Guys who are better as face


Dark Match Winner
First of all i wanna clear that this thread is not about only those guys who have been heel in the past.I think most of the guys in wwe are better as heel or i can say more than 90% of the guys are better as heel.I think rey mysterio is better as a face.I cant just imagine him as a dominat heel.So what r ur picks?
I think Christian is by far a better face, he functioned well as a heel, but I just like him much better when he's a face, he's the kind of guy that really needs to remain face, and he maintains a balance where he doesn't get boring with it.

John Cena I think is a better face, while I think I could very well get a lot of heat from the Cena haters here, I just don't see him going back to heel, and sure he was a decent heel with his rapper gimmick, but right now, I just prefer him much more as a face.

Rey Mysterio, yes I agree he couldn't work very well as a dominant heel, but that doesn't mean he couldn't work as a heel, but I just think he does indeed function better as a face, his masks and the fact that people already love him just strikes me as a face that would be almost impossible to turn heel.

There's a lot more people that functions better as faces, but that's only because we haven't seen them as heels, so I'm gonna leave those out.
The Big Show. As a heel, he's just another big power guy. As a face, he is so much more. He is hilarious on the mic, and as a face you love to cheer for him as he smashes the heels. A giant monster as a face is unique and interesting, and Show is talented in ring and on mic and he makes it work. I would take him face over heel any day.
A guy who would make a better face eh?? Well, this is a tough one, because it takes a lot to be a good face. I mean, Triple H just didn't turn on Vince and become a face again, he had a long feud with Vince, and Shawn jumped in a started DX again. But this isn't a how tough it is to be a face thread this is a who is a better face thread.

Chris Jericho. It's time for him to become a face again, get a good feud with Sheamus, or the SES. His mic skills are great as a face or heel, but he would do great as a face again. When he was a face, the crowd loved him, and he knew how to put over a heel.

Hulk Hogan will always be the ultimate face. The intensity he had in is promos, and the passion he had in them got people caring for the ultimate good vs. evil showdown.

Mick Foley. I always thought it was stupid having him become a heel to promote the new ECW. I don't know who wrote for that angle but it was just stupid.

Then, Sting, he was one of the best, the crowd loved him. I hate when they try the heel turn with him. I really feel out of place when I watch that. Sting one of the best wrestlers in the business should always be a face. They tried the heel thing with him in WCW, and it was just awful television.
It's hard to think of anyone still with WWE that is a better face I agree with some of you I enjoy seeing Rey Mysterio, Big Show and Matt Hardy as face...christian i enjoy Christian both as face or heel. Goldust and Santino are others I think are better as faces. This is really hard to say with WWE stars because it seems they get more mic time and have better character development when they're heels, honestly the all the faces seem to just wave and smile while coming to the ring and use corny humor to get over. I guess I favor heels more

In TNA I would say Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, RVD, Sting and Amazing Red

Also even tho he's not involved with wrestling anymore I always thought Bill Goldberg was great as a babyface as was Ricky Steamboat
Definitely Sting. I think Ricky Steamboat managed to be a face just about his whole career, correct me if I'm would've been interesting to see him be a heel, but I think he was a very strong face. Eric Young, I don't buy him as a true heel at the goofy member of a heel stable maybe, but not as the badass heel he's supposed to be now. Both Hardys, Rey, RVD, Cena and AJ Styles all come to mind. AJ because he comes off as too much of an idiot when he's a heel...he seems a lot more natural as a face.
Without a doubt AJ Styles is better as a face.I kinda thought he would be a Ricky Steamboat type of face because before he became a Flair clone,he seemed to fit the family man image that Steamboat did IMO.I also say Sting because he's so good at being the hero,that nobody will ever take him as a serious heel.His turns in both WCW and TNA prove this because of the constant cheers he gets from the fans.
one guy that i no is a better heel is mvp, seems like there is more to do with him when he is a heel
I'm just gonna go by WWE's active roster. There are several guys who are better as faces. John Cena comes to mind, though I personally can't stand the sight of him either way; he's way more believable as a face. I think Big Show is definitely better as a face, it seems like that's the only time anyone gives him any respect. I don't think Kofi Kingston could ever be an effictive heel, so he should remain a face, of course Rey Mysterio is the ultimate underdog face, I can't picture him ever getting booed, and this may come as a surprise to some but I think Edge is more effective as a face. I think he's more entertaining as a face. I prefer funny Edge to crazt sadistic Edge.
Triple H - Looking at past videos of him as a heel, his mic work looks very forced. But as a face, particulary in DX with Shawn Michaels, he looks natural.

Cena - As much as you may think that his current 'SuperCena' gimmick is stale and in need of a change there is no denying he is a far superior face. He is funny, has great timing and is quite inspiring, so to speak, with his 'never give up' attitude.

I may be completely wrong but i'm also gonna say Edge - I've only watched WWE since the start of this year, so the first I saw of Edge was as a face. I loved it, he had the whole 'rockstar' thing going on and looked a great face against Chris Jericho. When he was turned heel recently, I was a bit underwhelmed.
obviously Rey. can you imagine him as a heel???getting booed, doing illegal things, cheating and not givin his attires to kids??of course not.
Christian? yeah I mean the guy can be a heel but, well he aint no Triple H, Randy Orton or Ric Flair.
The Hardys: I loved when Jeff tried to be heel, you know when he go after Taker on a extreme rules match. but I dont know how this guy can be hated by fans. in the case of Matt...I dont like the guy at all, but as heel it wasnt THE heel turn and his carreer went sraight up. but as a face he is more credible.
Hulk Hogan=Ultimate Face, nothing more to add
RVD, how is he going to protray the bad guy??
and even if I hate the guy, Cena. thats right, as a face it looks natural he doesnt look or act like a dick (kinda Orton Batista...)
oh and I know he isnt right know in the WWE but Shelton Benjamin, his moveset are sooo face!
As has been mentioned, Rey Mysterio will likely never be heel in his career just because the face style of fighting suits his build and style better than heel style. Plus, he's believable pulling ambush tactics and still remaining a face. I don't think he's ever been a heel in his career with the exception of that rather embarrassing unmasked segment of his WCW career that most fans of Mysterio would much rather forget.

Foley as a face I also enjoy. True in his early times as Cactus Jack and Mankind, he could do the "monster" thing alright, but he's much better as a rather crazed face. Seems to come across a bit more naturally. That could be because I've seen and heard a few candid interviews and I get that his own personality is far more "face" than "heel".

I won't go into Cena. I think we all know why he's a better face than a heel.

Big Show is also a favorite as a face. It's not just that it opens him up on the mic and allows him to stretch his oversized wings a bit when it comes to his personality. It's that when he gets into the ring, he's allowed to be a little more innovative in what he does. The heels don't get to do that much on the whole, particularly the big ones.

The last person I enjoy more as a face than a heel (that I can think of off hand) is Charlie Haas. Yes, we didn't see him in that position much, except for the brief period in which he was doing his impersonations. The WWE wasted a golden opportunity with that talented mimic in not redoing his gimmick to reflect a kind of "chameleon" wrestler who specialized in defeating opponents with their own signature moves. Ah well, hindsight 20-20 and all that.

Anyways, that's all you're gettin' from me for now.
Well, I like lists so I'm going to give my top 10 better as faces lists:

10) Faarooq - Were the Ron Simmons or Farooq Asad characters really believable heels? Sure The Nation ws a great heel faction but I preferred DLo Brown...THE APA really cemented a great face run and I could never imagine him as heel anymore...DAMN!!!

9) Santino - Those comedy roles are perfect for a midcard face and he nails them amazingly

8) Goldust - He worked as a heel, just like him better as a face

7) Booker T - Don't get me wrong , he was the marketable heel post invasion and King Booker rang supreme... but every time he did the spinaroonie I marked out

6) (TIE) Koko B Ware and Tito Santana - I know the 80s weren't really sports entertainment just more wrestling but I don't think either of these 2 could be good heels

5) Hulk Hogan - The NWO was a shock and to me will always be the biggest turn in pro wrestling history... But I will always eat my vitamins and say my prayers thanks to Hulkamania Brutha

4) Goldberg - No personality to be a heel

3) The Hardys - High flyers like this can't really be heels... even though Matt tried with the whole cruiserweight trying to make weight angle

2) AJ Styles - oes anybody else hate him as a heel? anybody? He annoys the hell outta me

and 1) Rey Mysterio - need I say more
I have actually been thinking about this for some time now. I don't know the TNA guys well enough to be able to accurately say if they are better as heel or face, so I am just going to go with who is wrestling in WWE right now. Rey, Kofi, Bourne to name a few. Mostly, because I just can't picture a cruiser-weight as a heel. It just doesn't work that way. Edge is one, it is cool watching him be funny, same with Christian. And it seems with Big Show, he is doing a great job being face. But you know who hasn't become a face yet, but will get over greatly in my opinion? Jack Swagger. He is very talented, there is always a small portion of the crowd who has his back whenever he wrestles, so I think he would do a great job. There are definetly more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. Its just that it is so much more easier to be heel, because you don't really need to try hard to get people to hate you. To be able to successfully get over with the crowd as a face without looking like you are sucking up is a very hard thing to do. Which a precious few wrestlers can pull off.
one guy that i no is a better heel is mvp, seems like there is more to do with him when he is a heel

Hate to call shenanigans, but the topic is about guys that are better as faces, not heels. Had to be a dick there, but ignorance is futile.

As pertaining to the question, I will tell you right off the bat who was a better face then they were a heel, and many will disagree:


Yeah, I get it that for most wrestling fans out there, this guy has got to be on your top 10 list of heels, or at least an after-thought. But go back to 2002 or so when he dropped Christian and started to become a legitimate competitor. Edgeheads and The Edge Army was developing into the new Hulkamaniacs (maybe not THAT big, but still pretty fuckin popular). He was in the main scene on Smackdown in memorable feuds with the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Big Show, and Kurt Angle. He had the fans behind him 100%, and you knew this guy meant business as he ran through the smoke, hyping people up to Rob Zombie's "Never Gonna Stop".


Edge is considered "The Rated R Superstar" even today, though his character has burnt out like a lit match because of the PG Era. Very few things give him the right to even be called that, and I doubt boning Lita and spearing Foley through an inflamed table is enough.

Now, as for his Ultimate Oppurtunist gimmick...yeah. He wins belts; he has done that pretty well for years by doing last-minute tactics that leave many going :confused:. It works for him, but still a guy that comes in to win the belt on the regular is sure to not surprise people in the long run.

That, and his ring entrance lost the charisma it once had. As a face he brought the place to a hype; as a heel he does a ripoff of Kurt Angle's #1 Fireworks shoot from the ramp, only instead of the #1 hand sign he does the Rock On hand sign.

2002 Edge was hella over. 2010 Edge is jeered. Give me "Never Gonna Stop" over "Metalingus" any day.
Rey will always be a better face because he is an underdog. I liked Captin Charisma (christina) as a face much more than a heel. Then you have Chris Benoit, he was always a very good face becasue his gimmick was a hard worker.

Other nominations : Eddie Gurrero (RIP), Big Show, Cactus Jack, Kofi, Shad (from cryme time), Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, RVD, Ultimate Warrior, Stone Cold for me, GoldBerg, Sting (and alot of other TNA wrestlers) etc...
Styles is number one in my mind. I dispise him as a heel, and I await the day he turns on Flair, and becomes the number one face again. He doesn't do the Nature Boy well at all, and unlike most people, his heel demeanor seems forced, and unnatural.
Secondly, depite the fact that I'm tired of Cena being force-fed down my throat every night on RAW, there's no way I can see Cena turn heel. The rapper gimmick isn't going to work for him, so, if they ever book him into a heel turn, I fail to see how it's going to happen.
Rey is third. He's too little to be heel, and his style does not match that of a heel. I also can't remember, nor can I find a time where Rey was a heel, so, I believe he's going to be a lifetime face.
I personally think Big Show is better as a face. I don't like him as a "monster" heel, despite his size. I think he could play the "big teddy bear" role, who can destroy heels at will. His mic work is above average, and kinda humorous.
And my personal choice is the Hardy's, espically Jeff. Whenever he's heel, I still cheer him. He's forever my favorite, and I even focus my own moveset around Jeff's.
I was looking forward to an Edge face run, as I've always enjoyed him as a face for the same reason E&C is my all-time favorite tag team... the dude's pretty damn funny on the mic and it comes through a lot better as a face Also, I really feel a missed opportunity with a long-term Edge-Jericho feud. I REALLY wanted to see a reunited babyface E&C battle Jericho and Show for the Tag Titles this summer (however, I agree with many of the above posters that Show is WAY more marketable as the 'smiling giant').
I have to say I was VERY disappointed when they abandoned the Edge face run post-Royal Rumble. As a fan in my late twenties, it's rare having genuinely "cool" faces to root for (Orton now being one of them). I much preferred Edge's coolness and humor to the cheeseball R-Truth, Kofi, or Cena.

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