

Pre-Show Stalwart
GWA Nightmare


Chris Jericho
Randy Orton
Jack Swagger
Rey Mysterio
Booker T
Ted DiBiase
Cody Rhodes
Bobby Lashley
Jeff Jarrett
Brutus Magnus
CM Punk

X Division
The Hurricane
Doug Williams
Paul London
Brian Kendrick
Evan Bourne
Chris Sabin
Alex Shelley
Amazing Red
Hardcore Holly
Jay Lethal
Consequences Creed

Tag Teams
Jesse and Festus


British Invasion

Motor City Machineguns

London and Kendrick

Lethal Consequences

Commentators: Mike Tenay and JBL

Ringside Announcer/Backstage Interviewer: Jeremy Borash

Wrestler Profiles
Chris Jericho
Debut: October 1990
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Lionsault, Walls of Jericho
Signature(s): Codebreaker, Leg feed enziguri
Entrance Music: [Youtube]4QNPGSoMGz0[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 5 time Tag Champion, 5 time World Champion, 9 time Intercontinental champion
GWA Achievements: -

Randy Orton
Debut: 200
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: RKO, The Punt
Signature(s): Modified Backbreaker
Entrance Music:[Youtube]NDtwtGkfmMg[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 6 time World champion, 1 time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Rey Mysterio
Debut: 1989
Alignment: Face
Finishers: The 619
Signature(s): Wheelbarrow bulldog, West coast pop
Entrance Music:[Youtube]_Hc7BJkUkiQ[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 time World champion, 4 time Tag Champion, 3 time Cruiserweight Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Bobby Lashley
Debut: 2004
Alignment: Face
Finishers: The Spear
Signature(s): The Dominator
Entrance Music:[Youtube]C7BnDZIHSCc[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time ECW Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Debut: 1997
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Chokeslam, Last Ride
Signature(s): Diving clothesline, Big boot
Entrance Music:[Youtube]xLrkKW1jcRk[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 Time World Champion, 9 Time Tag Championship
GWA Achievements: -

Booker T
Debut: -
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Axe Kick (Spin-a-roonie optional), Book-end
Signature(s): Super kick, Spinebuster
Entrance Music:[Youtube]5qU8EqFR3ho[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 5 time World Champion, 15 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Jack Swagger
Debut: - 2008
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Gut-wrench Powerbomb
Signature(s): Gut-wrench suplex
Entrance Music:[Youtube]1JSBhI_0at0[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 Time ECW Champion
GWA Achievements: -

The Hurricane
Debut: 1991
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Chokeslam, Single knee facebuster
Signature(s): Shining Wizard, Eye of the Hurricane, Vertebreaker
Entrance Music: [Youtube]aCU_e0yXit4[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Debut: 1993
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Gringo Cutter, Gringo Killer
Signature(s): Frog Splash
Entrance Music: [Youtube]vn6C918G6Ck[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 Time X Division Champion, 9 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Ted DiBiase
Debut: 2008
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Dream Street
Signature(s): Cobra clutch, dropkick
Entrance Music: [Youtube]DfS36sgIIL4[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Cody Rhodes
Debut: 2007
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Cross Rhodes
Signature(s): Missile dropkick, Jumping neckbreaker
Entrance Music:[Youtube]DfS36sgIIL4[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 3 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Debut: 2007
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Diving leg drop
Signature(s): Bridging German suplex, diving crossbody
Entrance Music:[Youtube]SqweaZNZ3_E[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: -
GWA Achievements: -

Debut: 2007
Alignment: Face
Finishers: The Festus flapjack
Signature(s): Powerbomb, Spinebuster
Entrance Music:[Youtube]SqweaZNZ3_E[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: -
GWA Achievements: -

Jeff Jarrett
Debut: 1986
Alignment: Face
Finishers: The Stroke
Signature(s): Acoustic Equalizer, Figure Four leg lock
Entrance Music: [Youtube]WjSnK_X5J24[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 10 Time World Champion, 15 Time Tag Team Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Debut: 2009
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Suicide Solution
Signature(s): DOA, Rolling fireman’s carry slam
Entrance Music: [Youtube]rjGTtN0OMZw[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 Time X Division Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Doug Williams
Debut: 2004
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Chaos Theory
Signature(s): British figure four, Anarchy knee
Entrance Music: [Youtube]Fnwk5TMwOxA[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Brutus Magnus
Debut: 2004
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Sharpshooter
Signature(s): Tormentum, Sit-out Powerbomb
Entrance Music: [Youtube]Fnwk5TMwOxA[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Debut: 1993
Alignment: Face
Finishers: White Russian legsweep
Signature(s): Showing some form of blood, Chair DDT
Entrance Music: [Youtube]fkuOAY-S6OY[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 5 Time ECW Champion, 2 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Brian Kendrick
Debut: 2002
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Sliced Bread
Signature(s): Back flip Kick, Hurracanrana
Entrance Music: [Youtube]Sz_kIxw-0r4[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Paul London
Debut: 2002
Alignment: Face
Finishers: 450 Splash, Standing/springboard shooting star press
Signature(s): Super kick
Entrance Music: [Youtube]Sz_kIxw-0r4[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Champion
GWA Achievements: -

CM Punk
Debut: 1999
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: GTS, Anaconda Vice
Signature(s): Springboard clothesline, Corner high knee
Entrance Music: [Youtube]PtWBoI-UVNc[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 3 time World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, ECW Champion, Tag team Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Evan Bourne
Debut: 2000
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Air Bourne
Signature(s): Head scissors takedown, diving double knee drop
Entrance Music: [Youtube]__FA5CQjb0s[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: -
GWA Achievements: -

Chris Sabin
Debut: 2000
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Cradle Shock
Signature(s): Hesitation dropkick, Diving Flipping leg drop
Entrance Music: [Youtube]mV92wj2aFaI[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 4 Time X Division Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Alex Shelley
Debut: 2002
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Sliced Bread
Signature(s): Single knee face breaker, Superkick
Entrance Music: [Youtube]mV92wj2aFaI[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: X Division Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Amazing Red
Debut: 1998
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Code Red
Signature(s): Red Star Press, Red Alert
Entrance Music: [Youtube]ehIzI4ivfaw[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time X Division Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Hardcore Holly
Debut: 1990
Alignment: Heel
Finishers: Alabama Slam
Signature(s): Kick to rope hung opponent, Sit-out face first suplex
Entrance Music: [Youtube]PoJsSkqGY5Q[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 3 Time Tag Team Champion, 6 Time Hardcore Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Jay Lethal
Debut: 2001
Alignment: Face
Finishers: Lethal combination
Signature(s): Diving Elbow Drop, Springboard dropkick
Entrance Music: [Youtube]Djl5kt1bPjo[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 Time team champion, 3 time X Division champion
GWA Achievements: -

Consequences Creed
Debut: 2005
Alignment: Face
Finishers: CreeDDT
Signature(s): MontiFisto
Entrance Music: [Youtube]5E8ltVjxDmc[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 Time Tag Team Champion
GWA Achievements: -

Tag Team Profiles
Tag team Finisher: -
Alignment: Heel
[Entrance Music: [Youtube]DfS36sgIIL4[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Team Champions
GWA Achievements: -

Jesse and Festus
Tag team Finisher: Aided Shoulder block
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music: [Youtube]SqweaZNZ3_E[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: -
GWA Achievements: -

London and Kendrick
Tag team Finisher: Sliced Bread/Powerbomb
Alignment: Face
Entrance Music: [Youtube]Sz_kIxw-0r4[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Team Champions
GWA Achievements: -

The British Invasion
Tag team Finisher: Spinebuster/ Diving Clothesline
Alignment: Heel
Entrance Music: [Youtube]Fnwk5TMwOxA[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 2 Time Tag Team Champions
GWA Achievements: -

Lethal Consequences
Tag team Finisher: Death Valley Driver followed by Elbow Drop
Alignment: Face
[Entrance Music: [Youtube]sPnQMpBPSN0[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: 1 Time Tag Team Champions
GWA Achievements: -

Motor City Machineguns
Tag team Finisher: Sliced Bread/Powerbomb
Alignment: Heel
[Entrance Music: [Youtube]mV92wj2aFaI[/Youtube]
Previous Achievements: -
GWA Achievements: -

Roster, bios, entrances and title histories updates as of 10th January 2010
Championship History

International Championship
Chris Jericho
Weeks Held: 2
Defences: 1

International tag team Championships
Weeks Held: 1
Defences: 0

X Division Championship
Jeremy Borash is walking backstage, looking for Shane McMahon. He passes a couple of workers, asking ‘is he here?’. One of them nods and point towards the end of the corridor. JB jogs to the end of the corridor and comes to a door that reads ‘Shane McMahon, Nightmare General Manager’. He knocks three times.

JB- Come on!

He knocks again. The door opens and Shane McMahon comes out.

Shane- Yes?

JB- Shane. I’ve come to interview you for an article on the GWA: Nightmare website

Shane pauses

Shane- I don’t remember authorising it

JB- Well, it’s been approved by the board.

Shane- Well, I guess there’s no going back then. What do you want to know?

JB takes out a piece of paper.

JB- Ok…About the Supershow, first. Who are your chosen representatives?

Shane- Well, after careful consideration, I have chosen Rey Mysterio and Randy Orton to represent Nightmare and to be given the opportunity to win the Undisputed championship in the tournament.

JB- Orton and Mysterio? Do you think either a them will get a bye?

Shane- I know the answer but I’m not aloud to disclose that information yet.

JB- You sure?

Shane looks at JB like he’s an idiot

Shane- Am I sure?…Yes I’m sure! Next question please

JB looks taken aback

JB- Erm, OK. Nightmare gets it’s own match at the Supershow right?

Shane- Yes, and before you ask, the match will be an International Championship match between Chris Jericho and Booker T.

JB- Really? That’s huge!

Shane- Yes it is. And now I have to go.

Shane walks off, leaving JB.

JB- But…What about the other titles?

Shane (Off screen)- Tune in and find out!

Shane McMahon recently released the following statement:

Shane McMahon said:
The recent drafting of Jeff Jarrett to the Nightmare roster brings only positives to the brand. Jeff Jarrett is both a talented wrestlers and a locker room leader and will bring a very positive influence over the roster. Another upside is the loss of Rhino who is both a nuisence and a tyrant backstage. Hopefully he can clean up his act before crossing my sister. Also, be sure to check the details of the roster, which is going under constant updates. Our emplyees are doing their best to replace many wreslters entrace themes, as legal issues have been interfereing with our work.
The General manager, Shane McMahon, released this.

Shane McMahon said:
I am very excited to announce that I have signed Max and Jeremy, Generation Me. They will make a fine addition to the active roster and have proven themselves in the indies, so expect to see alot of them
30 minutes later, In a somewhat contradictary statement, he then released this.

Shane McMahon said:
After careful consideration, I have decided to place Generation Me, or the Young Bucks, on the developmental roster. They will not recieve any air time until they have proven they can run with the big dogs in dark matches. Don't even expect their profiles on the website until they debut.
Shane McMahon recently sat down with us for an in-depth interview.

Question- How do you feel the first episode of Nightmare went?

Shane McMahon said:
As every show does, it has high points and low points. Jack swagger may prove to be a problem backstage but his match went well enough...aside from the attack on Booker T. I hope to resolve those issues in the upcoming weeks. And, as always, Chris Jericho has caused numerous problems. He's already managed to get disqualified, attack his boss and insult the viewing public.

Question- What are you going to do about the disqualification finish to the International championship match between Mysterio and Jericho?

Shane McMahon said:
Mysterio will recieve a rematch in two weeks. I already have plans for Jericho in the upcoming show

Question- What Roster changes have recently occured?

Shane McMahon said:
The Rock 'n' Rave infection were signed by me before being realeased moments me. The sandman and Santino Marella were recently traded to Rampage. However, as the half of the deal, Evan Bourne will be joining the roster and is now a part of the X Division tournament. Excuse my leaving early, but I have to fire some people
General Manager Shane McMahon recently had an interview with one of GWA's reporters. Here are a few of the exerpts from that interview:

Shane McMahon said:
Obviously, I'm thrilled that Legacy showed everyone why they're the tag team champions by beating four of Nightmare's top performers. Expect them to slowly but surely be given more and more oppurtunities.

Shane McMahon said:
Unfortunately, with the sudden dissolution of the Rampage brand, several members of the roster have been released or traded away to accomodate the wave of new wrestlers coming into the brand. As of now, if they're not on the roster page, they're not on the roster.

Shane McMahon said:
The new signings are an amazing oppourtunity to expand Nightmare's limits. Expect a more exciting show from now on.

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