Hatchiyama Manz

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I used to be a big deal
**Application for Iscariot**

Real Name: Hatchiyama Manzō
Wrestler Name: Hatchiyama Manzō
Wrestler Nickname: "The Pride of Japan"

Height: 6ft6"
Weight: 585lbs
Hometown: Hiroshima, Japan
Billed From: Hiroshima, Japan

Hair: Long, brown, tied in bun
Eye colour: Brown
Facial Hair: None
Ring Attire: Red short tights with black Japanese belt
Backstage Attire: Traditional Japanese Kimono Robes
Physical Features: Huge girth and weight. Seriously huge.​

A former Yokozuna, Manzō is only off his feet if he's asleep. His weight and low centre of gravity make moving him a serious challenge and, if given time to brace himself, anyone under 290lbs is not going to knock him down, even if coming from the top rope. Whilst not necessarily a heel, Manzō will break anyone who disrespects or dishonours him and has a serious anger problem with what he considers 'disrespectful outsiders'.

Strengths - Incredibly heavy and difficult to move, fantastic balance afforded by years of Sumo training and knows how to use his weight and power. In a straight line is capable of suprising speed. High pain threshold, again due to training.
Weakness - Unless he's in a straight line, he's slow and easy to predict, his anger causes him to exhaust himself, meaning those who act disrespectful actually have a better chance of tiring the big man out. Weak submissionist, anything more than a bearhug is probably out of the question.​

Alignment: Tweener, although leans towards Heel
Trained By: Takanohana Kōji
Sample Pic:
(Left = Manzō, Right = Magnus Maximillion)

Brief History: Raised in Japan with his family, Hatchiyama Manzō began his studies of Sumo at the age of seventeen, and was a Championship Competitor by twenty-three. Two years later he was granted the title of Yokozuna and continued to compete at that world class level for a further three years before retiring with a record of 499-212-41. Manzō always regretted never gaining his five hundredth victory. Was brought out of retirement six years ago by Wanafuji Tinaka into the Japanese Amature Wrestling Assossiation (JAWA), where he dominated the competition for nine months until his first submission defeat at the hands of a relative unknown. Manzō shook hands and gracefully accepted defeat before moving to America, where he found the lack of respect and honour troublesome, especially how he is often booed simply because he is not American, but has remained a fair competitor none the less.

Title History: 1 Time JAWA Tag Champion, Awarded Yokozuna Rank.

Entrance Music: "Sumo"
Entrance Desciption:
Along with Master Tinaka, who proudly bears the Japanese flag to the ring, Manzo is always trying to smile and bow to the crowds, assuming they aren't booing him just for being foreign.

Hiroshima Bomb (Running seated senton [The Earthquake])
Fallout Slam (Falling Slam [World' Strongest Slam])

15 Most Used Moves:
Gorilla Press Front Slam, Second Rope Seated Senton, DDT, Running Corner Body Avalance (Known as the M-10), Belly To Belly Sideslam, Spinning Sambo Suplex Toss, Belly To Belly Overhead Suplex, Side kick, Bearhug, Throat Thrust, Sidewalk Slam, Big Splash, Leg drop, Running Bodyslam, Judo Takedown, Runner Corner Hip Smash (Umaga Hip Smash).

Sample RP:

The scene fades in to a pair of cheap green doors with a white stripe through the centre. The background noise is of an obviously busy building, but we have only moments to ponder this before the doors are thrust open and Magnus Maximillian barges his way through, a focused look on his face. The camera follows him as he walks around the corner, and we see he is in a hospital. Walking on, he comes to another door, throws it open and walks inside before stopping in his tracks. The camera pans in also and we see Wanafuji Tanaka sitting up on the bed, doing the buttons up on his shirt.

“Tanaka, you are awake then. And I assume medically cleared?”

“Aye Magnus-san. And told about Manzo’s match I have been. I believe it is your doing?”

Magnus takes a seat on the small platic chair and smiles.

“Yes, yes it is my doing. Your frown tells me you are not happy with the direction I’ve steered your precious Manzo, but why old man? He is going after the very man who stole months of your life, buried them into that wretched coma. Why wouldn’t you want Manzo to punish and make that man pay?”

Tanaka shakes his head sadly, and looks out of the window for a moment, sighing, before addressing the billionaire again.

“One may as well drink salt water to quench his thirst than seek revenge. Manzo is not the man you wish him to be Magnus-san. Manzo has still honour and justice inside him. He still …”

“Quiet!” Magnus yells, “You think the people care about honour and pride and justice? You are an outdated relic of a time long passed Tanaka. Manzo is administrating justice. Manzo hit Sincade by mistake, the people here booed. You apologise, they booed. Sincade attacks you without reason and puts you in a god-forsaken hellhole like this, they cheer. People don’t care about your justice or your honour. They care about their stupid little heroes and whom they are told they should cheer for. You want a proverb old man? How about ‘Vengeance to God alone belongs.’ And if money is indeed power, then in WZCW I am the closest thing to a God those pityful wrestches have. At Kingdom Come Manzo WILL step into the ring with Jason Sincade and he WILL show him why I am the most powerful man in sports entertainment.”

“We shall see Magnus-san. Once I speak with Manzo, he return with me, to Japan. He come home.”

Magnus rolls his head back and laughs evilly. Tanaka looks confused as Magnus stands up and claps his hands together sarcastically.

“What, you think it’ll be as easy as that? You’ll ask him and he’ll come a-running? Good lil’ Manzo does what Mr Tanaka wants? Manzo isn’t your gentle giant anymore. He isn’t the smiling, happy-to-be-here sumo you brought to the USA. He is a 500 plus pound machine who finally, FINALLY, understands how this country works. He understands, even with his limited vocabulary, what means the most here. Money, not justice. Power, not honour. Fear, not respect. People should respect you because you’re better than them, simple fact. And if they don’t, you break them until they do. Manzo is an instrument of power and control now, and with MY help he will reach the very top of this business. MY help Tanaka, not yours.”

Magnus clicks his fingers together and two large men in black shirts enter the room. The have US custom badges on their belt, and the grab hold of Tanaka as he looks about confused and astonished by the actions taking place.

“Gentlemen, this is the man whose Visa, coincidently, ran out this morning. Please take him to the private airstrip nearby and escort him onto my jet, where he’ll be flown back to Japan. Alone, of course.”

Tanak is yelling and struggling as the men drag him from the room, Magnus laughing the entire time. Tanaka is quickly out of shot and his yells for justice against Magnus’s evil crimes slowly fade away. Magnus, still laughing, walks out of the room to the elevator opposite. The doors part, but Magnus doesn’t enter. The camera moves around to find Hatchiyama Manzo standing in the elevator, filling it up. He steps out as Magnus backs off slowly. Suddenly, a smile creeps onto Magnus’ face.

“It is done Manzo. Tanaka is being taken back to Japan. Your climb to greatness can continue without his meddling.”

Manzo nods, and reaches his hand forward, shaking Magnus’s firmly. His face is still a set grimaced snarl of fury and hate, and he nods sharply that he evidently approves of the actions taken here today. Magnus once again laughs as the light above the flickers and goes dead, the bulb blown. The camera fades out on the angered face of a darkened and foreshadowed face of Hatchiyama Manzo, the symbolism clear for everyone to see.
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