Hardcore TV or ECW On TNN

Which show was better?

  • ECW Harcore TV

  • ECW On TNN

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Resident Hip Hop Junkie
Before I start the thread. I wanna do the whole covering my own ass thing & say that if there is another thread made on this topic before hand then do whatever necessary.

Anyways, I had a thought today once I looked back on some old tapes of ECW On TNN & some old tapes of ECW Hardcore TV & since I am in an old school ECW mood. I figured what the hell, I wanted to discuss & compare the two tv programs.

The summary of it is below this

ECW Hardcore TV- I'm sure alot of you might remember what the format or content of this show is. ECW Hardcore TV featured many of the features that are synonomous with the original ECW like blood, sexual shit & harsh language that is mainly not suitable for tv or young children for that matter(never stopped me from seeing it when I was a 6 or 7 year old). The matches that Hardcore TV showcased were wrestlers like Rey Mysterio getting his big break as he wrestled opponents like Juventud, originals like Taz, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu, RVD, The Dudleyz, New Jack & countless other wrestlers making themselves household names & more importantly, it got ECW noticed. Hardcore TV was very different from ECW On TNN which i'm about to give a summary about.

ECW On TNN- I have only shed tears about 5 times in my lifetime & 2 of those times have involved the original ECW. Anyways ECW On TNN was completely different from Hardcore TV as a bunch of shit that is well synonomous with the original ECW was censored by the dip shits from TNN. The matches were still good, but top stars like Taz, Raven, Douglas, The Dudleyz & others all bailed on ECW & went to either WWE or WCW & of course the dip shits from TNN censored the shit that many of us original ECW fans enjoyed. TNN basically screwed ECW out the ass by barely giving them any time to promote the show, an extremly small budget to produce the product while expecting them to automatically compete with shows like Nitro & Raw.

The aftermath of the show took a huge hit on ECW as a whole & they went under very shortly.

With my explanation or rant or whatever the hell you wanna call it. My question to all of you is that which original ECW television show was better & why?
I remember the night I accidently discovered ECW on TV...espn I think. I had heard about it in the magazines but never thought I would actually SEE it. It was right in the middle of the Raven Sandman feud where Raven had stolen his family. In one hour I was HOOKED! This was increadible to me. The production was cheap and I loved it.

When it was announced they were going to TNN I was thrilled. Finally!!! they had a chance at the big time! Within a month I stopped watching. ECW was over.

Does that answer your question?
We never go ECW tv here where I live so my first actual experiance with ECW was ECW on TNN. I loved the show but I could tell that something was missing. After the first show when the Dudleyz dropped the belts to Raven and Tommy Dreamer I immediatly went out and bought up all the old ECW tapes and DVD's I could find. I just regret the fact that I couldn't get the chance to be part of the old ECW experiance.
ECW wasn't really ECW while it was on TNN. It wasn't a bad show, but it also wasn't the product that enticed thousands of cult-like fans. Hardcore TV was the real deal ECW. It was the true product and was gritty just like being at a real ECW show. There really isn't a comparison.
The fact is that ECW had to change its style if they where going to appeal to a mainstream audience, TNN or spike TV as it stands now basically couldnt air the show the way Hardcore TV was formatted and presented, I remember once seeing the blue meenie getting a blow job in a toilet on Hardcore television inwhich is something the WWE's attitude era would never immitate no matter how you attempt to dress it up.

what made hardcore TV so great was due to the fact that everything was condensed and advertised the product to an extent that you didnt see the bad parts you mostly saw what made the company great.

What made the TNN show so bad was the fact that like Hardcore TV Heyman paid out to TNN to show the show, they earned nothing, it was a total bad business decision but Paul went with it anyway, TNN squeezed them dry and practically raped the product all together and then dumped the show like a used napkin in favour of the WWE, and what did Paul have to show for it, nothing.

So i have to go with Hardcore TV, better style, better budget, and protected the product, it also allowed the product to be uncensored, it helped springboard ECW to the top of its game whilst tnn squeezed it dry and killed the product by mismanaging it.
The fact is that ECW had to change its style if they where going to appeal to a mainstream audience, TNN or spike TV as it stands now basically couldnt air the show the way Hardcore TV was formatted and presented, I remember once seeing the blue meenie getting a blow job in a toilet on Hardcore television inwhich is something the WWE's attitude era would never immitate no matter how you attempt to dress it up.

Well..thats not entirely true. WWE did a blow job scene and it wasn't all that long ago. Back when HBK and HHH new reformed DX there WAS a scene where Trips was supposedly getting a BJ while trying to do a promo...just wanted to put that out there.
No doubt, Harcore TV. TNN didn`t really let ECW be ECW. They rejected a lot of ideas. That`s why they brought that Network guy character in. That`s well explained in the Rise and Fall DVD. Hardcore TV was the real deal, real ECW.
Well..thats not entirely true. WWE did a blow job scene and it wasn't all that long ago. Back when HBK and HHH new reformed DX there WAS a scene where Trips was supposedly getting a BJ while trying to do a promo...just wanted to put that out there.

actually it was Triple H and Candace Michelle and two no name girls, and that was more insinuation then actual blow job scenario, With Meenie it was more provocative and dirty but i digress...

That was what made ECW special as with TNN the board wouldnt allow anything like that to happen, they wanted a clean show, they wanted original programing, and what did TNN do even though they where being paid to show the product?, dumped heymans brand in favor of the WWE.
No question ECW hardcore TV was way better, yes it had a small market because it was mostly cable access in the Philly area but apparently they had a good spot in the NYC area. When ECW did start house shows in the midwest and south I had some hope for them. I think that the vulgarity and obscenity complimented the great storylines of ECW. The thing that sucked for me was I found ECW while I was in middle school (try getting your parents to allow you to attend those kinds of events.

When ECW transition to TNN I only lasted til late 1999 after the beulah/dudleys angle ended. My question would be how much did TNN expect to change the ECW product and expect positive results.

Good thread topic
Well I liked the tnn product better. Heres why, the crap that was put on ecw harcore was just sick. I love flat out wrestling awalys did. Sure I love sexual crap and other obscene bullshit in moderation. But a whole show based on obscene actions justnever didit for me. You don't need to see someone getting a hummer in the bathroom stalls to be turned onto a show. It actually makes me throw up in my mouth. Any promotions that base the shows on disgusting actions gears its audiences to inmature people and people who like idiotic circummstances. I perfer realistic situations over any other type of program because inmature crap never does anything for me.
Hardcore TV. Hands fuckin down. I caught it mad late on MSG Network at like 3 a.m. or something like that and I was just blown away by the entire thing. Just the commercial for the video tapes alone with the clips I was just like, "My god! This is fuckin sweet!" And it made it more awesome that they were from Philly, just a stone's throw away from where I live.
I just enjoyed the gritty and homemade look it had and it still managed to have a ridiculous fanbase without having a souped up production. The TNN version was a castrated ECW and does anyone else remember how it literally had 5 minutes of wrestling and the rest of the hour was fuckin commercials???
Hardcore TV wasn't the original ECW either. Eastern Championship Wrestling was the original ECW, when it was part of the NWA. I don't remember it having a real TV scedule, but I do remember seeing it on TV before it became Extreme Championship Wrestling.
back to the whole blowjob thing... not sure if anyone remembers this but Mark Henry totally got a BJ from that tranny dude that was supposed to be Chyna's friend.

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