Has anyone ever been to a raw tv taping?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I got my tickets today for the raw tv taping in Liverpool on the 7th of november and was wondering if anyone has ever been to a raw taping and could tell me what happens on commercial breaks and stuff like that.

I am also going to the Manchester house show on the saturday before and i know that will be totally differant to the Raw live taping.
I've been to wrestlemania 24! Never a raw show but I doubt it will be much different other than the stage and arena size. When backstage stuff and video packages were playing they just showed on the tinatron. Have fun man!
The only things I can tell you is be prepared for the pyro. They are really loud and can catch you off guard at first. And when the show goes to commercial, they usually just set up for the next segment. They also change the ring canvas from time time, because of all the sweat from the wrestlers I guess.
Raw live is pretty awesome. You'll get some dark matches and they probably tape another show before Raw, which kinda sucks because it starts to zap your energy after about 3 hours.

The pyros are awesome. During the commercial shit just happens. If it's a match, they'll still be wrestling and you don't really know when the commercials are. One thing that does suck during commericals is like if someone comes out, and then stays in the ring for commercial and you have to hear their entrance music the whole time. I got this with umaga's old theme which was incredibly repetitive.

One thing you will notice is the energy of the crowd. I tried for months to explain to my girlfriend why I love wrestling. She watched every week and did her best to enjoy it. I took her to a live show, now she's hooked. She gets it. It's one of the most amazing experiences a person can have.
They will tape at least one match for Superstars, yes. But during the commercial breaks, expect the following:

Announcers getting in the ring to promote whoever is sponsoring the event.
T-shirts being launched into the crowd, like at hockey games.
Video packages airing on the Jumbotron.
Possibly a wrestler or two giving a short promo just for the crowd.
Generally, this would happen in between Superstars and Raw, while they prepare for the live feed, change the ring appearance, etc.

Other than that, when commercial breaks occur during a match, the match simply continues. They don't pause the match at all (unless you count the obvious "rest" spots). Attending the events live make it difficult to always know when you are even in a commercial break.
I got my tickets today for the raw tv taping in Liverpool on the 7th of november and was wondering if anyone has ever been to a raw taping and could tell me what happens on commercial breaks and stuff like that.

I am also going to the Manchester house show on the saturday before and i know that will be totally differant to the Raw live taping.

I went to the manchester live raw last november that was cool because it was my first tv live show so i got to see how they went about doing raw live and stuff like that. but house shows are totally different because they dnt need ad breaks so the pace of the evening just flows so to speak. but if you get annoyed with ad breaks watching it on tv its worse when ur arena, p!$$ed me off almost tbh.
TNA put a great house show on too i've watched them twice at Manchester M.E.N. and both times was great.

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