Harry Potter the next Star Wars?


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The in-flight film on my trip home from Aruba on Saturday was Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Now as many of you know, I am a real fan of the series. Read books 3-7 at least once each, seen all available films between 2 and 50 times. Well, on the plane, I was thinking...

With Hogwarts and the characters, the history, etc., it's perfectly feasible for the Harry Potter world created by J.K. Rowling to be the next Star Wars. We're talking prequals, sequals, expansions, comics, etc.

If you Wiki Star Wars, you are taken through thousands of years of former Sith Lords, Jedi, etc. It discusses the original Sith rule, the tale of Darth Plagus, Count Dooku, etc. Flash forward and you learn that Leia and Han's son becomes a Sith Lord, and so on and so forth. It never ends with Return of the Jedi, and it didn't begin with Phantom Menace.

Is Harry Patter destined to be the same? Harry and Ginny's kids at Hogwarts? The next powerful dark wizard? Maybe a prequal discussing the tale of Dumbledore and Grindelwald?

What are your thoughts? Is it feasible for Potter and co. to reach the heights of George Lucas's original epic? Would you like to see it happen?
Acting from both sides of awesome-fucking awful spectrum, only half the films are of any quality, weird fans, you could have a point.

But surely Harry Potter spin offs must include Harry Potter, which must limit them slightly. There are plenty of characters, but Harry Potter is the title character. Ron Weasley And The Something will sell, but I doubt it'd catch on the same.
I would LOVE to see this happen. I marked out huge just reading it and fantasising at this being a possibility. I love the final chapter of Deathly Hallows so I would love to see maybe a spin off of their children, eve n if it was just a book or 2. Plus, stories from the years after Hogwarts would also be great.

IC stop making me think about this, I'll cry if it doesn't happen.
Really it all depends on what Rowling is willing to have done with the series. You mentioned the Star Wars Wiki's and all of the history of the fictional universe they contain, but a shitload of that history is taken from the dozens and dozens of Star Wars licensed novels. With Potter it's a bit different considering it started off as novels, it would all depend on whether or not Rowling would want to have the Universe expand and grow without her input. She'd probably be alot more open to movies than she would new novels. Either way, I'd buy them up as soon as I could. Perhaps I'm super uncool, but I'll always love Harry Potter, those books were fucking amazing when I was growing up, I remember staying up all night when I was like ten or eleven and reading the entire second novel that night simply because I HAD to know what was going to happen.
I'm completely open to the possibility of more Harry Potter books. I'd love to see the children of the characters go through Hogwarts, or see Dumbledore's past explored in more detail.

However, I don't want there to be movies. I know the movies will never replace the books, but the fear is there. Harry Potter to me works better as a book series than a movie series.

However, I've heard JK Rowling doesn't want to, fearing it will get viewed as a Cash Cow, which it is by some.
I'm not sure. You have to remember, a lot of the Star Wars expanded universe isn't from Lucas himself. Until now it's been all Rowling on the HP side. I think Harry definitely has the potential to become something that big. The books certainly are. The films are huge because of the books and on top of that, quite a few of the films are well made. However, at the end of the day, Star Wars is Star Wars. It is a juggernaut that's still going strong almost 35 years later. I think that's going to be the real test for HP. In ten years will it be popular still? Star Wars has stayed popular for a very long time. HP could, but it might not. I'll go with no, but I won't put up much of an argument for it as it's too early to tell.
I never though about but I can see that happening.

The Harry Potter universe is already expanding at an alarming rate, just go to Harry Potter wikia. I can see an entire part of a bookshelf be full of the Voldemort history books and Potter sequels.

There is just so much to go upon with the huge character list provided by Rowling. The only question is will people get behind it like they have Star Wars. Yes, yes they will

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