[Hardcore Justice] Bully Ray v. Storm v. Hardy v. Robbie E. [BFG Series 20-Points]

Who wins?

  • Bully Ray

  • James Storm

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Robbie E

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &


Hardcore Justice 2012
Bully Ray v. James Storm
v. Jeff Hardy v. Robbie E

Bound For Glory Series — Tables Match






All discussion here.​
I'll go with James Storm for this match. Either him or Hardy are the favorite, but the sleeper here is Bully Ray. As far as Robbie E. goes, meh who cares. He got his 5 points off a count out, so whatever. Aside from that, between Bully and Storm, this 4-way might be a battle of the brawlers.
I am going to have to go with Jeff Hardy. Again he is not really doing anything in the tournament so if we are to believe he has a chance to Main Event BFG then he needs a big win. I guess it could always go to Bully Ray as a carrot to get him to sign that new contract but I will stick with Nero!
Im all for the Cowboy picking up the victory here but hes in the same situtation as Joe hes got such a big lead him getting another 20 points might put him way too far ahead of everybody so im gonna say Bully Ray or Hardy wins im gonna guess Hardy wins.
If they want to try to keep this BFG series unpredictable, I'd give Robbie E the victory here. Of course, it would be using classic heel tactics of stealing a victory out of no where, but it couldn't hurt to give him the win. Everyone knows he's not going to win, but if Robbie could pull the victory here, we'd be adding a little bit more interest as to how everything is going to play out. Besides, it'd be easy to pull off too with interference from Rob Terry.

Other than that, Hardy and Bully Ray are hurting for wins right now (I believe). I don't think Storm walks out with another 20 points here either way.
I voted Bully Ray but I could easily see Hardy winning it to. Robbie E is a dark horse, but I like what another poster said about keeping the series unpredictable and giving Robbie E the win. I don't see Storm winning this one though.
I see Jeff Hardy winning this.

Another big win for Storm would put him way out in the BFG series, so I don't think he will win this, TNA will want to keep the rankings exciting. Robbie E is a pile of shit, and I don't see TNA giving him the win over 3 of its biggest stars, why he is even in this tournament is beyond me. He sucks.

I was initially surprised that Jeff Hardy was in the tables match and not his specialty- the ladder match. And because of this I believe that TNA will give him the win in this. You can't have 2 winners of a ladder match, so someone else will win that- Kurt or AJ I reckon, and Hardy will win this one. Hopefully by ending Robbie E's career with a Swanton through a table....we can all hope.
So here we have three potential winners and someone who just doesn't belong.... Looking at YOU, Robbie E. It's going to a Tables match which should make it even better than it would be without the stipulation. Aces and Eights are very likely to get involved too, making it all the more interesting. As I did with the other BFG Series matches, let's take a look at each competitor.

Robbie E will NOT win this. If he does, then TNA's booking team will only further prove every rant we have ever posted on here about them. Hardy, Ray, and Storm all have strong odds of winning. Had it not been for the angle surrounding Storm with Aces and Eights whether he's leading them or not, then I'd be more likely to choose Hardy. Ray got chosen as their next victim, so he might pick up a win when they inevitable show up. I've got Storm winning though, it would make sense for him to prove he's not involved and still win the match in the end too. He remains my pick to win the entire BFG Series.

James Storm will win this match.
Honestly I would pick Bully Ray, but considering this whole contract situation mess going on I'm not sure. My next choice would be Jeff Hardy, He is down on the leaderboard, and considering his popularity, I would think TNA would want to make it seem like he has a legitimate chance to get another shot at the title. James Storm alrady has a significant lead over most of his competition, to give him the win no one else would able to get close enough to him to even take the lead that way its not an obvious choice on who gets the title shot, and it keeps things interesting. Now, as for the last choice, seriously, who can take Robbie E as a legit threat, he only has five points, and that only victory was a countout victory over Jeff Hardy thanks to a distraction by his associate or whatever you would call Robbie T.
This should be an elimination match for starters.

I'm picking Bully Ray just because he's been floating around the same level as Storm and Hardy for some time now. It's a tables match, and Bully hasn't done all that much in the BFG Series. Just seems like it's time for him to get a little momentum.
It's time to take his character in a new direction, i.e., someone who deserves to be taken seriously as a contender for the world title. It would only require a slight adjustment--as if by accident, he discovers that he has real talent. He could continue to be a blowhard, but "it ain't braggin' if it's true".

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