[Hardcore Justice] Rob Van Dam v. Crimson [Bound For Glory Series]

Who wins?

  • Rob Van Dam

  • Crimson

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Hardcore Justice 2011
Rob Van Dam v. Crimson
Bound For Glory Series Match






All discussion here.​
rvd has nothing to gain by ending crimson's streak. it would waste it if crimson were to lose this. i see a crimson win or some kind of draw or interference as they need a way to keep crimson undefeated but keep the people behind him in the table close
This is a bad idea in my opinion. Crimson isnt the greatest in the ring and needs short squash matches to show his strengh and intensity. Many people compare him to goldberg and at the moment he needs goldberg type matches, How long was it before goldberg even started competeing in the main event?

Personally i wouldnt of even of put Crimson in the series but would have had him come out at the end of matches and destroy everyone in the series. I have forgot whether TNA has a singles championship apart from world and x divsion. do they still have the legends? If so give him and impressive run with that before he goes anywhere near the world title.

Anyway to answer your question, Crimson in a short match with prehaps a return from Jeff Hardy to distract RVD but i dont know what state Jeff is in or why he isnt competing to be honest.
Uhmm, crimson right? because he's goooooldberg only skinnier (they both are crap in the ring btw), maybe just maybe RVD get's him a decent match, but we all know that crimson wins.
I don't really know how much can crimson go being undefeated, but this is his first high profile match and we all see if he can go in the ring.
Crimson is bland and has no personality. I really don't see what TNA sees in him that they want to shov him down our throats and give him the Goldberg-type push. He isn't Goldberg... he doesn't have the mystique or the presence. RVD is past his prime and no longer puts on entertaining matches in my eyes (not that he had great matches to begin with, without weapons). Crimson is clearly going to win this match and continue his streak in the Bound for Glory series; but this match itself has nothing to make me interested in it at all.
I still don't get why people are trying to convince themselves that Crimson is being pushed as the next Goldberg. Goldberg was a guy who destroyed his opponents in a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds. Crimson is a guy who has competitive matches and TNA are building him as someone who can take a lot of punishment and ain't scared of a fight. It's completely different. And I really don't see how it's that hard to understand. Crimson is not the next Goldberg, he's the first Crimson.

As for the match itself, I'm expecting a decent contest. Rob Van Dam is one of the best sellers in the business and I see him making Crimson look like an absolute powerhouse. As for the winner? I'm going for Van Dam to win via DQ. 5 points puts him level with Crimson and opens up the possibility of another match between the two, which will only help Crimson in his development.
Really looking forward to this match. Crimson has really impressed and has become one of my favorite guys in TNA and he has had two pretty solid PPV matches against Abyss and Samoa Joe. I'm expecting this match with RVD to be his best match TNA so far. RVD doesn't lose very often but I do expect Crimson to win in a pretty good match and remain undefeated.
Now this is going to be a good match. RVD is always interesting and can make almost any match good. Then you have Crimson, who keeps on impressing week after week. I think that Crimson will win because RVD has nothing to gain from ending the winning streak. RVD will likely put up a fight though and I bet this will be great.

Crimson will defeat RVD.
I think a lot of people are wrong in saying that RVD gains nothing from ending Crimson's winning streak. He gains credibility and an easy route to being the guy he was last year when he was World Champion. Remember, he never lost that title, he was stripped due to "injuries" suffered by Abyss using Janice on him. RVD has been kind of floating around with no real purpose since his return, as are many guys with the Immortal angle dominating TNA's programming. A victory here vaults him right back to the top of the cards and makes him the clear cut favorite to win the Bound for Glory series.

That being said, I too don't see Crimson taking the loss here. For better or worse, TNA is intent on pushing him to the moon. A victory of RVD would be his biggest to date and show that TNA creative is truly all in on him by defeating a former title holder. I can't say I'm in favor of that decision. Crimson is certainly improving in the ring. However, he has no true gimmick to speak of, below average mic skills, and a lack of a true connection with the crowd. I don't know where he goes after he suffers his first loss, which I think is the main reason he gets the victory here. I don't think that is the best reason to put a guy over an established star, but TNA has kind of backed themselves into a corner.

Imagine if Crimson wins the Bound for Glory series, which I think he will. If you don't have him take the title (which would be off of either Angle or Sting, presumably), he loses all of his mystique and becomes just another guy who got a big push that didn't work out and he goes straight to the midcard. This is dangerous territory for a company which has spent great time and effort in making this guy the next superstar in wrestling. Crimson's time is short to prove he is ready to be the guy to carry TNA in the future. It's my opinion that he doesn't have the tools and would be severely miscast in that position. This match with RVD is a huge, pivotal moment in his young career.

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