc wwe cancel a scheduled Orton/edge match when orton got sent home overseas for being a dick) anyways I thought this match was much better than their wm match which wasnt bad, but not great either.

3. Ladder Match, Summerslam, Razor Ramon. Notice it's not their wrestlemania match, a year and a half later (i believe) they did a rematch at summerslam, the mania match is more memorable bc it was their first time with a ladder, but overall i liked this match better.

2. HIAC 97: Undertaker, not only was it the first hell in a cell match but the match and wrestling itself was awesome, a greaty story, great wrestling, and an amazing job of creating the hell as a part of the match and using it to enhance it! (yes I loved their match at this mania but i think overall this one was better aside from the Kane ending)

1. Kurt Angle, WM 21, i just love this match and think the 2 were magic together. One of the best actual straight up wrestling matches ever, the story in the ring was amazing, with HBK actually starting the match with slow ground wrestling moves before both men build up into an amazing match with each passing minute and move

Honorable Mentions: i could see why anyone would include this in their top 5 (maybe i should have made a top 10 lol) but I could also make an argument for this on the list:

HBK vs. HHH: non sanctioned, summerslam 02, this was Shawn's return match afte 4 and a 1/2 years gone and he still managed a better match than most can do today, just a thrill for him to perform like that after being gone.

HBK vs HHH Raw dec 03, i personally think this was the best one on one match the 2 had, even though they put on 6 months of great matches starting here.

HBK vs. Taker, WM 25, recent and great, this one will stand the test of time

HBK vs. Mankind, Mind Games, main event of a sept ppv during Shawn's first babyface title run, an amazing match (even with an overbooked finish)

HBK vs. Jericho, WM 19, their recent match were great too but in rewatching all of them I think their first mania encounter 6 years ago was just great.

ok, so in reality i listed 10, but I am curious what everyone's top 5 HBK matches would be!
He's my favorite wrestler and since he's out for a bit I've been thinking about his career and how many truly awesome matches he has put on with a variety of people and how many great matches he has had with:

Diesel, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Mankind, (hell even Vader at Summerslam was pretty good), Owen Hart, Bulldog, Undertaker (10 years ago), Austin, Jericho, Angle, HHH, Hogan, McMahon, Cena, Flair, and Undertaker again!

i have sooooo many of his matches on dvd and having seen most I wondered what most people Top 5 HBK matches would be (and say why!)

Mine are:

5. Iron Man Match: Bret Hart WM12, starts slow by my good how 2 guys can entertain for over an hour w/o any pinfalls is amazing, by the end the suspense was crazy! the perfect finish too!

4. Raw from England: John Cena, I am not Cena's biggest fan, not even close, but these guys went close to an hour and were absolutely amazing (not sure but i think they improv d the length to bc wwe cancel a scheduled Orton/edge match when orton got sent home overseas for being a dick) anyways I thought this match was much better than their wm match which wasnt bad, but not great either.

3. Ladder Match, Summerslam, Razor Ramon. Notice it's not their wrestlemania match, a year and a half later (i believe) they did a rematch at summerslam, the mania match is more memorable bc it was their first time with a ladder, but overall i liked this match better.

2. HIAC 97: Undertaker, not only was it the first hell in a cell match but the match and wrestling itself was awesome, a greaty story, great wrestling, and an amazing job of creating the hell as a part of the match and using it to enhance it! (yes I loved their match at this mania but i think overall this one was better aside from the Kane ending)

1. Kurt Angle, WM 21, i just love this match and think the 2 were magic together. One of the best actual straight up wrestling matches ever, the story in the ring was amazing, with HBK actually starting the match with slow ground wrestling moves before both men build up into an amazing match with each passing minute and move

Honorable Mentions: i could see why anyone would include this in their top 5 (maybe i should have made a top 10 lol) but I could also make an argument for this on the list:

HBK vs. HHH: non sanctioned, summerslam 02, this was Shawn's return match afte 4 and a 1/2 years gone and he still managed a better match than most can do today, just a thrill for him to perform like that after being gone.

HBK vs HHH Raw dec 03, i personally think this was the best one on one match the 2 had, even though they put on 6 months of great matches starting here.

HBK vs. Taker, WM 25, recent and great, this one will stand the test of time

HBK vs. Mankind, Mind Games, main event of a sept ppv during Shawn's first babyface title run, an amazing match (even with an overbooked finish)

HBK vs. Jericho, WM 19, their recent match were great too but in rewatching all of them I think their first mania encounter 6 years ago was just great.

ok, so in reality i listed 10, but I am curious what everyone's top 5 HBK matches would be!

Your honerable mentioned section would be my top 5 minus the taker wm25 match and add in the ladder match with razor. My fav match was the mind games match, my second was jerico wm 19, then the razor ladder match then the unsanctioned sumerslam match then the raw of 03 match. Actually the mind game match is my fav match of all times despite the fact that im nt a huge hbk mark I have to give him credit for that. But I think any match he has ever done with taker was teriable since taker has the boring been around for ever thing, thats the same thing that HBK has so you cobine these two and it seemed way too boring to me.
Up to WM 25 it was a tie between the Ladder matches with Razor, and the Iron Man Match with Bret Hart. But the match with Taker was absolutley EPIC!! It culminated the 2 superstars career, and showed in one match what each had in them. They made eachother better, the only way it could have been better is if HBK pulled that reversal into a DDT off, otherwise, it was simply perfect!

Another match I give him alot of credit for was the casket match with Taker at RR '99 when he hurt his back. He continued to work the match even after the damage he caused. Even though he didnt know at the time how bad it was, he still powered through it.
Anything hbk does is gold. idk if any of you remember the show wwe had after velocity called confidential. but jamie noble showed his favorite wwe match and it was hbk vs mankind circa 96-97? and i was memorized amazing match. mankind was sitting on the top turnbuckle and hbk set a char up ran jumped off of it and caught him with a sweet chin music great!
5. HBK vs. Owen Hart #1 contender's match

4. HBK vs. Undertaker WM25 (I WAS THERE!!!!!!)

3. HBK vs. Angle WM21

2. HBK vs. Razor Ramon WM10

1. HBK vs. Bret Hart WM12

Shawn Michaels is also my favorite wrestler of all time. I think this list is a pretty fair list for his top 5 matches (although the list would be too long to include all his greats). I have to say that the ironman match moved up to one cuz he won the championship for the first time. Thats a little extra for me. There will never ever be anyone who comes close to Shawn Michaels.
This is a great thread. HBK has so many great matches that it's hard to pick but I narrowed down my list so here's my top 5 HBK matches in no random order:

WM 10 Ladder match vs Razor Ramon. I was in total awe as this was the 1st time I ever saw a ladder match. The performance and bumps both guys took in that match was incredible. Just the start of great things to come for HBK.

WM 12 vs Bret Hart was a mat classic that is underrated. Both men were at the top of their game not too mention I was torn between whom to root for as I liked both guys equally. It had a great buiid up, great storyline and I was happy with the finish.

In Your House April 96 Good Friends Better Enemies vs Diesel. This is a match most people forget or overlook. It was a great no holds barred match that kept me at the edge of my seat and featured a cameo by Mad Dog Vachon who's fake leg was used by Diesel during the match.

WM 19 vs Chris Jericho. My favorite match of 2003. An all around great classic match by two of the greatest workers in the history of the business. Some fans thought Jericho should've won that match but HBK winning that match was ok with me because regardless of who won I was satisfied more than enough with that match.

WM 21 vs Kurt Angle and WM 25 vs Undertaker Although HBK lost both of those matches he put on two great matches that people still talk about to this day and it cemented his name as Mr. Wrestlemania. With Kurt that was a dream match at the time as both men were almost evenly matched up. That match didn't have one borning minute to it. With Taker this was a match-up of the two longest active wrestlers and veterans in WWE. The streak vs Mr. Wrestlemania. The young guys in WWE should watch that match as that is good match is supposed to be.
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