Hall of Fame


Nome is where your heart is
Pretty self explanitory. I basically want to know who you think should be in the UFC hall of fame, who will be in it, and who you would like to see in it. The UFC Hall of Fame is a very closed group with only like 7 members, but there are plenty of men that are worthy of entering it.

I think that Bas Rutten is one of those guys that should be inducted. He did quiet a bit for the UFC in the early days. I would also like to see Tank Abbott get into the UFC Hall of Fame, though I don't think it is very likely. Tank brought excitment into all of his fights and really solidified the UFC in the early days. One of the few guys I actually liked watching pre 2000.

Someone that I am pretty sure will get in is Tito Ortiz. He had his feud with Dana but not even Dana can deny what Ortiz did for the UFC as Light Heavyweight champion and as a marketable persona. He has to get the nod. Also I would say Forrest Griffin. Pretty much the same explanation as Tito but also because he was the first TUF champ and was a LHW champion. He proved that the TUF guys weren't just good fighters but that they could win titles. He helped put the UFC on the mainstream stage just as much as Tito, Chuck and Randy.

And for someone that I would like to see enter the Hall of Fame, well this is a no brainer. Andrei Arlovski was a great Heavy weight champion during his day and truly ran through the division for about 2 years. He was one of the more entertaining heavyweight champions to watch, to date. In fact I would say he was the most exciting to watch until Big Nog came to the UFC.
I really dig your two choices, Indy, but I don't think Rutten will ever get in. For an MMA Hall of Fame? Sure, but for a UFC Hall of Fame? Not likely, unless it eventually becomes like what WWE's Hall of Fame currently is.

Anyway, I think Matt Hughes will get in real soon. He carried the Welterweight Division for so damn long, and the guy is just a flat out legend. There's nothing at this point in his career that he could do that would ruin his legacy in anyway whatsoever. He was that good and that important to the company at one point in time.

Other future HOFers are of course guys like GSP, Anderson Silva, BJ Penn, Forrest Griffin, etc., but I can't think of many others who will get inducted anytime soon other than Tito and Matt Hughes. It'll be interesting to see if guys like Arlovski and Tim Sylvia get in some day, but I'm not so sure if it's likely. Also, Frank Shamrock would deserve a spot, but he's too anti-UFC to ever get in.
Matt Hughes is a definite lock for this. He was the most dominate welterweight ever before GSP came along, and even gave GSP a run for his money. He pretty much beat everyone the UFC threw at him. He was the face of his division for so damn long, and deserves it more than anybody.

Tito also deserves to go in. He helped carry the UFC in it's early years, and dominated the Light Heavyweight division for a long time. I still say today that he is one of if not the most dangerous light heavyweight in the sport when hes injury free. The mans a monster and is the 2nd most deserving person to go in.

Other than that there are the current champs with the exception of Brock (for now) that will get in, but I don't really see any heavyweights that deserve to get in at this time. It'll surely be interesting to see who else gets in.

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