
I'm guessing he's an off topic poster or either someone who turned a thread into something it wasnt...anyhew we have an new person in prison its been a while since the last inmate lol
hey doc, just check out the Kurt Angle thread i started in the TNA room, then you'll see why greekangel is in here. He tried to turn it into yet another WWE vs. TNA arguement.
Ahh i see well thanks Shocky..well all i have to say i cant wait till he logs on and see what he has to say as its always funny what inmates have to say it gives me a good ole chuckle lol
Ok so who wants to get fucked first in prison lol we are in jail aren t we and I am dominant this is so fucking ridiculous that I am sarcastic as hell
I never spammed shit and I didn t flame anyone and my buddies will certainly acces the page and I ll be back out there :) See witha little help for me Justinightmare ,Y2KRIS and everyone else will get me out and you guys out!!
You got put in here by the Mods so I doubt you can put them in here. You got in here for taking good topics and just devolving them.
Hey at least the prisoner seems to be in good spirits so far. Listen to the mods an all will be back to normal.
You'll be in her until you make a bit of conversation and we decide you can leave. Non of your friends are able to help you.
Thank god this guy's in here. He's the reason I got banned. All of his posts just turn into attacks on wrestlers like the Undertaker and HBK. Hasn't contributed a single piece of worthy posting, I figured the guy out from the second of his first post that he was just going to be another inmate, lol.

Enjoy your prison time, I know I am. :D

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