Has The Internet Jaded Our Expectations?


...7, 8, Better stay up late...
there has been alot of talk about 'attitude\ruthless agression' -vs- 'PG era' and 'if there were no internet, no one would have voted for kaval or danielson'. alot of words thrown around like 'boring', or ' terrible surprises'.

my thought is that if there was no internet\spoilers jading or skewing our expectations, would the product be better? would there be a sense of wonder or anticipation back that over the years we have somehow lost? would the landscape of the main event scene be vastly different? lets break it down a bit.

80's 90's &Attitude era -vs- PG era- alot of us remember this time as the best in wrestling, or atleast the most memorable. the stars seemed larger, the fueds having more meaning & lasting longer than a few weeks. hogan, rock, austin, hart, andre, savage, taker..... the list goes on forever. matches\ppv's had a sense of anticipation & we didnt see the same matchups week after week & then the same match (essentially) at the ppv. fans didnt have the internet to ruin surprises when someone shows up or spoilers to give away the matches. when luger showed up on nitro & hogan joined the nwo i fucking flipped out. great surprises because many fans had no idea what was going on. now its hard to not know if something big is gonna happen b\c its everywhere on the net. if a show is taped (smackdown\tna) then most dont watch b\c they know what happens & the ones that do are more likely to pick apart what they see. i try to stay away from spoilers & watch even if i kno what happens because i love the matches, but alot of fans dont share that view.

Stars, the main event & fan favorites- austin was the first to pave the way for the 'tweeners'. a heel the fans just fell in love with. revolutionary. now it seems like the lines are more skewed. orton\hhh & a few others have since become favorites while being massive heels. while guys like john cena are loved by those under14 but hated by almost everyone else. its like hogan in the 80's being hated just because he was 'superman'. cena is the new hogan. i said it. i dont like it but its true.(big guy, limited moveset, kids go crazy for them, superman comeback ability). if the roles reversed, would cena have been as popular as hogan if he worked back then? would hogan be vastly hated by the iwc now?

we have some great indipendent stars up and coming in the wwe as well as great wrestlers in tna\roh. if there was no internet, would most fans even know of\care about the likes of aj styles, MCMG, bryan danielson or kaval? imo, these guys are fantastic. they deserve to be showcased. great talent. but if their matches werent as known about like they are now, would they be relevant in the present time? think about this. if there wasnt as much backing from the IWC- would danielson\kaval have been pushed? probly not. vince would have gone with the larger 'pretty boys' who dont hold a candle to the real talent. god forbid that lucky cannon or percy watson would have won nxt. god save us all.

my point being, if the business wasnt as exposed on the internet as it is now- we wouldnt have the chance to see some of the great talent out there outside the wwe. it would be more based on where you live in order to see tna\roh, etc... so for that, thank you goes to the internet exposure. but,- a thumbs down on behalf of spoilers. the internet spoilers have ruined part of the experience of watching. part of the surprise element has been eliminated & much of the anticipation has fallen (with few exceptions- wrestlemania being one). gone are the days of big surprises & bombshell announcements. (thanks to dixie carter &twitter for being a huge let down)

what do yall think. pro's\con's of the internet exposure. what do you think the business has gained or lost from the exposure though the IWC. what do you miss?
simply put, OH HELL YES it has jaded our expectations, but then again, gives us more access to wrestlers and where/when they'll be, what they're up to (for better or for worse) As you put, we have the voting so we get to have a lil more say sometimes in what happens (again, for better or worse) and ofcourse surprises get ruined, which is a major thing to me, but hey that's jus where we are at now so we have to deal with it, although I'd like to think the wrestling companies could keep a little better handle on it (I have no idea what the surprise is gonna be at BFG, and even if it's a disappointment I like that, but I know chances are that I will know before BFG... ::sigh:: ) but the internet does open me up to wrestlers who are Amazing and I otherwise never would have heard of so... good and bad like most things (cept fucking twitter... all bad... all the time) ... and the Hogan/Cena thing may be true... but don't say it for god sakes, every time you do a kitten dies... it happens!

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