Have WWE backed themselves in a corner


Getting Noticed By Management
When talking about Brock lesnar and who should defeat him you have many people different people for many reasons but is anyone really logical and realistically ready for lesnar by WM 31.... You have someone who defeat taker at mania and squashed golden boy cena the face of the company this all means that right now lesnar is untouchable and is clearly at another lvl.. I think that wwe should just have lesnar literary defeated all credible people... Everyone then at rumble or tlc or mania have heyman cut a promo for lesnar saying he has conquered everyone and has conquered wwe then lesnar quits and forfeits the title because he defeated all never to be seen from again.. Have lesnar be remembered as the most dominant person in wwe history ever, untouchable, unbeatable forever... What do you guys think about doing this rather than have someon try to beat lesnar IF they are ready for mania?
:disappointed: No. Just...no.

You don't have a part-timer break the biggest streak in professional wrestling history and then just leave without helping to build the future. Somebody is going over Lesnar at Wrestlemania and that is that.
He will lose and no one will care. Remember this is the wwe and anything more than 3 months old doesn't matter ( unless they need it to matter) so even with a dominant win, someone will beat him and it won't matter. Sure it will be big - the guy who beat Taker and Cena gets beat - but everything before will be downplayed and they will talk about how the new champ rose to the occasion and climbed to the top of the mountain(probably their exact words) ignoring the fact that Lesnar should have destroyed them. Having him give up the title accomplishes nothing for them, might as well not even give it to him if that is the plan.
Lesnar recently signed a multi-year contract, so your option of retirement doesn't even qualify. Plus, it doesn't make sense. Lesnar can't just retire without being taken down. WWE is building up Lesnar as a monster so the man that beats him looks really good. Beating the Streak, squashing John Cena, it'll all culminate at some point with someone taking down "The Beast." I recently considered Seth Rollins cashing in Money in the Bank, but that is not the way Lesnar is going to lose the title after what he did to Undertaker and Cena.

I doubt Cena beats him at Night of Champions. Reigns, as much as I hate to say it, is going to take the cake.
One of the most ******ed ideas I have ever seen on this forum and that is saying a LOT. Lesnar fucked WWE over when he left the first time, why the fuck would they have him go unbeatable and undefeated? Who would that benefit? Lesnar? WWE I am sure wants to keep Lesnar happy so he can show up twice a year or whatever, but he is simply there to strap a rocket onto whoever is going to slay him. That is it.
While I disagree with what you're suggesting, I agree with the notion that Lesnar may have looked too dominant where no one on the roster can realistically beat him. I say don't lock into giving the title to Reigns at 31, if he isn't ready have Lesnar beat someone like Batista or Bryan if he can work by then. I wouldn't even mind if Lesnar held the title for a year tearing up the roster looking like the most dominant guy in history and having the universe in turmoil. Someone will have to beat him though. You don't get a bad guy to look so devastating if he doesn't put the good guy over huge in the end. So I say don't force Reigns if he isn't ready because Lesnar should be killing people on the roster if he beat Taker and squashed Cena. A way to get around it is to build more on the story and have Reigns find a chink in Lesnar's armor which he can exploit to win in a good fashion. I'm just excited to see how this plays out because I am VERY interested in the title picture going forward..
The money match at WrestleMania is Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker. It will probably close the show. Make no mistake, that match is box office and that's what WrestleMania is all about.

The WM Title match will almost certainly be John Cena defending against Roman Reigns. John Cena will put over Roman Reigns Hogan-Warrior style.

I predict Lesnar will actually drop the title at Night of Champions. Whether the title goes to Cena or Seth Rollins is up for debate. WWE will get much more traction out of a double main event of Lesnar/Taker and Reigns/Cena than they would from one Reigns vs. Lesnar match.

There is no way Lesnar walks away by vacating the title due to inadequate competition. WWE tries its best to sell main event parity to the fans. That's how they can mix and match main eventers to headline pay-per-views. They aren't going to keep one guy untouchable and then let him walk away. That would destroy the credibility of the remaining main eventers. WWE wouldn't even let Taker retire with the WM streak intact. There is no way they are going to let Lesnar walk away the self-proclaimed best ever without Cena or an up-and-comer taking him down. It's the professional wrestling circle of life.
WWE have not backed themselves into any corner, there are many routes they could go down:

Wrestlemania 31:

Lesnar v Reigns
Cena winning his 17th title... because it will happen.
Lesnar v Undertaker II
Lesnar v Batista (Batista finally gets his one on one title match). It can easily be built up that Lesnar refuses HHH's order, beats Seth when he trys to cash in leading to HHH having to bring Batista back.

There's four possibilities to begin with, all with different plots.

Having Lesnar retire makes no sense at all when he still offers a lot. The only thing what would have made sense would have been Lesnar giving the title to Rollins declaring that was Plan C. Almost a legal version of when Andre gave the belt to DiBiase (legal because of the MiTB).
I think that wwe should just have lesnar literary defeated all credible people

This reminds me of posts in the forum when the Rock was involved in his 2-year program with WWE.....sandwiched between the win and loss to John Cena, how many matches did he actually engage? Not many, right?

Same thing here. Don't get the idea Brock Lesnar is going to fight much more than he has in the past two years. The company is going to do what they've done all along with Brock; have Paul Heyman keep talking (& talking & talking) about Brock to give the illusion the guy is standing backstage, waiting to kick someone's ass, while he's actually at home, Sable-izing his days away.

Is Summerslam & Night of Champions the first time in Brock's present tenure he's appeared at two PPVs in a row? If so, it certainly gives the impression he's back for good, right? But, he isn't.....he doesn't want to be and even the mighty WWE probably doesn't have enough spare cash to pay him to be back full-time.....unless Brock has somehow decided he loves pro wrestling enough to make it his full-time occupation again.....which seems unlikely, right?

No, I say this whole championship reign of Brock's actually involves something really big with John Cena.....possibly his turn to heel-dom. The fact Cena has invoked his return match clause so quickly fortifies this, imo..... I can't believe he's simply going to kick Brock's ass in September, so soon after being destroyed at Summerslam. Super Cena or not, that would be unrealistic.

No, I don't think WWE has backed itself into a corner, although if the company plans to keep Brock as champion until WM31, I'd sure like to know how they plan to do it, given Brock's skimpy work schedule......yet, there must be a long-term plan in place for all this, and I still say it involves Cena more than Brock.
People on here just absolutely love the idea of heel Cena xD I feel like everyday I see people theorizing about it on like 5 different posts :p

I don't think they have done anything wrong here. That's the magic of when someone beats him, it's completely unbelievable! However they set it up I don't know, but say Reigns does. Not only as he by extension beaten Taker at Mania he's also decimated Cena for the title. He'll look like the most amazing champ possible. He beat every single odd in his way, the authority, Lesnar and any opponent Lesnar beats till then.

It'll probably go down like this. The match starts Reigns gets an upper hand early, Lesnar starts suplexing him and the crowd starts cheering for Reigns...cheering harder than we've seen for a while, suddenly Reigns has a second life and bam he just goes apeshit and does whatever it takes to win. Suddenly he'll be able to win, because the universe was behind him. Basically, the next Cena gimmick. If anything, it makes Reigns look too good xD
Regardless of what happens at WM31 Brock will always be remembered as one of, if not, THE most dominant superstar of all time due to the fact that he beat everyone who mattered and did pretty much everything that could be done (WWE champ, Rumble win, KOTR win etc) within a span of 2 years before leaving and going on to become a legitimate fighting champion. If he had agreed to work full-time I have no doubt that he would have had multiple world title reigns and that he would be main eventing at least one more Wrestlemania. I just hope they don't have him drop the title until at least WM31 although I fear he will due to his schedule.
As someone said above, people love their Cena heel turn theories - and I am no exception!

I think if Cena does win at NOC, he should cheat to do it - use that as his heel turn versus a predictable rant about how the Universe has turned their back on him. He can rant later if he wants, but I think cheating would be a more definitive character change (though I think technically we have seen Cena cheat in the past).

To me, Lesnar is more of a tweener - he is fun to boo and root against, but I think the crowd loves him at the same time, especially after destroying Cena. If he continues his rampage, I suspect fans will just cheer him more and the big wigs won't get the massive fan pop for Reigns they want at Mania - it might be split.

However, have Cena turn heel in a cheating way, steal the title from Lesnar, and have Cena versus Reigns at Mania, and I think there will be more of a clear "heel" versus "face" vibe.

Not that I want this to be the outcome.
I would love to see Brock hand over the title but it probably won't happen. Brock holding the title til Wrestlemania leaves to many questions such as,1. There are still 6 pay per views left for the part timer before Wrestlemania. 2. If Roman wins at Wrestlemania when does Seth get his shot,I figure they would let Roman hold the title for a while. 3. When is Brock going back to UFC, I heard something about that. I would let Brock win at Night of Champions against Cena, Brock beats Cena good. At Hell in a Cell Brock loses to Batista. Than at Survivor Series Brock gets his rematch he wins but Seth turns in his contract and is champion. At TLC Batista gets his rematch and wins. At the Royal Rumble Batista loses to a brand new Cena(heel) and Roman wins the rumble. At Wrestlemania we have Cena vs. Roman and there is your headliner match, also Brock vs. Undertaker 2 and HHH vs. Batista.
I would love to see Brock hand over the title but it probably won't happen. Brock holding the title til Wrestlemania leaves to many questions such as,1. There are still 6 pay per views left for the part timer before Wrestlemania. 2. If Roman wins at Wrestlemania when does Seth get his shot,I figure they would let Roman hold the title for a while. 3. When is Brock going back to UFC, I heard something about that. I would let Brock win at Night of Champions against Cena, Brock beats Cena good. At Hell in a Cell Brock loses to Batista. Than at Survivor Series Brock gets his rematch he wins but Seth turns in his contract and is champion. At TLC Batista gets his rematch and wins. At the Royal Rumble Batista loses to a brand new Cena(heel) and Roman wins the rumble. At Wrestlemania we have Cena vs. Roman and there is your headliner match, also Brock vs. Undertaker 2 and HHH vs. Batista.

It's definitely a problem for Seth. I feel like it'll hurt him or Reigns. I kinda think they're gonna feed Seth to Reigns if the push continues. I could see the WWE screwing Seth. Reigns wins it at Wrestlemania and Seth cashes in to only lose...so Reigns looks even stronger!

The problem I see with your scenario is the number of swaps.
Batista takes it from Brock
Brock takes it from Batista
Seth takes it from Batista
Batista takes it from Seth
Cena takes it from Batista
Reigns takes it from Cena all of this in 7 months?

You could easily push Batista winning it back to the next PPV, have Rollins cash in on a succesful title defense later and he could drop it to Reigns at Mania...but that isn't what they want so :p
He puts someone over far before Mania... My money is still on Ambrose shocking him on his "return" and getting cashed in on shortly after, or right after... Shield triple threat for the title and Rock v Brock with a Sting match sells Mania all it needs to be sold. Reigns wins at Mania but then HAS to face Brock... the money in that feud is post Mania 31, not at it...
This strikes me as an example of kinda sorta buying into the hype that is Brock Lesnar. Here's the thing: Brock Lesnar really isn't "The Beast Incarnate." He isn't really this invincible, human juggernaut that can't be taken down. He's damn tough, no question about that, but he's not this unstoppable force that can't be handled.

WWE has done an excellent job of hyping Lesnar as exactly all of those things. Doing so has helped bring in a lot of money over the past couple of years, which is ultimately the name of the game. However, between now and WrestleMania XXXI, I have little to no doubt that WWE will have been able to build someone up to the point where he's able to be seen as a credible threat to Brock Lesnar. As a result, I see little to no chance of Lesnar simply walking away after WrestleMania XXXI after having, literally, "conquered" WWE. No self respecting wrestling promoter would allow a departing talent to flip such an enormous bird in the collective face of his/her company. Now, just substitute the self respecting wrestling promoter with an egomaniacal, obsessive control freak named Vince McMahon. If Brock Lesnar is ultimately finished with WWE after WrestleMania XXXI, he will not be doing so victoriously, nor should he.

As to who it could be, given the proper time and build, it could be any number of possibilities. Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Cesaro, Daniel Bryan, a babyface Seth Rollins, even the long shot of a returning CM Punk have the potential to be made into a respectable challenger to Lesnar come WrestleMania XXXI. Personally, I'm of the opinion that the biggest payoff would be if someone ultimately went over Lesnar at WrestleMania who has something to actually gain by the victory. Therefore, at least in my eyes, it'd be underwhelming to see Lesnar job to Cena, Orton, Batista, The Rock, etc. as it adds up to little more than just another feather in their already massively plumed caps.

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