Hard Mothers

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Legitimately, rumoured or in their own eyes, what wrestlers have reputations as being legit tough guys? Most people have heard the story of Taker threatening HBK is he refused to lose to Steve Austin at Mania 14. Could he have kicked his arse? Yeah sure, but does that make him hard? He uses MMA type moves in his arsenal. But I've never heard of him winning any fights, or even taking liberties with other wrestlers. He has size though so I can't imagine he's soft.

William Regal was supposed to have a reputation as being tough. I think that all relates to bar fights. So does kicking the shit out of drunks make you tough?

The Steiners were accomplised college wrestlers, or so wrestling storylines have told me. And they had a reign of terror in WCW in the late 1990's. Ask Saturn & Konnan. Are they hard, or are they just idiots who kick the shit out of pansy fake fighters?
Well there is Tonga from Tonga, also known as Haku, also known as Meng. He apparently managed to gouge out a guys eye as well as numerous other events like that. I don't know whether to include Chris Jericho in this or not with that story of his fight against Goldberg that he won. Id add on those two to your list Jake.

Then perhaps we could add Lou Thesz into this list since he was from a time when Title matches sometimes turned into shoots and he broke limbs while he was in the ring if it was going to turn into a shoot.
'Taker is pretty legit it seems. I mean, every one in the business respects him and he apparently does practice Jiu-Jitsu regularly.

But I think the most legit bad ass of all time is Bad News Brown/Allen. Every one I've seen talk about him said the same thing: He was someone not to be fucked with. Even Dynamite Kid put the guy over in his book.

Billy Jack Haynes was a huge dude with a tough guy reputation too. He was a boxer before becoming a pro wrestler and I've heard stories of him kicking some ass in the locker room.

2 Cold Scorpio beat Hawk’s ass, so that makes him pretty tough in my eyes considering he was half of Hawk’s size. Also, he was the guy to get Sid off of Arn Anderson when he attacked him with the scissors, which I'm sure was no easy task.

And The Iron Sheik, while he might be a bit of a joke today, he was fucking legit in his time. The most known story is the one where he single handily kicked a few the Pittsburgh Steelers football players asses when they jumped Bruno Sammartino.
Abit of a suprise entrant here but I heard that Rikishi used to drill people legit in the ring for realism, I don't know how much truth there is to that as my source is *cough* WWE magazine *cough.* The Samoan wrestlers do tend to be legit hard mothers as Jake has Christened them, there is the story in The Rocks Autobiography about his Grandad "High Cheif" Peter Maivia throwing another guy through a window because he mocked his Samoan custom of eating with his hand.

Also, I was watching a video on the Montreal Screwjob last night, in it Bret Hart reveals that backstage about an hour after he got Mr. McMahon to come and meet him, word on the street is that he knocked out Vinnie Mac with one punch.
Well Bret had to learn to be tough from someone, and that was Stu Hart. Most people who came through Stampede Wrestling, or wanted to give it a shot in the ring, tangled with Stu Hart. If he truely was a bully or not, I'm not sure, but apparently very few people did not fear getting put in a submission from Stu.
All of the guys mentioned, I've heard stories about.

Haku is generally thought of to be one of the toughest guys in the business.

I also remember reading a story about Bad News Brown. Supposedly Andre the Giant once made a racist comment, and Bad News confronted him about it, and Andre backed down and apologized. I'm not sure if this story is true or not, but if it is, anyone that could basically "punk" Andre had to be a genuine bad-ass.

Dynamite Kid was also a guy that was feared as a tough guy. However from what I've read in Bret Hart's book and other stories about him, he was also a real bully and often took liberties with guys in the ring. Although there is the infamous story where Jacques Rougeau knocked Dynamite to the ground and knocked out his teeth fucking his mouth up big time. Raymond Rougeau was also reported to be a real tough guy if the situation called for it.

Jim Ross constantly talks about how tough Danny Hodge was and how no one today or back in the day could take out Danny Hodge. I've heard stories that he's bent actual tools with his bare hands. That's freakishly strong if true.

There are also many famous stories about Harley Race and fights that he has gotten into over the years.

And last, but not least, you can't forget Andre the Giant. I've heard stories where he lifted a car with a guy in it just to scare him, or something like that. And I've heard stories where he fought multiple people in bars. And of course plenty of stories where he put certain wrestlers in their place. In particular a story involving the Ultimate Warrior, where Andre nearly knocked the Warrior out by putting his fist out when Warrior was going for a clothesline, knocking Warrior in the face and making him stumble through the ropes. You can hear that story on the Ultimate Warrior DVD.

I would also imagine that Ken Shamrock, Brock Lesnar, and Kurt Angle were guys you wouldn't want to mess with either.
But I think the most legit bad ass of all time is Bad News Brown/Allen. Every one I've seen talk about him said the same thing: He was someone not to be fucked with. Even Dynamite Kid put the guy over in his book.

I've also heard that Bad News was crying all the time in Japan because of all the beatings he got. I don't know if it's true, but if it is then he's not that hard.

Dynamite had little man syndrome. I'm sure he was tough. But I doubt he's as tough as the hard wrestlers who were bigger than him.

2 Cold Scorpio beat Hawk’s ass, so that makes him pretty tough in my eyes considering he was half of Hawk’s size.

Watch Straight Shootin' With 2 Cold Scorpio. If you believe him he's the toughest fucker who ever lived. So I smell a little bit of bullshit.

And The Iron Sheik, while he might be a bit of a joke today, he was fucking legit in his time. The most known story is the one where he single handily kicked a few the Pittsburgh Steelers football players asses when they jumped Bruno Sammartino.

Same with the Sheik. Hard, but not as hard as he claims. He wasn't in the Olympics before somebody points it out.

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