Hard Justice - TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Kurt Angle (c) vs Sting vs Morgan


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus
And here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the main event, made official by Matt Morgan's win over AJ Styles in the best of three series. He joins reigning champion Kurt Angle and fellow challenger Sting in the triple threat for the gold.

The Match

This match has all the potential to kick the monstrous ass. Angle and Sting have always had great chemistry, even considering Sting's age. Morgan and Sting had a great match on PPV, and Morgan vs Angle is untested, but bound to be epic. Throw in the wildness of a triple threat, bound to contain weaponry and Mafia run ins, and this is bound to be one hell of a match.

Who Should Win

By goodness, I'm gunning for Morgan. His matches with Styles should prove to any doubters his ring talent is on the level of a main eventer, and his post match promo turned him tweener/face and was totally epic. He's ready for the title, it's the shake up TNA needs heading into BFG, it's the launching pad for turning Morgan into their new top guy, it's everything Morgan needs. Morgan is the right man to win the world title here.

Who Will Win

I really think it'll be Morgan. He's had all the momentum in the buildup, with the Styles matches, and he had a huge promo against Angle that gives him tons of momentum. All the indication seems to be on Morgan to pick up the win. Sting has been very low key and is just there, I think, to give the main event more name power, and Angle really doesn't have much indication he'll retain, nor does he have anyone to feud with afterwards. The only option for Angle is Jarrett in a worked shoot program, but since they did the very same thing for BFG last year, that would kind of suck. Angle has a chance, but it seems like the heat is on Morgan.
yea this match is huge and would be awesome if morgan wins the title he has the potential to be the top guy period in tna. I think angle will retain though and maybe morgan will finally win the title in october at bound for glory.
I'm really not sure how I feel about Morgan's rise to the main event scene. On one hand I totally support it; he's good in the ring, good on the mic, and has a great look. He'll undoubtedly become a future World Champion...but I'm just not sure if he's ready yet.

I'm not sure TNA is ready to put the belt on him either. I imagine Angle will likely retain, but I wouldn't put it out of the question that TNA might give Sting the win. It seems this year might really be Sting's last year (I know, how many times has he said that?) and I wouldn't be shocked if TNA wanted to give him a farewell title run.

If Morgan does win...I don't know how I'll feel. On one hand I'll be excited to see fresh young talent getting pushed, but on the other I'm just not completely sold on Morgan yet. Should be an entertaining match either way, all three men use very different styles.
I have an idea what could well happen.

Ignore that promo for a second that Morgan cut, because it could be part of a 'plan'.

Who has Morgan been siding with a lot lately? The Main Event Mafia
What do the MEM have in common? They're former world champions.
What does Morgan have the chance to do? Win a World Championship.

Now, what could happen would be Morgan winning the gold. And THEN, presenting it back to Angle! Causing a bit of a riot. The MEM don't lose their dominance and Morgan is a member. They could say they caught Sting off guard with Morgan's promo on Impact and it was all a plan.

I hope this doesn't happen, but it STILL could.
I think Morgan is ready for the main event and can be a dominant champion. I would love to see him win @ hard justice and then on tv get attacked by the MEM with Lashley coming in to save Morgan and this be the leading team to feud with the MEM.

Though I do like plantastic's idea, it is time for "p-p-p-p-p-p-palm tree" Morgan to get the shot and the rub. This will freshen up TNA.
I'm really not sure how I feel about Morgan's rise to the main event scene. On one hand I totally support it; he's good in the ring, good on the mic, and has a great look. He'll undoubtedly become a future World Champion...but I'm just not sure if he's ready yet.

I'm not sure TNA is ready to put the belt on him either. I imagine Angle will likely retain, but I wouldn't put it out of the question that TNA might give Sting the win. It seems this year might really be Sting's last year (I know, how many times has he said that?) and I wouldn't be shocked if TNA wanted to give him a farewell title run.

If Morgan does win...I don't know how I'll feel. On one hand I'll be excited to see fresh young talent getting pushed, but on the other I'm just not completely sold on Morgan yet. Should be an entertaining match either way, all three men use very different styles.

That's pretty much everything I was coming in here to say. Damn you!

Morgan is obviously a rediculously genetic gift. He's got power and size paired with speed and agility that we rarely...if ever see in this profession. I love Morgan, but like xfear said, I'm not totally sold on him yet either. I know he's going to be a future world champion because well... look at him. His Carbon Footprint and Hellivator are just sick every time. They look amazing. Especially the one he hit on AJ on Impact to win the main event spot at HJ.

Anyway... while I do feel Morgan will win the title one day, let's just not have it now. Not this way. Build him up a little bit more where somehow he helps Kurt at HJ, but then they beat the hell out of Morgan as a unit at some point even though he helped. Then kinda take the "Joe Road" I guess and get back at each member of the MEM individually because Morgan could take all of them hands down.

Matt Morgan will have his time... and time, and time again. Even he knows right now that between him, Joe, and AJ, they are the future of the company and the MEM will probably all be out of TNA in 5 years. Except maybe Booker. I know I've said it already, but this Sunday is just a little too soon for Morgan. You have to get the people behind him first to push and elevate him a little bit more. They don't do that with heels. But Morgan will definately be a champion by the end of 2010.
I would like Morgan to win. Even if he didn't carry the belt very long it would shatter the glass sealing that has been created that the roster is under and Angle, Sting, and Foley are standing on. I hope that Morgan wins but more importantly I hope Morgan makes a great showing in the match so win or lose he legitimizes his push into the main event.
I'm really not sure how I feel about Morgan's rise to the main event scene. On one hand I totally support it; he's good in the ring, good on the mic, and has a great look. He'll undoubtedly become a future World Champion...but I'm just not sure if he's ready yet.

I'm not sure TNA is ready to put the belt on him either. I imagine Angle will likely retain, but I wouldn't put it out of the question that TNA might give Sting the win. It seems this year might really be Sting's last year (I know, how many times has he said that?) and I wouldn't be shocked if TNA wanted to give him a farewell title run.

If Morgan does win...I don't know how I'll feel. On one hand I'll be excited to see fresh young talent getting pushed, but on the other I'm just not completely sold on Morgan yet. Should be an entertaining match either way, all three men use very different styles.

Couldn't have put it better. I'm glad that he's gotten the push, but I'm not sure that I think Morgan is ready for the title. If this is really Sting's last year, I expect TNA ti give him a farewell run. If Morgan takes it, once again I'm in the same boat. It's nice to see a fresh, solid talent get it but I'm not completely sold on the idea of Morgan being the top guy yet. His matches with Styles shows that he's got the goods, but I personally think he needs to be tested a bit more.
I'm actually sort of looking forward to this match. Sting Vs. Angle is so played out, and predictable so I'm happy they threw in another guy. I'm not a big Morgan fan, but he has the "look" and "feel" of a future maineventer. He reminds me of guys like Luger & Batista, who seem to lack the "it" factor, but for some reason get big responses.

Also the ending of Impact, with Morgan not joining MEM has made this match more compelling. I doubt Morgan will win here, but this could be his chance to really step it up a notch. Even if he loses, a good showing in this match could make Morgan seem ready for the mainevent.

Sting could win, as a goodbye present(since he's leaving soon), and maybe Morgan will help him? But most likely Angle retains and I'm content with that happening. Another interesting aspect to this match is Styles. Could he play a role in this?
Given the fact that Kurt Angle has been arrested for stalking a female member of the TNA roster, I wonder if this is going to affect the outcome of the match or even if he'll be part of the match to begin with. So far, he's expected to still be part of the ppv but how this is going to play out is really anybody's guess now.

It's an awkward position Angle's put TNA in. A major focus of the story will be the fact that Angle was also in possession of HGH, a performance enhancing drug. If TNA does nothing, that really just shows how irresponsible they are regarding their dealing with Angle. If TNA decides to put some sanctions on him, as well as strip him of the title, there's always a chance he might just tell TNA to stick it. Angle strikes me as the guy that either gets his way or there's just no doing business.
This is the first time for awhile that I've been looking forward to a TNA main event this much. I guess it's because of the inclusion of Morgan. I'm not completely sold on him as a main eventer for the long haul, but I think it was the right decision to give him the title shot at this point in his career. He really stepped up to the plate during his matches with Styles. Their thrid match was probably the best I've ever seen on Impact and he followed it up with an epic promo that had Kurt quivering. Angle and Sting, despite getting up there in years, are capable of delivering on the big stage. The quality of this match should be top notch.

As for the winner, until recently I thought that it was definetly going to be Angle. However, with his recent arrest I think that may be in question. I don't see Sting holding it again, but a Morgan win would certainly be shocking and very interesting. Maybe he could use his title win to overthrow Kurt and become the Godfater of the Mafia. I still can't see Angle losing though, not until BFG.
The problem with this match is that from what i saw, Kurt Angle is supposed to retain be champion until Bound For Glory because the plan was to have him wrestle Bobby Lashley for the title at Bound For glory. But now, with Angle's arrest, it makes the main event a lot more interesting because this will tell the wrestling community if TNA is serious about growing as a company. The fact of the matter is that TNA Management don'T have a choice, they have to take the title away from Angle if they don'T want to look like a complete joke. If Angle retains the title tonight the only thing it would serve is prove that TNA would ratter let ANgle do whatever he wants without getting punish then actually be succesful. The fact is that TNA isn't even on the radar as far as the U.S. congress is concern when it comes to illegal drugs in wrestling and there are people in congress that hate Kurt Angle and would like to take him down and if they have to take TNA down with him then so be it so if Angle retains tonight the company will suffer eventually. But who should get the title from Angle? I don'T know since i think that Matt Morgan isn'T ready to be world champion yet and if the rumors are true it wouldn'T make sense to have Sting win the belt. If push comes to shove i would have to pick MAtt Morgan only if he drop the belt really quickly to somebody else.
This triple threat match was awful. TNA seriously needs to start delivering on their main events. The X-Division Asylum match was far better, but who cares... it wasn't even for the title. No wonder TNA only gets 7000 buys for ppv's.
This triple threat match was awful. TNA seriously needs to start delivering on their main events. The X-Division Asylum match was far better, but who cares... it wasn't even for the title. No wonder TNA only gets 7000 buys for ppv's.

I wasn't a big fan of the main event either, but it wasn't awful. I just wanted to let you know though that the 7,000 buys for Slammiversery is NOT TRUE. For the TEN millionth time. It was an inside joke done by the staff of TNA to commemorate their 7 year anniversary (7,000 buys, get it?). That's not the true number at all.
I am truly stunned they had Angle retain the belt.I thought given his arrest this was a sure bet he'd drop the belt.It's almost as if TNA is saying "Hey kids, stalk women and have illegal drugs in your car and you can be a wrold champion."I honestly believe TNA dropped the ball on this one big time

unfortunately TNA was a victim of timing with the Angle situation, if they are serious bout Lashley vs Angle at BFG then their hands are tied. Also they need to wait along with Kurt to see how the court rules on the situation so taking the belt off his hands now is a bit premature. The only thing that pisses me off is TNA's insistence on dirty endings that force the feud to continue through the next PPV. By the way Sting in his interview referenced Styles and yet he didnt show. See this would make sense if it was on impact and he was setting up for the PPV, BUT WERE ALREADY THERE?!?!?! the main event much like some key undercard bouts went way to quick. If nothing else it proved Morgan can be a maineventer once the Millionaire's Club ERRR MEM retire.
I have mixed feeling on this match. I think that the match was solid and pretty entertaining. It could have probably been better considering the fact that the match consisted of good wrestlers, and that includes Sting. Even though he is past his prime he is still pretty good for his age. One of the things I didn’t like about the match was the way it finished. It is one thing TNA needs to learn and that is that the majority of fans want to see clean finishes on pay per views especially for the main events. I’m okay with screwy finishes if they are done on TV but not on pay per views. I don’t see why they have to do them all the time but I guess it is what it is.

As far as keeping the title on Angle, I do question that decision. I know he hasn’t had his hearing yet but I would have expected them to play it safe and put the title on either Morgan or Sting. If it came out he wasn’t guilty and he isn’t going to spend some time in jail then they could put the title on him later if that’s what they desire. This is one of those times where a title change made perfect since but I guess they know what they are going to do with this situation.

Another thing that I am really happy about is that although the title wasn’t put on him, Morgan was not made to look terrible. They booked him properly throughout the match and I have to praise them for that. So, good job on that TNA.
TNA management needs to take business lesson from Vince McMahon because if The WWE or World champion would have been arrested before a PPV, Vince would have done everything in his power to take the belt from the guy and suspend him until the whole thing blow over. But this is TNA, they thing they are untouchable because they are not a big company like The WWE so they don'T need to be careful when the guy that reprensent they're company screw up. Last night at Hard Justice they had a opportunity to do the right thing and prove to everyone that Kurt Angle doesn'T run the show but instead they decide to keep going as plan and keep the belt on Angle. That too bad because the rest of the PPV was really good but with the way the PPV ended they just prove who running TNA and It'S not Dixie Carter, It's not Jeff Jarrett, It'S Kurt Angle and unless something is done about this, TNA will lose alot of fans.

It'S clear after last night main event Who TNA Managment want to back up so to them i just got one thing to say when they go bankrupt: Sorry about your damn luck!
I've got mixed feelings about the match. While I thought it was pretty good overall, I don't really agree with Angle keeping the championship at this point.

This whole situation with Angle's arrest could make TNA look bad. While some think that this sort of attention is a good thing for TNA, it further highlights some of the issues that've been going on with Kurt Angle for several years. If this happened in the WWE, then the wrestler would be in a lot of trouble with Vince McMahon no matter how big of a star one might be within the company. However, since TNA doesn't really even register on the radar when compared to the WWE as far as common knowledge among the press and the mainstream media, it hasn't had reporters coming out of the woodwork asking TNA management all sorts of embarassing questions, answers to some of which might suggest some sort of criminal conduct or general negligence. Who Knows?

Potentially, this is one instance in which TNA's much smaller stature could be a good thing.
Angle's arrest was everywhere on the news, even though he is TNA. I don't think anyone should jump to conclusions until we get the facts straight. Angle stated that there was video footage of his ex girlfriend stalking him. It may be true, may be BS but until we know for sure there is no reason to bash the guy. Until Lashley and Angle fight, I'm sure TNA isn't taking the title off Angle anytime soon. Bound For Glory is probably the right time frame.

I thought the main event match had Hard Justice was great but it was too short. I was curious too to find out what TNA would do regarding Angle's arrest. I didn't think Morgan would win, but I would of definitely marked out if he did. It is still kinda early for Morgan to be champ but it would still be interesting to see. I thought Sting and Angle looked good in the match as well. I'm no fan of false finished either, but the main event was the only match that didn't have a clean pin. The divas match had botched interference, but that's it. At least it's refreshing in TNA not to have a count out, or disqualification in every match like some shows we know.

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