Guess who's back...


For Reals!
Eminem's new video just dropped...and it's already causing people's panties to knot up. mainly Bill O'Riley's!

it's funny how he finds Em's spoof on palin to be so upsetting. i guess jessica, britney and amy winehouse are unimportant! whatever...

has anyone seen the new video?

it was alright...not his best work..but the spoofs are hilarious.

I'm not a big Eminem fan, but I quite enjoyed the video. It's sounds like his slim shady stuff, not anything like he's done lately.

Is he coming out with a new album? I haven't heard about anything like that.

I'm glad he's back, There's not alot of good hip-hop stuff right now.

I just hope he starts singing rather then producing now.
I like the new video. The song, and video, both remind me of old school Eminem. "Crack A Bottle" was definitely a subpar attempt. I expected it to grow on me, and it hasn't, and won't.

I'm hoping that more of the new stuff is like this...
yeah this song is ok and i love em! kinda dull, but the spoofs are ok His stuff has always been top notch and i can't wait

for his new album. I hope its good!
Video, sorta funny. Music, pile of shit.

If this new album is anything like Encore, which it likely will be. I'll be pissed. But he always kicks off albums with ******ed videos and songs, so I'm not all that worried yet. The one leaked track with Dre and TI is leaving me a slight bit of hope.
I've not had a chance to see the video yet cause Youtube has removed all music videos for UK users (unless theres something extremely wrong with my Youtube account and it just won't let me watch music videos). As for the song... I kinda like it. It does sound simular to the stuff thats on Encore but I loved that album anyway. Hopefully the video will appear on one of the music channels on Sky.
Eminem's back, yay....let me hold my excitement for a second...Ok I'm good.

Watched the video, it was funny I will give it that. But like the rest of Eminem's music, it was shit. I don't get why this guy is so damn popular. I know he makes it cool for frat boys to listen to hip hop, and his life story is so compelling that I fell asleep during 8 Mile. Really the only decent album he came out with was his very first one The Slim Shady LP. I say that because the only Eminem song I actually enjoyed was Guilty Conscience, though it was mostly because of the premise of the song, and it had Dre in it.

His flow on the mic bothers the fuck out of me for some reason, and I just can't see myself flowing along with this new song. I think this may be part of the reason why I just can't bring myself to enjoying his music, I can't flow along to it. I can flow to any speed rapper like Twista or Tech N9ne, I can flow to the old school G Funk, east coast, etc. But Eminem's flow is just too, how do I put this?, rocky. It seems to me that it starts and stops too often and doesn't have a consistent rhythm to it.

Anyways back to the song, it's your standard Eminem "shock" song where he goes around mocking everyone. Really just bores me to death but everyone loves it because it makes fun of all the celebrities out there. I would much rather have a song that would have actual meaning or a story to it, rather than "Kardashian is a ****e, Lohan is a ****e etc". At least Crack A Bottle was more of a party song, not a great one, but it's decent and I can see a party bumping to it. It's better than Lil Wayne mumbling his way through another song over a shit beat and getting massive play because of all the 14 year old girls simultaneously creaming their panties and requesting it after hearing it once.

So to end this rant, Eminem has solid abilities on the mic, but its the type of songs he puts out there that really bothers me. I actually don't mind his songs that talk about his life, the shit he's going through etc. I think they're actually really solid songs. But shit like "We Made You" has got to go, I thought he would have been bigger than that by now.
I thought the video was pretty funny considering he spoofed Winehouse, Britney, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Simpson & also in the Jessica Simpson act, he also plays his own versio of Tony Romo(that was funny as hell & i'm a Cowboys fan). I just wish Eminem would go back to his old voice as I think the current voice he uses in his current shit just annoys the hell outta me. I will be getting Relapse & I do hope that it's good just like all his other albums have been.
Eminem's back, yay....let me hold my excitement for a second...Ok I'm good.

Watched the video, it was funny I will give it that. But like the rest of Eminem's music, it was shit. I don't get why this guy is so damn popular. I know he makes it cool for frat boys to listen to hip hop, and his life story is so compelling that I fell asleep during 8 Mile. Really the only decent album he came out with was his very first one The Slim Shady LP. I say that because the only Eminem song I actually enjoyed was Guilty Conscience, though it was mostly because of the premise of the song, and it had Dre in it.

His flow on the mic bothers the fuck out of me for some reason, and I just can't see myself flowing along with this new song. I think this may be part of the reason why I just can't bring myself to enjoying his music, I can't flow along to it. I can flow to any speed rapper like Twista or Tech N9ne, I can flow to the old school G Funk, east coast, etc. But Eminem's flow is just too, how do I put this?, rocky. It seems to me that it starts and stops too often and doesn't have a consistent rhythm to it.

Anyways back to the song, it's your standard Eminem "shock" song where he goes around mocking everyone. Really just bores me to death but everyone loves it because it makes fun of all the celebrities out there. I would much rather have a song that would have actual meaning or a story to it, rather than "Kardashian is a ****e, Lohan is a ****e etc". At least Crack A Bottle was more of a party song, not a great one, but it's decent and I can see a party bumping to it. It's better than Lil Wayne mumbling his way through another song over a shit beat and getting massive play because of all the 14 year old girls simultaneously creaming their panties and requesting it after hearing it once.

So to end this rant, Eminem has solid abilities on the mic, but its the type of songs he puts out there that really bothers me. I actually don't mind his songs that talk about his life, the shit he's going through etc. I think they're actually really solid songs. But shit like "We Made You" has got to go, I thought he would have been bigger than that by now.

the thing with emimen is, he doesnt care if you or anyone else can "party" to his music. i dont think he writes songs for that, that's why you have your other hip hop artists. his music has never been about any of that...and it shows.

there is always one song in every one of his albums that's a spoof to people. does it do it to shock? hell yeah. it's not because he likes these people either. they find it as an "honor" that emimem put them in his song...whatever.

basically, em's music is not to be at some house party jumping up and down, his music is serious...well most of it anyway. it has an agenda and a purpose, and it's not to shake your booty to.
the thing with emimen is, he doesnt care if you or anyone else can "party" to his music. i dont think he writes songs for that, that's why you have your other hip hop artists. his music has never been about any of that...and it shows.

there is always one song in every one of his albums that's a spoof to people. does it do it to shock? hell yeah. it's not because he likes these people either. they find it as an "honor" that emimem put them in his song...whatever.

basically, em's music is not to be at some house party jumping up and down, his music is serious...well most of it anyway. it has an agenda and a purpose, and it's not to shake your booty to.

And what agenda or purpose is that? The only serious shit I've ever heard is the songs about his life and what he went through in the past. No the purpose of his "shock" songs is to feed off the bullshit media like Bill O'Reilly who thinks his music is disgusting. It's to get attention for all the wrong reasons, and only to make money. I can't hate on the man for doing what he must do to make money, but he's got the attention, he's got all the listeners, why bother fucking with the same method he did when he started blowing up? There's no point in it and that's where my point is coming from. He's as bad as 50 Cent going out and feuding with everyone, that's the only way 50 can keep his name on everyone's tongue is because he's got beef with Rick Ross or Ja Rule or Jay-Z etc. Em's is using the same tactic in a way by going out and mocking these celebrities. There is no skill involved with that. I can go write a god damn book making fun of every fucked up celebrity out there, I"m sure I will get attention some where. No what I am saying is that Em doesn't need to do what 50 does anymore, Em just needs to put out quality music that doesn't require the attention of Fox or CNN or whatever the fuck else he's trying for. Eminem needs to go out and make quality music instead of fucking around and making shit like his latest single.

Eminem became famous because of his mocking of other famous people, and then later on turned that fame into making actual songs that were personal and meant something popular. I don't have a problem with that. My problem is that he is returning to the mocking when he really doesn't need to. It's like a step back in his progression as what many consider "the best rapper out there". Look, I'm not saying Eminem is absolute shit, but what I'm saying is the material he is putting out there is. He needs to step his game up and create music that is worthwhile. Let's see, let me put "The Real Slim Shady" against "Express Yourself" by NWA. What has more impact and more cultural meaning? Eminem mocking everyone or is it NWA talking about how everyone should express their thoughts and opinions by any means necessary and to protest against any form of censorship? NWA has far more impact than Eminem ever will with one song from their listing. Has Eminem sold more records than NWA? Sure, I'll give you that, but the fact remains I'm looking at the meaning of the music, not about how many more records artist A has sold compared to artist B.

I now direct your attention to my Top Ten Favorites, almost all of the people I listed make music that actually means something, music that has a point and is directed at a certain cause that is important to people. I don't give a fuck who's Kardashian's fucking with, I don't care how ****ty Lohan is, I could give two shits and a nickle less. Hip Hop when it started out had two agendas, the first was all about the block party music, the second was about political and social problems that plague society. Later on is where the gangsta style got introduced, which went through the 90's, and I consider the greatest era rap has gone through.

If Eminem truly didn't give a damn about what people think about his music, he wouldn't be making songs like "We Made You" anymore. He would be making music that would mean something more to him, which is actually the music that is decent in his discography. Because at this stage in his career, he has a big enough fan base where it doesn't matter what the fuck he releases, those fans will eat it up and he'll still be making millions. Shit my group Bone Thugs is nowhere near the popularity Eminem has, but they making music that is relevant and important to them, not about what the mainstream will jump on immediately. They still making money because they have a cult like following to this day and they know they have that to rely on to support them in whatever music they make, and spread their music to everyone else. Eminem doesn't even need to worry about that at this point because he has this huge amount of people that will buy his shit irregardless, so why not go out and make some relevant and personal music again like he was?
Eminem is f*cking brilliant and that's all that really needs to be said. I'm not going racial on anybody because that's not my style... but the best rapper in the world... is white. If you are successful beyond words, and you're white... I'm sorry... but you're the best. Nuff said.
Eminem is the only rapper I can a) understand, b) listen to and c) enjoy. His music is completely different to the rest of the industry, at least the commercialised side anyway. It's always entertaining, and he can rap about serious things as well as having a laugh. His videos are also great (Anyone remember the one with Michal Jackson and the kids jumping on his bed?)

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