Happy Thanksgiving Everyone


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is something I do every year and for some reason people seem to like it. The idea here is that I'll say something I'm thankful for about each name, though this almost always devolves into me making a joke/pun about your name instead because I don't know anything about you. If you're not on this list, there are three possible options:

1. I don't know who you are.

B. No one remembered to add you.

Third. You suck.

Finally, there's a good chance that I'm going to get a lot of these references wrong and confuse people. I'm getting old. If I don't know much about you, odds are I'll say you have a good name.

1. Alex – For having the same name as an old friend of mine.

2. Awesome_Miz – For being underrated. Miz I mean. I don't really remember much of you.

3. BaconBits – For some of your LD arguments keeping the place more lively.

4. BagpipesAreForever – For being the hottest rookie I can remember in WZCW. Come back.

5. Baller – For......are you still around?

6. Barbosa – For not getting annoyed at people misspelling your name when I copied this list.

7. Best_Sports_Entertainer – For chilling out. It's helped you quite a bit.

8. Big Nick Dudley – For showing up when you do. It should be more often.

9. Big Sexy – For being a Lions fan and enjoying this beating they're giving the Eagles as I type this.

10. Bill Lesnar – For actually being funny.

11. Blade – For apparently being a big deal in WZCW back in the day.

12. Blue Cardinal – For what you did while you were here.

13. Blue Chipper – For having a nifty name.

14. Boom Goes The Dynamite – For.......wait are you different than Dynamite? I can't tell anymore.

15. Boozinjedi – For putting the Star Wars theme in my head.

16. Bray Wyatt's Hat – For being a nice accessory before you lose every big match ever.

17. Brockie Maivia – For being a good name.

18. Buffaloed – For leaving us alone most of the time. I don't mean that as an insult. It's nice to not have to deal with higher ups.

19. CassaNova – For doing well in WZCW. Assuming you have done well and that you don't blow all your matches. Like Mikey for example.

20. Cereal Killer – For making me want some cereal. I like cereal.

21. CH David – For being a genuinely awesome guy.

22. Chococat – For sounding like a delicious breakfast cereal, which I'm pretty sure I've said before.

23. Chrome – For some of those memes which are indeed amusing.

24. Coco – For disappearing in peace, though I replied to those e-mails.

25. CyberPunk – For sounding like some kind of low level comic villain.

26. D-Man – For that rare cameo a few days back. You should be around more often.

27. Da Prophet – For showing us da way. And for not groaning at that joke.

28. Dave – For having a simple name that I don't forget.

29. Davi323 – For chilling out and leaving. I never liked you that much.

30. Dagger Dias – For doing all the stuff we don't want to do.

31. Danger Burger – For sounding like a secret menu item and making me hungry before dinner tonight.

32. Dark Lady – For being a rare female around here. We need more of them.

33. Deanerandterry – For being around here for a long time. I remember you from way back in the day which is a rare thing these days.

34. Deexter Jorgan – I know I say this every year but you have a cool name.

35. DetectiveZelix – For.......uh........well detectives are always cool.

36. Dewey – For being better than Huey and Louie.

37. Diet Soda – For keeping us from getting diabetes.

38. Dirk – For sounding like a German and you know the Germans always make good stuff.

39. DirtyJosé – For rarely keeping it clean.

40. Doug Crashin – For entertaining us with your cooky theories.

41. Dowds – Uh.....Dowds......doubts........Fouts.......Dan Fouts......For being a good quarterback. Yeah that kind of logic works right?

42. Echelon – For that podcast.

43. Enterkey – For being easy to reach.

44. enviousdominous

45. Eternal Dragon

46. FalKon – For working well in WZCW, whoever you were there. I would say but I always confuse you and Funkay.

47. Fallout – For being quite a successful franchise.

48. Ferbian – For allegedly helping me win the Game Show a few years back.

49. Finder Woo'er Ryder – For having a name that gets a chuckle out of me.

50. Fire Marshall Bill – For being one of the only funny Jim Carrey characters I can think of.

51. FitFinlay4Life – For being an actual old guy around here.

52. Fizzy – For tickling my nose.

53. FTS – For leaving and therefore making this place a lot more sane.

54. FunKay – For doing whatever I said about FalKon and swapping your own name in.

55. Gelgarin – For leaving and letting this place be more about ME! You know I'm the real draw around here.

56. George Steele's Barber – For making me chuckle a few times.

57. GCB – Uh.......aren't you greasy chip something? We'll go with being delicious then.

58. GD – For calming down for a change.

59. GuyCompton – For being someone I vaguely remember.

60. Haiku Hogan – For that list. Bring that thing back.

61. Hamler – For.......aren't you from Kentucky?

62. Harthan – For having one of my favorite names back in OCW.

63. Hatehabsforever – For the shots at Bray. Those make me chuckle at times.

64. HBK-aholic – For making me smile every single day, just like you said you would back in the day. I love you so much.

65. HBsam31 – For.......are you still around? I haven't seen you in awhile.

66. Headman – For getting 1,200 posts and me never noticing it.

67. Hugh G. Rection – For being one of the few things Russo remembers.

68. It's Damn Real! – For leaving me as the only person who still watches Impact.

69. Infinity – For being someone else who isn't around yet still being on the list.

70. I Am Phenom – For being from Winchester.

71. IrishCanadian25 – For trusting me with the reins, even though you didn't actually hand them to me.

72. icedragon770 – For being a better reporter than April O'Neil.

73. IHW – For disappearing a year and a half ago.

74. INDYjon22 – For always being a fun read.

75. J-Dogg – For keeping SuperMex's legacy alive. That was you wasn't it?

76. JAM – For.......are you still here?

77. Jane – For only showing up on occasion.

78. Jack-Hammer – For being one of the best we've ever had.

79. Jeff Deliverer of Mail – For being a rookie I've noticed.

80. Jglass – For being the same for years.

81. Jessie Lynn DivaGirl – Something something you're a girl who isn't here anymore.

82. JJYanks121 – For all those podcasts.

83. jmt225 – For disagreeing with me most of the time and making a lot of sense.

84. Joe's Gonna Kill You – For being the most positive (and delusional) TNA fan around.

85. justinsayne – For acting like my Metallica birthday things are amusing in the slightest.

86. JWGunslinger – For being awesome while you were here. I think you might be up for Rookie of the Year.

87. Kapu – For being a newcomer.

88. klunderbunker – For being the reason any of this is possible.

89. Killjoy – For being one of the most well rounded people we have here, for the book covers, and for reminding me of myself. Take that last one for what you will.

90. Klinz – For being a Mountain Dew aficionado.

91. King Patrick – For that one thread you make.

92. Kermit – For leaving the timing to me.

93. Killam – For never ripping me off like some of the people you worked with.

94. Kodo Sawaki – For the post you made while I was writing this.

95. K Web V3 – For being added to the list and actually being here to read it.

96. Lariat – For making Kentucky seem smarter.

97. LARISANO – For being a solid rookie back in your day.

98. Lee – For being a good guy in general. You always have been.

99. Little Jerry Lawler – For making the rest of us feel smart.

100. LSN80 – For being one of the smartest people we used to have here.

101. Luther_Hull – For admin. And for showing up more often.

102. M – For being meticulous. I have no idea if you are but it sounds good.

103. Mack_Swagger – For being a combination of Rodney Mack and Jack Swagger. That's what you're going for right?

104. Macios – For justifying my use of the Prison.

105. Mantaur Rodeo Clown – For having a cool name. Again, that's all I've got but I hardly ever see you post.

106. Marlene's Disaster – For sounding like a trashy romance novel.

107. Martin Gabriel – For leaving. Your questions got really annoying.

108. Mark Henrys Sandwich – For probably being cheaper than Subway. Those prices are way out of hand.

109. Matty~! – For good punctuation usage.

110. Mayor McLeafy – You have to be a low level video game villain. You have to be.

111. MCMG – For being a great tag team and yes I said this last year.

112. Meeks – For the laughs I get watching the E-Fed staff rip on you.

113. MerKane – For making me think of Kane singing Under the Sea.

114. Miko – For finally sticking with a name.

115. Milenko – For getting a life.

116. Mighty NorCal – For everything you do around here and some of those rants on the podcast.

117. Milkyway! – For being a decent Snickers knockoff.

118. Mitch Henessey – For being a mod that we often forget about, which is the best kind.

119. Monkey Ray Dudley – For stepping aside so I could begin my reign of terror.

120. Mongoose McQueen – For Do You Wanna Start A War. I liked some of the songs on there.

121. Moon Knight – For......dang you were on recently. I didn't remember the last time I saw you.

122. Mozzy Balboa – For being awesome in Creed, which I saw yesterday.

123. Mr Ferguson – For being an idiot if you're who I think you are.

124. Muffin Top Merkley – For your one year anniversary of not posting.

125. Mustang Sally – For being one of the friendliest sweetest people here.

126. My$terio_Fan – For.....yeah I don't think this warrants an explanation.

127. Nate – For being chronically underrated.

128. Nightmare – For being scary as you should be.

129. Notorious718 – For.....yeah I have no idea who you are.

130. NSL – For sticking around this time.

131. Numbers – For being someone I can count on. Yeah I've done that one before.

132. Orton Pose \__0_/ – For being another name that hasn't been here in years but gets on here because your name is awesome.

133. OYDK – For being a catchphrase from someone who won't go away.

134. Pancake – For being someone I want to slather in syrup.

135. Pedigree1 – For posting a lot and not really being noticed.

136. . (Sound Of Madness) – For getting to the point. I'm sorry for being so repetitive with you but I barely remember anything about you.

137. Phoenix – For being awesome on all fronts.

138. PigglyGiggly – For making it easy to figure out who you are.

139. Prince Vee – For......yeah you're a WZCW guy aren't you?

140. Rayne – For making a lot of common sense.

141. Razor – For being awesome while you're here.

142. Red Skull – For not saying something stupid again.

143. Remix – For those audio promos. Those.....well they certainly existed.

144. RVDgurl – For being one of the few women here and being awesome in the few times we'd chat.

145. SavageTaker – For being an underrated poster.

146. ScreaminNormanSmiley – For making me laugh on occasion.

147. SD619 – Something something Rey Mysterio.

148. Serious Jones – For being serious around here for a change. That has to be the third year straight I've used that one.

149. Sexcellence of Sexecution – For.......yeah I've got nothing here.

150. Shadowmancer – For being one of the old guard still around.

151. shattered dreams – For being so totally wrong about TNA's problems.

152. Shotaro – For being part of WarGames, whoever you were in that.

153. Shocky – For that rant on the podcast. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing so hard.

154. Showtime – For being on top of WZCW for so long and keeping Mikey out of that spot.

155. Silly Willy Nilly Vanilly in the Milly – I don't think I need to explain this one. Oh and you haven't been here in over two years.

156. Slyfox696 – For letting me do my song and dance every day and getting my site off the ground.

157. Smark Madden – For making me chuckle occasionally.

158. Smizzy – For being someone I see around every now and then. That's really all I've got about you.

159. Smooth Sexual Chocolate – For being the easiest mod to fire that I've ever had.

160. Sparky – For sparking OCW. See what I did there?

161. Spidey – Didn't you do something for WZCW at some point?

162. Spinningtorturerack – For not posting since January 2013 and still being on this list.

163. Starkist – For consistently voting for Shawn in the tournament.

164. Steamboat Ricky – For being a fellow good rookie.

165. Stew N' Brew – For being someone I've seen post in the last few days.

166. Stingray11214 – For having a good balance of numbers and letters.

167. Stormtrooper – For your annual diatribes about Hogan's pictures in the tournament.

168. Tdigle – For finally sticking with a name.

169. Tastycles – For some of your All-Star rants.

170. Tenta – For that one thread you did that one time.

171. Thriller – For Off the Hook.

172. THTRobtaylor – For being better than people realize.

173. TLC – For being the most annoying band in the 90s. And no I don't mean that literally.

174. The art guy – For protecting humanities.

175. TheRealDC – For.......weren't you in WarGames?

176. The Dragon Saga – For your hilarious defenses of ROH. The hypocrisy astounds me at times.

177. The Doctor – For some of your WZCW promos.

178. The Butcher – For giving me a talking point about how bad Hogan was in WCW before the NWO.

179. The Boss – For that match against Bayley.

180. The Crock – For not being Crocky.

181. The Brain – For not murdering me like I thought you were going to do at Wrestlemania.

182. The Phenomenal Matrix – For making me think of AJ Styles as Neo.

183. The Rattlesnake – For not being a crazy person if you're who I think you are.

184. The Eighties – For being awesome in general.

185. The Pizzaman – For not expecting a tip.

186. The_Reptile_ – For........yeah I don't know who you are.

187. TheOneBigWill – For serving Dallas up the Panthers today.

188. Therockiswwf – For remembering that it's WWF, not WWE.

189. Trendkiller – For doing anything to kill trending topics.

190. Thrash – For not getting annoyed at me for forgetting that contest you wanted me to promote.

191. TBK – For.......yeah I don't know who you are.

192. TWJC: The Beginning – For posting a lot. Like a lot.

193. Ty Burna – For helping me with tech from time to time.

194. Triple Naitch – For just being good all around.

195. Theo – For something besides your beard. I can't think of anything right now but I'm sure there's something.

196. Uncle Phatso – For continuing a joke way longer than you should have.

197. Uncle Sam – For keeping me undefeated in forum bets.

198. Via Armbar – For being awesome while you were around.

199. Whap Me Jungles – For sounding like some Irish slang.

200. xfearbefore – For sticking around.

201. Xemmy Le'Beau – For sounding like Gambit.

202. Xombi_woof – For having an awesome name. That just sounds cool.

203. Yaz – For being a good sport about Mikey. He has to be good at something.

204. Y 2 Jake – For always being funny. Except when you're serious.

205. Zeven_Zion – For your delusional posts. They're glorious.
Wishing someone a Happy Thanksgiving is a microagression displaying your insensitivity for the plight of Native American and aborigine tribes. You are a bigot.
Wishing someone a Happy Thanksgiving is a microagression displaying your insensitivity for the plight of Native American and aborigine tribes. You are a bigot.

Oh sweet brah, you're PC? Let's crush some puss brah.

Happy Thanksgiving KB and well done doing something with my name. It's a pretty terrible name to make a decent rhyme/pun with so good effort.
Omg, I got mentioned this year! I must have improved a little bit. :')

Happy Thanksgiving to all American brothers and sisters of WZF... It has been a year of terrorism, shootings and violence, we should take a moment and be thankful that we are still here, and our loved ones are okay. Hope the next year will be a more prosperous one, and we shall be able to move forward in a civilized and secure world.
Americans. Thankful for what they've got on a Thursday... trying to kill each other for more on a Friday

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