Greatest Porn Plots Ever

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Share the greatest porn plots of all time in here (you can share great porn titles in here as well).

Here's mine:

I'm pretty sure it was a gonzo movie, but I once saw this scene where a guy came into a doctor's office complaining of a snake biting his cock. Supposedly, he was pissing in the woods, and the bastard just up and bit him. As a result, it had swollen up to rather epic proportions, and the on-duty nurse told him that the only way to save him was to suck the poison out.

:D :D :D :D :D
Lulz, im not much of a porn watcher but ive seen a few in my days. The only one that had a plot even worth remembering was this...

A girl goes undercover to try to infiltrate a crooked model company, lots of sex scenes w/the girl cop, the owner of the model company and lots of "models". Hillarity ensues.
So check this out, there is this guy and girl, okay? And girl's parents aren't home and they are like really really bored. Guy of course takes advantage by casual flirts that girl (usually chewing bubblegum and/or twirling her hair) takes in stride and compliments his bulge which is very noticeable. They remedy the scenario by having standard, premarital sex. Usually oral first.

I just described every-other porn story IMAGINABLE.
Who the fuck watches porn with plots? How retro of you.
I downloaded a 24 spoof off of Brazzers earlier. Haven't watched it yet, but it looks like there's a decent plot there.
You buy the cheap 10 dollar shit at the arab stores don't ya?

If yer gonna watch porn might as well watch good porn.

If I wanted to look at diseased snatch I would have become a gynocologist

I don't buy my porn, you dunderhead.

And don't worry, you're nowhere close to being smart enough to be a gynecologist.
Let's see what ol' Tiger has in this here folda. What are ya lookin for I got, guy on girl, girl on girl, girl on squid, wait no I don't....

Sentai Lesbian Heroines Volume 3.

Or if you need it in English, Pornstar Superheroes.
I watched one with Katie Morgan....she's a secretary and the boss's son, stole money and he said how can i repay..simple plot she gets him to fuck her so she can fudge the numbers. Was a good porno, i still have it on my computer.
Young, Dumb, and Full of Cum always comes to mind as a great title.

Either that, or anything preceeded by "Aurora Snow in..."
Young, Dumb, and Full of Cum always comes to mind as a great title.

Either that, or anything preceeded by "Aurora Snow in..."


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