Has the Streak become anticlimactic?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know just about everyone is nuts about the streak, I personally think people tend to overshadow the great career Undertaker has had by making the streak such a massive part of him, as if he were to lose at a Mania that his legacy would be shot and it wouldnt make him the greatest bigman in the history of wrestling, which to me is ridiculous and just plain dumb like somehow since he is 18-1 or 19-1 or 20-1 etc that he wouldnt be the best to ever lace a pair for a man his height/weight. I get it being undefeated adds to the legacy it adds to the mystique, it will never be done again... But

The one thing I cannot understand for the life of me is how people can enjoy something they pretty much know the ending for, I see hundreds of post "the streak should never end" the one thing i do not understand is what is the point then. Alot of people say the point is to be entertained however what I cannot understand is how can you be entertained when you know the end result, just to cheer for someone you know was going to win from the moment the feud started?

Dont get me wrong both HBK matches had me bouncing up and down out off my seat because I legit thought the streak was in jeopardy both times. I can honestly say besides HBK 1 and 2 and Randy Orton the thought has never crossed my mind that Undertaker was going to lose at wrestlemania. Not to say he has not had good matches because he has had plenty especially the one against Edge, but im talking about making the viewers believe the streak might end

A part of that is a quality opponent, quality hype going into the match to even just put a doubt in the mind of the viewer that the streak might end, as well as believability and im not talking about a bunch of finishers and kickouts and 2 counts,( while that is all great for a match) im talking about before the match starts due to promos, face to face encounters, run ins etc... prior to the Mania match their is a buzz of a legit threat for the streak to end.

After all thats the whole point of wrestling matches is to see who is going to win who is going to lose I myself have Wrestlemania tickets and hope that The Streak is not the mainevent because I want to see a match that I trully have no clue who is going to win to be on the edge of my seat the whole match like other epic wrestlemania matches such as Rock vs Hogan, Ultimate Warrior vs Hogan, Austin vs Rock, Bret vs HBK

Especially now with the streak being at 18-0 all everyone talks about is getting it to 20-0

Which brings me to a couple of questions

Has the Streak become anticlimactic, the fact that people are already talking 20-0?

Does anyone WANT to see the streak broken?

If so by whom and how?

Do you think people care if its anticlimactic, meaning do you think that people just want to see Taker win at Mania and keep the streak so he remains undeafeated?

If the streak was to be broken, do you think it would be the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history?
I know just about everyone is nuts about the streak, I personally think people tend to overshadow the great career Undertaker has had by making the streak such a massive part of him, as if he were to lose at a Mania that his legacy would be shot and it wouldnt make him the greatest bigman in the history of wrestling, which to me is ridiculous and just plain dumb like somehow since he is 18-1 or 19-1 or 20-1 etc that he wouldnt be the best to ever lace a pair for a man his height/weight. I get it being undefeated adds to the legacy it adds to the mystique, it will never be done again... But

Does that mean Shawn Michaels' legacy is being overshadowed by his Mr. Wrestlemania moniker?

Does that mean Triple H's legacy is being dwarfed by his 13 world title reigns?

Does that mean Ric Flair's legacy is being screwed by his 16 world title reigns?

What is so wrong about The Undertaker being remembered for The Streak? A claim to fame is always good to have, no matter what it is.

Which brings me to a couple of questions

Has the Streak become anticlimactic, the fact that people are already talking 20-0?

Not anticlimactic, I'd prefer the term insanely over. So over now it doesn't belong solely to The Undertaker alone, but also to his fans and the live crowds, old and young alike. That if it ever ends, you would not only take something away from Undertaker, but also from the fans.

And I don't get this whole obsession of 20-0. JR already mentioned Taker can go till WM 30, doesn't that make him 22-0?

Does anyone WANT to see the streak broken?

No, and there's no point of doing that.

If so by whom and how?

No one.

The veterans don't need it.

The youngsters can't be guaranteed, because there is no guarantee they won't walk out after having this world handed on a silver plate to them (i.e: Lesnar & Warrior), they won't do drugs and ruin their career (ala Jeff Hardy), they won't die young of an illness (ala Eddie), or they won't die cause of an accident or tragedy (much like Owen and Benoit).

Do you think people care if its anticlimactic, meaning do you think that people just want to see Taker win at Mania and keep the streak so he remains undefeated?

As long as he faces quality opponent. Let me put it this way, the crowd was dead when he faced Mark Henry but they were insane when he faced Batista. So yeah, the crowd cares as long as it's worth it.

If the streak was to be broken, do you think it would be the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history?

And most brutal also, cause I think whoever ends it won't make it out from the arena unscathed.
For me it's always possible the streak can be threatened. Sure we kind of feel that at times that its certain Undertaker will win (Mark Henry, Batista, or Edge) but there are times that the streak is in serious danger (Againts Orton, HBK, and this year with HHH).

So I guess its 50-50 for me whether Undertaker will win or not. One example is WM26, there was always a possibility that HBK will beat Undertaker seeing as his career was on the line and I kind of though that, in my mind, HBK was not ready to retire yet.
Does that mean Shawn Michaels' legacy is being overshadowed by his Mr. Wrestlemania moniker?

Does that mean Triple H's legacy is being dwarfed by his 13 world title reigns?

Does that mean Ric Flair's legacy is being screwed by his 16 world title reigns?

What is so wrong about The Undertaker being remembered for The Streak? A claim to fame is always good to have, no matter what it is.

Those are horrible comparisons your are taking a guy who doesn't ever lose at Mania(Undertaker)

to a guy who puts on the best match of every Wrestlemania card he is on whether he wins or whether he loses....And the whole point of it is HBK was known as the SHOWSTOPPER way before his title of Mr.Wrestlemania he always was considered a great in ring performer since his days on the midcard whether it was raw, a In Your House PPV, or any other PPV he stole the show THAT is his Moniker, and then at Wrestlemania we would raise the bar even higher in his performance. Thats what HBK legacy is about that he is the best in ring performer ever in the eyes of many fans and wrestlers that he is a SHOWSTOPPER.

You are comparing him to a guy who lost the title 13 times as well? HHH will be remembered for it will be for DX, for Evolution, for being the Game, Austin feuds rock feuds and then yes his titles.

You are comparing him to a guy who lost the title 16 timesas well? Ric Flair will be remembered for the 4 horsemen, for trully being a WORLD CHAMPION as he traveled around all the territories and the world to defend it, for being THE MAN and then yes his titles.

I can understand that you are a Undertaker fan but their is no need to get defensive, simple and plan your comparisions are trash you are taking 3 legends careers then comparing it to 18 Undertakers matches.
Not really. I think it kind of goes along with the whole "there's not enough surprise in wrestling" argument. It seems that whenever somebody winds up doing something that's genuinely surprising, they get criticized for it.

A minor example took place a few weeks ago on Raw. We all expected Miz to turn on John Cena in the tag title match but we didn't expect them to actually win the tag titles. It threw a monkeywrench into a classic, reliable formula in which adversaries are paired as a tag team. I wasn't that wild about it myself as I hate seeing titles screwed around with like that but, then again, it was legitimately surprising. People expected one thing and got something with a little bit of a different twist.

The Undertaker's streak has become something that I think a lot of people look forward to. They look forward to the build up of the WM match and watching the way the story ultimately plays out inside the ring. I had little doubt that Taker would lose to HBK but it didn't keep those two matches from being fantastic.

Kevin Nash allegedly said that Taker met with Dr. James Andrews and that because Taker waited so long to repair his torn rotator cuff, he can't fix it with surgery now. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter goes on to say that Taker will probably never regain full strength in his shoulder and it could be seen as a very viable catalyst for Taker's career to come to an end soon.

If this is true, it does make me wonder if Taker will try and tough it out for 1 more year or if he'll just decide to call it quits after this WrestleMania. Maybe he'll decide to job to Triple H, though I'm doubting that will happen.
What is so wrong about The Undertaker being remembered for The Streak? A claim to fame is always good to have, no matter what it is.

Statements like this is what makes no sense, YES it is wrong for someone as great of a wrestler as the Undertaker to be remembered for 18 matches as his legacy when he has had a shit load of others just as great, which is why you comparing it to HBK, Flair, and HHH whole careers as their legacy sounds so dumb when you put them in one post it sells the Undertake short by a WHOLE ALOT.

Has the Streak become anticlimactic, the fact that people are already talking 20-0? I believe it has I have been watching wrestling for 18 years now and I have read one spoiler and it was the worst match I ever saw not due to in ring performance but due to the excitment of wondering who will win. Im speaking for myself when I say this and I know alot of people do not agree because alot of people love the streak their is no point in having a match you know the ending to. If people knew definitively Hogan was beating Andre the Giant in the Pontaic silver dome they wouldnt have gone AS nuts, same as the Rock beating Hogan in Tortonto

Does anyone WANT to see the streak broken? To be very honest I do not want to see it broken UNLESS its for epic televison, so many people say ooo the veterans dont need it, the young people arent definite, I you go by that logic the Undertaker does not NEED the streak as he is the most over and popular big men in WWE History, so if it made for a great wrestlemania moments and epic television for the fans im all for it

If so by whom and how?

I have no clue i would say Cena and Orton soley because it would place a serious threat to the streak which would have great hype and would help either guy take their character into a new phase

Do you think people care if its anticlimactic, meaning do you think that people just want to see Taker win at Mania and keep the streak so he remains undeafeated?

I am summing up most people as die hard fans of the streak....I honestly think as long as people see Undertaker win they dont care at all. I wouldnt be surprised to see a poll would People rather see Taker vs a opponent like King Kong BUndy or mark Hnery and win or Taker vs HBK or Randy Orton and lose? and people pick the first choice

Its easy to compare his lackluster opponents and his strong opponents because he has beat all of them

If the streak was to be broken, do you think it would be the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history? Yes 150% would be the most shocking for the simple fact that people think he will never lose and think he can go to WM 30 and people thinking the arena/stadium will riot if he does if proof.
Has the Streak become anticlimactic, the fact that people are already talking 20-0?

Does anyone WANT to see the streak broken?

If so by whom and how?

Do you think people care if its anticlimactic, meaning do you think that people just want to see Taker win at Mania and keep the streak so he remains undeafeated?

If the streak was to be broken, do you think it would be the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history?

1. Not really. Once people realized the streak was getting close, the climax isn't whether or not it will happen. Most people that are interested in it simply WANT to see it happen, period.

2 & 3. No.

4. No. It's sort of like watching the NBA playoffs. When you care about the 1 seed and they face the 8 seed, you don't care that it's SO likely that the better team will win. You simply want to see it happen. Therefore, you'll watch it regardless.

5. To a certain extent. However, I don't think it'd make anyone happy. None of the boys, virtually none of the fans. Especially not in general.

To me, I think that the hype is half about seeing the streak continue and the other half is seeing what happens after the opponent fails. With HBK and Triple H, it's the fact that thy are retiring. It still has it's purpose. To me, I think that most anyone interested in wrestling or in the business, will be more thrilled with him reaching 20-0 than if he fell short at any point.
The oldest tradition in wrestling is you out on your back, the streak is just like a title or Andre's 15 years unbeaten thing, it's a viable tool to elevate the next guy and should be used as such.
Those are horrible comparisons your are taking a guy who doesn't ever lose at Mania(Undertaker)

to a guy who puts on the best match of every Wrestlemania card he is on whether he wins or whether he loses....And the whole point of it is HBK was known as the SHOWSTOPPER way before his title of Mr.Wrestlemania he always was considered a great in ring performer since his days on the midcard whether it was raw, a In Your House PPV, or any other PPV he stole the show THAT is his Moniker, and then at Wrestlemania we would raise the bar even higher in his performance. Thats what HBK legacy is about that he is the best in ring performer ever in the eyes of many fans and wrestlers that he is a SHOWSTOPPER.

Yet when HBK was around, the commentators kept bringing the Mr. Wrestlemania moniker instead of his feuds and matches.

You are comparing him to a guy who lost the title 13 times as well? HHH will be remembered for it will be for DX, for Evolution, for being the Game, Austin feuds rock feuds and then yes his titles.

Yet whenever he's around, the commentators kept bringing his 13 world titles instead of his feuds and his stables.

You are comparing him to a guy who lost the title 16 timesas well? Ric Flair will be remembered for the 4 horsemen, for trully being a WORLD CHAMPION as he traveled around all the territories and the world to defend it, for being THE MAN and then yes his titles.

Yet whenever he's around, the commentators kept bringing his 16 world titles instead of his feuds and his stables.

I can understand that you are a Undertaker fan but their is no need to get defensive, simple and plan your comparisions are trash you are taking 3 legends careers then comparing it to 18 Undertakers matches.

If we go by your logic, wouldn't people remember Undertaker inventing Hell In A Cell, Casket match, Buried Alive match, Last Ride match? For being involved from the very first episode of RAW. For feuding with Hogan, Warrior, Kamala Roberts, Sid, Diesel, Yokozuna, Ted DiBiase Sr, Kane, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Ric Flair, Big Show, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Batista, and Edge. For putting countless legendary matches and classic moments. And of course, the one Deadman gimmick that outlasts even Hulkamania and Austin 3:16?

Because of The Streak, people would forget all that? Impossible, dude. The Streak is his claim to fame, not his entire legacy. The old school fans will remember him for everything. Just because the younger generation fans only remember him for The Streak doesn't mean his entire legacy is forgotten.
Statements like this is what makes no sense, YES it is wrong for someone as great of a wrestler as the Undertaker to be remembered for 18 matches as his legacy when he has had a shit load of others just as great, which is why you comparing it to HBK, Flair, and HHH whole careers as their legacy sounds so dumb when you put them in one post it sells the Undertake short by a WHOLE ALOT.

Then again, it's better to be remembered for something otherworldly than not being remembered at all. Thus, the much needed claim to fame.

Has the Streak become anticlimactic, the fact that people are already talking 20-0? I believe it has I have been watching wrestling for 18 years now and I have read one spoiler and it was the worst match I ever saw not due to in ring performance but due to the excitment of wondering who will win. Im speaking for myself when I say this and I know alot of people do not agree because alot of people love the streak their is no point in having a match you know the ending to. If people knew definitively Hogan was beating Andre the Giant in the Pontaic silver dome they wouldnt have gone AS nuts, same as the Rock beating Hogan in Tortonto

Correction. There wasn't much mystery during Taker vs Edge or Taker vs Batista or even Taker vs HBK (the one at WM 25) but the crowds still went apeshit for all those three matches.

Does anyone WANT to see the streak broken? To be very honest I do not want to see it broken UNLESS its for epic televison, so many people say ooo the veterans dont need it, the young people arent definite, I you go by that logic the Undertaker does not NEED the streak as he is the most over and popular big men in WWE History, so if it made for a great wrestlemania moments and epic television for the fans im all for it

And who says Taker doesn't need The Streak? A claim to fame is something that serves as the achievement only u can get. If The Streak was never mentioned in the first place, what would his claim to fame be?

"I invented Hell In A Cell"? Big deal. Mankind invented Boiler Room Brawl. Kane invented Inferno match.

"I feuded with Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Stone Cold"? Big deal, so did Triple H. And at least Triple H faced The Rock at Wrestlemania 16 (alongside two other men), whom did Taker face at Wrestlemania among those 3?

"I outlasted Hulkamania and Austin 3:16"? So did HBK.

"I'm a 7 time world champion"? Flair is 16 time world champion. HHH is 13 time world champion. Edge is 10 time world champion. Rock and Cena are 9 time world champion.

Surely he can't say anything about his gimmick if he wants to brag in front of the crowd in the ring.

But if he says, "I'm the only who is undefeated at Wrestlemania for 18 years"? No one can claim they have done the same.

Thus, the much needed claim to fame.

If so by whom and how?

I have no clue i would say Cena and Orton soley because it would place a serious threat to the streak which would have great hype and would help either guy take their character into a new phase

The match with Orton has been done before and Orton already refused.

The match with Cena will never be done cause WWE doesn't want Cena to receive a heel reaction and lose his credibility.

Do you think people care if its anticlimactic, meaning do you think that people just want to see Taker win at Mania and keep the streak so he remains undeafeated?

I am summing up most people as die hard fans of the streak....I honestly think as long as people see Undertaker win they dont care at all. I wouldnt be surprised to see a poll would People rather see Taker vs a opponent like King Kong BUndy or mark Hnery and win or Taker vs HBK or Randy Orton and lose? and people pick the first choice

Its easy to compare his lackluster opponents and his strong opponents because he has beat all of them

Then that pretty much explains why the crowd chanted 'boring!' during his match with Boss Man at WM 15 or why they were so dead during his match with Henry at Wrestlemania 22.

If the streak was to be broken, do you think it would be the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history? Yes 150% would be the most shocking for the simple fact that people think he will never lose and think he can go to WM 30 and people thinking the arena/stadium will riot if he does if proof.

But I don't think it will ever end.
Has the Streak become anticlimactic, the fact that people are already talking 20-0?

Does anyone WANT to see the streak broken?

If so by whom and how?

Do you think people care if its anticlimactic, meaning do you think that people just want to see Taker win at Mania and keep the streak so he remains undeafeated?

If the streak was to be broken, do you think it would be the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history?
A.At the most, I would say that it isn't anticlimatic, more that it's too over. As much as I am a taker fan, I have to say that over the years, taker's matches have become(with the exception of hbk I & II)less and less interesting to watch.Taker should be remembered for the streak, but they should at least give him good matches.

B. I don't think they will end the streak.I think that they want to keep the streak until taker retires.

C.None. As stated before, I think that the streak will go on until his retirement.

D.Yes. I will say that when taker loses at mania, his opponent might want to leave, asap.
They basically have one shot at making people believe the streak might end and that is next year. When you have a believable person facing Taker and you have the Undertaker put his career on the line with everyone already expecting him to retire after the next Wrestlemania anyway. This is the one time I think the streak could actually conceivably be ended. I like the idea of this Taker-Triple H match but I do think people are underestimating how good Shawn Michaels really was in the last two matches and this one definitely has the potential to some what come up short. Nobody believes that Triple H as a chance to win this one really.
Those are horrible comparisons your are taking a guy who doesn't ever lose at Mania(Undertaker)

Yet when HBK was around, the commentators kept bringing the Mr. Wrestlemania moniker instead of his feuds and matches.

Yet whenever he's around, the commentators kept bringing his 13 world titles instead of his feuds and his stables.

Yet whenever he's around, the commentators kept bringing his 16 world titles instead of his feuds and his stables.

If we go by your logic, wouldn't people remember Undertaker inventing Hell In A Cell, Casket match, Buried Alive match, Last Ride match? For being involved from the very first episode of RAW. For feuding with Hogan, Warrior, Kamala Roberts, Sid, Diesel, Yokozuna, Ted DiBiase Sr, Kane, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Ric Flair, Big Show, Brock Lesnar, John Cena, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Randy Orton, Batista, and Edge. For putting countless legendary matches and classic moments. And of course, the one Deadman gimmick that outlasts even Hulkamania and Austin 3:16?

Because of The Streak, people would forget all that? Impossible, dude. The Streak is his claim to fame, not his entire legacy. The old school fans will remember him for everything. Just because the younger generation fans only remember him for The Streak doesn't mean his entire legacy is forgotten.

1. I never said people would forget his legacy I said slaves to streak act like his legacy would be less if he did lose.

2. You have ZERO and I mean ZERO clue what you are talking about when HBK was around all the commentators brought up was the fact that he was the SHOWSTOPPER that he stole the show with his ability in the ring regardless of his spot on the card, regardless of venue or PPV and no one could compare, if you want to see for yourself go watch any match when Jim Ross was commentating and 9 times out of 10 this is what you will hear not Mr. Wrestlemania gurantee it, unless they are hyping Wrestlemania. Maybe you got to use to listening to Michael Cole do a horrible job of hyping stars.

3. A commentator isn't going to mention past feuds, or past stables as a selling point of a CURRENT wrestler because it is irrevelant to the CURRENT feud they are in so your reasons are terrible!!!!

why the hell am I going to care if HHH was in DX or Evolution when he is going up agaisnt Undertaker? or that Ric Flair is the founder/leader of the four horsemen when he is going up against HBK? How is that going to futher the feud or make me as a viewer think that makes them a bigger threat???? It doesn't at all Saying they are a 13 or 16 time world champion makes them a threat and makes them look stronger in a feud it lets me know wow this guy has been the guy many times through his career.

Thats the commentators job not to remind of us a superstars legacy, and give us a history lesson its to further the CURRENT FEUD. So you pretty much just wasted your time on that argument of what announcers mentions it has nothing to do with a person's legacy.

4, The fact is I understand why the streak is their its a draw and its a way to make Undertakers career seem greater because the facts are even with the streak and his great career you ask fans between 18-40 and the majority wouldnt have Undertaker in their top 5 so maybe the streak is necessary if thats what WWE is going for but realistically whether the streak is broken or stays Undertaker is going to looked at EXACTLY THE SAME WAY a GREAT wrestler/sports entertainer definitelty in the top 10 but not amongst the handeful of greatest ever.

So if its not going to change any of that, then their is no point its a guy who is injured constantly, who now has to have his depleting abilities covered by a no holds barred match, just so he can continue to have predictable wins. Sorry I like the Undertaker but any day off the year I rather have a great storyline and a entertaining ending, then to just give someone a claim to fame who doesnt need it.

The Immortal Hulk Hogan
The Showstopper Shawn Michaels
The Phenom The Undertaker... Streak or No streak The Phenom is his legacy

The greats dont need a claim to fame, the career speaks for itself
They basically have one shot at making people believe the streak might end and that is next year. When you have a believable person facing Taker and you have the Undertaker put his career on the line with everyone already expecting him to retire after the next Wrestlemania anyway. This is the one time I think the streak could actually conceivably be ended. I like the idea of this Taker-Triple H match but I do think people are underestimating how good Shawn Michaels really was in the last two matches and this one definitely has the potential to some what come up short. Nobody believes that Triple H as a chance to win this one really.

I could not agree with you more the only reason I can see HHH winning is after reading reports the Undertaker never got surgery as was recommended and his rotator cuff is permanently damaged there is a outside shot that Undertaker knows this is his last mania and simply does not want his fans to know it ala Stone Cold Steve Austin WM 19

And for people saying "Na Uhhh Jim Ross said he can go to WM 30" Jim Ross works for WWE do you really think he would say anything else but that. Especially around Mania time... come on now

Its pretty sad that this is the reason that i can see HHH winning not simply because he is a great wrestler and in ring performer... See what i mean by anticlimactic...

This is a big outside shot however as its rather easy to cover the injury seeing as taker realistically only has to wrestle a max of 15-20 matches a year and thats pushing it.

I said last year after WM26 the streak from then on would be pointless for epic entertainment other then giving Undertaker fans something to brag about because no match would be able to live up to that match hype and match quality, and no man would be able to put doubt into an audiences mind of the streak after seeing hbk lose.

I will be at Mania the only way I will even consider HHH as a threat throughout the match is if i see him bring out a sledgehammer and bash it into takers head multiple times. So im with you that no one really thinks HHH has a shot to win
1. I never said people would forget his legacy I said slaves to streak act like his legacy would be less if he did lose.

Then that's just the one fact you have to live with. Can't help it here, mate. :shrug:

2. You have ZERO and I mean ZERO clue what you are talking about when HBK was around all the commentators brought up was the fact that he was the SHOWSTOPPER that he stole the show with his ability in the ring regardless of his spot on the card, regardless of venue or PPV and no one could compare, if you want to see for yourself go watch any match when Jim Ross was commentating and 9 times out of 10 this is what you will hear not Mr. Wrestlemania gurantee it, unless they are hyping Wrestlemania. Maybe you got to use to listening to Michael Cole do a horrible job of hyping stars.

Maybe, or maybe not. :rolleyes:

3. A commentator isn't going to mention past feuds, or past stables as a selling point of a CURRENT wrestler because it is irrevelant to the CURRENT feud they are in so your reasons are terrible!!!!

U need to listen to more commentaries, mate. ;)

why the hell am I going to care if HHH was in DX or Evolution when he is going up agaisnt Undertaker? or that Ric Flair is the founder/leader of the four horsemen when he is going up against HBK? How is that going to futher the feud or make me as a viewer think that makes them a bigger threat???? It doesn't at all Saying they are a 13 or 16 time world champion makes them a threat and makes them look stronger in a feud it lets me know wow this guy has been the guy many times through his career.

If u don't care, then please don't act like u care about The Streak overshadowing Undertaker's other accomplishments. :banghead:

Thats the commentators job not to remind of us a superstars legacy, and give us a history lesson its to further the CURRENT FEUD. So you pretty much just wasted your time on that argument of what announcers mentions it has nothing to do with a person's legacy.

But they do mention the legacy of superstars in constant basis, don't they? :)

4, The fact is I understand why the streak is their its a draw and its a way to make Undertakers career seem greater because the facts are even with the streak and his great career you ask fans between 18-40 and the majority wouldnt have Undertaker in their top 5 so maybe the streak is necessary if thats what WWE is going for but realistically whether the streak is broken or stays Undertaker is going to looked at EXACTLY THE SAME WAY a GREAT wrestler/sports entertainer definitelty in the top 10 but not amongst the handeful of greatest ever.

To some people he will, to some people he will not. Again, it's just another fact you have to live with.:p

So if its not going to change any of that, then their is no point its a guy who is injured constantly, who now has to have his depleting abilities covered by a no holds barred match, just so he can continue to have predictable wins. Sorry I like the Undertaker but any day off the year I rather have a great storyline and a entertaining ending, then to just give someone a claim to fame who doesnt need it.

Wow, you can see into the future to guarantee the match will be predictable and Undertaker's ability is depleting? While we're at it, why don't u use your Eye of Providence and tell me how the match goes? Did Undertaker do a suicide dive? Did Jr call the match?

Please let me know, okay? :lol:

PS: Just because The Undertaker doesn't need The Streak doesn't mean he can't have it or he doesn't deserve it.

The Immortal Hulk Hogan
The Showstopper Shawn Michaels
The Phenom The Undertaker... Streak or No streak The Phenom is his legacy

The greats dont need a claim to fame, the career speaks for itself

We all need a claim to fame, mate. It is the one thing we can do but no other people can't. It's what makes us special among others. :lmao:
I could not agree with you more the only reason I can see HHH winning is after reading reports the Undertaker never got surgery as was recommended and his rotator cuff is permanently damaged there is a outside shot that Undertaker knows this is his last mania and simply does not want his fans to know it ala Stone Cold Steve Austin WM 19

Stone Cold's contract was terminated by Bishoff not long after Wrestlemania 19, mate. You're trying to say Taker's contract is gonna be terminated? :banghead:

And for people saying "Na Uhhh Jim Ross said he can go to WM 30" Jim Ross works for WWE do you really think he would say anything else but that. Especially around Mania time... come on now

If this is Taker's last match, they would have hyped it like sh*t, mate. But this match isn't even receiving the same hype as Cole vs King, duh!!! :banghead:

Its pretty sad that this is the reason that i can see HHH winning not simply because he is a great wrestler and in ring performer... See what i mean by anticlimactic...

I don't see it. What? Not all people have an all seeing eye like u, I can't foresee into the future like u, u dig, mate?

This is a big outside shot however as its rather easy to cover the injury seeing as taker realistically only has to wrestle a max of 15-20 matches a year and thats pushing it.

After 20 years of wrestling, I think that's understandable. Why don't u try wrestle for 20 years like Undertaker, mate? Only then maybe (and this is a long shot) u will c The Undertaker for who he truly is, mate. :rolleyes:

I said last year after WM26 the streak from then on would be pointless for epic entertainment other then giving Undertaker fans something to brag about because no match would be able to live up to that match hype and match quality, and no man would be able to put doubt into an audiences mind of the streak after seeing hbk lose.

Again with the all seeing eye ability to foresee the future.

Please stop displaying your power, mate. I haven't seen Taker vs HHH at WM 27 to guarantee it will s*ck, unlike you!!! :banghead:

I will be at Mania the only way I will even consider HHH as a threat throughout the match is if i see him bring out a sledgehammer and bash it into takers head multiple times. So im with you that no one really thinks HHH has a shot to win

In all honesty, no one has a chance to win against Taker at Wrestlemania, mate. Not that anyone deserves it of course. :)
Has the Streak become anticlimactic, the fact that people are already talking 20-0?
Yes people are expecting the streak to continue, but knowing the destination does not mean the journey has to be dull.

Does anyone WANT to see the streak broken?
Fans of the opponent of Taker. Remember Taker is on a lighter schedule now so maybe the newer fans are not as familiar with him compared to other 'legends' wrestler still around WWE like HHH or HBK or heck even Cena.

If so by whom and how?
Cena would be an obvious choice. Alternative would be newer guys like Barrett, Sheamus or Kofi. Personally, I prefer a clean win so that it will be a symbolic passing of the torch.

Do you think people care if its anticlimactic, meaning do you think that people just want to see Taker win at Mania and keep the streak so he remains undeafeated?
It is something for fans to relate to the past. A legacy that can be shared by different generation of fans. A long undefeated streak is easy to bring newer fans to the show. No complicated back story required. People like to cheer for the familiar and the streak is now familiar with fans because it is always hyped up at this time of the year by WWE.

If the streak was to be broken, do you think it would be the most shocking moment in Wrestlemania history?
It could be but I doubt anything can top Austin turning heel at Wrestlemania 17.
Then that's just the one fact you have to live with. Can't help it here, mate. :shrug:

Maybe, or maybe not. :rolleyes:

U need to listen to more commentaries, mate. ;)

If u don't care, then please don't act like u care about The Streak overshadowing Undertaker's other accomplishments. :banghead:

But they do mention the legacy of superstars in constant basis, don't they? :)

To some people he will, to some people he will not. Again, it's just another fact you have to live with.:p

Wow, you can see into the future to guarantee the match will be predictable and Undertaker's ability is depleting? While we're at it, why don't u use your Eye of Providence and tell me how the match goes? Did Undertaker do a suicide dive? Did Jr call the match?

Please let me know, okay? :lol:

PS: Just because The Undertaker doesn't need The Streak doesn't mean he can't have it or he doesn't deserve it.

We all need a claim to fame, mate. It is the one thing we can do but no other people can't. It's what makes us special among others. :lmao:

1. Its doesnt take the Eye of providence its common sense these are your words a "46 year old man who has been wrestling for 20 year."

So YES a 46 year old man who has been wrestling for 20 years
  • Has had a multitude injuries the past two years
  • Has to work a very limited schedule
  • Has to have his match be No holds barred so he doesnt take wrestling bumbs
  • Currently has an injury that is permanent and cannot be repaired

Yes i can say his ability are depleting and thats just common sense and no one needs the eye of providence to realize that but your to busy feeling like you need to defend the Undertaker when im just stating an opinion and backing it up with facts.

Stone Cold's contract was terminated by Bishoff not long after Wrestlemania 19, mate. You're trying to say Taker's contract is gonna be terminated?

Stone cold stopped wrestling because he had a multitude of injuries and a neck injury that is permanent and cannot be repaired much like the Undertaker who has had multiple injuries the past two years and now has and injury that is permanent and cannot be repaired THATS WHAT IM TRYING TO SAY MATE, use a little common sense:banghead:

If this is Taker's last match, they would have hyped it like sh*t, mate. But this match isn't even receiving the same hype as Cole vs King, duh!!!

So you are the Undertakers right hand man, you are vince mcmahon and undertaker told you how he wants to end his career? o i get it you can see into the future now.... See how dumb it sounds when you respond to a quote like that

On a more serious note you do not know how Undertaker wants to end his career or how bad his injury is...They didnt adevertise Austins last match as his last match, or Rock, or Hogan WWE does alot of things against what is common sense just look at the product... and I get it its common sense to hype his last match but he might notwant it that way...if only you could use that common sense for 90% of the other stuff you post MATE;)

Honestly when i made this post i knew people like you would not be able to handle anyone saying anything but supporting the streak and you show it through your post trying to quote a part of my post and flip it to make it seem like what you want it to but the facts are im done responding to you and literally and metaphorically owning you with the garbage you post, then having you cop out saying "o you can see the future" when i simply state my opinon sorry to burst your bubble mate, but this post has been opinion backed up with facts something you cannot do because you are to bias and feel like you need to defend the streak at all cost.

And as for my opinion of Undertaker amongst the all time greats no no no silly this is the opinion of thousands of fans that have been done through numerous polls top 5 is mixed with Hogn, Flair, HBK, Austin, Rock again it was not my opinion but the opinions of thousands of fans but you could not read the post and be objective but rather be defensive like everyone of your post shows, have fun trying to quote bits and pieces of my post im done responding to people like you are blindly bias and a waste of my time, if only you knew how desperate and moronic you sound
The problem with "the streak" is that anyone who is a true wrestling fan knows it's not going to end. We watch the buildup for a month and a half or two and get excited about that buildup, but in the end, true wrestling fans know it's not going to end.

What "the streak" does do well is provide wrestling fans with the one real buildup every single year. When you really consider the industry as a whole, matches are never built properly. Guys are constantly thrown into the number one contender role three weeks before a pay-per-view. They get their shot... lose (in most instances)... and then we repeat the process for a another pay-per-view or two. There's never any real hype or build up.

Maybe that's a product of the industry being stale. Maybe it's a product of our wrestling knowledge being stale. But either way, look back over the past three years and choose the greatest match build ups we've seen - Undertaker / Shawn Michaels (twice) and this year, Undertaker / HHH.

Yes, other matches are hyped and promos are cut and appearances are made on the other persons "show", but the creativity and direction is never the same as it is for "the streak".

One could argue that the Rock / Cena buildup is phenomenal this year, BUT they're not wrestling each other - The Miz / Cena is the actual match at Wrestlemanina 27.

Unfortunately for the business, "the streak" won't sell the casual wrestling fan on paying $55.00 for Wrestlemania 27. The Rock / Cena may bring forelorn wrestling fans back into the mix - for a one time shot - but again, it's not happening... at least not yet.

What "the streak" does provide true wrestling fans is that one match we will all watch and say, "Damn ! That was awesome !". But, in the end, Undertaker will move to 19-0 and we all know it.
I think you have hit the nail right on the head with the assumption that everyone knows that the streak is never going to be broken and that is only to the detriment to what the WWE try and accomplish this year and perhaps next year too. I mean, let's look at it realistically for a moment, shall we? Triple H had a shot at the streak before it was known as such at WrestleMania 17 and failed, in one of the best streak matches I have seen. This time around, no one is subscribing to the idea that Triple H can beat The Undertaker. I mean, how many people have you seen around here or in real life that actually think that Triple H has a snowball's chance in hell at beating The Undertaker?

I guess, the only way that risk can be elevated is to put him in a match with John Cena and that might only happen next year, if it happen at all. By all accounts, John Cena and The Undertaker could have happened this year but it was called off to make room for Triple H. My estimation is that The Undertaker goes over Triple H at this year's event and then wrestles John Cena next year. If it wasn't for Triple H already having one bite of the cherry, I might subscribe to the idea that he would beat The Undertaker this year but at this point, I fear that John Cena is the only man who could, realistically, get the feeling back into the stomachs of the fans. I feel that he is the only person left who could challenge the streak and possibly end it. I also think that it is something that the WWE would do to put Cena over Taker at Mania.

However, getting back to the original point, I do believe that it is over-shadowed a great career from the Deadman and I think that the assumption that Triple H will fail this year takes away all of the magic that makes the streak great/ Last year, we all thought that Shawn could do it but this year, everyone has already made up their mind and I feel bad about that. Nevertheless, we should enjoy what he have and look forward to nect year when the streak ought to be top billing once again.
Like many have said, we generally know the streak won't end. I still find myself looking forward though each year as it has had great build for years now (Edge, Batista, HBK 1, HBK 2). When he faces legends like this it makes the program all the more interesting. That coupled with the fact that Undertaker has historically been one of the WWE's best performers particularly at Mania gets me excited for his Mania match save for maybe the time he faced Mark Henry.

The only times I've ever felt the streak was actually in jeopardy was against Kane, Edge, and Shawn Michaels no moreso than the latter. Michaels is of course Mr. WM and I didn't expect him to retire last year so I thought he might just beat Taker, end the streak, and have their Mania record be tied 1-1 for arguably the two best to every wrestle at Mania. Of course, this was not the case but the match was spectacular and I thoroughly enjoyed it which is the whole point.

Obviously I don't feel the streak is in any jeopardy this year and am hoping that with Taker's injuries and Trips not being in the ring in almost a year, that they are still able to put on a pretty good match. I don't expect it to be a clinic like the 2 with Michaels, but with the No DQ rule in effect, it has potential to be entertaining while not as physically demanding.

I feel like next year will be the final for Taker as he goes for the unprecedented 20-0 at Mania. Again hopefully he is able to go and put on one last great match. And I think that match HAS to be against Cena. I would honestly not know who was going to win until someone was pinned. They always hype up "the biggest threat to the streak" each year but we all know it's generally just hype. If Michaels didn't beat Taker on 2 tries, Triple H won't. Now Cena would be a different story. It would almost be like facing Hogan at Mania. Would they really have a legend who is retiring cleanly beat the face of the company in his prime? This and the fact that they've never feuded since Cena became so big makes this THE marquee matchup that has to happen for Undertaker's last stand. The story writes itself and I would have never looked forward to see the outcome more
Like many have said, we generally know the streak won't end. I still find myself looking forward though each year as it has had great build for years now (Edge, Batista, HBK 1, HBK 2). When he faces legends like this it makes the program all the more interesting. That coupled with the fact that Undertaker has historically been one of the WWE's best performers particularly at Mania gets me excited for his Mania match save for maybe the time he faced Mark Henry.

The only times I've ever felt the streak was actually in jeopardy was against Kane, Edge, and Shawn Michaels no moreso than the latter. Michaels is of course Mr. WM and I didn't expect him to retire last year so I thought he might just beat Taker, end the streak, and have their Mania record be tied 1-1 for arguably the two best to every wrestle at Mania. Of course, this was not the case but the match was spectacular and I thoroughly enjoyed it which is the whole point.

Obviously I don't feel the streak is in any jeopardy this year and am hoping that with Taker's injuries and Trips not being in the ring in almost a year, that they are still able to put on a pretty good match. I don't expect it to be a clinic like the 2 with Michaels, but with the No DQ rule in effect, it has potential to be entertaining while not as physically demanding.

I feel like next year will be the final for Taker as he goes for the unprecedented 20-0 at Mania. Again hopefully he is able to go and put on one last great match. And I think that match HAS to be against Cena. I would honestly not know who was going to win until someone was pinned. They always hype up "the biggest threat to the streak" each year but we all know it's generally just hype. If Michaels didn't beat Taker on 2 tries, Triple H won't. Now Cena would be a different story. It would almost be like facing Hogan at Mania. Would they really have a legend who is retiring cleanly beat the face of the company in his prime? This and the fact that they've never feuded since Cena became so big makes this THE marquee matchup that has to happen for Undertaker's last stand. The story writes itself and I would have never looked forward to see the outcome more

I have posted this in other thread, so I'll just repost:

Whoever is hoping for Taker vs Cena next year is in for an upset because WWE doesn't want Cena to receive a heel reaction or lose his credibility and is building Cena vs Rock starting this year, it's obvious seeing how next year Wrestlemania will go to Miami. I believe this year Rock/Cena build up over Miz/Cena build up is a bait (as in Vince's plan) so Rock agrees for one more match.

Seeing how this Wrestlemania 27 has been shaping to be horrible since last year but WWE still refused to book Cena vs Taker somehow (just like they booked HHH vs Taker somehow), I think it's pretty much a given that we will never see Undertaker vs John Cena at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime.

Even if they can't get The Rock, WWE will more than likely do Orton vs Cena which was the plan B for this year's WM 27 main event but had to be postponed due to lack of crowd interest as displayed in Royal Rumble 2011. Let's face it, Taker vs Cena will never happen at any Wrestlemania in this lifetime, just like Taker never having a Wrestlemania match with Hogan, Bret, Mankind, Angle, Rock, Austin, and Lesnar for the sake of doing Vince a favor and pushed Gonzales, Bundy, Boss Man, A-Train, and Henry to the main event scene (which ironically, always ended up in oblivion not main event scene).

I think next year would be Jericho or a young star like Daniel Bryan.

I think you have hit the nail right on the head with the assumption that everyone knows that the streak is never going to be broken and that is only to the detriment to what the WWE try and accomplish this year and perhaps next year too. I mean, let's look at it realistically for a moment, shall we? Triple H had a shot at the streak before it was known as such at WrestleMania 17 and failed, in one of the best streak matches I have seen. This time around, no one is subscribing to the idea that Triple H can beat The Undertaker. I mean, how many people have you seen around here or in real life that actually think that Triple H has a snowball's chance in hell at beating The Undertaker?

I guess, the only way that risk can be elevated is to put him in a match with John Cena and that might only happen next year, if it happen at all. By all accounts, John Cena and The Undertaker could have happened this year but it was called off to make room for Triple H. My estimation is that The Undertaker goes over Triple H at this year's event and then wrestles John Cena next year. If it wasn't for Triple H already having one bite of the cherry, I might subscribe to the idea that he would beat The Undertaker this year but at this point, I fear that John Cena is the only man who could, realistically, get the feeling back into the stomachs of the fans. I feel that he is the only person left who could challenge the streak and possibly end it. I also think that it is something that the WWE would do to put Cena over Taker at Mania.

However, getting back to the original point, I do believe that it is over-shadowed a great career from the Deadman and I think that the assumption that Triple H will fail this year takes away all of the magic that makes the streak great/ Last year, we all thought that Shawn could do it but this year, everyone has already made up their mind and I feel bad about that. Nevertheless, we should enjoy what he have and look forward to nect year when the streak ought to be top billing once again.

Same, I have posted this in other thread, so I'll just repost:

By all means I'm not against the match, I'm all for it, but I have to be realistic. Why would they book it next year instead of this year when WM 27's card projection of being a horrible card since last year? If they can book Taker/HHH out of thin air surely they can do the same to Taker/Cena but they chose not to.

If we go by logic and history, The Undertaker had never faced any important foundation of an era during their iconic run. Granted, 12 out of the 17 opponents he had faced were all legit HOfers, but his opponent was always either 1 of this 4:
1. The top heel of the company at the time
2. The top monster heel of the company at the time
3. The legend
4. A talentless big man lower mid-carder

Perhaps the closest thing he had to "foundation an era" was the match against Batista at Wrestlemania 23, seeing how Batista to Smackdown! at that time was what Cena to RAW.

But to prove my point:

1. During The Golden Era of Wrestling (1985-1993), he didn't face Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Roddy Piper, Ted DiBiase Sr, Iron Sheik, Ricky Steamboat, and Andre The Giant. During his run in this era, Undertaker faced Jimmy Snuka (a legend) at WM 7, Jake Roberts (a legend) at WM 8, and Giant Gonzales (a talentless big man lower mid-carder) at WM 9.

2. During the New Generation Era (1994-1997), he didn't face Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Yokozuna, and Shawn Michaels. During his run in this era, he faced King Kong Bundy (a legend/a talentless big man mid-carder, depends on your perception) at WM 11, Diesel (the top monster heel at the time) at WM 12, and Sid (the top monster heel at the time) at WM 13.

3. During The Attitude Era (1998-2001), he didn't face Stone Cold, The Rock, Vince McMahon, and Mankind. During his run in this era, he faced Masked Kane (the top monster heel at the time) at WM 14, Big Boss Man (a legend/a talentless big man mid-carder, depends on your perception) at WM 15, and Triple H (the top heel at that time) at WM 17.

4. During The Ruthless Aggression Era (2002-2007), he didn't face Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, and Chris Benoit. During his run in this era, he faced Ric Flair (a legend) at WM 18, Big Show (the top monster heel at that time) at WM 19, A-Train (a talentless big man mid-carder) at WM 19, Unmasked Kane (a legend/a talentless big man mid-carder, depends on your perception) at WM 20, Randy Orton (the top heel of the company at that time) at WM 21, and Mark Henry (a legend/a talentless big man mid-carder, depends on your perception) at WM 22. As I said before, perhaps Batista at Wrestlemania 23 was the only exception of my theory. But even then, Batista was definitely no Cena, meaning he wasn't the no. 1 in the company as an icon. As such, he wasn't as important as Cena.

5. So far in The Parental Guidance Era (2008-present), he didn't face John Cena & Randy Orton. He faced Edge (the top heel at that time) at WM 24 and Shawn Michaels (a legend) at WM 25 & 26. And he's about to face Triple H (a legend) for the second time at Wrestlemania 27.

There, that's my explanation.

If we go by history how WWE never booked Undertaker against an icon of a certain era at Wrestlemania, I'd say there's 99% chance Undertaker won't face John Cena at Wrestlemania 28 next year. If u say WWE avoiding Taker vs the foundation of an era is a coincidence...then what coincidence lasted FOR 20 YEARS?! I believe the fact Taker never faced those icons at Wrestlemania were to protect their credibility, it was no coincidence by all means. In all honesty, I don't see why and how Vince would change his mind after 20 years!! I mean, why wait that long?!

Thus, I believe at WM 28 next year Taker will go against either Chris Jericho (a legend) or a battle royal against 3 main eventers to even the number of his Wrestlemania victims (maybe against Punk, Jericho, and Sheamus) or maybe a young star like Daniel Bryan (for the sake of something new after 20 years).

Last year JR said Taker can still go till WM 30, the latest rumor has it from now on maybe Taker will only work on his Wrestlemania appearances to extend his streak. This way, I can see JR being logical in his saying.

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