Has anyone else ever had or been affected by this kind of problem?


Getting Noticed By Management
I mean it's not necessarily my problem, but I am affected by it. So a few years ago at one of the closest houses across the street from me (there's two sides of houses in front of where I live), and the house the problem comes from is pictured here was taken before the incident


A bee swarm came in and eventually built a ginormous bee hive on one of the eaves of a shed back there (I don't know if anyone can see the shed, and where the hive is, you won't be able to see in the photo) and that colony was pretty peaceful and since then, those people have been extracting honey on occasion, which yes, it is really good. But then a few months ago, all of those bees disappeared and the hive was practically empty, up until what we're all guessing a few weeks ago, whereas I just noticed it on Monday, this new colony came in and they are VERY aggressive, like it's so easy to get them mad. Somebody on the other side of the street was mowing their lawn yesterday and the bees went absolutely crazy, so a whole bunch of them came over and started to attack all at once, and he tells me they chased him down for about three quarters of a mile, but here's where the problem is for me, a pest control company just came a few minutes ago and they are going to destroy the hive, I'm trapped at home as the whole street is closed off to go outdoors and I imagine that this job will take at least 6-8 hours to complete since the hive is pretty big and these bees are so aggressive and hard to deal with. I personally don't know, has anyone else here had that experience or one similar to it?
Update: The pest control people that are removing the hive have stated that this newer colony is indeed Africanized, which I was thinking it was
Some folks in my neighborhood have bee hives, and distribute jars of honey to everyone, because that's how we get down in the suburbs. They have never acted shitty with anyone though (the bees, not the people. Though I assume they are perfectly pleasant as well)
I don't think this sounds like Jerry Springer (not the actual removal that took place today


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