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Greatest US Champion since its rebirth


Occasional Pre-Show
I got this idea from the 'Greatest IC Champ of The Decade' thread. Who in your opinion has been the best US thusfar in the WWE. Here's the list of those who've held it:

Eddie Guerrero
Big Show
John Cena
Booker T
Orlando Jordan
Chris Benoit
Bobby Lashley
Mr Kennedy
Matt Hardy
Shelton Benjamin
Kofi KingSton
The Miz

Please let me know if I forgot anyone. The person who I felt was the best has to be John Cena in 04. The US title helped him the most out of anyone else on that list. MVP and Benjamin both held the title for over a year yet their reigns still werent as good as Cena's. The best of 7 he had with Booker was fun to watch. Benoit was also a great US champ and his best of 7 series with Booker was also great. So once again, who do you feel has been the best US champion since its rebirth in 03
If you count longest term as the best champion, it would be MVP.

If not, I still pick MVP. He was a great champion and had a really good feud going with Matt Hardy. It was the pinnacle of his career (thus far) and had some pretty great matches. Not to mention the random sport challenges with Hardy (boxing, basketball, arm wrestling).
Chris Benoit was the one who made that title relevant. He was my favorite one to hold the belt and everyone of his title reigns with it were solid. Also his feuds over the titles were also exciting as well. Booker T and him had a great feud that actually had the title in the fore front of the story. Never again has there been a feud that big over the United States championship. Also he basically put over MVP in his final reign as champion and basically built him into a serious midcard contender.

There has been no other United States Champion who has ever made appreciate their reigns as Chris Benoit did. By far my favorite champion in any reign since the titles reincarnation in WWE. He had great matches, memorable feuds,put over talent, and also made the title relevant and made it that more prestigious.
I would have to go with the MIZ cause he's AWSOME, that he just appears to have the "it" factor to me.

For a while there the US and IC titles were kinda dead, and the miz being the loud personality he is helps keep the gold he has around his waist relavent.
I have to agree with you guys on mvp but i think number 2 would benoneother than the miz.I think the us beltallthough which realy ticks me off is he hardly ever defends it but it has elevated his career
I agree Matyy256, I think John Cena was the best US Champ since they brought it back. I felt his run as the US Champ was very good as it was when Cena was really starting to come into his own, and it was also around this time that we started to see the star that Cena would ultimately become. Now I'm not a huge Cena fan, but I was back in his US Champion days as I always felt this is when Cena was at his best, before he became Super-Cena, because he was more like himself, in alot of ways he was a bad guy who became popular (much like Orton is now) and IMO, he was the best part of Smackdown at this time. On top of that he had some good matches and was in some decent feuds (like with Carlito and JBL).

I was also a fan of MVP's title reign and it was a close second, but I feel Cenas was the best.
Definately Chris Benoit!. He put so much passion into being the United States Champion and his championship reigns were very strong. Yes, i think Benoit did build MVP into a serious mid card competitor when he put him over thats another reason why i love Benoit is he always knew how to make his opponents look good.

There have been many other United States champions but to me its easy to say that Benoit made the title prestigious. Benoit knew how to wrestle, how to put over the younger superstars, and finally knew how to bring a crowd to its feet.
I have to agree with the OP. John Cena has been the best U.S. Champion since is rebirth. He made the belt his own and we got to see what made him different from everyone else. He was great as a heel and I was seriously a mark for him in those days (not so much anymore). The most memorable feud for me was the introduction of Carlito where Carlito's bodyguard "stabbed" Cena in a club or something, I can't remember the exact details at the moment. It was just a great feud. While there may have been better wrestlers as champion i.e. Benoit and Booker, the U.S. title is what put Cena over the top and had a bigger effect on his career and the WWE as a whole, if that never happened Cena may be still as big but it may not have happened so fast. Definitely the best thing going on SmackDown when he held it.
That's a tough pick. I have to say Chris Benoit would have to be the best since the rebirth on Smackdown. Eddie Guerrero won it first since its recreation, then lost it to the Big Show. The Big Show then lost it to John Cena. Then Cena feuded with Booker T and Carlito, among others before dropping the U.S. Title to Orlando Jordan. Then Chris Benoit returns to the U.S. Title scene and beats Orlando for it. We get a great feud between Booker T and Benoit before Benoit lost it at Wrestlemania 22 to JBL. After JBL, Bobby Lashley, Finley, and MMMMMMMMRRRRRRR. Keeeennnneeddddy before Chris Benoit regained the U.S Title. MVP then gets his hands on the title and holds it for a long time, longest ever in the history of the U.S. Title before dropping it to Matt Hardy. Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Kofi, Bret Hart, R-Truth, and the current Champion the Miz.

Its debatable who is the best, but the top five have to be John Cena, Chris Benoit, MVP, Booker T and my fifth would have to be Eddie Guerrero. The Miz, Kofi, Big Show, and Matt Hardy come close.
I have to agree with the OP. John Cena has been the best U.S. Champion since is rebirth. He made the belt his own and we got to see what made him different from everyone else. He was great as a heel and I was seriously a mark for him in those days (not so much anymore). The most memorable feud for me was the introduction of Carlito where Carlito's bodyguard "stabbed" Cena in a club or something, I can't remember the exact details at the moment. It was just a great feud. While there may have been better wrestlers as champion i.e. Benoit and Booker, the U.S. title is what put Cena over the top and had a bigger effect on his career and the WWE as a whole, if that never happened Cena may be still as big but it may not have happened so fast. Definitely the best thing going on SmackDown when he held it.

Agreed. I mean don't get me wrong I liked MVP's reign also especially his feud with Hardy, but the US title eleavated Cena straight to the WWE title and he only held it off and on between march and feb. MVP held it over a year and hasnt gone anywhere really since losing it
Personally, although Benoit gave it credibility, and MVP had the longest reign, and Cena was built into who he is today (which, I hate the 'superman' gimmick), I vote it would have to be the Miz. According to an article, he is doing as many media days as possible and trying to be Vince's new Go-to guy. He's acting similar to how Cena did with Vince to get all the way to the top. I think he's acting just right, and his US Title reign are what helped him jumpstart this possible main-event push. He defended the title a couple times, acted as a heel champion perfectly, and all because of his great US Title stint, he's going to be where Cena and Orton are...eventually.
The only ones that stick out to me are John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Booker T, MVP, Chris Benoit,& The Miz....

John Cena- held the title 3 times...even had his own customizable title.....used the title as a true stepping stone to the WWE title the way it should be

Kofi Kingston- had strong matches.....his reign was pretty lackluster due to the fact he didnt have any personal storylines or mic time....but those matches put him ahead by a lot

Booker T- great US champ.....basically the equivalent of being Chris Jericho to the IC title....always a contender and able to win it whenever and make it relevant.....made it relevant in a best of 7 series

Chris Benoit- this man seemed to love the US title more than life itself....he was always fighting for it and held it with honor......

MVP- what can I say? the longest reigning US champ in WWE history.....had a very memorable feud with Matt Hardy.....

The Miz- his first reign he didnt really defend it but it is catapulting him into the main event just like it did Cena......he is the only worthy superstar of holding right now because he is going to the top fast!!

So based on match quality and storylines, and also how the reign is used I would have to say John Cena....I wouldve said MVP if he only did anything with his life lol
I'd put Benoit at number 1. Pretty much from match quality, alone.

2. John Cena. He became the top guy in the company as the U.S. Champ. He introduced the spinner belt design. Which, no matter what your feelings on, was a big merchandise seller.

3. M.V.P. While he was on Smackdown as a heel a few years ago, he was extremely entertaining. The angle with Matt Hardy was great, and becoming Tag Champs with the guy he was ducking for the U.S. title was outstanding.

4. Shelton Benjamin. I'm biased here, being that I'm a big mark for the guy. Shelton loses some points because they really didn't give him a lot of quality feuds for the belt while he was on Smackdown. He feuded with a debuting R-Truth. He also had some really good matches with the Undertaker, MVP, and Hurricane Helms as U.S. Champ.
Im going with Chris Benoit. Mostly becuase I was a big fan of his, and whenever he was a champion he wore the belt with pride. He wrestled the best matches and gave 100% everytime and brought the best out in everybody.

While were sort of on the subject, I despise the Miz being US champion. I enjoy the Miz and the guy deserves success, but he is rarley ever booked in a title defense. What happened to the 30 day rule? I know there are house shows and stuff that he may be defending the title at, but you never really see televised title matches or it defended on ppv. Both his US title reigns have so far been crap in my eyes because the guy hasn't been booked as a fighting champion. Give the belt to someone who can use it.

I would have to go with the MIZ cause he's AWSOME, that he just appears to have the "it" factor to me.

For a while there the US and IC titles were kinda dead, and the miz being the loud personality he is helps keep the gold he has around his waist relavent.

there are 4 guys i really enjoyed as United States Champion and two i liked and the others werent great. The two i liked were Guerrero and of Kofi Kingston. They put on good matches. the best four though are John Cena, Chris Benoit, MVP and The Miz. Miz, however, is below the first three in my book because even though i like him as US Champion, i dont like it when he had the Tag Team titles and US title which is why i dont want him to win the WWE title while he is US Champion because then the US title will be forgotten like it was the last time Miz had two championships. The best champion in my book is either Cena or Benoit. Benoit put on good matches while Cena had great feuds and mic work and MVP is a close 2nd.
Both his US title reigns have so far been crap in my eyes because the guy hasn't been booked as a fighting champion. Give the belt to someone who can use it.
that is why i dont want him to win the WWE title and still be US champion. He rarely defends the US title already, if he holds both belts, the US title will be forgotten and lose some prestige, i say have him defends the US title for a while in different feuds while holding that briefcase, then at a pay per view in October or November, have Miz lose the title (maybe to Bourne or Daniel Bryan, if he returns) then have Miz cash in the case at the end of the show.
Hands down Chris Benoit. He was the most dominant US champ of the decade, more so than MVP, because of the fact he went up against much tougher competition.
The best United States Champion since the title's rebirth has to be MVP. He has held the title for numerous months each time he has held it; Also, he ran through stiff competition while defending the title!!
MVP. During the time he was holding the U.S. title he was just so damn entertaining. He put on good matches, he did great promos, and he was involved in a good feud with Matt Hardy. I'm glad he held it for so long, he was one of the best parts of smackdown and he deserved to hold the title for the length of time that he did.
It's really hard for me to decide b/w either Cena or Benoit which are the only logical choice imo besides MVP maybe, so I'm going to look at both times as U.S. champ.

John Cena

1st Reign - won it from the Big Show at Wrestlemania XX which was a great way to further establish relevance in the U.S. title by giving it a meaningful match on the biggest PPV of the year (something that didn't happen this year) and get a young talent over by winning it from an established superstar. Cena goes from there by fueding with Rene Dupree, RVD, and Booker T for a while and also having side fueds with Kurt Angle and The Undertaker for a short period. I think his first reign help establish him as one of Smackdown's top faces at the time.

2nd reign - After a long war with Booker T, Cena finally comes out on the winning end and thus becomes a 2 time US Champ but loses the belt to a debuting Carlito only 5 days later. While his 2nd reign was forgetful, it was the matches that he had with Booker T for the belt which really help John develop as a wrestler who contend in the main event.

3rd reign - Cena comes back two months later after Carlito set up a stabbing on him to proceed to beat both Carlito and his bodyguard who names escapes atm and take back the US title but loses it to Orlando Jordan before being launched into superstardom by winning the WWE title at Wrestlemania 21. His last reign as champ help cement his status as one of Smackdown's legitimate top wrestlers b/c the fans really got behind him from his fued with Carlito all the way to WM 21.

Now Chris Benoit

1st reign - After Orlando Jordan beat Cena for the title, he had a lackluster reign that was saved by Chris Benoit beating him in a comedy of a match at Summerslam 2005. From there, Benoit continued to make Jordan look like a joke but then went on to have a fued with Booker T that was a cornerstone for Smackdown in late 2005 to early 2006. His fued included a great series of matches with Randy Orton replacing Booker for a while at the end but ultimately saw Booker come out on the winning end.
This will be said later but for two former world champions to fued for the U.S. title brings the belt much prestige imo.

2nd reign - Benoit proceeded to fued with Orton for a short while after losing the title but eventually restarted his fued with Booker for the title and made him tap out at No Way Out 2006 in order to regain back the US championship. From there, Benoit started a fued with JBL that eventually led to a match at Wrestlemania 22 for the title with JBL winning the match. The fact that two former world champions were fueding for the title at the biggest PPV of the year brought as much prestige to the US title than ever before imo.

3rd reign - After months of mediocracy and injuries, Benoit made an impactful return at No Mercy 2006 and then proceed to beat the red hot MIIIIISSSSSTTTTEEEERRRR KENNEDY.....wait for it....KENNEDY! for the title a little bit after. Then he would proceed to just carry the title for a while until March of 2007 where he started a fued with MVP for the belt which led to a match at Wrestlemaina 23 with the title on the line so for two back to back Wrestlemanias Benoit was defending the U.S. title. Unlike last year however, Benoit sucessfully defended the title but was eventually beaten for the title. This reign was used for Benoit to help get over two young talents in Mr. Kennedy and MVP which is a perfect example of how the belt should be used.

Now, after possibly overanalyzing both men reigns as U.S. Champ, I will have to say Benoit gets the slight edge as the greatest since its rebirth. B/c he brought prestige to the belt, built younger talent by fueding with them over it, and provided some great fueds so there is my pick.
SpoodBeest™;2245108 said:
Chris Benoit was the one who made that title relevant. He was my favorite one to hold the belt and everyone of his title reigns with it were solid. Also his feuds over the titles were also exciting as well. Booker T and him had a great feud that actually had the title in the fore front of the story. Never again has there been a feud that big over the United States championship. Also he basically put over MVP in his final reign as champion and basically built him into a serious midcard contender.

There has been no other United States Champion who has ever made appreciate their reigns as Chris Benoit did. By far my favorite champion in any reign since the titles reincarnation in WWE. He had great matches, memorable feuds,put over talent, and also made the title relevant and made it that more prestigious.

^ This is exactly what I was thinking. Benoit brought the title up to level with the Intercontinental title, not something that was just there because there was a new brand.
Overall, I pick MVP. He held it that longest and had an awesome feud with Matt Hardy for the title. It also helps his argument that during his title reign, he also held the WWE Tag Team Titles with Hardy for a time, making him the only person that could be 3 halves: 1/2 Man, 1/2 Amazing, and 1/2 of the Tag Team Champions.

But my sentimental pick has to be for both Eddie Guerrero and John Cena. With Cena during his second reign, it was cool to see how he lost the US Title only to replace it less than a month later with something of more value.

Guerrero also had a reign that just seemed like a harbinger of things to come as well seeing as how after his US Title reign he was trying to go for the big prize as well. Seems that his gamble paid off when he won the WWE Championship.
I would say John Cena back when he had more of the rapper gimmick going. I was never more into a U.S. title feud than when he was fighting JBL's Cabinet and lost the title before heading onto WM to win his first wwe title.

He won and lost the title a few times during the span of a year and it was one of the few times that I can remember the title being in the ME scene for that long.

Now days it is mostly a transitional title. MVP had it forever and well he did have some good feuds with it he also had a stretch of like 3-4 months where he didn't even defend it.
I will definitely have to say Chris Benoit. No one ever showed the same amount of pride that he showed as the United States Champion. He showed so much pride in the title and really helped the title become more valuable than it was in WCW. Benoit always walked to the ring with the title hanging proudly over his shoulder. Plus... when he defended it, he looked like it meant the world to him to keep the title and he would never let go of it. He is by far my favorite U.S. Champion of all-time and is, in my opinion has been the best overall U.S. Champion since it's rebirth.

The 2nd for me would have to be Kofi Kingston. Last summer... all I heard was people complaining about how Kofi Kingston was having 'pointless' title defenses and why wouldn't he just lose the title already? I, for one, absolutely LOVE his reign. With title defenses against the likes of M.V.P., William Regal, Matt Hardy, The Miz, Carlito, Jack Swagger, among others... it really showed that he was a fighting champion. It showed that he was willing to defend the title against all-comers. The 4 months Kofi spent as U.S. Champion did not come without struggle and hardship and that's what I loved about the reign.

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