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Gunner and Murphy Sign TNA Contracts


Dark Match Winner
Phil Shatter and Mikael Judas, known to TNA fans as Gunner and Murphy, known to Ric Flair as "Murphy and His Pal", have signed contracts with TNA. They can still take indy bookings but TNA dates take priority bla bla bla, etc.

What do you guys think about this? It's rare that I see a good word about them on the WZ forums, but I personally think its good. Granted they've been kinda hotshotted into the spotlight being with Immortal and to throw them on the recent PPV wasn't the best idea,but I think with a few more matches under their belts they could be a solid heel midcard tag team.

Thoughts? opinions? hate?
I think with a lot more matches under their belt they might have a chance at not looking completely lost out there. As I've said in another thread on the subject, G&M did an incredibly convincing job of being the nameless, faceless, security-guys-gone-bad, hired goons for Bischoff and Immortal. The pay-per-appearance thing was working and right now, there still exists a very "take 'em or leave 'em" attitude when it comes to Gunner and Murphy. That is, they could both go away tomorrow and nobody would really notice after a week or two.

This makes TNA signing them to contracts particularly baffling. What are G&M going to do... leave? Big deal. What does TNA actually lose at this point in time by losing them? Sure, they may turn into a solid tag-team in the future, but they are no where near this goal yet. As a matter of fact, to call the team competent might be stretching things a bit.

When considering their current position in the company (tag team representation in the biggest heel faction), the term "hotshotting" is undoubtedly an understatement. These guys are simply not ready for that position and the long term security of their services just isn't warranted right now.
After watching them both in NWA Anarchy and on NWA Showcase...for some reason, I got both of those in Raleigh for a while...I think they have long term potential. Right now, I like them better than Ink Inc. TNA is trying to do the right thing and focus on building stars instead of rehashing WWE cast-offs. The only way to build new stars is to bring them on board. I think for them they really screwed them by making them security first. Now to those who don't know them they will always be security.

The one thing they both need is a good manager. Neither is above average on the mic, but they both have the physique and athleticism needed to be stars. Hopefully, Ric Flair will become their mouthpiece. He is needed much more around them than he is for Fortune.
Honestly, I think the last thing TNA needs right now is to sign MORE talent. I know Gunner and Murphy were already on the show, but I never really understand why. To me, it just seems like more dead weight, and more guys on the payroll.
Here's one thought; are they making more or less with these contracts than they received in the per-appearance payments? I would assume that, in exchange for job security, the actual per-week payments are a little less than what they made before. That's the only reason TNA would bother doing this, so I'll say it's a good move. If you knew they'd be used regularly anyway, might as well get it for cheaper.
You know it makes sense that TNA signed them as i already thought they were signed anyways. They have potential to be a heel tag-team to challenge Beer Money for the Tag-team belts ( not yet i know) because people were wondering in another thread why the belts weren't defended at against all odds.
Whats really wrong with them? They are both big dudes, they can go pretty far as a power heel tag team. We've seen it in the past and with team 3d missing in the division TNA can kind of properly start building their tag teams without getting a rub from the greatist tag team ever. Really Beer money and MCMG are great teams but both are still young in their time as teams. Inc inc., and Gen me,. and the ocasional Orlando Jordan and Ey, are all you have along with the throw together team. A young division along with a big power heel team is a good thing, you can have great matches for years to come. I see nothing but good things IF G&M can work together and work the stick. Without good mic skills they are basically doomed to jobbing to other teams.
I nearly fell asleep reading the thread title.

These guys may be fantastic, one day, but they have been thrust into a position for which they are not yet ready. This is difficult to overcome.

But who cares. It is not like they are the worst dead weight under TNA contracts.
I think they deserve a contract. After all they have been involved in the hottest feud in the company and working alongside some of the biggest names in the business. It is only right they are under contract.

After Immortal is done I see these two continuing to work as a tag team, but probably altering their ring names, maybe adding a first name to Murphy and a surname to Gunner. They are both still pretty green but are still pretty new to the big time, and it is good TNA are giving these guys a chance.
I can tell you all one thing for certain: you are impossible to please.

A year ago you were begging for guys like Team 3D to step aside for "new blood" to finally get a push, so TNA went out and actually got you that new blood. Now you're complaining that it's too young to warrant being there?

G&M may be green, but they're young and have imposing and impressive frames to work with. Their first few matches aren't likely to accomplish much, but if you had some fuckin' patience (like the patience you exude while waiting for your Hot Pocket dinner's to heat to perfection) you'd likely see plenty of progress.

This is what you asked for... now you don't want it?
I can tell you all one thing for certain: you are impossible to please.

A year ago you were begging for guys like Team 3D to step aside for "new blood" to finally get a push, so TNA went out and actually got you that new blood. Now you're complaining that it's too young to warrant being there?

G&M may be green, but they're young and have imposing and impressive frames to work with. Their first few matches aren't likely to accomplish much, but if you had some fuckin' patience (like the patience you exude while waiting for your Hot Pocket dinner's to heat to perfection) you'd likely see plenty of progress.

This is what you asked for... now you don't want it?

There is a fundamental difference between giving new, rising, competent talent a chance to shine and throwing two greener than grass "characters" into prominent positions in the companys biggest heel faction straight away. Then, based on a similar level of non-performance, grant them contracts that other more deserving young wrestlers would probably (and often do) kill themselves for. There should be (and in fact, is) a middle ground here with which to work.

Maybe I'm a bit too old school, but from what I remember in my 22 years as a wrestling fan, so much so soon often eventually translates into so fired. Gunner and Murphy may be a great tag team in the making. Maybe they will progressively get better and be equal parts imposing and impressive in a year or two.

But lets get to the heart of things here. Neither one of these kids are standouts in any currently measurable way. It's arguable that they have "the look", but so many other guys before (and I'm sure, after) them could not sustain careers by only looking the part. Particularly in TNA, where there appears to be a higher emphasis on wrestling as opposed to "sports entertainment", these guys are no where near ready to be thrusted in the position they now find themselves in.

Look, I'm not saying they shouldn't have been given contracts ever. It would be silly to write them off that quickly. There is quite a bit that we haven't seen of Gunner and Murphy and this is important surely. My point of contention is with the fact that, seemingly out of the blue, they were granted long-term (even if that translates into a single year) contracts when they've really done nothing of note so far. They haven't had a stand-out match yet, they're not "hot" on the indy scene with a local following, and as fans, we have no clue what kind of personality they can exude.

Pay-per-appearance was working just fine for the roles they currently fill in the company. Further experimentation under this agreement to see if they could become something more than "hired goons" would've been the next logical step. Why contracts, why them, why right now?
There is a fundamental difference between giving new, rising, competent talent a chance to shine and throwing two greener than grass "characters" into prominent positions in the companys biggest heel faction straight away. Then, based on a similar level of non-performance, grant them contracts that other more deserving young wrestlers would probably (and often do) kill themselves for. There should be (and in fact, is) a middle ground here with which to work.

Maybe I'm a bit too old school, but from what I remember in my 22 years as a wrestling fan, so much so soon often eventually translates into so fired. Gunner and Murphy may be a great tag team in the making. Maybe they will progressively get better and be equal parts imposing and impressive in a year or two.

But lets get to the heart of things here. Neither one of these kids are standouts in any currently measurable way. It's arguable that they have "the look", but so many other guys before (and I'm sure, after) them could not sustain careers by only looking the part. Particularly in TNA, where there appears to be a higher emphasis on wrestling as opposed to "sports entertainment", these guys are no where near ready to be thrusted in the position they now find themselves in.

Look, I'm not saying they shouldn't have been given contracts ever. It would be silly to write them off that quickly. There is quite a bit that we haven't seen of Gunner and Murphy and this is important surely. My point of contention is with the fact that, seemingly out of the blue, they were granted long-term (even if that translates into a single year) contracts when they've really done nothing of note so far. They haven't had a stand-out match yet, they're not "hot" on the indy scene with a local following, and as fans, we have no clue what kind of personality they can exude.

Pay-per-appearance was working just fine for the roles they currently fill in the company. Further experimentation under this agreement to see if they could become something more than "hired goons" would've been the next logical step. Why contracts, why them, why right now?

So let me get this straight. They're too young, too new, too green. Fine, I can agree with that. With that statement you suggest that TNA should hire more experienced people, guys who are not THAT green and not so new to the wrestling scene. Well guess where TNA gets THOSE guys. It sure as hell ain't the Independents - that's right, it's WWE! Could be Ring of Honor but those guys simply won't go to TNA because they're too busy dying with their company.

Independent nobody new guy green-horns, or WWE dudes. Pick one, and don't bitch if TNA doesn't pick the other one. They all start from somewhere. TNA is their "somewhere".
Ok to make one correction, both Shatter and Judas are pretty popular with the local fans at their I guess now former home organization, especially Shatter. And fans of the NWA was asking for a NWA World title run for Shatter. So they do have some popularity.

As far as the contracts go, they actually make sense in 2 ways. It gives Immortal a tag team. I mean seriously who's the tag team now since Fourtune left? Also it gives TNA another heel tag team. Who is their main heel tag team that gets on TV? Generation Me. Their tag division is heavily face.
TNA will not push or develop characters they don't have under contract, not in a day in age where TNA has been burned several times beforehand by doing the same thing and not with two guys who are tailor-made for Johnny Ace to pick up for WWE.

They are two dedicated guys who stuck their neck out and decided to be lackeys for over a year in order to break into the big leagues. They have been working the NWA and independents for years improving and getting better. They aren't two bouncers getting their first wrestling contract. TNA needs them under contract so they can develop their characters and push them. They just started wearing tights rather than jeans and a TNA security shirt. They are going to be developed to become new TNA "originals". I think it's an excellent signing personally.
I Think it's good, and giving them official ring gear was good, being a tag team for the main stable in TNA and wearing Black Pants and a TNA Shirt looked more dumber than the 'Red Shirt Security' and 'Black Shirt Security' Teams back in 2003/2004 time.

As for signing them it's good for the fact that if they decided to leave, Immortal would have to go get two more Indy wrestlers to be their official security guards, when they could just keep the two familiar guys..Gunner and Murphy, although, better Ring Names could be given.
let me get this straight one day its TNA has to many old WWE has beens or never was's or washed up guys and now when they get some one that is not from WWE there is still a problem. I don't understand it, NO ONE says a word about WWE when they signed Monty Brown as getting TNA has beens (personally i thought he sucked, but thats another topic), no one complained when they signed Awesome Kong, in Fact everyone cheered them on for that.

So we get two guys that could be good later and are obviously willing to work and learn to hone their craft and everyone gets up in arms about it.

Personally I like it, I think its a good move I think it will allow them to create more legit Tag-Teams, I still think that they really need to utilize the Dudley's and Hardy's schools to help train people like this. We all know that they tape at least 2 weeks worth of shows in one week, why not have them attend one of their schools to hone their tag-team up and learn more moves and how to use the mic. Utilize what you have to make your product better.
I like these two and think they add another dimension to TNAs tag division. With no Team
3D, Gunner & Murphy can be the power team of the division. I believe these two have what it takes to be a major player in TNAs tag division. Murphy is a big, tough looking, guy. And Gunner looks mean as hell and like he's solid muscle. I just feel, with a bit of work and a decent push, they could easily look like credible challengers for the Tag Team Titles. I was hoping they would push Beer Money all the way on iMPACT! And stamp their mark on the tag division, but that didn't happen.

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