[Hardcore Justice] Kurt Angle v. Sting (C) [World Heavyweight Championship]

Who wins?

  • Sting

  • Kurt Angle

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Hardcore Justice 2011
Kurt Angle v. Sting (C)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship








All discussion here.​
Call me OLD SCHOOL but come on Stinger, Angle is the best tech wrestler in Tna (in my eyes) But for the future of TNA i see Sting Dominating this match
Did you say for the "future of tna" you see sting dominating this match? Umm isn't Sting in his 50s? For the future of tna sting should retire and stop winning world titles! Angle wins hopefully. Last thing we need is sting vs hogan main eventing bfg in 2011.:disappointed:
Is it just me or is Hogan getting hunched over in his old age?

I don't care what anyone says, it's just good to see The Hulkster on TV, for pretty much the exact reason all the attitude era fans are happy to see Austin on TV again even if it is just as the host of Tough Enough.
In true Russo booking.

Angle wins by Hogan hitting sting with a bat/chair and Angle joins immortal.

BFG maybe we can see AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle.
I don't see Kurt Angle, Sting and Crimson (assuming he wins the BFG series) all in the main event title scene as faces. Yes Immortal has many heel (past main eventers)... Someone will be turning heel here soon and yes I know Immortal just got Mr. Anderson however it appears he is just a pawn otherwise Hogan would not have Bubba Ray being the voice of Mr. Anderson and costing him the match this past week versus Kurt Angle. I therefore think Mr. Anderson and Bubba will run some type of program with each other....

In saying what I just said Kurt Angle joins immortal by beating Sting for the title at Hardcore Justice and creating a confusing storyline with Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle neglecting their past or creating some bogus kiss and make up story..... It's about time for Kurt Angle to turn heel again anyways he never stays face long
Hoping for an Angle win but realistically Sting will probably win here.

I doubt this will be any good really, Sting matches these days rarely are, but I guess if anyone can carry him to a good one then Angle is your man. Although the fact that there WILL undoubtedly be some sort of ref bump or Hogan interference or some sort of screwy ending wont help things.

Angle should win given that Sting in 2011 sucks in the ring however given that Angle is training for the olympics and Sting is in the middle of a storyline with Immortal makes the chances of that happening seem way too low.

Sting to win in a shit match most likely after some screwy ending complete with a ref bump and about 5 separate run ins.
As much as I really want Angle to win the gold. I just do not see it happening here. I do think Sting will retain the championship title. Either by some interference or Fair and square.
I can't see Sting being anything other than a transitional champion, so I am going for Kurt Angle here. Sting is getting worse in the ring all the time, and needs to be carried through his matches now, which is not what you want from your champion.

Angle is still the best in the world on his day, and deserves to be the TNA champion. I can see him winning here (I hope he doesnt end up in Immortal), and Sting going even more crazy after losing the belt.

I do not want to see Sting as TNA Champion again, he has disappointed in pretty much every match I have seen him wrestle since he returned to TNA.
I voted for Sting, even though I think this match could easily go either way. I sincerely hope there isn't a "Russo swerve" (or "Bischoff Swerve"), with one of these two joining Immortal. I don't think a heel-turn will happen during this match at all...but if it does, then it seems more likely that Angle will be the one to join Immortal. I really don't think Sting will turn heel, looking at this from a "real life" point-of-view, but also from a kayfabe POV.

In "real life", Steve Borden always seemed to hate being a heel. For example, his heel runs in WCW were all lack-luster (at least IMHO), and Sting also seemed reluctant as a heel in TNA -- especially during his time with the Main Event Mafia. I think the storylines were written well, but Sting just didn't seem to enjoy it. He would still pander to the crowd (still did his "wooooos", and still used his "good guy" poses & taunts), even though that's something that "bad guys" don't normally do. In kayfabe, Sting's character has always hated "Hollywood" Hogan; I don't believe we'll see Sting buddy-up with Hogan unless he goes back to the red & yellow.

I think the current TNA story (concerning Sting & Hogan/Immortal) will mirror the WCW storyline from the late 90's. If you remember, the only time Hogan & Sting "got along" during the late-nineties (in WCW) was when Hogan took off the black-attire, & went back to being "The Hulkster". Sting's character just doesn't work as a heel. In a kayfabe sense, Sting doesn't get along with Hollywood Hogan (and probably never will). In real life, Sting hates playing a "bad guy".

Whatever the outcome, I think this match will be EXTREMELY entertaining. Angle & Sting are both great performers (at least in my eyes), and the two of them usually give their all during their main-event/title matches (especially those on PPV). These are two guys that love what they do, and they love leaving the fans happy. I'm excited to watch the match, regardless of the finish.

My hope is that Sting leaves Hardcore Justice as the victor, although I think Angle might have a better chance of winning the Title. Sting has been champ for a while now, & it might be time for a change. Sting doesn't need the title to mess with Hogan & Immortal, and it looks like Sting will continue to mess with them for a little while longer (with the payoff eventually being Hogan turning face). Having Angle as the TNA Champion will make for some great matches in the PPVs to come, but I think it's possible that the Sting/Angle feud will continue past HC Justice. Just my two cents.
Angle should win, with some controversy in the match with Immortal interfering, and it's time for Angle to win it, he's still in good shape and it's time to use before it's over.
I can see cases for either guy winning this match so it's making it hard to pick a winner but I'm gonna have to go with the Stinger. Kurt Angle (overall) is the best there is but Sting has loads of momentum right now and I think for storyline purposes it's better if Sting retains. Sting has been getting under the skin of Immortal lately and so it's more likely someone from Immortal (MrAnderson/Bully Ray) will take the Title from him.

Kurt Angle, as everyone knows, is a great World Champion but with the Immortal story he shouldn't win here IMO. I don't see Angle joining Immortal either. Something would have had to have happened to Double J for that to be possible. If Jarrett does go to Mexico for a while to defend his Title, then maybe. But while Jarrett's there, no chance.

As for the match itself, it should be a great main event. Sting has been on fire lately and come Hardcore Justice, it will be SHOWTIME! And Sting is certain to put on a show. And with the character he's playing now, he can pretty much do what he wants. And I think he's going to put on an awesome show. And who better to do that with than Kurt Angle? A man who adapts to all styles and will get the best out of his opponent. Which sounds like a pretty good Champion, but Sting has the momentum and being World Champion is about the now.
After finally getting around to watching last night's episode of Impact, I'm leaning more towards Angle now (even though I originally voted for Sting).

Sting has been TNA champ for a really good chunk of time in 2011 already (who else was champ this year? Only Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson, right?), and I think it's time to let another "fading" star (Angle) have a run with the belt this year.

Let's face it: neither Sting or Angle have a lot of time left in the ring. Angle probably has more time than Sting does, but that doesn't really matter here. The reason it doesn't matter, is because Angle will soon be off TNA TV - right? Isn't he leaving so he can focus all of his attention on the 2012 Olympic Games?

With that in mind, I think TNA is going to let Angle have a short-run with the Championship (up until it's time for him to be written off TV). I think having Angle as champ will be good for business right now, since it will get Angle (and TNA, by proxy) a little attention. Angle can start his new "reality show" (is that still the plan?) after losing the belt, and can say that he was the TNA Heavyweight Champion in 2012. Angle would also be able to say that he beat Sting "cleanly", as that seems to be the major focal-point of this match (at least from the storyline POV). I know the Title is also at stake, but you know what I mean....

I might be looking too far ahead here, but I don't think the belt will immediately go back to Sting (if Angle is the victor at HC Justice). I bet they'll have a rematch (presumably at the next PPV), with Angle winning that as well. I think TNA would be smarter to have Angle eventually lose the belt to a younger guy, putting that "young guy" over with the audience (once Angle is ready to leave, to focus on the Olympics). That's just plain good business.

Again, I'm probably looking too far into the future (we don't even know if Kurt will beat Sting for the belt yet)...but I can see Angle losing to an up-and-comer (ie: Crimson, Gunner, etc), or possibly even Mr. Anderson. Sting has had more than enough time with the belt this year, and I believe it's time to pass the torch.

I hope Sting will become Champion again in the future (if he loses the belt this Sunday), he's still got a little time before he hangs up the boots for good. Who knows what will happen with Kurt? In his mind, he might be leaving TNA for good - when he leaves for his Olympic Training (& Reality Show)...I mean, he could retire, he could suffer a career-ending injury, he could go back to WWE, or could wind up on Impact again. I think putting the belt on Angle this Sunday would be best for all those involved...it could be the very last chance Angle has to hold the Strap.
This is TNA, of course there's going to be a swerve.

They had Angle and Hogan confront one another, cut promos against one another, and everything that was said was made to make the audience believe Angle is the good guy and won't join Immortal. It wouldn't make SENSE for Angle to join Immortal.. by his own words, and especially by his previous feud with Jarrett and his ex wife. So OF COURSE Angle's going to turn heel and join Immortal. This is TNA! This is Russo!

I see Angle winning in a stupid swerve, and then hell, they'll probably set up a Hogan vs. Sting match at Bound for Glory! Wonderful. By the way, Sting's Joker gimmick is the worst thing I've seen in a while in wrestling. What a joke.. ugh.
The obvious choice for the match to close the show with. The question is.... Who wins? I think Angle is going to win. Kurt Angle is the best guy they have and he should win because now is a perfect time to start the title reign that sees him walk into Bound for Glory as champion. Sting will not be hurt by a loss here. The two have had more than enough matches with each other so while it might not be the match of the night, it should be good and we can know what to expect from them. Angle wins while Sting puts up a fight.

Kurt Angle will win the TNA World Championship.
Angle is winning via Immortal interference, but he's not joining the stable. Kurt doesn't have the agenda to destroy Hogan and Bischoff that Sting does so he's the lesser of two evils from their perspective. They'll run-in and give Angle the win, teasing as if he's joined the group, but either right after the match or next Thursday on Impact he'll make it clear he had nothing to do with it.

And yes, I know they just did this a few months ago with how Anderson won the title from Sting. But that's TNA booking for ya!

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