Greatest Spot-Fest ever!

Paralyzer Z

Fuck honor
Ah yes the classic collaboration of high spots, lack of selling, and not a lot of guys screaming in constipation when getting out of a simple headlocks.

Much like john cena these matches are either loved by the IWC(thumbs up) or hated by others( I've got two words for ya!). I can enjoy matches that have good storytelling even if at unbearable slow pace but I can also enjoy filpz and movez as the haters refer to them.

My favorite spot fest would have to be the ultimate x from no surrender 2006 (haven't seen the earlier ones) the tna tag titles on the line an styles and Christopher Daniels vs LAX. One hell of a fun match like most ultimate x matches with high spots all over the place.

Feel free to also pick spot fests from the Indys and try to post a video if you can find one.

Which spot fest match is your favorite and the most fun to watch?
I gotta say TLC 2 at WMX7. I know its a obvious answer but the action is just nonstop in that match and the spots although idiotic all come off looking amazing. Add in a amazing crowd and some of the best performers ever and you have a classic match.
I gotta say TLC 2 at WMX7. I know its a obvious answer but the action is just nonstop in that match and the spots although idiotic all come off looking amazing. Add in a amazing crowd and some of the best performers ever and you have a classic match.

I can't believe I missed that one! That match is a classic. That spear was the greatest of all time. Tlc 1 was also great but nothing compared too this one.

Hopefully I can find some obscure gems in this thread l. Lets get ready to flip!
i will go with the precursor to tlc- the triple ladder match at mania.
same guys, and they did spots i still remember today; bubba's powerbomb of one of the hardy's off the spanish table through another table, jeff's epic swanton in the aisle onto bubba off a 20 foot ladder, the very first spear off the ladder, and so on.
i wore the fuckin VHS out rewinding this match. classic.

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