Has the Undertaker's 'Streak Match' Become More Important than the Championships?


The Phenom of WZ
He's the Phenom, the last of the old guard, and he's 18-0 at the Grand Daddy of them all.

Ever since Orton challenged 'Taker at Wrestlemania 21, it seems as though 'The Streak' has become a title of it's own. Every year, whether you're a fan of the Undertaker or not, you wonder who it's going to be to challenge him for his Streak. Also, whether you're a fan of 'Taker's or not, you look forward to his match at 'Mania.

It's one of the biggest draws they have for Wrestlemania and it seems as if the importance of the match goes up every year. The past two Wrestlemanias we've seen what some call the greatest 'Mania match of all time with 'Taker/HBK 1 and we've seen another great match which ended the career of the greatest in ring performer of all time in 'Taker/HBK 2. In a lot of ways 'Taker has become the face of Wrestlemania and fans are always drawn to his match.

So has 'The Streak' match become more important than the WWE and World Heavyweight Championships themselves at Wrestlemania?
Of course it has, i mean championships are won and lost all the time, even more frequently into todays wrestling...sorry, 'sports entertainment' business. But 'Taker's streak is one of a kind, whoever, if anyone, breaks that streak will forever be in the history books no matter what they do after that, they themselves will become an instant legend. So in short, yes i believe it is more important.
I think it does at least on some emotional level. World Championships are great but they're won and lost all the time. The Streak wasn't something that was intentionally set up, it really just sort of came about as coincidence. Every so often, something like that comes along seemingly almost by chance that keeps people interested.

I sometimes compare The Streak to the formation of the original Four Horsemen. The Horsemen started out basically as just getting some of the most over heels in Crockett Promotions at the time to work 6 or 8 man tag matches during house shows. Everything from the style that the group had, the image that they put out and even their name are things that came across almost by accident. The bookers didn't sit around and say "Let's put these four guys together, have them dominate everyone in the territory and call them the Four Horsemen". The Streak is much the same way. Vince or anyone ever sat down and decided to have Mark Calaway win every single match at WrestleMania as part of some sort of master plan to give The Undertaker this mythic status at the biggest show of the year. And because of that, it does have a sort of special quality about it.
Yes i think they have become just as important if not more important.

I think also if you look at the wrestlers in recent years who have challenged Undertaker they are very selective and wrestlers who have a very established career, even going as far to say wrestlers who have earned the respect of the fans.

Looking back since wrestlemania 20 look who has challenged Taker

Wrestlemania 20 vs Kane

Wrestlemania 21 vs Randy Orton

Wrestlemania 22 vs Mark Henry (Casket Match)

Wrestlemania 23 vs Batista (World Championship Match)

Wrestlemania 24 vs Edge (World Championship Match)

Wrestlemania 25 vs Shawn Michaels

Wrestlemania 26 vs Shawn Michaels (Career vs Streak)

Wrestlemania 27 vs Triple H

It seems that all these wrestlers (Mark Henry questionable) had earned their stripes with the fans and would give Taker a formidable challenge and got you thinking "could they do it?". So yeah i think it's seen as a third Heavyweight Title match.
Yes I would say the Streak certantly has become more important than the title matches and the superstars would agree.

I just finished watching the True Story of Wrestlemania DVD and during it Edge states that the streak matches are more important and that title changes happen all the time but only 1 person can ever say they ended the streak of the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
i feel like they have. I feel as tho the best talent is put up against the undertaker to break the streak and the wwe n world title matches have been dumbed down due to the lack of real in-ring talent. i also think its both a mixture of the undertaker being wun of the last greats on his way out, and the fact that titles period in the wwe are loosing their prestige. If i had to choose between which match i wanna see, imma go with takers cuz i know thats a guaranteed instant classic..
It most certainly has for a few reasons. First of all as people have said the match is going to be a sure hit and the opponent is usually someone the WWE has big plans for or has proven themselves in the past. Secondly this is something we will never ever see again at WM which makes it a once in a lifetime event basically. And finally it's the guessing game each year. For most people I feel their head says Taker will certainly win but your gut plants that little seed of doubt, none more so than Taker vs HBK.
Yes Undertaker's Streak done outrivaled the Title Matches at Wrestlemania, and has so for the past few years, cause no title matches could rivaled Taker's Matches for Wrestlemania. Cause the object of the matter is that u need to put someone against Taker who stands a chance at Ending his streak. This year at Wrestlemania, I know it won't touch the HBK and Taker Match, but u already got 2 Giants in a match with Undertaker and Triple H. And the the Title matches are Edge and Del Rio, and Cena and The Miz. The only match that could rival that is the match that's not happening this year and WWE blew it and that was The Rock and Cena. Although it's not a title match it's a huge draw. But the Streak will always outweigh the title matches with this generation of Today's WWE Stars.
My answer is ABSOLUTELY! Champions get defended all the time but the streak is a "once a year" thing. Taker was an extraordinary character because he was a deadman walking! I think Vince was looking for a guy that could be dark and do things historic, like winning at the grand daddy of them all WrestleMania. WrestleMania 7 was the start of the legendary streak with Snuka and went up to hbk at WM 26 and all those years the people said who will win,taker or ??? and didnt say a word about the wwe and whc matches at all
:undertaker2: At Wrestlemania, HHH, You will Rest In Peace :undertaker2:
I would have to say no, but you are right in saying that it has become a Wrestlemania draw in and of itself. The titles are more important. They clearly are more important to the WWE considering they go on after The Undertakers matches at Mania and the fact that if you notice, the most important feuds are always the ones that open and close the shows, which has been happening with Miz/Cena for weeks now. Takers match for wrestlemania was barely mentioned last night. The WWE has made a big deal over the streak for awhile and it has certainly become a draw for Wrestlemania, but I don't think it's become bigger than the Titles.
Off of pure wrestling emotion I would say yes. But after sitting back and looking at it, its not so much that the streak is more important than the CHAMPIONSHIPS, its just that The Undertaker is a bigger draw than the current CHAMPIONS. I totally agree with J.R. and the championship should be the last match on the card but if you're gonna tell me that Miz/Cena is a bigger draw than Taker/HHH then I'll see you at the Wrestlemania board. Same thing as last year when HBK/Taker II went after Cena/Batista for the WWE Title. I can see why the WWE is pushing the streak so hard, Taker only has a FEW years left in him and they most likely want to get as much out of him before he retires. Pretty good 20 year investment and it guarantees a top draw match on the BIGGEST STAGE OF THEM ALL!!
Tough call, it really depends on the Undertaker's opponent and who is involved in the RAW title match (all due respect to Smackdown but it is always portrayed as the secondary title). Let's look at the 'Main Event' and the streak matches since XX...

Benoit beating Trips and HBK was more of a draw than Kane because (and no offence to the Big Red Machine) this was simply a more mouthwatering proposition.

WM 21
A closer call but, personally, I was slightly more intrigued with the Batista versus Trips grudge match than the Legend Killer's attempt to end the streak.

WM 22
Not even close Cena/ Helmsley or Taker/ Henry? Title match every time!

WM 23
In hindsight the closest call so far but in the build up HBK/ Cena was more anticipated than Batista/ Taker even though the Animal was SD Champ at the time. Why? People were doubtful of the potential match quality - Dave pulled out the stops though and many people felt that this was the performance of his career to that stage.

While it was the Main Event, Edge versus Taker was in my opinion overshadowed by the retirement match between Flair and HBK.

The first of the twenties were I'd give the Streak match the edge over the Main Event. HBK/ Taker was just too mouthwatering for Trips/ Orton to have a chance.

With the previous years MOTY bout PLUS the Streak versus Career angle, HBK and Taker were given the Main Event over Cena versus Batista (which was actually a very good feud and might actually have given HBK/Taker 1 a run for it's money in interest).

WM 27
Miz versus Cena featuring the Rock, it's weird but nobody seems to be embracing it - maybe it's because nobody is giving the Miz any hope over SuperCena.

Now, I keep hearing that HHH is going to put his career on the line but I'm yet to see it referenced by WWe. If this dynamic doesn't transpire, my interest in the Streak match will not be as intense - basically because that would remove any possibility (in my eyes) of a Hunter win.

Personally, I am enjoying the build up to the title match ahead of the streak bout. However, I'm not 100% it will be given the Main Event slot ahead of the two established WM Headliners.

In answer to the question; no, I don't think the Streak is more important on it's own - except for the recent HBK back to back's (because it WAS Mr Wrestlemania), I don't believe history supports this.
no offence but this question is kinda bad. of course the streak is more important then a world title. as already stated, titles are won and lost, but the streak, well, it always leaves you wondering whats going to happen next, who will challenge it? will someone break the streak? will undertaker claim another soul? it keeps you guessing and wondering and interested.
no offence but this question is kinda bad. of course the streak is more important then a world title. as already stated, titles are won and lost, but the streak, well, it always leaves you wondering whats going to happen next, who will challenge it? will someone break the streak? will undertaker claim another soul? it keeps you guessing and wondering and interested.

No offense? NO OFFENSE? Sorry, offense has been taken. Who are you to tell me that my question is bad?

I would really like for you to tell me what is so bad about my question. Do you think it's a cut and dry answer? Did I word it wrong? :shrug:

I wanted to know the forum community's opinion on the matter so I asked the question. So far, we've had people who think that 'The Streak' is more important than the Championships and some that think it's not.

Personally, I think that for one night out of the year; 'The Streak' is the most important thing in the WWE. At least, it has been since about 'Mania 21. If somebody ever does break 'The Streak', it will be a once in a lifetime occurrence and it will be very special. With that said, if someone ever does break 'The Streak', I hope it's a young guy. WWE really needs to build for the future because, right now, they're betting on guys like Austin, The Rock, HHH, and 'Taker to sell 'Mania. That just isn't going to work a few years from now.

I really hope that Trips doesn't end 'The Streak'. What more does he have to gain out of his career?
Yes. As mentioned before, titles are won and lost. The Streak that Undertaker carries at Wrestlemania is something that even the greatest megastars in the WWE and wrestling business would look at in envy. Look at Michaels vs 'Taker at WM25. That match was placed in the high-mid card, and by the Orton/Trips match, the fans were exhausted because of the emotional element placed in that match.

The following year, same thing but two differences. One, the re-match was the Main Event. Two, Michaels put his very career on the line this time. The emotional levels were increasingly high and was the most anticipated match even over Cena vs Batista. The last couple of years, I would say that Batista, Michaels and Orton were the biggest threats that Undertaker has ever faced in his dominant streak.

Batista: Not a tactictian, but had great resiliency and had power and endurance that would intimidate quite a few people.

Orton: Young, hungry, and defeating Legends left and right.

Michaels: has been with 'Taker for over twenty years in the business, has faced him in the past and has had 'Taker's number. Great resiliency, stamina, endurance and heart to match the Undertaker. He even had the balls to slap 'Taker in the face after Undertaker basically asked for Michaels to just stop. That face Undertaker gave after that slap was so fucking scary.

And then let's look at title matches over the Wrestlemanias. Beniot winning the title? Great moment, including the iconic photo of him and Eddie.

Cena vs Helmsley? I'll give them that.

Batista vs Trips was pretty memorable.

Cena vs Michaels. Good match to say the least. Not exactly a memorable one.

Cena vs Trips vs Orton. Not something to brag about.

Triple H vs Orton. ...never again, ok?

Cena vs Batista and Jericho vs Edge. Both good matches, but can NEVER be compared to the awesome match of Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels.

Given the intensity of the past few years and, of course, this year's match vs Triple H, I think that Undertaker's Streak is what puts asses in the seats. Remember the sign, "If Batista wins, we riot" ? Where have there been signs that said, "If Cena Loses, we boycott"? No where. Sure the title matches are exciting, but they cannot match the intensity, excitement, and emotion that Undertaker's Streak matches have.
Personally, I don't mind the streak. However it's not why I buy WrestleMania year after year. If anything the Streak has done nothing but make WrestleMania predictable. No one actually believed Shawn Michaels was ever going to defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania, and no one believes Triple H is capable of breaking the streak either.

Make it interesting, give us something like "Undertaker vs Wade Barrett," at least I would believe some crazy theory on how 'Taker is going to put Barrett over the top in order to solidify him as a great WWE Superstar for the remainder of his career.

All in all, I think the Streak has the potential to become greater than the Championships at WrestleMania; but until I find the Streak to actually be in some serious danger the answer is no. The Streak has not surpassed the Championships.
Personally, I don't mind the streak. However it's not why I buy WrestleMania year after year. If anything the Streak has done nothing but make WrestleMania predictable. No one actually believed Shawn Michaels was ever going to defeat the Undertaker at WrestleMania, and no one believes Triple H is capable of breaking the streak either.

If you didn't, as a fan of wrestling, think that Shawn Michaels, with his career on the line, didn't have a legitimate chance of winning at WM last year; that means one of two things: You're a psychic or you're lying. To say that you never ever had a doubt that 'Taker was going to win is totally ridiculous. Hell, I even thought that HBK had a chance and you won't meet a bigger 'Taker fan than myself.

Make it interesting, give us something like "Undertaker vs Wade Barrett," at least I would believe some crazy theory on how 'Taker is going to put Barrett over the top in order to solidify him as a great WWE Superstar for the remainder of his career.

They did this with Randy Orton at WrestleMania 21. After the match, I read that 'Taker begged Orton to take the win and Orton declined. Last year, the career of the greatest in ring performer of all time was on the line. You think that this wasn't an interesting thing to do? I guess, for you, you'd rather see Cena vs. 'Taker or Miz vs. 'Taker. I agree, those matches would be better(not better than HBK vs. 'Taker) because each of those guys have everything in the world to gain from a victory. Where as, HHH, doesn't have anything to gain from a victory. I will say that the 'Streak' is boring this year.

All in all, I think the Streak has the potential to become greater than the Championships at WrestleMania; but until I find the Streak to actually be in some serious danger the answer is no. The Streak has not surpassed the Championships.

I think that it is more important than the Championships at 'Mania because, as stated before, if the 'Streak' is broken, it can only happen once and the match for this to happen can only go on once a year. If it ever does break, it will be something very special and it will be more important and spectacular than a Championship changing hands for the millionth time.
If you didn't, as a fan of wrestling, think that Shawn Michaels, with his career on the line, didn't have a legitimate chance of winning at WM last year; that means one of two things:

I can't wait to hear your assumption about what I am and what I am not. :rolleyes:

You're a psychic or you're lying.

:lmao: Glad to know I wasn't disappointed. However you're wrong on one thing, Shawn Michaels stated for nearly a year that it was his last year wrestling.

To say that you never ever had a doubt that 'Taker was going to win is totally ridiculous.

That, or maybe I'm just intelligent enough to read. Literacy does this world wonders, it's a trait you should probably pick up. I imagine it will help you quite nicely throughout the days of your life. ;)

Hell, I even thought that HBK had a chance and you won't meet a bigger 'Taker fan than myself.

Actually I know a 7 year old that loves him, far more than you do. Maybe not as intellectually as you do, however he loves him way more than you. He worships the man.

Do you worship the man?

Last year, the career of the greatest in ring performer of all time was on the line.

Such a biased remark.

You think that this wasn't an interesting thing to do?

Not when I saw the outcome 4,000 miles away. Should have put him up against someone like Sheamus, adding the reputation of retiring Shawn Michaels did nothing for the Undertaker. However it would have MADE Sheamus.

I guess, for you, you'd rather see Cena vs. 'Taker or Miz vs. 'Taker. I agree, those matches would be better

More assumptions :)

(not better than HBK vs. 'Taker)

More biased remarks.

because each of those guys have everything in the world to gain from a victory.

John Cena wouldn't really benefit too terribly much by breaking the streak. It could cause some unwanted heat on the WWE's best face. However The Miz would have everything gain.

Where as, HHH, doesn't have anything to gain from a victory. I will say that the 'Streak' is boring this year.

So which side are you on? Mine, or your precious streak? Switching sides half way through your argument tells me you're unsure whether you believe the Streak has surpassed the Championship matches or not.

I think that it is more important than the Championships at 'Mania because, as stated before, if the 'Streak' is broken, it can only happen once and the match for this to happen can only go on once a year.

However, I'm still looking more forward to The Miz vs John Cena this year at WrestleMania. Which tells me The Streak is boring, and has not surpassed the WWE Championship match.

If it ever does break, it will be something very special and it will be more important and spectacular than a Championship changing hands for the millionth time.

I never said The Streak didn't have the potential to surpass the Championship. However for the past 3-4 years the streak has been boring and predictable. Which tells me the championship matches are still better than a stale streak. Maybe if the WWE booked the Streak better than what they are now, the Streak would be more interesting than the championship matches. However until then, I'm inclined to say the championship matches are far superior than the Streak.
:lmao: Glad to know I wasn't disappointed. However you're wrong on one thing, Shawn Michaels stated for nearly a year that it was his last year wrestling.

Not all of us read spoilers. I had no idea that HBK wanted to retire.

That, or maybe I'm just intelligent enough to read. Literacy does this world wonders, it's a trait you should probably pick up. I imagine it will help you quite nicely throughout the days of your life. ;)


Actually I know a 7 year old that loves him, far more than you do. Maybe not as intellectually as you do, however he loves him way more than you. He worships the man.

Do you worship the man?

Well obviously not.

Such a biased remark.

Who was or is a better in ring performer than HBK?

Not when I saw the outcome 4,000 miles away. Should have put him up against someone like Sheamus, adding the reputation of retiring Shawn Michaels did nothing for the Undertaker. However it would MADE Sheamus.

It wasn't about adding to the legacy of The Undertaker. It was about HBK having the best match that he could to go out on. Why do people not understand this?

So which side are you on? Mine, or your precious streak? Switching sides half way through your argument tells me you're unsure whether you believe the Streak has surpassed the Championship matches or not.

Of course the 'Streak' is boring this year. Anyone who says different is an idiot. However, that doesn't change my thinking that it's more important than the Championships. I also think that ADR vs. Edge is boring so far.

I never said The Streak didn't have the potential to surpass the Championship. However for the past 3-4 years the streak has been boring and predictable. Which tells me the championship matches are still better than a stale streak. Maybe if the WWE booked the Streak better than what they are now, the Streak would be more interesting than the championship matches. However until then, I'm inclined to say the championship matches are far superior than the Streak.

The only reason that Miz vs. Cena is more interesting is because The Rock is involved. We've seen the Miz vs. Cena several times. You can't tell me that you're expecting more from it this time then what was given to us all of the other times.

Where as, it's been a very long time since we've seen HHH vs. 'Taker. WWE still has a few weeks to make this worth while. I think they'll get it right.
Not all of us read spoilers. I had no idea that HBK wanted to retire.

Then you should simply state that to begin with, instead you said my ideologies were ridiculous. That was bright of you.

Well obviously not.

Then it's agreed, you're not the biggest Undertaker mark alive.

Who was or is a better in ring performer than HBK?

This is an entirely different debate. There's simply no need to go into an opinionated debate, where neither of our opinions would be swayed.

It wasn't about adding to the legacy of The Undertaker. It was about HBK having the best match that he could to go out on. Why do people not understand this?

I think we both could agree that Shawn could have went out against someone like Sheamus, with just as much awe as against the Undertaker. He's Shawn Michaels.

Of course the 'Streak' is boring this year. Anyone who says different is an idiot. However, that doesn't change my thinking that it's more important than the Championships. I also think that ADR vs. Edge is boring so far.

Alberto Del Rio vs Edge has been boring, but that's mostly because I find Edge to be a boring champion to begin with. However, you were asking if the Streak had surpassed EVERY championship, and the past few years it has NOT surpassed the WWE Championship.

The only reason that Miz vs. Cena is more interesting is because The Rock is involved.

Again, you just admitted that the championship match between Cena and Miz is more interesting than the Streak. Silly Phenom.

You can't tell me that you're expecting more from it this time then what was given to us all of the other times.

Of course I can, it's WRESLTEMANIA. This feud has been built up for nearly a year, and you don't expect it to be any different? :icon_neutral:

Where as, it's been a very long time since we've seen HHH vs. 'Taker. WWE still has a few weeks to make this worth while. I think they'll get it right.

No matter where the WWE takes this, it's predictable. WrestleMania shouldn't be predictable, I have to pay 50$ for it.

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