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Hard Justice: Booker T. vs. Samoa Joe


SmackDown! is MY Show

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Booker T. vs. (c) Samoa Joe

Well last night in iMPACT! the world found out that Joe would defend his gold againt the Booker man at Hard Justice, and I have to say I am kinda thrilled about and kinda not. I thought there match at Victory was ok but nothing special, but maybe working with each other for a 2nd time we could see a better match. The interesting thing about this matchup is what part will Sting play in all this. He seems to be wanting a title shot but against Joe, but at the same time making it look like he is helping Booker. There is also the fact that Booker seems to be in Joe's head and Joe even kinda acknowledge that to Nash on iMAPCT! and makes you wonder if they will have that play more leading to match and in the match itself. I dont think this feud will carry one past Hard Justice, but again this is TNA and anything is possible, but in the end I expect Joe to win and Sting be the reason for it thus leading to a Sting Joe match.
Having not watched iMPACT for a couple of weeks, and missing Victory Road I'm still under the impression that Joe turned heel at the PPV. Alas I know this isn't true. But I'm sure TNA had to explain that to people on this weeks show. I'm guessing they said something along the lines of ''Joe isn't a heel, we did it so when Booker got cheered it looked like that was the intention'' But it was probably a 30 minute segment in which somebody turned on somebody, and Karen Angle left Kurt.

Should be good. Probably won't be. TNA could be great. But it's not.
:disappointed: I wish I could leave it with that smiley, because that sums up how I feel about having to see this happen all over again.

The Victory Road match wasn't bad. I say that because I didn't pay attention to most of it, and when I did come back into viewing range of my television, Joe and Booker were seemingly both a bloody mess. I'm really going to have to review the match to tell you whether or not this one will mean anything, but for now this is all I have to say.

B-Show Pay Per View.. next stop, Bound For Glory. Apparently T.N.A. doesn't care that Joe could earn more victories over other talent like Christian Cage, Rhino, A.J. Styles, or 'Beer Money.' So instead they let Joe enter into a storyline that for the first month sees Booker T. take his locker room, play mindgames that work, and in the end the result is Booker T. gaining an "unofficial" victory over Samoa Joe, with his wife counting the three. (Hey, she looks better than Paul Heyman, so why shouldn't it count?)

This next month is going to likely show Joe as a weak Champion, without a title, as Booker T. is in possession of it. Booker deserves better than this to be honest. They're allowing Booker T. to walk around holding the title, shit he even claims to have "defended" it on iMPACT! If it wasn't for the endless amount of video segments showing Joe as the still current Champion, people would honestly assume Booker is.

I'm going to go on a limb and say Sting becomes the Enforcer/Referee of this contest, or enters as a third man and makes it a Triple Threat. I hope it's a 3-way more than an Enforcer deal, but that's just me and my crazy wishful thinking that T.N.A. will do something decent.

In the end, Joe wins. I'm making sure that's understood, because he has a date with destiny, and destiny has injury problems. Bound For Glory. Joe v. Nash, with the backdrop being Sting could replace Nash, should Nash randomly come down with a case of the "oh shits I have an injury" bug.
Something has to be added to this match, there is no way it was even close to being good enough to have a straight up rematch with no other stipulation. Though, Hard Justice 07 was probably the worst PPV last year, so maybe they are just keeping the trend up.

I can see Sting being involved, maybe even wrestling. TNA like to rush things, so why not just throw Sting in right now. Though, Joe will retain and it would be a pointless loss for Sting. This could actually end up playing second fiddle to the Angle Styles storyline.
I'm gonna guess Sting will be involved. I decided to give Victory Road a big, fat miss. Largely because this was the main event. I mean, yeah, it could be worse. I was actually quite excited at first. I thought Booker was going to craft Joe into a more credible champion. Not if he can't hold my interest enough to see the fucking match he won't.

Throw Sting into the mix, and I just don't get it. Maybe they're trying make a nice long build between Joe and Sting for Bound For Glory. Maybe they're just trying to get Joe/Sting out of the way before Nash gets the title. Wouldn't that be fun. I don't see why this match would be any more special. Sting's been oddly booked ever since, well, ever, but his involvement in this feud just puzzles me.
Booker T and Samoa Joe will NOT have a wrestling match at Hard Justice they will have ANOTHER "fight!"

For those of you that missed the 1st match here's the skinny.

What us hardcore TNA fans witnessed were two actual real life tough guys going head to head in a pro wrestling match. The match was not full of grappling holds or flippidy floppidy high flying spots. Instead it was full of hard hitting blows from each competitor. "I'll chop you hard" vs "I'll chop you harder."

This was the closest thing to a dick measuring contest that I have ever watched in TNA.

Joe wants to prove to Booker T and the world that he is the best wrestler in the business while Booker T wants to teach Samoa Joe the type of respect he taught Batista in their real life fight.

Joe -vs- Booker T II is a very interesting rematch because the two men are actually the best at their particular styles and up until Victory Road neither man really knew how good the other one was. Now that they do know what to expect from their opponent TNA fans will surely be treated to what will amount to a classic match between New School -vs- Old School.

I cant wait!
It's now a 6-Sides Of Steel-Waepons Match. No one gimmick isn't enough. They have to have two into one. Not only did they just have a all cage match PPV just a few months ago. But now they've got one again. But they need people to buy it so they add that crayzee stipulation of having weapons as well. So what it is is just a two person Lethal Lockdown really isn't it.
You've got to be kidding me. We JUST had Tables, Ladders and Chairs in the match with Angle & 3D against Cage, Styles & Rhino. Now we get it again, this time in a more ackward situation inside a cage.

Do Cage matches in T.N.A. just fail to understand the logic of a cage? I mean, wasn't the original concept to escape and win? No way you can fit tables, ladders and chairs all inside one ring.. that's surrounded by a cage. This match will be so clutter filled neither Joe or Booker will be capable of moving around.

The only logical way to have it happen, is to allow them to move in and out of the cage. And if that happens, it'll defeat the purpose of a Cage match.

I can't tell you how much I wish Booker T. could've just been named Champion. How T.N.A. continues to ride Samoa Joe as their prized horse is beyond me. And since Sting apparently isn't going to be involved now, does this mean Samoa Joe v. Sting has been replaced as the Main Event of Bound For Glory? Has Nash already injured himself??
TNA promoted a 6-Sides Of Steel Table match three years ago at Lockdown. It was between X-Pac and Raven I believe. Not only was the match total shite. But they could hardly move, and you could only see why TNA did an overview shot. This will be the same. Difference being that the earlier match was mid card and this is a main event.

I hope Booker wins. Not because I dislike Joe as champion. But because Nash/Joe is piss poor and Booker/Sting is a really good main event for BFG.
TNA promoted a 6-Sides Of Steel Table match three years ago at Lockdown. It was between X-Pac and Raven I believe. Not only was the match total shite. But they could hardly move, and you could only see why TNA did an overview shot. This will be the same. Difference being that the earlier match was mid card and this is a main event.

I remember that match. The only reason I even liked it (yes, I liked it) is because it involved two wrestlers that have always been personal favorites. I completely enjoy watching Sean Waltman wrestle, and Raven has been a big fan favorite of mine for years.

That not withstanding, I agree that the match was shit. I'd have to rereview it to tell if the only shot they used was an overhead view. But that makes complete sense. Someone said a while back that T.N.A. rings are actually pretty big. But still, adding a ton of junk into it isn't going to help matters.

And what happens when the first table is broke? Are officials going to stop the match to clean the ring, or are they going to awkwardly wrestle around it?

I hope Booker wins. Not because I dislike Joe as champion. But because Nash/Joe is piss poor and Booker/Sting is a really good main event for BFG.

Once again, I completely agree. If Samoa Joe v. Kevin Nash happens, ever, it needs to be a grudge match that doesn't revolve around a Championship. Those two have been on again/off again for the previous year. And something will obviously come to a head.

Apparently Bound For Glory IS NOT the next stop, as a September p.p.v. was recently added to the tna website. It wasn't there before, but it'll happen in Canada. My unfortunate guess is Joe will win, proving all along that he can indeed defeat Booker T.. then we'll get Joe v. Sting in Canada, which could lead to Joe v. Nash at B.F.G.

The worst possibly situation would be Sting v. Kevin Nash at Bound For Glory. The Main Event wouldn't revolve around any T.N.A. born star. Albeit at least they've worked together in the past and made something come from it.

Booker T. v. Sting is a great match to be had at some point, and I hope it happens soon. Samoa Joe just needs to get out of the Main Event. He's too plain and blah to be there.
I knew BFG wasn't the next stop. I expected No Surrender in September then BFG the month after. But they need to get the title off Joe by then. Booker needs to win this month and then win the rematch next month. Purley because Sting/Booker should have the same annual outcome that the last couple of BFG main events have had. Sting victory.

I think Joe is fine as champion. But I'm the minority. It isn't working, and they need to have a new champ come the biggest show of their year. Joe/Nash is fine if you have two real main evets like Booker/Sting & Angle/Jarrett. Throw in a Kong/Abyss, Cage/Styles & Tomko/Rhino match and you've got a very similar but possibly the best PPV TNA can pull off.
okay first of all let me state tht i havent watch a full impact in a while but thts what youtube on tnawrestling.com is for. Okay this match tht i think will be good altho the whole sting booker t alliance thing i really didnt like at all to be 100% honest with you its just not seeming like the thing in tna all tho it would be great to see the NWO in TNA okay tht prolly wont happen but anyways I think Joe will take back his title with some help from Sting so we can get the title shot, and the next time it will be joe v. sting v. booker t.
Whelp.. I'm convinced on exactly how this whole "Sting's heel" angle will play out. It took me this long to figure it out, but after iMPACT! I finally caught it.

It's Kevin Nash who's turning the lights out and hitting Samoa Joe in the back. Nash and Booker T. may or may not be in connection, but it would make more sense if they were. You see, it was originally Nash that said Joe couldn't defeat Booker one-on-one.. and thus far he really hasn't.

Sting tried doing the civil thing and stopping Joe from going blood-lust on Booker at the p.p.v.. the ONLY reason Sting attacked Joe then, was because Joe mouthed off to him. That's a sign of disrespect on Joe's part, and he deserved what he got.

Nash at that point likely seen the opening to use the Sting music, light trick, and baseball bat to set-up Sting as the one behnid this. In the interview with Nash tonight on iMPACT!, he said he's seen Sting like this once before. (likely meaning the n.W.o. fake Sting angle) That's when it hit me.. Nash was apart of those who set-up Sting as being a bad guy, when he never was.

And Sting won't come out and say it isn't help, because his morals make it to where he feels if people don't trust him when he's never shown blatant signs of it being him, other than trademark items (lights, music, bat) then he isn't going to try convincing those who's minds are already made up.

Now then, on the flip side of this whole storyline.. why is Samoa Joe being made to look like the weaker opponent to Booker T? Joe didn't win at Victory Road, and technically his shoulders were pinned down. Now, Joe will likely pick up a victory in a gimmick filled cage.. but that still isn't saying Joe could "fairly" defeat Booker.. it's saying he needs weapons to do it.

So short of Joe not touching, or sending Booker through any type of weapon.. Joe still wouldn't have proved that he could defeat Booker one-on-one, in a fair match, right?
The worst possibly situation would be Sting v. Kevin Nash at Bound For Glory. The Main Event wouldn't revolve around any T.N.A. born star. Albeit at least they've worked together in the past and made something come from it.

Booker T. v. Sting is a great match to be had at some point, and I hope it happens soon. Samoa Joe just needs to get out of the Main Event. He's too plain and blah to be there.

But if you want a TNA born star in the main event of Bound for Glory then you have to sacrifice the idea of Sting vs Booker T because both of those men are WCW born stars not TNA. I agree Joe is Blah so what if Joe retains at Hard Justice and gets his belt back then at No Surrender Sting beats Joe for the title and defends it against AJ Styles at Bound for Glory. AJ has been verbally accusing Sting of screwing Joe for weeks now. Joe would need a rematch obviously but it wouldn't have to be on PPV. Sting could retain on impact following No Surrender against Joe then move onto AJ. At Bound for Glory AJ would defeat Sting because Sting would be the heel and they like the face to leave BFG with the title. Afterwards Sting would see the error of his ways and go back to being a face after losing to the future of the company. It happened with Hogan and Rock in WWE, and you know how TNA loves to rip off ideas from WWE.
I'm really not looking forward to this match. Booker T has become King Booker again in a move that I'm completely not understanding, and Joe's character has been ruined so badly it's pathetic. THis could be a great match if it were jsut the two of them in the ring going at it, even with the gimmick attached. I sort of get where they're going with Nash and Sting, but it's jjust so overly complicated that it's been ruined. There's really no need to add them to the mix as it's overcomplicating what should be a very good match as both guys can go in the ring, not so much on the mic though. That being said, the match itself should be fine, as these two are both above average in the ring and can put on good matches. I think this should be passable at least, but it could be better.
Well it appears as though we're gonna get Joe vs Nash and Booker vs Jarrett at BFG out of all this. Jarrett comes out and tells Booker T that he helped Joe by handing him his Guitar because Booker T kept using Sting's baseball bat. Nash will reveal to Joe that he has been turning out the lights not Sting and at BFG he will prove to Joe who was riding who's coattails.

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