Hannibal TV Series In The Making

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
The pair will have access to Gaumont's global sales force and large catalog to develop English-lingo TV properties for the U.S. and other markets. Among the first properties is drama "Hannibal," a drama series written by Bryan Fuller, who will exec produce with Martha De Laurentiis ("Hannibal Rising").

The 13-episode skein centers on the early relationship between Dr. Hannibal Lector and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler named Will Graham, who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers.


Eh, I don't know if I would want to see this. Anthony Hopkins IS Dr. Hannibal Lector, and I can't picture anybody else portraying this evil and twisted character. Lector is one of the most famous film characters ever, and Hopkins has always played this role to perfection.

Although, this new series could show Lector fans something new. Clarice won't be around, and we should learn more about the Will Graham character. The Hannibal Lector character is pretty popular, and this series could have a chance. A lot of people should give this new series a try, and when you stop and think about it, The Silence Of The Lambs is really the only great film in the series of films that involve this character. This series might not suffer the overshadowed effect, but nobody can top Hopkins' performances as Lector.

What are your thoughts?
Oh for fucksakes...

That's my initial thoughts on this. The more you deconstruct a monster, the less scary it is. With each film following Silence... Hannibal has become less menacing. Now a series unravelling the mysterious aura of his past with Graham is just too far.

I don't doubt this series will get a lot of attention and viewers initially as Lector is a fantastic character, but it's just overkill in my eyes. 'Manhunter' was an awesome film with only hints at Lector and Graham's past together which was all that was needed to get the desired effect. Graham caught him but he admitted it wasn't because he was better or smarter than him, it was because Lector was insane, and Graham's sanity is what he is clinging too in the film.

Also, while the Lector character is always associated with Hopkins, Brian Cox put in a tremendous performance in Manhunter, that must be said :)
I am not so sure about this idea. I don't think I will be tuning in to watch this as Hannibal is and always be Anthony Hopkins. This is just as bad an idea as it was to make the Terminator TV series. Great movies with great squeals, just not meant for TV series.
The more you deconstruct a monster, the less scary it is. With each film following Silence... Hannibal has become less menacing. Now a series unravelling the mysterious aura of his past with Graham is just too far.

I totally agree. Although, personally, I did love Hannibal Rising, Hannibal made the character far less menacing. I think it's stupid to make a TV series based off a film with several sequels. The mystery makes Hannibal more terrifying and seeing more of his background is going to ruin the character completely.

Honestly, I might tune in just to see what it's like, because Hannibal is one of my all time favorite film characters; however, I'll probably only watch the first episode unless it's really really good. Plus Anthony Hopkins is Hannibal and it's going to be difficult watching someone else try to play that role.
Oh goddamnit. I totally thought this was about the Vin Diesel Project for Hannibal Barca.

Haven't they mined this character to death, already? :banghead:
To say that I am extremely pissed off at the idea of anyone other than Anthony Hopkins playing Hannibal Lecter is a major understatement, I fucking detest the idea. The show might be good outside the lack of Hopkins, it might even be great but for me personally I would not enjoy it because I don't believe I could get over someone else playing a character that he played so marvelously.
There are instances where someone plays a character so well that for anyone to try playing it in the future would be outshined by the earlier performance and it would be an insult to the previous actor's work, and this is the perfect example.

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