Have Heels Become Too Cool?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Heels are supposed to be the bad guys. We're supposed to hate them, and boo them every chance we get, but this doesn't happen too frequently now a days.

Two prime examples would be CM Punk and Randy Orton. Punk is supposed to be this evil self righteous leader. Live crowds should hate him, but he does have his fair share of supporters. At the Elimination Chamber pay per view, you could clearly hear the fans in Oakland start a "CM Punk!" chant, and Punk received a good amount of cheers during his feud with John Cena not too long ago. Orton was an evil heel not too long ago, but prior to Wrestlemania 26, the fans started to go nuts for him. Orton does receive loud pops every now and then, but he still has the characteristics of a heel. He still tries to end careers, and his character hasn't went through any major changes. Another example would be Jeff Hardy. Hardy is supposed to be the evil Antichrist Of Professional Wrestling, but the fans do give him positive reactions. I also want to throw Hogan into the mix. Hogan screwed Dixie out of the power in TNA, but he has had his fair share of warm receptions.

It seems top heels don't upset pro wrestling fans anymore. A lot us might think it's cool to see Jeff Hardy with a cigarette in his mouth, as he makes his way to the ring. Punk is supposed to be this sadistic leader, but we might see him as this hardcore rebel who refuses to blend in. Orton should be a monster, but fans are foaming at the mouth for a punt, and he's become pro wrestling's most beloved lunatic. Hulk Hogan has changed his look, and he does have this cool swagger.

I think times have changed, and wrestling fans have changed also. They might want to root for more edgy characters. A lot of us like to cheer for the guy who rebels against authority. We might think it's cool when someone doesn't fall in line and do what they're supposed to do.

What do you think? Are heels too cool? Or is it something else?
This is an intresting thread. I have to agree for the most part that heels are liked because they they rebel agaisnt authority. Also, most of the heels are better at cutting promos and they do not win as much which draws sympathy from some fans. I personally like heels because I get tired of the faces winning all of the time and I hate how so many talented heels are put to waste. I am not saying that there aren't any faces who lose alot and are put to waste, but I just for some reason like the heels. I can sit here and try to explain forever why I like heels but I guess I cannot really make a really good point. I cannot seem to come up with a really big reason why I like them. I just do. If pro-wrestling was filled with just faces then I would not care as much. The heels to me just bring more stuff to the table.

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