Hacksaw or the Ram ???


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
There's always so many serious and depressing threads on here, so I wanted to start one for sheer entertainment and a good laugh :sweat::sweat::sweat:

So Hacksaw Jim Duggan recently blogged on his WWE Universe account that during Wrestlemania week, he had a confrontation with Mickey Rourke and his entourage in the hallway of a hotel.

Now we all know Hacksaw wasn't much of a wrestler, despite winning the first Royal Rumble... but who you got if push would have came to shove ??

To be fair, leave the entourage out of the mix and lets just go Hacksaw vs Randy "The Ram" Robinson.

There's also no 2x4 involved :ass:

My money's on The Ram. See, I have a feeling Hacksaw would be too busy running around screaming "Hooooooo", looking for (Cassidy) Marisa Tomei.
Id have to go with the Ram as well, due to his ability to take punishment in hardcore matches. let Hacksaw bring the 2x4 and let the Ram borrow a staple gun, hell if WCw was still around this would be a starrcade main event.
Do you mean both in their prime?

If so, gotta give it to The Ram definitely.

If you mean in old current age, it wouldn't surprise me if The Ram had a heart attack or didn't quite make it after hitting the Ram Jam one last time... :p

So I may have to side with Hacksaw here, despite slightly mocking him in a previous post.
WOW, if you went on the movie the Ram was as big as hulk hogan and everyone knows back in the day hulk went over dugan so its a defenite that the ram would win unless its currently which I would say hacksaw since randy looked like he was about to die in every match and hacksaw can still work a match even if it is only joke matches.

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