HBK and Triple H overated?



im sure you all saw the news about the observers top 5 overated superstars, they got it eright having batista #1. but shawn micheals and triple h being on that list? c'mon thats BS

and shelton benjamin is not underated. he is a poece of shit:icon_evil:
It has to due with their performances in relation to their pushes in the company. They haven't earned their money wrestling-wise on a regular basis for a couple of years now. HBK has turned into a routine man like Flair and does horribly telegraphed spots that can be called in advance. Trips hasn't busted his ass in a really solid match since around 2004 (although that's because he did jobs to losers like Cena and Batista). Look at it this way. They're both talented and any one with a discerning eye can see it, but they haven't kept their respective games up to their best levels, hence the votes going against them. Shelton Benjamin is underrated. The fact is, if he were geing pushed to the top of the company, all the marks would be kissing his ass and praising him to high heaven. They just forgot what to do with those guys who can actually wrestle and don't rely on steroids and looks to get by.

Hmm..Where did you see this at?
WZ main page. It was from the Wrestling Observer yearly awards.
They're not overated, they are simply the best wrestlers in the WWE today! HHH has ****+ matches(at least) with any given person on any given day. The only person HHH failed to get good matches out of was Steiner. Every other match he's put on have been great! HBK is the same way!

I agree Shelton Benjamin is underated. At least there not totally wasting him now that TWGTT is back. Eventually I would like to see Benjamin get a push towards the main event. Here's hoping!
Triple H is completley overrated. In 2002 he stunk up building's until he got into his feud with H.B.K. He was completley useless throughout 2003. He messed up a potentially huge feud with Goldberg. Which he should have been able to carry to at least average standard's. In 2004 he got better purley because he was working with the like's of H.B.K., Benoit, Eugene and Orton. If he had'nt been working with them he would have had another bad year. And he was shit throughout 2005. His feud's with Batista and Flair were complete bore's. The only decent match he had with Batista was the H.I.A.C. And that was only because it's WWE's best gimmick match. His match's with Flair were ok but the only purpose they served were to get him over. He completley buried Flair incase you did'nt notice. And in 2006 he dragged H.B.K. down with the worst reformation in history.

He's a good wrestler but he isnt great. And he certainly does'nt deserve the position he's held for the past 8 year's.

H.B.K. can still go but he's become lazy. I want tho see the Michaels that stole Wrestle Mania two year's ago. He'll never be the same wrestler he was 10-12 year's ago, but he's still capable of pulling off decent match's. I also hate him as a babyface. He's a natural heel, like R.V.D. he excell's in that position. I hate his whole wounded babyface routine. Getting beaten down but never quiting. It's boring.
I hear all you guys saying that HBK is becoming lazy and what not. Have you all forgot that he seriously messed up his back? This could be the reason why he isn't as active as he used to be. Any kind of wrestling after having an injury like he did is bound to make his back worse and worse, so he can't put in as much into his matches as he used to, but he is still entertaining. If you think about the amount of years he's been wrestling with that back doesn't help either. HHH has become lazy because he is more or less at the top of the company, being married to Stephanie and all, so to him he can do whatever he wants.

The only reason why Benjamin hasn't had the push that he is deserved is that he's almost as bad on the mic as The Great Kahli!!!! Seriously, that little feud he had with HHH a while back was bad on the basis that he had no charisma on the mic, and at the end of the day the WWE is a wrestling entertainment show, and if the person hasn't got a good prescence on the mic, they are not entertaining regardless of how good they are in the ring. Just look at Cena.... big piece of **** in my opinion as a wrestler, but he can talk to the mic and hold a crowd with what he says, much like HHH and HBK can, which is why these guys will be at the top of the WWE for a while.
HHH and HBK have to be considered one of if not the best of their generations HBK now days i can agree has become repetive like
flair but HHH i dont understand when he puts over people he does it like a champion and when he wins he wins like a champion and has the courage to finish a match with career ending injuries like at NYR agianst Rated-RKO and smackdown 2001 against Beniot and Jericho
I hear all you guys saying that HBK is becoming lazy and what not. Have you all forgot that he seriously messed up his back? This could be the reason why he isn't as active as he used to be. Any kind of wrestling after having an injury like he did is bound to make his back worse and worse, so he can't put in as much into his matches as he used to, but he is still entertaining. If you think about the amount of years he's been wrestling with that back doesn't help either.
He's plenty active at present. I wasn't referring to his whether or not he moved well, just that he's been boring and predictable. Zero creativity with the wrestling. Good wrestling doesn't always require death-defying stunts and a disregard for life and limb, but mainly just not going out and regurgitating the same match layout over and over again until the audience can see the finish coming from a mile down the pike.
The only reason why Benjamin hasn't had the push that he is deserved is that he's almost as bad on the mic as The Great Kahli!!!! Seriously, that little feud he had with HHH a while back was bad on the basis that he had no charisma on the mic, and at the end of the day the WWE is a wrestling entertainment show, and if the person hasn't got a good prescence on the mic, they are not entertaining regardless of how good they are in the ring. Just look at Cena.... big piece of **** in my opinion as a wrestler, but he can talk to the mic and hold a crowd with what he says, much like HHH and HBK can, which is why these guys will be at the top of the WWE for a while.
The poll was geared around wrestling. Not mic skills. Pleading this case is moot. But while we're at it, Batista blows goats on the mic, yet he still gets a top spot and a belt no less (one he certainly doesn't and NEVER deserved). Benjamin was a decent mic worker, but they wanted him to get on the mic and work a live crowd before he even had the chance to get adequately brushed up on doing a pre-recorded promo segment. Great mic workers aren't made over night but are eased into it. If someone isn't entertaining on the mic and you disregard everything else about them, then I feel sorry for you, and if that's really how you think, why the hell do you watch the matches or WRESTLING for that matter, either? Cena can work a mic, but he's single-handedly dropped the credibility of that belt five notches since he started stinking up the ring with the belt in tow. No amount of mic work can save the most important element that makes a good pro-wrestler...and that's WRESTLING.
What the hell is this? I'll be the first to tell you that Triple H and HBK are not as good as they once were but really is anybody really? HBK has had his moments but with that back injury, you can't really perform as well as you once did. HBK has worked hard even though i hate his gimmick now. He's a christian and he doesn't want to play heel for some reason. As for HHH, if you were him, married to Stephanie, already established in the business, why keep working as hard as you used to? He's getting older just like HBK. Even though HHH is going through hell right now, he still works hard. He wouldn't have gotten injured if he wasn't a hard worker. When you look at the DX matches, HHH was the one who mostly fought because HBK had knee problems. What can you do? Shelton Benjamin is NOT over-rated. He is under-rated though because everyone knows that Shelton is probably the most athletic wrestler in the WWE today. If WWE cared a little more about being a good wrestler, he would've been a main-eventer by now. Those 3 shouldn't be on that list. If you think of people who should be on that list, they are John Cena, Batista, Rey Mysterio, Lashley, and Sabu.
If someone isn't entertaining on the mic and you disregard everything else about them, then I feel sorry for you, and if that's really how you think, why the hell do you watch the matches or WRESTLING for that matter, either? Cena can work a mic, but he's single-handedly dropped the credibility of that belt five notches since he started stinking up the ring with the belt in tow. No amount of mic work can save the most important element that makes a good pro-wrestler...and that's WRESTLING.

Yes i do watch it for the wrestling, but what im getting at is that they wont let good wretlers be the main guys if they dont have other good skills. Its World Wrestling Entertainment, and thats what's made it big, the entertainment part of the industry. Granted, it hasn't been as entertaining as it should be, and some times it down right sucks, but thats how the business works. People like Regal, Benjamin and Eugene will never be big time because of there size and their entertaining skills, and thats a sad fact... The only reason why Batista is champ is because he's big. To get anywhere in the WWE they either have to be big, or good on the mic. Nothing else. There is no way i can see people leike those getting any more than the US/ Intercontinental title while they are still with the WWE... They should jump ship to TNA like Chrisitan and show us what they can really do
Yes i do watch it for the wrestling, but what im getting at is that they wont let good wretlers be the main guys if they dont have other good skills. Its World Wrestling Entertainment, and thats what's made it big, the entertainment part of the industry. Granted, it hasn't been as entertaining as it should be, and some times it down right sucks, but thats how the business works. People like Regal, Benjamin and Eugene will never be big time because of there size and their entertaining skills, and thats a sad fact... The only reason why Batista is champ is because he's big. To get anywhere in the WWE they either have to be big, or good on the mic. Nothing else. There is no way i can see people leike those getting any more than the US/ Intercontinental title while they are still with the WWE... They should jump ship to TNA like Chrisitan and show us what they can really do
You're pointing to the root of the problem, and it's good to see someone who actually understands how sad the modus operandi is within Titan Towers. The "business" with regards to WWE is run however Vince wants...it's just that he's ******ed these days and forgets what made his product great in years past and to boot also has zero clue what made ECW great. It irritates me to see this mentality because guys who have loads of talent are pissed away during the primes of their careers.

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