Hands Down: Your Best Date


King Of The Ring

Yeah, yeah, I know, a cheesy Dshboard Condessional song. but it was the best I could come up when it came to describing a great date.

Anyway, two monthis ago or, so, I wrote a blog on your worst date ever. So I thought, why not flip the srcipt and go with something more positive, such as your best date? As Im sure has come with bad dates, Im sure most if not all of us have had great dates as well. Ones where everything gos right and the girl/boy falls for you. Ones where things might not go as planned, but they worked out anyway. Or just a hilarious date that you enjoed simply becase of what happened. Ill leave that to you- And Ill also go first. Sorry SSC, the date didnt involve Legos, whatever those are. ;)

My best date, surpising, involved my wife. Now, it wasn't because it was my wife, but because of the fear going in, and what happened in the process. I swore she'ld never see me again after the first part of the date, but it turned out to be a wonderful evening.

Just as a prelude, I had been chasing my wife for months. We worked together- Which made every rejection tougher. She never told me why, so I just figured I wasn't good looking enough for her.I found the reason why much later, but that's for another time.

After 3 months of asking her out weekly, I was sure she thought I was a creep. Sure, we flirted, made fun of each other and the staff, and we even would jokingly "hit/" and "slap" each other and the like. I didnt understand why a 25 year old(at the time) would flirt with me to that degree, yet not go out with me. So I told myself this would be the last time, and Id move on to someone else if she said no. Surprisingly, she said "yes", and even met me somewhere so I wouldnt have to struggle to find her house.

From the beginning, it seemed like disaster. I told her we were going for Italian- No big deal I thought. It was summer, so I wore shorts a T-Shirt( a nice T-Shirt, but still!), and she showed up in a gorgeous white and black dress. We went to a decent Italian place, as I was still 23, and couldnt afford extravegant. The conversation was flowing nicely, as it always did, until the waitress brought our tea. Ever the gentleman, I passed the tea to her- sort of. It slipped out of my hand, the glass fallingstp to the table- All over her white dress. :blush:She was soaked the rest of the meal, and seemed uncomfortable all around. Then imagine her discomfort when the check came- I had been badgering her for months to go out with me, and I had forgotten my wallet. I checked the car, and there was nothing. I figured they'ld take my license until I came back, but she graciously paid for the meal, still stoked. I just figured she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

When we left the restaurant in my car, I asked the ovious question- Do you want to go back to your car and call it a night? She said she needed to go back to her car, so i figured it was date over, awkwardness at work. Surprisingly, she finished-I figured you had something else planned(which I had hinted at), so I brought a change of clothes. I was dumbfolded when I asked if she wanted to continue the date, and she laughed at me when she told me she was having a GREAT time. Not sure I could say the same if the situations were reversed, but I was relieved, even moreso as she rubbed my arm the rest of the way back.

She asked what I wanted to do, and I told her without money, not much. She offerred to pay for my original plan, but I wouldnt let her. Then I remembered- I loved sneaking into county parks. The worst they can do is throw you out, right? So we snuck into a local park, holding hands and having great conversation. Eventually, she wanted to stop and sit down, where she kissed me for the first time. She asked me if I had any blankets, which I did in my trunk from my roommate borrowing my car with his girl. She wanted to find a place to lie, and we came across a soccer net. Ever the adventerous one, she decided she wanted to lay in there on the blankets, saying we "scored". Not sure what she was truly alluding to, I stupidly asked. She laughed, and responded by starting to, well you know. 30 minutes later, we had scored- Our first time being in a soccer net on our first disastrous date!

I know many won't believe this, but the sex wasn't what made the date great. It was her kindness, ability to shrug things off, and go with the flow- Even if that flow met paying for the meal. She even refused to let me pay her back! After months of flirting, we sat in the soccer net and talked about what we wanted from the other- We oth decisively said we wanted a relationship. We've been together ever since, which surely made the date nicer in memory ever since. I still consider how many times whe could have bolted- and didn't. It struck me what a wonderful woman she was, and stupid or not, I told myself she was the woman I was going to marry- And I did a little less then 2 years later. We look back on the night and laugh- It truly was funny. Just the humor of the situation, the traits I discovered in my now wife and the fun we had made for the best date Ive ever been on.

Ill keep the question(s) here short and sweet.

What was the best date you've ever been on? Why?

Any thoughts or discussion on the topic are welcome as always. Feel free not to be as detailed as me if it makes you at all uncomfortable.
Great story LSN, also love the ending as mine leads in that same direction ;). It's hard to pick my best date, the easiest thing to do would be describe a chain of dates that lead to the best.

My best date was my 4th with this girl from work that I'd been seeing, the first one happened without me even realizing what I'd done when I asked if she wanted to pick up some food after picking up our paychecks, well that turned out to be a date that I didn't really plan and we had a great time at a pizza place, and talked all night. Then the next time we saw a movie at the movie theatre and went back to my house to watch another movie(I made her watch Childs Play 2 :p).

Date number three wasn't really a date but she invited me like one, it was her birthday party which I later found out was a "show this guy to my friends and see what they think" party. At first it was very akward because I got there early and we both sat on the couch without much to say, and when her friends got there it wasn't much better as I am very quiet when I first meet people so that didn't feel great either. But we started playing Apples to Apples and I loosened up and got talkative, then as everything was going great they broke out a karaoke machine and I freaked as I was super shy especially around people I dont know. Ofcourse I was forced to sing but I ended up doing alright, well enough that everyone's jaws dropped and they wouldn't stop talking about how much they loved it so I didn't believe them but it was nice not to get akward "you suck" stares and it ended up being a good night.

The magical 4th date was at our family friend's Italian Restaurant, and the owner treated us to complimentary appetizers and we had a great night talking and enjoying a dinner at such a nice place. The conversations were what made it so amazing, everything clicked and we seemed perfect for each other. After that we went to my house and made out and talked for about 3 hours, then I asked her if she wanted to go steady and she said she wanted to before our first date and was waiting for a long time, took my stupid ass a while to get the message but I've done fine since because we're still steady and are now engaged :blush:. We've had dates where we did things that were more fun but that one was the most important and definitely takes the cake.
My best date was VERY different compared to most dates, but it was one of the most special experiences I have ever been through. It was with the same woman I am now married to.

We had originally met online and hit it off instantly. Daily messages on the dating site turned into daily emails via yahoo. Daily yahoo emails quickly led to daily texts and phone calls. Talking on a daily basis, getting to know as much as we could about each other, it built up the excitement for our first real date.

She was still living in California at the time so flew down to TX to see me for a week. I remember being so nervous but so excited when she was texting me saying how far away she was. She got dropped off by her shuttle in the parking lot next to my on campus, ironically enough that was the parking lot for the apartment we would be living in a few months later. She looked so beautiful. I took her bags up to my room and we went for a walk around the campus so I could show her my college. It was late at night so we had a pretty good view of the stars by the time we got to the last stop, the softball fields. We cuddled in the dugout and had our first kiss. Then in a moment of comdic relief her mom called to make sure she was ok, interrupting the moment. We walked back to my apartment after that to go to bed. We had sex. We had boh been in unhealthy relationships so we had discussed beforehand what we would do if the opportunity came, and we were ready. We were in love and wanted to show it physically to each other. It was a moment we had both been waiting a long time for. Then we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next day I took her to my favorite steakhouse in town. I had a weekly tradition of going there to get a ribeye steak with a side of cheese fries which I wanted her to be a part of that week. Then we met up with some of my friends who wanted to meet my special lady who they had heard so much about when we were speaking long distance for so long. The rest of the week was spent doing stuff just the two of us like watching movies, watching the Wrestlemania 26 DVD, playing video games together, and eating chocolate covered strawberries.

An old roomie of mine gave us a ride up to Dallas when it was time for her to get ready for her flight back. We talked him into taking us a day in advance so we could hang out downtown for a day. We got a hotel for the night. He had his own room while she and I had a room to ourselves. That was fun. ;)

So we hung out downtown. At one point he walked off and we were by ourselves. She grabbed my arm with tears in her eyes saying she wanted to go to Vegas. She didn't want to go home. We had discussed marriage already, when you know you know. That's all there is to it. I ended up proposing to her at an area outside the airport (It was called Love Field, how's that for a pun?) and she said yes. She was really sad that we would be separated by distance again but now we were ready to begin planning our wedding and starting our life together. Our first date lasted about a week as she visited me and ended on a hopeful note following the engagement.

Talk about a date with a happy ending!
I have to say, my story seems kind of bland compared to your two stories... but even still I feel like it's special for me enough to somewhat share it. Although before I begin, LSN, you better not leave us with that cliffhanger at the beginning and tell us why she kept saying no.

But anyways, to my story. Now if you remember in LSN's "Worst date ever" topic I made it clear that the people who go with the first three dates as the determination factor for how well you'll be together is a bunch of bullshit. For me, it's always the fourth or fifth date when you start to realize if you're going to be something with this person, and for my BEST date it would have to be the fifth date.

So I'm in my Junior year of high school, and everyone there already knows that I have a son who I can't see because his mother moved away. To those people, I was just another one of your low income black guy that managed to have a baby by some chick and was going to be stuck paying child support for the next 18 years... which I do, but you know I actually see my child as well.

And as I was sitting in class, I was talking to this girl that I had been on four dates with already. Date number four, like always, was a complete and utter disaster for me... but this time, I was sort of the cause of it. See, I had invited her over to my house after school the same day I had my son over, which to her was cool and everything. You know, cause I was a loving father... but what really made date four bad was when the rest of my family got home and just started to embarrass the hell out of me by bragging about my older brother... this sort of plays into why I try to out do him sometimes.

So anyway after that fourth date, I already had in my mind that there was absolutely no way that this girl would want to go back out with me. However, I was not wanting to lose this girl either. So she and I were in class, like I said before, and when the bell ring I noticed that she was starting to walk out of the class. I quickly followed behind her and began to try and explain the situation with my family when she stopped me. She said that although she was embarrassed to be there, she wasn't embarrassed to say that she actually appreciated the fact that I cared for her enough to show her to my family... And well honestly, that's not really why I had her come over, but oh well I went with it.

Now there I was with the girl and I asked her if she wanted to go out again that weekend, and she said sure... as long as I brought my son with me. So of course, I said that I would and the date was set.

The weekend rolls around, and we decided to go to a place that was very family oriented. And by that, I mean we went to the park down the street that happened to have a food truck there too (the original spark in my food truck admiration). Now I don't know if it was my son that had her so hooked on the date or if it was me, but for the entire date and for the first time since I had known her, this girl seemed to have the best time out of all of our dates. The entire day, we just was at the park and either talked about ourselves, played with my son, or even shot a few hoops. Sure, I didn't "get lucky" or "score" that day, but what I did do was find out that this girl that just one date ago I knew hated me was actually crazy about me.

Since then, we've had our rough patches with me doing some independent wrestling while managing college and being a single father and her going through college herself, but this year she graduates with her Associate's degree and then this summer her and I are getting married, where hopefully she and I can add to my family while building one of our own.
Hands down, my greatest date was with a girl named Sativa (at least this is the name she gave in her Eros ad). Upon arriving at her Hyatt penthouse, she met me at her door with a glazed-over look of indifference and told me to come in and put the "donation" we'd discussed over the phone on her dresser. After doing this, she asked me if I'd washed up beforehand and, after telling her yes, she said she was going to powder her nose and that I should make myself comfortable in her bed.

Oh, shit, nevermind...I was thinking of a different type of date.
My greatest date wasn't with my current fiancee or with any girl that I slept with on the first night. It was with the one that I thought at the time was the girl of my dreams.

Her name was Amy and I crushed on her for years. I had always kept in touch with her through MSN and once a week calls, but it had never progressed beyond that. I was scared, shy and completely second guessing myself when it came to anything to do with her (should I talk to her about this or that? should I give this advice or that). She never had a boyfriend, and I didn't know why she remained single.

One day, I was frustrated with life in general and I was talking to her online and I came out with it - no, I didn't profess my deep love for her, I asked her if she wanted to go to the driving range lol. She was taken aback and said sure! I told her I'll pick her up in a couple hours and then it hit me... I was going on a date with the girl of my dreams, I was totally fucked. What should I wear? What should I say? OMG, I could fuck this up royally and she might never speak to me again! I spoke to a few female friends who knew my situation and they told me to just chill out and be myself and other shit.

So finally, I picked her up, and she had the body of a goddess and a smile that could light up a night's sky. I was starstruck - the girl of my dreams and I were going on a date. We went to the driving range, and then dessert after (!), sharing one dessert as we had some small talk. We laughed and joked and we both agreed we should do this another time. I dropped her off at home with my hopes high and on top of the world.

Unfortunately, this is where the story ends. We never went on another date. I moved to the other side of the country (I live in Canada, its a big fucking country) and before I left I told her that I had feelings for her. I ruined it further by drunk dialing her at 3 or 4 am. Then I came back and never bothered to keep in touch. The culmination is when I met her at a charity event, thinking this whole situation could be rekindled and salvaged and the girl of my dreams would return to her past glory and our past promise - the requiem of my dream, if you will. She was nothing like the perception of her that I had built in my head, she was annoying, unfunny, weird, aloof and I'm pretty sure she was talking shit. Right after that event, I had an epiphany to do something with my life, to move on to bigger and better, to never let Amy be my be-all, end-all life pursuit. Immediately after, I made the decision to start studying for the GMAT, which I wrote three months after, I got accepted to a business school and completed my MBA a month ago.

The reason why this was my best date wasn't because of where I ended up now. The reason that was my best date was because I can always look myself in the mirror and *know* that I achieved the impossible. I experienced a moment that some never have and never will. I went on a date with the girl of my dreams and, for a few moments, I was mentally bulletproof - nothing could bring me down from that date and nothing could take that accomplishment away from me.

In a nutshell, it was my best date because I conquered my fears and I had an evening with a girl I absolutely adored and idolized.
The best date I've ever had? That's an easy one.

When I met my current girlfriend, I never believed in love at first sight. Now, looking back, I think that I only refused to believe in it because it had never happened to me before. But looking into her eyes in a crowded nightclub as she stared back into mine, I knew that I'd found the one.

Right after that night out, our first date commenced. At 3 in the morning, we walked around our local area and had the time of our lives. It was a dark, quiet night that we shared together. We walked until the sun came up the next morning and I really got to know this girl. As pathetic as it may sound, that was the best date of my life. Yes, other guys may say that they needed to go out or have sex to have the best date of their lives.

But for me, the greatest night of my life came when I got to know the girl of my dreams. We walked for 4 hours and although our feet were sore and we were more tired than anything else, we both realised that we had something special. That was 5 months ago and we are still very much in love to this day. It may sound pathetic to everyone else but that night I got to know the girl that currently makes me happier than I've ever been and I'll always be thankful for that night.
My best date? OK. So me and this lady arranged a get-together at a local Tim Horton's. If you asked her today, she'd tell you it wasn't a date. She'd claim she was just there to sell me a poli-sci textbook. But here's the thing: It was definitely a date. On that special afternoon, it was clear to both of us what was happening. In fact this was the first time we met in person, so I guess you could say it was a blind date. And I won't let our falling out spoil the facts. No, sir!

Anyway, I showed up fashionably late with a bouquet of roses and adorned in my shiniest club shirt. Typical date stuff. Her first impression of me was quite strong. You could tell that she was struck by my romantic nature and strong sexual vibe. Her mouth agape as I handed her the roses, I broke the tension by making a joke about the half-chewed BLT in her mouth. She giggled. Sort of. Which is ideal, because I like a girl who I can share a laugh with. That's important.

As we got to know one another over that magical twelfth of an hour, she showed Me that she was really adept at keeping a conversation lively. Oh, the things we discussed: Why was I handing her roses? Where was her money? Could I stop staring at her cleavage? Why did I have a turkey baster? Excuse me? It was quite the song and dance. Being someone who loves stimulating banter, I was right at home with this girl.

As I moved in for that all-important first kiss, her mouth was once again agape. And then magic happened. My tongue lapped up as much half-chewed BLT as I could has her shrieks of horror shook my insides. It was like the Earth was moving. In that sublime moment, I could feel this girl. Completely.

I've recounted the story of this date many times over the years. The judge who granted her restraining order against me seemed to find it particularly cute. She didn't say so, but I could tell. I'm pretty good at picking up signals.

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