Hart Dynasty vs .... HBK & HHH?

NDN Souljaa

Headbanger Mosh
Now unless youve been living under a rock or are 'new' in terms of watching wrestling, everyone over the age of 10 knows about the issues between HBK/Bret Hart. And some people may even know things such as HHH allegedly being the guy who thought of "the swerve" and whatnot.

So my question is this: Do you guys think these Hart kids would actually benefit from being involved in an angle with HHH & HBK in regards to this matter sometime in the future? Or would it just seem like theyd just be trying to dust off the library tapes and be mooching off their predecessor's legacies even more, and hurt them in the process? Would HBK & HHH even be willing to partake in this feud? Afterall, Shawn says hes moved on. But the angle wouldnt even have to just be about D-X's animosty towards Bret. DH Smith could go off on HBK, talking about how his dad was the 'real winner' of the 1995 rumble since Shawns foot hit the ground and how his dad was screwed out of the European title at One Night Only, etc. I know right now the Hart Dynasty gimmick is that theyre better than their fathers, but considering neither Trips nor Shawn is gna be back for a while, they could sow some seeds now and maybe get it really going after next year's draft. However since most of the viewers Vince is catering to are children, and they wont remember 1997, would it even be relevant today? What do you guys think?
In all honesty, I think Shawn Michaels could help benefit the next Generation Hart's, but Triple H is far beyond helping them. David Hart Smith, might, one day be capable of competing against Triple H.. but surely not right now. And the duo of H.B.K and Triple H, combined, would be far too much for David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd.

All in all, I'm sorry I truly am.. but Tyson Kidd sucks. He's too small, and seems lost in the direction that Smith will eventually go. That being, the Main Event. Smith has the power and size (now) that makes him a true threat for the future. I love that, especially considering I completely wrote this kid off about 5-6 months ago.

Now then, going back to what I was saying.. I think a feud with both of them, against Shawn Michaels (especially coming up at the Unforgiven - or Submission ppv - taking place in Canada) would definitely work. Michaels could put Smith over, more so than Triple H could.

I just don't think a D-X against Hart Dynasty feud would work, due to the fact that Triple H (in my opinion) has eclipsed that of the 1997 issues between the Hart Family and Shawn Michaels.. especially to lower himself into a feud with a Cruiserweight, and a nicely built, yet still very green rookie.
It'd give Shawn something to do. To be honest, I'm not sure what they're going to do with him when he returns. I agree with Will, however, that Triple H should not be involved in this. If he was, they would have no chance of winning. At least with Shawn if the 2 got a win over him it would be believable. But together Shawn/Triple H are 2 of the greatest of all time, and Triple H is still being booked as incredibly dominant.

I don't think Shawn would say no to this just because he's 'put it behind him'. at the end of the day, it's an angle. And he doesn't specifically have to be disrespectful to Hart, rather just defend his own position at the time. Ooh I'm beginning to like this more now, it's like a trip down Shawn's career.
Not unless the Harts add about 4 more guys. Edge and Orton couldn't beat DX and they were both former world champions at the time. Why would two essentially rookies stand a chance against them? It's simply not a fair feud at this point and wouldn't be for a long time, and Shawn and HHH will likely be far past their primes at that point. Neither guy would stand a chance against DX and won't for a loing time, so I have to say no.
The Hart Dynasty (shit name) wouldn't need to beat them. You'd hope that Triple H & HBK would be giving enough to wrestle and beat them, but make both of them look like stars.

The problem is that neither really are. You can't really say they did anything for The Spirit Squad. They just don't appear to wrestle and put over younger wrestlers.
The main problem appears to be in placement - HHH & HBK are on Raw - The Hart Dynasty / Trilogy are on ECW.

Honestly, I don't see how they could move Kidd and Smith to Raw because it would leave a major gap on ECW... and there's no way in hell HHH & HBK are going to appear on ECW anytime soon. They made their cameos back when ECW was a startup, but they'll never agree to do it again.

As for the feud, great idea with Smith & HBK and it would benefit Smith in the long run since Shawn really knows how to pull the best out of an individual in the ring. But HHH is never going to put one of those guys over. If he won't put a guy like Orton over (at least hasn't let him pin him yet), he's never laying down for Kidd or Smith.

The Carlito's need to make a move to ECW for a few weeks and let the Hart's eventually win the titles. That would allow them to float between the different shows so we can truly see what type of potential they have on the main shows against some highly seasoned veterans.
The biggest flaw would be Triple H. I don't hate him, but he wouldn't put both of them over in a handicap match if he was in a wheelchair. Shawn would make it interesting tho. He isn't above puttin over new talent, and he is more than capable of pullin a match out of either one. DH is clearly the one that will go further, and once he gains a little experience, a feud with Shawn would be awesome.
Let Kidd and Smith establish themselves before even thinking of putting them in a position with either Michaels or HHH. Not because they can't go in the ring and not because Michaels and HHH are above it, but due to the high possibilty that the Hart Dynasty would get buried. On ECW they at least get air/ring time. Michaels and HHH (more so HHH) would bury the shit outta those two right now and both of the harts are so good and have so much potential why ruin them now?
As it stands right now, the Hart Dynasty is not ready for such a feud. DX is very established and HHH is going to come back and be placed directly into the main event on RAW to gain revenge from Orton. Smith and Kidd need to get more well established feuds, wins and mic time to develop into a major threat to DX.

But the possibilities are there for a very combative feud. The Dynasty can go after HBK and HHH for the Montreal Screwjob, that's a no-brainer. But Smith can also go after HBK for the time he embarrassed David's dad at the British PPV that HBK beat the Bulldog at for the European title. I think he defeated him with a figure four leg lock and the place was just booing HBK out of the building.

Just give this one a little time. Hopefully HBK and HHH are still around for when the Hart Dynasty is ready because this feud could be fueled with some genuine feeling animosity.
I don’t know if this will ever happen, but I can think of one way it could actually work. Let’s say after next year’s draft, assuming HBK is still active and the Hart Dynagy or Trilosty (whatever you want to call it for now), moves to Raw, with let’s say the Unified Tag Titles, and DX does reform for one more run, the Harts could start complaining that DX is trying to stay in the spotlight, but being that the Harts have the Titles, they should be in the featured Tag Team in all of the WWE. Now, blah, blah, blah, a few run-ins in their respective matches and boom, Harts vs. DX for the Tag Titles. At the PPV, DX dominates and is about to win and then out of nowhere, either Bret or Teddy Hart run in and interfere giving the Harts a successful Title defense against, in my opinion, the best stable the WWE has ever created (3rd best overall). This would put them over with tons of heat, and if this were to take place in Canada, it would give the Harts a pop like it was 1995. I would rather go with Bret first for the actual connection and history, and then add Teddy or someone who can actually still go today. What do you think??
I think it be cool to see, they should bring Chyna back and have the original D-Generation X against the Hart Dynasty. As said the Harts would have to gain more credebility and probaly need a mouth piece maybe they could have the Anvil come back as a manager.
Those of you who say HHH should not be apart of this, could not possibly be anymore wrong. I know what you mean, but if Hunter is not apart of this storyline, then it’ll suck. Okay, he’s another addition to my version of this angle. After the PPV match where the Harts win, DX themselves could begin to bicker at each other and HHH can turn on HBK and say it was his idea the whole time to screw Bret in 96. Hell, this could be why Vince “approved” of his marriage to Steph or something Vince-like (over the top). HHH turns heel and now we have set up the HBK’s last Mania match. So many things can happen out of this and everyone benefits, but HHH needs to be apart of this and not in the Main Event. Now does it make sense??
This would definetely work as long as you establish the Hart Dynasty before you even bother putting them in a feud with DX (I know its been said, but it would be stupid to rush into it because no one will believe the rivalry at this point in time). If the WWE can do a good job into making the Hart Dynasty look credible in the next 6 months to a year, this feud could be epic (you don't even need to make a storyline. Its already made).
I like the possibility of a Hart Dynasty/DX feud A LOT!! Think about how deeply rooted this whole thing is and how HHH and HBK initially reacted after the Montreal screwjob. They claimed they didn't have a clue and they very well may be telling the truth but who knows? Either way, they were in it together and this could make for a very intriguing rivalry. The only issue will be how to get them all together seeing as how they're on different brands. There could be some type of invasion angle done at a Canada show to get it started and then it just escalates from there. This would be an awesome match at Survivor Series or at the Royal Rumble next year. Mania 26 would work, too.
The Hart Dynasty and HBK sounds almost too perfect to pass up. However, the Hart Dynasty still need time to get over and build themselves up. The best way to get this feud started: HBK is challenging for a title in Montreal (preferably close to the anniversary of the Montreal Screwjob), and close to making the Champ tap out when the Hart Dynasty screw HBK. Perfect start to a feud.
i think the fued could work if built up right.but the hart dynasty needs more time to get over as big time heels in wwe before throwing them into a program with hhh and hbk.and i dont know if anybody els feels this way but i HATED the hart foundation with a passion when i was a kid but now i find myself wanting to see more of the dynasty nowadays....pure crazyness. wwe needs teddy hart back to make the dynasty complete.
this does sound almost to perfect. Hart Dynasty getting revenge for the Hart Family. DX as the masterminds behind the screw job is great storyline wrestling. this could be set up perfect to with HBK getting ready to retire. The Hart Dynasty does need to be more established tough for it to work. DX winning out this feud would just be down right selfish and would ruin the whole point to this feud. it is about the screw job and getting revenge. This could really put them over if blowheads do not let there egos get in the way. this would be epic T.V. hell you could even bring back Bret to Screw DX over. if you want things really interesting put Vince in the feud. this would put this feud over the Boiling point.
In all honesty, I think Shawn Michaels could help benefit the next Generation Hart's, but Triple H is far beyond helping them. David Hart Smith, might, one day be capable of competing against Triple H.. but surely not right now. And the duo of H.B.K and Triple H, combined, would be far too much for David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd.

All in all, I'm sorry I truly am.. but Tyson Kidd sucks. He's too small, and seems lost in the direction that Smith will eventually go. That being, the Main Event. Smith has the power and size (now) that makes him a true threat for the future. I love that, especially considering I completely wrote this kid off about 5-6 months ago.

Now then, going back to what I was saying.. I think a feud with both of them, against Shawn Michaels (especially coming up at the Unforgiven - or Submission ppv - taking place in Canada) would definitely work. Michaels could put Smith over, more so than Triple H could.

I just don't think a D-X against Hart Dynasty feud would work, due to the fact that Triple H (in my opinion) has eclipsed that of the 1997 issues between the Hart Family and Shawn Michaels.. especially to lower himself into a feud with a Cruiserweight, and a nicely built, yet still very green rookie.

I think Tyson Kidd is a great wrestler. Before I didnt think he was any good, but after seeing his match with Christian on ECW last night I was amazed
ztwhite "The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly" wrote:
The Carlito's need to make a move to ECW for a few weeks and let the Hart's eventually win the titles. That would allow them to float between the different shows so we can truly see what type of potential they have on the main shows against some highly seasoned veterans.

I agree that The Colons need to be put in a program w/ The Hart Dynasty. Have Carlito and Primo help make the a bigger force then have them drop the Tag Titles to the Hart Dynasty. That way we get exposed to them more. Then have HBK be forced to find a partner. This way we see more of them and a Michaels-Hart Foundation feud is reborn. The ending would culminate at WM26 where Smith wins over Michaels. He goes home for a while til his kids get older then he returns for vindication and he asks Bret for forgiveness and he's sorry for Montreal'97 which the Hitman returns and he tells him that's all he wanted to hear. Shawn then asks Bret to induct him in the WWE Hall of Fame when he retires and Bret says "Yes!" As far as Trips goes he needs to help out the future of the biz not bury it. Stephanie is taking a step towards the future not the past. If Trips was a part of this feud I want to see Tyson Kidd put him in a Sharpshooter then the bell automatically rings it's screw u Trips when he looks at who rung it it was none other than HBK himself. Any feud with Michaels & Helmsley as DX only will automatically result in failure. Just look as The Miz & Morrison, The Spirit Squad.
I agree with pretty much all of you that say that the Harts are not ready yet since theyve only been on tv for a few weeks, but I think this next coming year of their development is really crucial if this feud is to ever happen due to the rumors of HBK leaving after WM26. Im hoping its atleast WM27 for the showstopper since hes going to be taking so much time off this year, and also so the Harts can gain some exposore, notoriety, and experience. So with that said, I also whole heartedly agree with all those that said the Colons should start a feud with the Harts first, and eventually dropthe titles to them, which would give the Harts extra credibility. That could also bolster Primo to singles competition and leave Carlito to do whatever he wanted. Even leave, as he originally wanted to.

You can't really say they did anything for The Spirit Squad. They just don't appear to wrestle and put over younger wrestlers.

The spirit squad was supposed to be a bit of a comedy team wasnt it? I mean anytime you win the titles and use the freebird rule with almost a half dozen wrestlers, doesnt really show that youre the 'toughest' team in the company to being with. Not to mention the fact they were male cheerleaders. And yeah D-X may not have put too many over as a team, because the second incarnation was only around for about six months. But individually there have been some. I cant think of too many off the top of my head in recent years but im sure most ppl remember HHH and Shelton Benjamin.

Bret or Teddy Hart run in and interfere giving the Harts a successful Title defense against, in my opinion, the best stable the WWE has ever created (3rd best overall). This would put them over with tons of heat, and if this were to take place in Canada, it would give the Harts a pop like it was 1995. I would rather go with Bret first for the actual connection and history, and then add Teddy or someone who can actually still go today. What do you think??

That would be ridiculously cool if that ever happened. Every fan on this planet would mark out like crazy if bret and shawn confronted eachother inside of a ring. But Im not too sure if Bret would want to get inside the squared circle again and be a mouthpiece for an angle like this. Also although Teddy Hart is insanely talented, Ive heard nothing but bad things about his backstage behavior and whatnot so I dont think the WWE will bring him back, considering he'll be in his 30's by the time this potential feud takes off.

they should bring Chyna back and have the original D-Generation X against the Hart Dynasty. As said the Harts would have to gain more credebility and probaly need a mouth piece maybe they could have the Anvil come back as a manager.

hahaha wow i would love to see the 9th wonder of the world take on natalya. alas shes one of the many who thinks that mtv is cooler. so i guess we're gna hafta go barking up another tree. and im not so sure if Anvil would have the best mic skills, as much as the mouth of the south Jimmy Hart would. now THAT would give them instant credibility, with him being one of the greatest manages/talkers of all time and part of the original foundation. I believe Jimmy is still with the WWE in florida so why not bring him up?
No, I don't think this would work mainly because neither HBK/HHH would do it. It is however a great idea though. I actually wouldn't mind seeing them feud with the Colons for the tag team titles. Maybe even Priceless.
The spirit squad was supposed to be a bit of a comedy team wasnt it?

In a way. But comedy teams don't usually headline PPV's.

I mean anytime you win the titles and use the freebird rule with almost a half dozen wrestlers, doesnt really show that youre the 'toughest' team in the company to being with.

No, but in any situation 5 on 2 should pose some sort of problem. They defeated Big Show & Kane with relative ease.

Not to mention the fact they were male cheerleaders.

Great gimmick. That Mikey, he'll go far.

But individually there have been some. I cant think of too many off the top of my head in recent years but im sure most ppl remember HHH and Shelton Benjamin.

Depends how you look at Shelton. Yes, he did benefit from the win. But it was a fluke victory and he's hardly taken any steps forward in the five years since then.

Overall it's better if Hart & the little one avoid D-X.
Why give the Hart Dynasty such a big push? I think they should work their way up as a tag team and take the belts off the Colon's before they start feuding with main-eventers. I hope the WWE doesn't overkill the Hart Dynasty by trying to push them as huge within their first couple of months of existence. They don't need to start the biggest and most obvious feud against HBK or D-X or whatever from the get go, they need to work up to that. Maybe in a year or so.

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