Happy Now?

The Brain

King Of The Ring
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are world champions. Zack Ryder is the US champion. John Cena didn't make a single appearance on the whole damn show. Is the internet finally a happy place at least for tonight?
First off, I marked out!!! Great PPV and DB's title win made me jubilant.

In regards to the entire IWC though:

The guy bores the absolute shit out of me, and just last week was beaten clean by Cody Rhodes, and has barely won a match the last 3 months.

I hope this only serves as a way to make someone like Barrett, Ziggler (moves back to SD!) or Rhodes the WHC without having them go over Mark Henry.

Otherwise, Smackdown is going to be terrible.

Looks like we will continue to wait for that night where our pursuit of happiness will be completed.:glare:
If you please the portion of your audience that is most likely stealing your product will it be an effective way to get them to start to pay again?

Probably not.
I'll probably buy the DVD, which will be the most I've spent on the WWE since WrestleMania. Good job, WWE.
to this show? I felt like besides the ME, it was pretty shit, actually.

Well, I'd like to see a WWE PPV on the new HDTV (if they make a Blu-Ray of this, all the better), and I figure this way, I can support the WWE's good decision making with my money and watch a PPV earlier than WrestleMania. Two birds, one stone, and all.
This was another cash in first title win? I wonder how many people will call me a troll if I make a thread about what I think MITB has done to WWE talent development, stories, championships etc.? I think I'll give them at least a week to revel in the moment first. I must be getting soft.
Hard to imagine the IWC won't be happy after this evening. Three Internet darlings in Punk, Bryan, and Ryder, all winning titles tonight. Personally I think it is great, seeing relatively new talent getting the opportunity to show their stuff. Should be interesting to see how it all plays out.
WHY THE HELL WASN'T KANE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lmao jk jk, it was actually a good thing that kane wasn't there. great ppv, possible the best this year other then summerslam. hope the wwe can capitalise. and daniel bryan finally got the title!!!! now lets just hope that daniel bryan doesnt get the christain treatment, and get screwed out of the title 2 days after winning it........
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan are world champions. Zack Ryder is the US champion. John Cena didn't make a single appearance on the whole damn show. Is the internet finally a happy place at least for tonight?

the internet? Happy? Bahahahahahaha

nice one. You should know the internet will always find something to bitch about.
Kane didn't appear

"Super" Punk finds his way to win AGAIN!! After being handcuffed.

Daniel Bryan didn't even win good Big Show kicked out of the pin too quick making Bryan look weak.

Dolph Ziggler loses too overrated Zack Ryder

Wurst Ppv evr. These things i said was actually said on the live stream chat i was on last night :lmao:
CM Punk is the new superman he is horrible
DB doesn't deserve the title yet
Zack Ryder is overrated why did he win the belt?

Am i doing it right?
I'm happy and I have a strong disdain for Zack Ryder holding any form of WWE belt. However one thing needs to be discussed.

Where are the fucking Ice Cream bars?
No, not yet. Next weeks Raw is in Chicago i believe.

Punk vs DBD in an hour long iron man match with Cena turning heel will top it off.
I think the WWE designed TLC just for the IWC, because they knew the casual fans weren’t going to buy it. They probably figured the only people watching TLC would be those Internet SMarks who watch the PPV via Internet Stream. Either way, I love what’s going on right now. That’s the way to end the year.

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