Have any Wrestlers Influenced your Lifestyle?


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After seeing some truly great entries over on my question at Yahoo Answers:
I thought I'd ask here.

For example:
"Since watching wrestling, I've become a huge fan of CM Punk. I've since changed my ways to a 'straight edge lifestyle' for a better and healthier future than I can build myself; like CM Punk"

Or, "Since watching wrestling, I've become a huge fan of Shawn Michaels. I realised how it is possible for people to change their ways, and we shouldn't hold grudges. I also realise how much better his life is after finding Jesus" (Even though he's rumoured to still be "10% of the old Shawn", which I've seen and heard during matches.)

For me, Undertaker's character attracted me to WWE and, after further research, his attitude backstage has been a very influential one to me. Backstage, he is a leader who earns respect through his role of 'managing and teaching the locker room'. He's someone who doesn't give a damn what others think of him, but someone who does what's right.

"I do what I do for millions of my fans. I don't give a sh*t about the minority who don't like me or what I do as long as I am making millions of others enjoy what I do, and that what I do is right."
- Undertaker, 'This Is My Yard'.

Also, if you're on Yahoo! Answers, please answer and/or star there, too!
This thread is another example of how the line between reality and the wrestling world begins to blur.

I'm not sure if you're trying to be patronising or not.
Many people can be influenced by many things.

Most celebrities are 'fake' with their actions, looks, etc, yet they still influence an extreme amount of people.

Like I said, Undertaker's real life morals have influenced me greatly.
I actually used to steal CM Punk's straight edge promos and use them on my wife directed at her Days of our Lives addiction, and did it so often that I quit smoking in order to legitimize the promos. I got tired of doing the promos (and she started throwing stuff at me when I did them) a couple weeks later and started smoking again, but for a couple of weeks I was straight edge largely because of Punk
A few of them have, just like other celebrities and their characters have. Marty McFly in Back To The Future taught me to never back down from a fight, even if you have no chance of winning, rather to lose than to be a coward.

So in that point yes, one of them has

John Cena taught me not be listen to what other people though of me and to be proud of who I am. When he was getting trashed by Rock for being a 'fruity pebble' and all that. He came out with the one line 'I am damn proud of who I am and I am damn proud of what Ive become... I got news for you great, I aint gonna be judged by you'.

And when he did his contract signing with Punk for the match at Summerslam, he went on about how he wasn't concerned about those that didn't like him

Can I also point out that I am now 20 so I'm not one of the '12 year old John Cena fans who dont know about the good old days
I wouldn't say he 'influenced' my life so to speak but CM Punk did bring me to light about the lifestyle I was already living. I had no idea there was a name for not drinking, smoking, drugs and that more people then I thought lived by it.

So while I was already living the lifestyle my whole life I highly appreciate learning from him that there is a name to it and that other people live that way (I knew some did but I thought I was more of a minority, after learning the name and doing research I was very happy to learn I am not as alone as I thought and for that I am grateful.)
Okay, so I'm fully aware of how corny this sounds, but the Ultimate Warrior motivated me to change my lifestyle. I'm a child of the 80s, and even though the passing of time has pulled back the curtain on a lot of the Warrior's wizardry, the 8 year old in me will always mark out for him. (What a terrible way to introduce myself to a pro wrestling forum...sigh.)

So anyway, two years ago, I stumble across one of his Internet newsletters or whatever it was, and basically he's saying that people are predominantly whiners who make excuses for why they can't do things. At the time, I was debating whether or not I should try to get in shape and run a marathon (26.2 miles). I played sports in high school (hockey & lacrosse), but that was over 10 years ago, I've never been a runner, and pizza is my best friend.

For some reason, Warrior's words really took hold of me and I hit the gym, ate right, and ran like hell. Now, 16 months later, I'm a month out from running my 5th marathon, with the plan to run one in every state. Of the four I've run, my first was 3 hours, 41 minutes (NYC), one was 3:30 (Miami) and the other two were 3:08-3:09 (NJ & Columbus, OH).

After next month's Providence Marathon, I've got one in the Nevada desert at midnight in August, and Atlanta next St. Patrick's Day. I may do DC in October, but I'll see how I feel. It's safe to say I'm addicted.
I don't think any superstar ever changed my life. When I was watching as a kid, maybe the 2 best 'children-friendly' type stars would've been Warrior and Hogan. Well as a kid I wasn't into giving rambling promo skills and no showing as a champion. I also never cared to pump steroids and over stay my welcome as the main attraction of a company. In all seriousness, CM Punk has to be a person if I actually looked up to any wrestler in that manner, he'd be it. The whole straight edge life style is probably the most positive message to send where people can learn, that and saying mind blowing pipe bomb promos. The guy is just awesome.
I would say John Cena has had a bit of an influence on me. I do have children and i must admit i havn't really been that close to them. My son who is 6 is a huge John Cena fan.
I now find myself doing a lot more with my son than i used to. As he has gotten to like somthing that interests me aswell.
I also find myself doing other none related Wrestling Activities now too.
It's quite wierd as i have never really been a Cena Fan, but since my son has taken an interest in him i find myself thinking that John Cena could be a Favourite of many adults who have young children.
I think that to an extent, anyone who follows feverishly follows a particular actor/celebrity/sports figure is likely to be influenced by whom they revere. It's no secret that I am huge Ric Flair fan. Growing up, I emulated many of his mannerisms and traits. His confidence and charisma always struck me as larger than life. So I decided I would handle myself in the same respect. Now, outside the realm of pro wrestling and into reality, he probably isn't the best example to follow. Still, my personality has a lot of "Naitch" in it.
I come from a third world country. Wrestling was the only "English SHOW" that I used to watch. There was this character called THE ROCK. I was really impressed with the way he talked in English and all. I wanted to be able to talk like him.I tried mimicking him. I had English classes while I was doing my school but since I started watching WWF(WWE) I realised My English was getting better and better by the day. Today I am studying in New York University with a SAT score of 2100. It might sound corny but I do believe it was due to a lot from watching The Rock.
Ultimate Warrior & road warrior hawk influenced me.
They influenced me to go on long, rambling, nonsensical soliloquies.(usually whilst grunting & snorting.) they also influenced my taste in face paint & general attire. The fact that they both made so much of so little, their willingness not to sell for anyone, their love for themselves and a shit load of drugs. it was both of these wonderful men(should i call them men? it seems so small a word to describe these behemoths of industry.) that showed me the way and made me what i am today.
To the Warriors.........I salute you!
I'd like to say that CM Punk has definitely influenced me. He's the realization that I don't any beer, drugs, or other crap to escape from my problems, I just gotta face them head-on.
MY influence! you ask.

Well, my influence is none other than the wrestler who shocked the world....yes, that's right. The Shockmaster!

since the moment of his debut, ive been influenced to shock at every possible opportunity. i also have got someone else to do a voice over for myself whenever im out and about.
I'm totally inspired, not just influenced, by Kenta Kobashi. The man is the personification of warrior spirit. When I'm at the gym I literally give it my all thinking about being Kobashi or Misawa in one of their epic encounters, I fucking love him.

Ultimate Warrior too. He's a great voice of individualism.
The Rock has influenced me to constantly crack jokes and constantly make reference to my average sized penis, exaggerating the size by a few inches. Daniel Bryan has influenced me to shout "YES!! YES!! YES!!" whenever I take the lead on Fifa. CM Punk has influenced me to sit Indian style when there isn't a chair around. Christian influenced me to always ask for one more, no matter how many times you've got it previously. And Mark Henry has influenced me to stay away from cage doors, cause they'll always win.
Greetings, True Believers, from the globally warmed and nuclear polluted NorthEast. Congrats to the OrgPo, not only for their astute observations or for philosophically diversifying their self, but for idolizing some of the hardest working names in showbiz today.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. There are certainly things to learn from Michaels & Undertaker; two experienced as well as distinguished pro wrestling icons. The lesson I take from them (when possible) is their maturity.

I was a Christian before it was cool (raised since birth), but when people get too orracular with me I get exhausted. Most pastors are agnostic enough to believe that the Lord doesn't plan their every day. I don't thank God when I don't run out of gas (or liquor)... I don't have a WWJD sticker or t-shirt... but like Michaels, I've been able to adapt the principles, teachings, and virtues of the Holy Bible to live a more considerate life. Shawn doesn't get overzealous about his Faith; but he is a fine, living testimonial of it.

Undertaker is a smart worker who knows that "what's good for the goose is good for the gander". He plays his role in wrestling and doesn't hold trade secrets in vain attempt to keep "his spot". He can impart knowledge without imposing it. He's not some keyboard warrior Tweeting his mouth off, either. They don't make them like Calloway, anymore, that's for sure.

Punk & Bryan are a little too idealistic for my tastes (literally). Walk my steak by a fire and serve it with a tall, cool Coors Light. Not 10 of them, mind you, but a couple bombers please my pallet. As far as drugs go... if you want free advice: you should avoid any hallucinogens or uppers (ads or c'caine) but prescription pot can do great things for those who need it. Ahem... NEED it.

Truth be told... we are all, in no uncertain terms, products of our environment. Pro wrestlers, like all publicly scrutinized personalities, offer interesting ideals but are so far luxated from conventional living that their lifestyles often get diluted when put into practice. Taker's wisdom is a constituent of maturity and Michaels from the guidelines found in almost any religion (seriously, pick a religion... they're all pretty good). Its always a great idea to be knowledgeable and mindful of other cultures, lifestyles, beliefs, and ethics! Feet on the ground; head in the clouds. Oh, and whatever you do... Don't just take my word for it!!!

Khali gets more babes then me and Vinnie Mac is a billion times richer, so I tried walking around without bending my knees for a few weeks. I didn't get money or women, but a few people asked me if I crapped myself... hmmm... maybe that's a bad example?

Alrighty folks... thanks for sharing your time with me. I'm going to go watch five minutes of unadulterated hilarity on Santino Marella's brand new "Foreign Exchange"... you should check it out if you, at all, enjoy laughing. Until next time be good to your mothers, donate to charity, put a kilo of blue chips on the 4 to 1 and as always best of the best regards, wrestling fans!

"Say what you mean, mean what you say, and NEVER say ANY more!" - the only smart thing out of Glenn Beck's wordhole.
Well, some wrestlers have influenced my lifestyle. I do the Wasteland finisher on my brother all the time. :) But the person who really has influenced my lifestyle is a man named Rey Mysterio Jr.

He taught me that even being small for your age; you can still be a star. My dream was to become a Footballer and then move to Chicago. (This is because the crowds that cheered CM Punk are crazy and I'd love to be a part of them.) I've never been to a WWE event but I'm going in 20 days time in Newcastle, England. I hope Rey will be there.

When I follow my dream and move to America I am going to see as many WWE and TNA events as possible and I'm currently 14 and in just 4-6 years I'll be on the plane to the US. I'd also love to see an American Handegg :shrug: I mean football match. :lmao:
CM Punk has been a little bit of an influence in the sense of being straight edge. I recently quit smoking, but I noticed If I drank alcohol, i'd crave a cigarette. So I stopped drinking. I was pretty bad off smoking weed in the last three years and have since then quit that too. I think the way i'm influenced is to continue not to drink, smoke, do drugs. I feel so much better physically and mentally. I'm not saying i'm a full fledged straight edge. Being straight edge is a way of life. But I feel like i'm going in that direction.
I'd have to say Randy Orton. After watching his DVD and seeing him go from a loser with braces who got laid for the first time after college, got picked on, and struggled with a self destructive mindset to who he is today it made me realize that people can change and that you dont have to accept the current situation that you live in. Recently someone from my past came back into my life and they werent able to comprehend my Randy Orton-esque lifestyle change but after going back to Randy's story I realized pleasing everyone isnt what counts in life, what truly counts is finding yourself and expelling your personal demons.
CM Punk. I may not be straight edge, but his view on drugs and painkillers really sticks with me. I still won't take pain meds if I can help, especially after the things they've done to my parents. (They were on them for cancer, so it was legit) And his promo heard round the world really sunk in. Since then I've been in a don't care what you think about me type of guy. I'm just me, and I don't care about your opinions
For me it's gotta be the Undertaker because what he taught me in this life is that if you work hard, and you don't run your mouth then everyone around will respect you. Also if you garner the respect of those around you, then your sheer presence alone will give those hope who don't have any.
I hate to sound cliche but Ric Flair, his confidence and vanity made me believe in myself and believing you are the best and the only one at that- that level pushed me to be the best at everything I can do. I also can admit I was a partier but hey woooooooo to be the man you got to....... Ric Flair is the man and Dean Martin was the king of cool so yes no one will be ever like Slick Rick and the ladies say Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick Riiiiiick! Space Mountain maybe down but I'll still show them the Milky Way!
Val Venus changed my life jk. But sorry hell no a wrestler never changed my life because its fake duh . I been watching all my life and what Doink the clown is going to help me lol seriously. Im sorry I love CM Punk and from Chicago and no. Sorry you don't here how Goldust change anyone lives because Wrestling is FAKE.
Val Venus changed my life jk. But sorry hell no a wrestler never changed my life because its fake duh . I been watching all my life and what Doink the clown is going to help me lol seriously. Im sorry I love CM Punk and from Chicago and no. Sorry you don't here how Goldust change anyone lives because Wrestling is FAKE.

It won't change your life because it's fake?

Stop watching movies and TV shows because, other than documentaries, they're all fake. You wouldn't want them to influence you.
Also stop listening to or watching the Hollywood 'fake celebrities' (10 pounds of makeup, fake tits, fake lips, fake ass, liposuction and spoiled personalities).

Actually, albeit minor, Goldust has influenced me. He introduced me to a different style of humour. His physical comedy was brilliant and got me doing similar things when telling jokes. It was very helpful as I like to keep a smile and happy attitude around me.

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