HBK may not retire next year


Pre-Show Stalwart
i got this from the wrestlezone site and it says

ProWrestling.net is reporting that unlike before, Shawn Michaels is currently not giving anyone in WWE the impression that he plans to retire within the next year. In fact, it seems more like Michaels plans to wrestle for another 2 to even 3 years with the company, as his schedule might allow him to do so. Unlike most WWE wrestlers, Shawn Michaels does not work a full-time schedule with the company, so he sees less in-ring time than most stars, which might allow him to wrestle longer if he wants to. When Michaels does decide to hang up the boots, it is believed that he will receive a big sendoff similar to that of Ric Flair.

so what do you think about this do we might not see HBK vs HHH at wrestlemania 26 maybe wrestlemania 27 and with another 2 - 3 years he could maybey win the world or wwe title before he goes but do you think hbk will retire next year or in 2 - 3 years?
He really doesn't have any reason to retire this soon. He's only 44, barely works house shows, gets to take months off at a time, and still puts on solid matches. I'm sure he makes full-time money for the light schedule he works also. I could see him winning a belt one more time before he calls it quits. I mean Undertaker has been champ for a month and he doesn't work house shows, so I see no reason why Shawn can't get a title again.
He really doesn't have any reason to retire this soon. He's only 44, barely works house shows, gets to take months off at a time, and still puts on solid matches. I'm sure he makes full-time money for the light schedule he works also. I could see him winning a belt one more time before he calls it quits. I mean Undertaker has been champ for a month and he doesn't work house shows, so I see no reason why Shawn can't get a title again.

Well I think there are a few reasons why retirement talks continue to circle around HBK. But the two that comes to mind for me are.....

1. HBK demands a lot from himself. He is a perfectionist. He will only continue to wrestle if he is convinced he can continue to wrestle at the high level we all are used to him performing at.

2. HBK has had a career plagued with injuries. It's not that he's injury prone, but his body has gone through more wear and tear than most wrestlers, at one point, as we all know, he took four years off to recover from not just the back injury, but just the mental and other physical fatigue he had went through up till that point. So now retirement talks are circling around him because it's only a matter of time before he steps down and gives his body a permanent rest.
Three years more HBK? Why the hell not? I still buy Pay Per Views in which Shawn Michaels performs against credible opponents simply to see that match, and as long as I am prepared to do that....I don't want him going anywhere...

Just my Opinion
I for one hope he doesn't.hbk is by far my FAVORITE "WRESTLER".I would be hurt and be upset if he decides and when he decides to hang 'em up.I would really miss 'em.he was THE guy during the 90's,and can still bring it in the ring,12 years post-wm12.that's amazing all things considered.
I love it. HBK's been one of my favorite wrestlers for over 14 years, and he can still do it. He hasn't polliticked to be a world champion, he's put over plenty over younger talent, so my question is why not? The only thing I could possibly ask for, is a heel HBK, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon.
I buy PPVs so that I can see how great Shawn is that month. This is music to my ears, truly one of the best things I've heard in a long time. Shawn is a fantastic performer and the idea his retirement was possibly only months away was horrible. Now, however, knowing we could have him for a few more years is great and opens up a lot of doors for feuds I never thought we'd be able to see - Punk and Morrison to name a few.
It makes me absolutley happy. Mr. Wrestlemania will see a couple more Wrestlemanias. I think at Wrestlemania 26 OR 27 we will see a hhh vs hbk or Taker vs HBK. I am sure we will see at least one of those. Both would be FANTASTIC. I'm sure there will be an hbk vs hhh but im also sure about a Taker vs hbk but only time will tell
I'm a huge HBK fan and all, and it's great if he stays for another 2 or 3 years, but for the love of God put a title on the guy to give a young guy a huge rub and then build prestige for a title. It would do wonders for him and the company and really get these young guys elevated to the next level.
I'm not gonna lie, I never really believed all of the retirement talks for this years upcoming WM anyhow. To me, I just didn't see Shawn sitting out half the year and then returning for another silly DX reunion that I don't really think he enjoys much anymore. Who doesn't want to see HBK run for a few more years. He is doing everything he needs to in order to stay relevant yet healthy. He works a light schedule, he takes care of himself in the ring(even though it means not putting on performances night in night out like he used to), he is putting over younger talent, he stays out of the title picture which allows him different opponents, and he still knows how to put in a five star match. I'm obviously super excited...obviously.
fine, but only another couple of years. His performances are deteriorating. Slowly, and they're still very good, but...

That said, this should be good in that it allows him to go out with a match against the new generation, and not just putting over goddamn HHH again, who frankly doesn't need it. A final Mania match where he puts over Punk or Morrison or Swagger (preferably Morrison) would be great.
That said, this should be good in that it allows him to go out with a match against the new generation, and not just putting over goddamn HHH again, who frankly doesn't need it. A final Mania match where he puts over Punk or Morrison or Swagger (preferably Morrison) would be great.

I could definately see him putting over one of the young guns you mentioned, however, the point could be argued that Michaels didn't need Flair to put him over in his last Mania match, which really he didn't need it. The reason it was Michaels is because of their friendship and respect. While Michaels didn't need "the rub" so to speak, going over Flair (in my opinion) put him into the truly elite level. "To be the man you gotta beat the man" as Flair said, well that makes Shawn an active legend, and not in the sense WWE says it, a true wrestling legend. Shawns last hurrah should be similar to Flairs and if it is to HHH, then Hunter gets that same "beyond legend" status. I only hope that the send off doesn't come for a couple years, as is being reported, because Shawn, as cliche as it may sound, is the ultimate show-man, and is still able to entertain at an elite level.
I could definately see him putting over one of the young guns you mentioned, however, the point could be argued that Michaels didn't need Flair to put him over in his last Mania match, which really he didn't need it. The reason it was Michaels is because of their friendship and respect. While Michaels didn't need "the rub" so to speak, going over Flair (in my opinion) put him into the truly elite level. "To be the man you gotta beat the man" as Flair said, well that makes Shawn an active legend, and not in the sense WWE says it, a true wrestling legend. Shawns last hurrah should be similar to Flairs and if it is to HHH, then Hunter gets that same "beyond legend" status. I only hope that the send off doesn't come for a couple years, as is being reported, because Shawn, as cliche as it may sound, is the ultimate show-man, and is still able to entertain at an elite level.

Can't really agree with most of this. Flair had spent most of the last, I don't know - 7? 10? 15? years sucking and jobbing. His career had stopped being relevant a very long time ago. Sure, he went out with a bang at Mania - HHH and Michaels grew up with a hard-on marked Flair, and they did a lot to make it a nice send-off. In no way did Michael's career benefit from beating Flair, not when Flair had jobbed to so many others. It wasn't like Hogan handing the torch to Hart, in the great match that never happened. It was an old fool's ego being indulged one last time. I only hope that whoever does get to send HBK into the great beyond actually gets some benefit from it, and that HBK's career is actually relevant by that point.

BTW, I'm not sure why Michaels should want to "be the man". He's a better worker, and always has been. Plus, Flair is a ********. Michaels seems to have improved in that regard in recent years.
Can't really agree with most of this. Flair had spent most of the last, I don't know - 7? 10? 15? years sucking and jobbing.
In case you haven't noticed Shawn has done some jobbing lately, and for the record, Flair, though he lost, still put on some pretty good matches. Shawn's have been better at this stage, but putting over young guys is essentially what they'd both been doing, and doing a great job of it.
His career had stopped being relevant a very long time ago.
I fail to see how Flair's career had become irrelevant, especially being part of Evolution, and helping to get two of todays biggest stars (Orton & Batista) over.
Sure, he went out with a bang at Mania - HHH and Michaels grew up with a hard-on marked Flair, and they did a lot to make it a nice send-off. In no way did Michael's career benefit from beating Flair, not when Flair had jobbed to so many others.
But it wasn't about getting Shawn over, and true it doesn't really do anything for Shawn, especially now that Flair will return to the ring, but the idea that it was Shawn who ended that career gives Shawn a mistique. Its the same thing as Larry Zybyzko ending Bruno Sammartino's career. Bruno wasn't in his prime by a long shot, but it made Larry "the living legend."
It wasn't like Hogan handing the torch to Hart, in the great match that never happened. It was an old fool's ego being indulged one last time. I only hope that whoever does get to send HBK into the great beyond actually gets some benefit from it, and that HBK's career is actually relevant by that point.
Shawn Michaels career will be relevant regardless of him jobbing to anyone, as the emphasis at this point is his ability to help young talent, and entertain. In a fake sport, wins and losses don't matter.

BTW, I'm not sure why Michaels should want to "be the man". He's a better worker, and always has been. Plus, Flair is a ********. Michaels seems to have improved in that regard in recent years.
That is completely subjective. Your preference to who was the better worker makes no impact on how influential Flair's career was, and whether or not Flair is a ******** has nothing to do with anything, its just your opinion, which you have a right to.
I hope he doesn't go on much longer, to be honest, as his heart is evidently not really in it anymore. I don't care if he has a decent match once a year or if he is carried through a feud by a heel, the fact of the matter is is that Shawn Michaels isn't really that good anymore for anything except nostalgia. His non-DX persona is even worse.

I'd like to see him face Morrison in a master vs apprentice type angle, but that would require a draft in between now and WrestleMania 26, which I don't see happening. I imagine he'll have another long period off next year and retire at WrestleMania 27, which will be somewhere iconic like MSG or wherever his first one was.

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