Hard Justice - TNA World Tag Team Championship - Booker T/Steiner (c) vs Team 3D


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
Sorry the title is a bit rough, I ran out of characters.

Anyway, this match was pretty much written on the wall after the Mafia took the titles. Team 3D has been aching for another title shot ever since they lost theirs, and they were denied at the hands of the Mafia. Now that the Mafia has those titles, it's only logical that 3D gets their title shot.

I'm excited about the match. Booker and Steiner are working pretty well together, and 3D is rockin' as always. Their TV match was pretty nice and I'm confident PPV will only improve things. I've heard rumors that every match on this card is hardcore rules, but I can't confirm them. If so, however, there's a good chance this will be a tables match, which should make it even more fun.

Mafia should retain for sure. They already dropped the Legends title, they need to hang onto these tag titles. And of all people to drop to, Team 3D would be the last good option - they had a nice title run, but we don't need to see it again. Hoping for a Mafia win here.
Highly unlikely that 3D will win the titles here, like you mentioned with the MEM losing the Legends title, they're going to want to keep these on Booker & Scott. Having the titles apparently gives creative an excuse to keep the two off of TV as much as possible, and they'll surely want to keep that up.

Can't say I'm particularly interested in this match. Four guys that are starting to get a bit old, but can still throw down when need be. I just doubt any of them will want to go out there and give us something great, they seem content with just coasting by on as little as possible. More power to 'em. Who knows, maybe they'll surprise me with a quality match.
This is another big ole' "meh" match to me. I guess on "paper" having guys like Booker/Steiner facing one of the most decorated tag teams, Team 3D seems really good. But when you realize all are past their peak it doesn't seem as thrilling or exciting.

And as X said, all 4 men lately have seemed to be just "coasting" alone, content at just putting on a solid match not worrying about making it great. I don't see the point of 3D having them unless, TNA wants to start making the Mafia "crumble" or something. I think Booker/Steiner are credible champions, and them not having the belts don't hurt them any. And then when TNA want's to take the belts off, they can put over some young team like Beer Money/MCMG/Lethal Consequences/ect.

So Mafia's winning the match and will countinue to hold the titles for a little bit longer, or at least I hope.
I actually think that Team 3D have had one of their best years in wrestling this year. Great performances by both of them. That said I think this will be fucking awful. Steiner will try, bless his cotton socks. But Booker will be standing on the apron texting or having a natter with Sharmell. Lazy twat.
I get that 3D were screwed out of their title shot by the Main Event Mafia awhile back, but doesn't it make much more sense for them to face the British Invasion for the titles that they technically still hold? As for the match, it probably won't be that great. Likely very similar to the No DQ match between Ray and Steiner on Thursday. It'll be complete madness and some epic cheating by the Mafia. Hopefully none of the match participants have a heart attack during the match. Mafia will win, probably after Sharmell flashes the referee or something.
I may be alone here but I enjoyed watching this match when I saw the replay (I missed most of it when it happened live). This match might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it was definetly mines. I thought it was entertaining and had some pretty good spots throughout the match. Something I do have to mention is that Scott Steiner deserves some praise for his work in the match. I know he wasn’t the best in the match but he still work very hard and if you consider the condition he is (which has been described in many reports) then he did pretty good. Overall, I thought everyone worked hard and put on an entertaining match.

The only thing that I didn’t like was the finish which is the thing that annoyed me the most about every match at the pay per view. I don’t see why the finish couldn’t have just been clean. I don’t see any possibly explanation as to why a dirty finish was needed. I guess you could call it Russo booking 101. And this time no one can say this is Jarrett’s fault because he wasn’t booking the show. It’s all just really mind boggling to be honest.
I enjoyed this match to be honest. I agree the finish was a three count for both teams at the same time and they should have restarted the match again.

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