Had mick foley got the respect that he deserves?


Dark Match Winner
The title says it all.I mean mick foley was one of the top stars of attitude era.Because of being a long time time fan of his,i will go beyond and say he was the biggest star of the attitude era after the rock and stone cold.He was in a historical hell in a cell match with the undertaker.And what a entertaining team rock n sock connection was.But still i think he hadn't got the respect that he deserves.So what r ur thoughts?
i actually think he has been given the credit i mean he was in the match the tiped the scale back in the E's favor with the infamous "" mick foley is gonna win there world tittle humph that ill but some buts in the seats "" they we all changed the channel to see it so he gets good enough credit in my opinion the tag team division of the wwe in the attitude era was highly underated i mean hardy's E&C dudleys apa new age outlaws etc the list goes on
He is easily the most overlooked from that era. It is understood that his promo work is among the best ever. What I feel is overlooked is his ring acumen. He had a fairly diverse move-set for a man his size. One of his greatest strengths though was his usage of ring psychology. Even being athletically limited he could tell an amazing story. I remember during his program with the McMahon's he had an awesome moment where he stretched out Shane and was threatening to separate his shoulder. That gave me goosebumps!

All kneel before "King" Harley Race :worship::worship::worship:
Where has Mick been disrespected? WWE kept him on in various on air roles, promoted his books, and probably gave him the biggest paychecks of any employer he's ever had. He's a MULTIPLE TIME WWF CHAMPION, Hardcore Champ, Tag Champ. He's been in fueds with the biggest stars of his time, and all time.
So he and WWE don't see eye to eye and he left. So? Shit happens.
TNA hired him and he's still doing on air skits.
I have yet to hear a fan disrespect Mick. He may not be thier cupa tea, but they respect him.
Can you be more specific amigo?
I feel that he is loved, maybe even respected for his mike work more so than his wrestling. Secondarily, he is viewed more as a spot master than a wrestler. Ask the average fan and they will tell you about his sick spills never mentioning in-ring ability. In terms of titles they no longer represent respect nor wrestling status. Titles have been viewed as storyline tools not achievements for almost fifteen years. That explains the WWE careers of Tazz, Shelton Benjamin, and other wrestlers that Vince and Hunter had no storylines for. Marketing someone so you can make money off them is a sound business strategy and has nothing to do with respect either.

All kneel before "King" Harley Race :worship::worship::worship:
He has gotten more respect than he deserves in my opinion. Yes, Mick is solid on the mic, and has had several memorable moments in the ring and yes, he has had several title reigns.

From a pure wrestling standpoint it is not appropriate to mention him in the same breath as the Harts, Flairs, Michaels, etc and Foley would probably tell you that himself. Maybe he has already, I don't know because I have not read his books.

So yes, he has gotten the respect he deserves in terms of being a performer and working his ass off for the good of a company but in terms of WRESTLING he may not even deserve the respect he has gotten.
I think Mick Foley has got the respect. From vintage Catcus Jack, to Birthing the Hardcore style and making cool, The Faces of Foley in The E. All of these things give you a Hall of Famer imo. Not the most technical wrestler but could work a match with the greatest of em. His work in the A has been fair. Couldn't quite get Abyss over the top like Hogan's HOF ring, but fair nonetheless. Still good enough not to tarnish the rep.
I think the chief issue here is the form that the respect takes. I'll be the second (as Mick Foley himself would probably be the first) to say that Mick isn't the greatest of technical wrestlers. That being said, he didn't have to be. His gimmick was that of an absolute monkey-poo crazy hardcore legend. I'd go as far as to say that he was the greatest hardcore legend ever (an extremely close second being Abyss.) Many were willing to do crazy things, but he really put it all on the map. The guy could wrestle, I'll give him that, but his true calling was putting himself and others through tremendous bodily harm and getting up from it.

I'd say he's gotten the respect he deserved for what he did. His crazy characters will always be remembered as legendary (with the possible exception of Dude Love but even he had his moments.) Yeah, we may cringe when we remember the hippie incarnation, but one can't deny his greatness as Mankind and Cactus Jack.

Still, one major factor of respect that cannot be denied is Mick's total commitment to his character. This was one guy who was willing to play it to the hilt and give everything he had heart, soul, and body to the part he played. I know I've got major respect for the guy and I think those who count do as well.

However, given that he's had his rocky times with Vince McMahon and went to TNA, I think it'll be a long time before the WWE acknowledges him again. But whatcha gonna do?:shrug:
He has gotten more respect than he deserves in my opinion. Yes, Mick is solid on the mic, and has had several memorable moments in the ring and yes, he has had several title reigns.

From a pure wrestling standpoint it is not appropriate to mention him in the same breath as the Harts, Flairs, Michaels, etc and Foley would probably tell you that himself. Maybe he has already, I don't know because I have not read his books.

So yes, he has gotten the respect he deserves in terms of being a performer and working his ass off for the good of a company but in terms of WRESTLING he may not even deserve the respect he has gotten.

im reading his first book right now "Have A Nice Day" and aside from just being a great book, reading it really made me have more respect for mick foley i always liked him but wasnt huge on him but after hearing his story and all the stuff he went through to acheive his dream including sleeping in his car so he could be trained, wrestling anywhere he could get paid including Africa, Nigeria, and Japan, not giving up after starting training because he struggled for a while to do simple moves, and the insane things he did to put on a good show but anyway thats my opinion and yes Foley can be slopey some times but the man has more heart, passion, desire, and love for the artform than most stars would know what to do with

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