Halo vs. Call Of Duty - Or, How I Learned To Fairly Assess FPSes Based On Merit

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I recently bought - and completed - Halo: Reach. I even more recently bought - and rather swiftly completed - Call of Duty: Black Ops. Not to beat around the bush, but the latest Halo instalment is the superior game. The only area in which there is any doubt is with multiplayer.

People often complain that they don't "get" Halo - likely in the same way I don't "get" Will Smith. Ali was alright though. Pay attention because I'm going to be knocking out some parallelism in a minute. Look forward to it.

I often think people dislike Halo because they're just no good at it. I don't mean they don't know how to aim or how to take cover, but - broadly speaking - they don't know the most effective way to kill enemies. I dismissed Halo 2 because of this; I simply didn't know how best to counter different enemies. The best example of this is the shield system. Elites - the big, predator-looking fellas - for example, have shields that can take a lot of damage. An inexperienced player would pick up an assault rifle and just start shooting away. An experienced player would punch a grunt's - the little fellas - head off, take his plasma pistol, shred the elite's shield in a second and finish him off with a few regular bullets to the head. Knowledge like this isn't a big secret - it's simply a reward for experimentation. And no, enemies aren't only vulnerable to one weapon. Often, they're just not vulnerable to just one or two weapons. Going into exact detail about each and every enemy would take an age.

Wanna know the best way for killing enemies in CoD? Bullets. What's the difference between a MPK5 and TTLY090? A lot of letters, far as I can tell. They burn through the enemies - which are infinite until you walk to a certain point - just as quickly. Obsessives might point out that the 0.005 second difference makes a big difference online. Not really, considering online play is just a big contest of who can see who first. I found great success just sitting round a corner, waiting for someone to unwittingly stumble in. Seems the most common tactic. That's a matter for another paragraph.

Whereas Halo is a sandbox shooter, CoD is a corridor shooter. That's a fact - it's a design decision on the part of the developers.

Halo confronts you with numerous options - which weapon combo do you use, what direction do you approach from, which enemy do you prioritise, do you attempt to hijack a vehicle, which armour ability do you use, do you run away or trust the AI to protect you while your shields recharge, etc. etc, - whereas CoD confronts you with one; go over there and wait for the next set piece.

Furthermore, I tried playing "intelligently" on CoD. You know, sitting back behind cover, picking enemies off, using smoke for cover, using grenades to flush enemies out. That didn't work. Largely because, unless you move forward to where it tells you, it keeps sending enemies at you. You could kill the entire Russian/Cuban/Viatnamese army and they'd keep coming. Oh, and grenades don't seem to deter them (I'm guessing because unless they actually drop down and try to fuck them, they do no damage). So you have to do the tactic that I ended up doing - running forward like a maniac with two slightly different machine guns and just shooting anything that moves. Like real soldiers do.

There's some cool stuff in there. Ducking under an exploding plane. Firing ziplines and then zooming down them, shredding enemies at the other end. Taking out vehicles with an explosive crossbow that was inexplicably left up a Russian guard tower. Unfortunately, the game just plants you there and goes "look at this cool idea!". More often than not, your involvement is reduced to just holding X or even just watching. You're less a player and more an observer. Cool game - I just wish I was playing it.

In terms of guns, Halo doesn't repeat itself. There's a grenade launcher, a shotgun, an assault rifle, a sniper rifle, a semi-automatic rifle, a needler, a laser, a rocket launcher, etc. No two weapons are alike. They all fulfil different functions and thus should be used differently.

In CoD, they're just variations on a theme. In single player, this is ridiculous. There's about a dozen varieties of machine guns with a dozen varieties of attachments (what the fuck is the point of the suppressor when you're almost always in the middle of a huge firefight? Oh, they'll never guess where I am!) and they all make fuck all difference. There's some fancy ammo types, but the difference is almost entirely aesthetic. The guns are praised for being "visceral" but enemies flop down after being so much as grazed so, uh, not really.

You may expect me to compare stories but that'd be like comparing the stories of Candy Loves Cock to Sally Adores Penis. It's a videogame. You want a story, watch a movie or read a book. Actually, Halo has books written about it. And potentially has a movie in the works. Halo wins, I guess.

I'm now going to describe two online scenarios. You tell me which is which game:

1) I'm walking along in a sensibly sized map. Someone shoots me in the back. I don't die immediately. What happens next is the two of us dancing between cover. I melee him. It doesn't kill him immediately. He goes into armour lock and I wait five minutes for him to come out. Unusually, a teammate doesn't turn up to help him and I get the kill with a well-placed headshot.

2) I'm sprinting between cover in a sensibly sized map. Someone shoots me in the back. I die immediately. The kill cam shows that he was in some random doorway half a mile away and was fortunately very skilful at seeing me first.

Basically, if it weren't for Reach's dumbass armour lock (AKA lol, I'm invincible) then it would have better online hands down. I think people like CoD just because it's constant positive reinforcement. You get points for scratching your arse, kills are embarrassingly easy (granted you camp in a sensible enough place) and you get an explosive remote control car for just three kills.

And, um, I think that's just about it.
Very Nice, Very nice indeed. You know, I often wonder why people hate on Halo. The conclusions I've drawn are ether like you said. 1. There just not any good. 2. They like to hate whatevers popular. 3. They can't stand the hype or 4. There a bunch of CoD fans that prefer a more modern realistic shooter as opposed to fake guns fighting aliens.

I liked the comparisons you made between each game. You brought up some valid points. A key difference between the two games is the Multiplayer. I've play CoD online a few times and I have to say I just don't like it. Maybe its because im no good at it. But I just find there's hardly any consistency with the matches. Its usually who ever sees you first gets the kill. One shot wonders. Not to mention the camping, I really don't like it when people do that. Whereas Halo invokes a bit of strategic thinking to it. If somebody starts shooting you from behind, you usually got about 4-5 seconds to think of a counter attack before your dead. Plus with the addition of armor abilities it gives you more and different ways to approach a fight. Use sprint to catch an unsuspecting guy or to make a quick get away. Evade makes it easy to avoid grenades or a rocket. Hologram to trick someone into false fire. Armor lock even has its Advantages. Once fully used up it emits an EMP burst to break shields or neutralize vehicles, or time it right you could deflect Rockets are take down ghosts. Theres just so many possible scenario that just make the game play that much more exciting as opposed to. I see you I shot you in the head, your dead, repeat.

Then there's the A.I. In CoD its rather dull. Iv seen my ally shoot at a wall for 30 seconds straight. Granted your allies A.I in reach ain't much better, cant drive a warthog. But The Covenant A.I is superb, Elites are tricky to hit. Hunters are beastly and powerful. Skirmishers are fast little bastards, Jackals with their shields or neddler rifles can be deadly if not disposed of quickly. There's just more going on as opposed to fighting another human with just another bullet hose.Don't get me wrong, I don't completely hate CoD. Im not to fond of the multiplayer. But I do enjoy a good single player. Both Black ops and Reach have good single players. Though Halo has always had more of an actually story.

I cant say I'm not biased. Because I am. I often accuse the CoD series for copy and paste of the previous title without any real change. But a lot of people accuse Halo of the same thing. But I find with every new Halo game there's always something new to keep the game play feel fresh. Halo 2 added duel wielding and vehicle jacking. Halo 3 added gadgets and forge. ODST added firefight. Now Reach is accumulation of all of those with the addition of armor abilities. CoD just feels like last years with a new plot and theme. Nothing really new.

For me, Halo wins this hands down. I've always favored Halo over any other shooter because of its diversity in weapons and approach. I find it has more depth and soul as opposed to the more kindred Modern shooters that feel like any other realistic modern shooter out there. Halo is different from the pack and that's what makes it unique and I thinks that's why a lot of people keep coming back to it.

I don't expect everyone to agree. This is just how I feel. Its just my two cents.
Thank you Sam. I knew you were intelligent.

I am definitely a Halo man. I also own almost all of the Call of Duty (I'm stopping here, not buying Black Ops)

Which game and in which mode did this happen? As I escape from the prison in the dark with my ally. We are running to the safe zone and I see my ally sprint ahead and step on a mine and die. As I continue sniper fire comes from a incoming helicopter trying to stop me from getting to my target. I use my hologram decoy to distract the helicopter and throw a grenade exploding the helicopter as I reach the safe zone.

This was of course Halo: Reach but in a mulitplayer game me and my friends created called "Prison Break" Halo has the most creativity allowed in any FPS I've ever seen and that's why I love it. You could go to Forge World and never create the same map as your friend. The possibilities are endless. And I can create the situations in Call of Duty's campaign in Halo's multiplayer. In Call of Duty's multiplayer, I try to find that one dark corner where I can crouch for 10 minutes.
OK I'm siding with Call of Duty here.Halo is a great game no doubt but I just have to go with Call of Duty.

Halo is better in most aspects of the game no doubt but Call of Duty has and always will be the superior Multiplayer game. If some guy gets killed twice by you hiding in a corner his obviously gonna toss a grenade or semtex(way more effective)in there. Call of Duty however is more complex in terms of your class.Halo I've seen different weapons and they all do different things.Call of Duty is the same but you also have to think of equipment and perks.If Search and Destroy(for example)going out with scavenger,hardline and scrambler is possibly the worst combination unless you have god on your side.This combo is even worsened if you dont have a silencer on your weapon and even if you have a silencer your still screwed because the silencer reduces outgoing damage to the opponent.On another point you also have to choose the gun that not only suits your playing style, but will get you kills.No point picking a sniper if you like running aroud. If your running around no point hiding in a corner and waiting. If you play Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 now(not including Black Ops because thay basically just came out)you can easily see classes that work because people have experimented and they worked together.A popular class in Search and Destroy is Riot Shield,RPG-7,C4,Scavenger,Danger Close and Commando.This class works well Close Range and Long Range and Scanver helps get ammo. Back up again.

Let the bashing of me begin.
There's no way I can choose which is the better game. Both game's developers are incredibly well adjusted to their series and know exactly what they need to make their next installment better than it's predecessor.

Let's look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. Arguabally the biggest and most anticipated game of 2009. I'm not going to lie, Modern Warfare 2 impressed me. The campaign was very new, very intricate and pleased me enough to play it again on Veteran upon completion. The online mode wasn't really all that new. Just your typical new map, new arsenal and new glitches for the 12 year olds to take advantage of and ruin your Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 experience from the get go.

One thing I did miss however, was the co-operative campaign from World at War. Now, I didn't think World at War was the best CoD game ever released, but it was enjoyable to a certain extent. The co-operative campaign made the online mode in that just a tiny bit better than that of Call of Duty 4. I would have loved to have done a co-operative campaign on Modern Warfare 2. Special Ops didn't really cut it for me. Some new Special Ops DLC wouldn't have hurt either.

Now, let's take a look at Halo 3. Halo 3 is arguabally one of the best games out there in terms of gameplay, story and in-game accessebility. Like Sam said, Halo is a Sandbox shooter. The maps are much bigger than that of Call of Duty and does it have it's benefits? Oh yes. Halo's online mode is a beast that has to be tamed. In other words, you actually have to be good at the game to level-up. Sorry CoD gamers, but Bungie has the 1-up on you guys over at Infinity Ward here. No more camping all game and getting XP for participating. No kill and no win = no XP.

Already, Halo is a much more adult game. What I mean by this is that it's a very hardcore game compared to Call of Duty. It's challenging, fun to play and when you do tame the beast you deffenitly earn your place as a solid Halo gamer. Back onto the Campaign though, you can run through the entire thing with hardly any loading screens. One or two fade in - fade out's maybe, but no extreme: all the way back to the main menu for it to freeze and load the next level up (if I feel like it) attitude. Once you sit down and play the Halo campaign, you're in for a ride and it's legitematally like sitting your arse down and watching something like Lord of the Rings. Each level is long, which makes the game something to remember.

Bungie did however, bring out another Halo 3 installment. You all remember Halo 3: ODST right? Sadly, I didn't find it to be the greatest Halo installment, but it was a good play for a few days. I kept it in my collection nevertheless. Now that Bungie have stopped making (as far as we know) their Halo franchise, what's next for them? Well we deffenitly know Infinity Ward and the boys down at Treyarch in unison aren't going to stop releasing CoD's anytime soon. This brings me onto my next point.

Upon release of Call of Duty 4 there was a very long wait. Off the top of my head, it had cracked the 2 year mark at least. Was it worth the wait? You bet your ass it was worth the wait. Call of Duty 4 still stands out in my mind as the best Call of Duty ever made. Why? Because they took their time. Something many game developers forget nowa'days. It's like they seem to forget the saying - quality is better than quantity. There's nothing worse than seeing a rushed game, and it's something I have a major problem with the developers of the newest CoD games for. I don't want just another Call of Duty game. I want a Call of Duty game that I'm going to want to play over and over again and something that I'll remember a few years down the line. It doesn't hurt to take your time making a game. It makes it better if anything. The CoD franchise is churned out nowa'days like milk and eggs at your local supermarché.

I don't know how many more of you have noticed, but I've saw some...similarities in the latest CoD games, and the latest Halo games; and they aren't for the better. I can't recall the last time you could "dual-wield" in a CoD game. Nor could I remember having all these high-tech "weapon-upgrades" in a CoD game. Just off the top of my head and about a year's worth of pondering...are the people developing CoD playing Halo at the same time? There are certain similarities that always get me wondering. Just because Halo's franchise is again (to our knowledge) defunct, are CoD taking advantage of that and getting some of Halo's features? That brings me onto my final point.

If CoD are taking some of Halo's features, then why not take their EXP system for online? There's nothing more annoying than seeing the first person in a new CoD game obtain 10th prestige (or 15th, whatever it is now) just because they've sat on their ass for so many days straight to get it. What happened to the previously stated: "no kill, no win = no EXP rule? This would surely make for a better gaming experience in Call of Duty. You know, like normal games are where you actually have to be GOOD to get somewhere? Yeah, those kinda' things. The small things, we'll call them. The small things that matter.

I've just about rounded up all I can in this thread..and I haven't come to a final verdict on which game is better, despite looking back and it may seem my favour is with Halo; but I can't pick a better game. It's all about people's personal favourites and what they like. I can't speak for everybody, but I can certainly give my solid opinion on what would make both of these games better in the long run.

Thanks for reading.
OK I'm siding with Call of Duty here.Halo is a great game no doubt but I just have to go with Call of Duty.

Halo is better in most aspects of the game no doubt but Call of Duty has and always will be the superior Multiplayer game. If some guy gets killed twice by you hiding in a corner his obviously gonna toss a grenade or semtex(way more effective)in there. Call of Duty however is more complex in terms of your class.Halo I've seen different weapons and they all do different things.Call of Duty is the same but you also have to think of equipment and perks.If Search and Destroy(for example)going out with scavenger,hardline and scrambler is possibly the worst combination unless you have god on your side.This combo is even worsened if you dont have a silencer on your weapon and even if you have a silencer your still screwed because the silencer reduces outgoing damage to the opponent.On another point you also have to choose the gun that not only suits your playing style, but will get you kills.No point picking a sniper if you like running aroud. If your running around no point hiding in a corner and waiting. If you play Call Of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 now(not including Black Ops because thay basically just came out)you can easily see classes that work because people have experimented and they worked together.A popular class in Search and Destroy is Riot Shield,RPG-7,C4,Scavenger,Danger Close and Commando.This class works well Close Range and Long Range and Scanver helps get ammo. Back up again.

Let the bashing of me begin.

No offense and all but I have to dissagree.

If Call of Duty has a surperior multiplayer, why is it that a new one is made every year? To regain its popularity.

If it wasn't for its popularity Call of Duty would die like the rest of the standard fps games. Which really, happens every twelve months.

How is Halo surperior? It has long lasting replayability. Ranks that actually take skill to get rather than exp kept me coming back for three years.
COD is better than Halo. Everybody bought Halo but when Black Opps, came out, nobody isn't talking about Halo. COD 4life! Just saying.
It's Halo for me.

I like games with a decent story. Halo at least has a storyline that keeps me interested and all the games have stories that are all intertwined with each other. COD has the same story over several games, sure they may tweak it a bit (setting, what the bad guys do etc) but its essentially stop bad guys (Nazis, Terrorists, Russians etc) from destroying civilization.

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