Have We Entered The Reality Era?

ADeadly Twinkie

Dark Match Jobber
Uhhhhg, I just noticed the typo in the title, I know how to spell Truly, I'm not dumb.

On this forum I've seen some people refer to CM Punk's shoot promo as the "Death of the pg era." Do you believe that the Pg era is truly over?

I don't mean is WWE gonna become TV-14 again, i mean do you think WWE is going to change?

Over the last few weeks we've seen words such (please excuse the language) Bitch,Douche, ass, and damn almost every week. Before the CM Punk/John Cena angle started, all of these words, excluding douche, were used very scarcely.

There have also been many more insider references such as CM Punk talking about DH Smith, Kozlov, and Chris Masters being future endeavored, Cena Mentioning the five moves of doom, and Kevin Nash Saying how he doesn't have to get CM Punk over.

CM Punk and Kevin Nash have been granted the ability to write their own Promos. This is creating a storyline that is easily the most compelling one in the last 5-10 years.

So do you think things will truly change, or do you think that after this storyline the content of the WWE will drop once this storyline is over?
To be honest i think it will be the latter. Your right this story line which started out has Punk Cena to now Nash HHH has been fantastic to watch, I seem to be eagerly waiting each week for the next RAW to see where this story goes.

But i also think about this time last year when the Nexus/ Cena story was running, i was watching each week but the story slowly fizzled out and by Royal Rumble i was tuning out because they stretched it out and became boring which in turn became the same product is was before.

Yes i am aware this is a completely different situation but WWE always seems to try and ride something too hard or too long until it becomes stale and repetitive in which i believe this will end the same way. I Hope to be proven wrong.
i have noticed it as well that the language is starting to change on the shows. i believe that with Nash having the nWo theme this might lead to a bigger storyline, or thats just the music they stuck him with. but with the nWo theme im thinking someone from the previous nWo might have been the one with the "text" from HHH's phone. so im hoping the storyline doesnt go stale because it is entertaining in my eyes.

i hope the PG era is over though...i really thought the "clean" language that was used before was cheesy and made alot of the promos seem staged. i like it when the promos are with swears because thats usually how adults talk and it makes it more "real"...if you can understand what i mean.
I think it's over. It's been headed that way slowly but surely ever since Bret Hart came back in Jan 2010, The Rock's return marked another big step forward towards PG's end, and then finally "the shoot heard round the world" was the next big step. I think what sealed it though was CM Punk winning the title and then running out into the crowd at the end of MitB, followed by HHH "firing" Vince. I definitely think we're in a new era.
I will have to say I use to be a huge wrestling fan watch every show and order every PPV.Then the PG ERA came and there was new faces and I just lost intrest.well as of late I been watching cause one of my friends watch raw and I watch with him.So he got me hook again but slowly everything has change to this and I can just feel how much WWE is changing now.Might not be like old times but the storylines are better and the character are progressing.Anyways back to the subject yeah I believe the PG ERA is slowly going away and everything is heading a right way for once in a long time.Just hopfully they dont screw this up and just go back to cena always getting a title shot and so on.I also am very happy they are having both brands on the same show now.So many more story lines can open up now.
have been thinking about Vince backing away from tv - I think they are headed in an edgier direction (not full out attitude) but more freedom among wrestlers.

With Linda thinking of running for Senate again they probably wanted vince off tv so that he didn't do anything that can be used against Linda. With no mcmahons on tv they can get away with more freedoms and the blame will not fall on the Mcmahons or get used against Linda..

They really cleaned things up the first time she ran and some of their edgier stuff was used against them, I think we will see more freedom for the wrestlers to be themselves which I hope leads to a few breakout stars. Let them be themselves and if they fail they fail but let the fans decide who will be the stars..
Honestly, I think they're trying something new. The PG era has gotten borin and even the kiddies (such as me- wait, I'm a 9th grader. Scratch that) are getting bored with Super Cena. Plus, the crowds are DEAD most of the time.


They're just testing this out and if it works theymight keep it. If not, back to the drawing board
I think in a way, it has started. Vince McMahon getting "fired" probably started. Even we are seeing more of a edgier product not only on Raw, but on Smackdown also.
I've been boasting this for a while but here's what I think. I think that the WWE is trying to pull a Family Guy. No I don't think they're going to be taken off of the air multiple times, but I do think that the WWE is trying to push the boundaries as far as they can but not truly go over to please the older crowd a little bit more. The birth of CM Punk's Best In The World was the start of the older crowd getting some shine.

Trust me, untill we see Kelly Kelly in Lingerie kissing Eve Torres for 10 seconds, we're not out of the PG Era.
it's kinda like how wwe was entering the attitude era!! right now were in late 1997 in terms of being in the era and the attitude era started in mid 98 so over next year wwe will step away from tv pg and will become tv pg dlsv aka pg 13 which benifit's both audience. plus the cena fans are becomming teenagers now so wwe is just simply following them
don't fool yourself, we r in the same PG era crap, Cena is still the top face, they cut out blood scenes, the chair shots are on the back and stomach only, the storylines are still childish...etc

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