Has anyone seen the leaked Xmen movie

Jersey Wannabe

Pre-Show Stalwart
I gotta tell you, I watched it online a couple days ago and it was pretty good.

I watched the first X men movies and thought they were OK. BUt this one hooked me right from the beginning. It tells how Wolverine became Wolverine and how me got the metal skeleton.

The copy I watched was only a workprint,so some of the special effects werent completely done, but it was enjoyable none the less.

I was just wondering if anyone else had seen it, and if you have, what are your thoughts.
I haven't seen it just yet, and probably won't until it hits theaters. But it does look good based on the trailers, and I'm quite possibly the biggest mark for Logan in my parts of Ohio. My only concern is if it follows the cannonical story from the books, or will they bastardize his story? Also, is Sabretooth involved?
It tells the story of Weapon X.
And yes Sabretooth is heavily involved as the Main villian.
Sabretooth is played by Liev Schriber.
Yeah, I saw it. It was a really great movie. It's definitely the best Xmen movie as of yet, narrowly beating out X-Men 3, which I thought was rather good. Jackman did a great job as Wolverine yet again for the forth time, but what really got me into the movie was how well Shreiber played Sabertooth- he owned that character. Very good movie overall.

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