Greatest Match Ever Managed ?


Getting Noticed By Management
Who had the greatest managed match in wrestling history?

My answer, with passion is.... Queen Sherri at WrestleMania VII.

Sensational Sherri / Sherri Martel was unblievable in this match. The following is a detailed account of her night as she managed The Macho King Randy Savage against the Ulimate Warrior in a career vs career match.

She starts off getting on the apron, making sure the Warrior can see her, making her presence known to him.

Helps Macho with his attire, so he doesn't have to turn his back.

After the Warrior's first advantage of the match, Macho hits the floor, and Sherri jumps up the apron. Warrior goes after her and Macho nails him from behind. Absolutely flawless !

Warrior has Savage in an illegal double handed choke, so Sherri gets into the ring to break it up. Warrior throws Mach into her. She takes the assult... but job done. She made him break the hold !!

Using her brains, she tells Savage to grab a chair from the outside, he tosses it in, and is able to again get offense from behind. Brilliant idea from The Sensational One.

Pounds the mat and does get the Warrio's attention, but no advantage is gained.

This is where she shines. As the Warrior, the 300 pound musceled monster, is on the outside. She knees him in the face. Gouges his eyes. Rakes his back. She takes a 2 handed shove to the ground, but cowars long enough for The Macho King to again attack from the backside!!!

Add another kick to the chest, after being abused just seconds earlier. She was fearless that night!

Warrior with a backslide pin, and Sherri was instantly up on the apron, as Hebner was right in her view and may have stopped the count to address her.

Just like in the beginning moments, Macho to the floor, and Sherri to the apron. No advantaged gained, as Warrior was ready for it this time.

As Savage has a headlock, she pounds the mat, drawing the ref's attention, and gives Mach the opportunity to turn it into a chokehold if needed. A very good manager move.

After a double clothesline, both men were down, but Sherri crawled halfway into the ring, and physically shook Macho awake... and Mach gained the uppehand!

She was distracting Hebner from seeing pinfall as Warrior had Savage pinned for what would have been a 6 ot 7 count and the end of the match!

Now this was only mistake of the night. As the ref was down, Savage was restraining Warrior, and Sherri took too long to take off her skirt. By the time she lept off the top rope with her shoe, the Warrior and moved and ohhhh nooo she hit Savage.

But she quickly redeemed herself, by not leaving the ring, but goating The Warrior to chase her to the outside and away from Macho, and biding him some time to recover. She crawled through the ring, and this let Mach get a pin attempt with a schoolboy.

After a Warrior press-slam, half of his finishing move, she crawls half way into the ring to pound the mat, to wake The Macho King out of a daze. She even guides him to the corner and Mach is able to attack a befuddled Warrior.

She holds the Warrior's throat over the metal guard railing, as Macho goes to the top rope trying to Steamboat his larynx. But unsuccessful.

As the Macho man is fading, she goes to the talk to him up so he isn't counted out.

It definitely gives me a better understanding why she was so upset after the match. She did all she could, had the greatest managed match ever... and still lost.

What is your Greatest Match Ever Managed?
Good post. I can't think of a great "Managed" match, but I'll give you a run-down of my favorites to watch at ringside.

1. Bobby Heenan- He managed his guys (Heenan Family) like a basketball coach giving direction from the sidelines and often got his hands dirty when needed (earning the nickname Weasel). Plus. I always liked his custom track suits with his name emblazoned on the back of the jacket. Great talker too!

2.Jimmy Hart- Annoying, but effective. He definitely made his presence felt at ringside hopping around (you ever see someone with so much energy at ringside?) with his mega-phone and loud colorful jackets.

3.Slick- Great talker, the self professed "Doctor Of Style" and innovator of the word, "Exact-a-tivley". He was better at getting himself over more than his clients... Funny as hell

4.JJ Dillion- JJ was like Red Auerbach and the Four Horsemen were the Boston Celtics... the most successful faction/ team in sports history. JJ didn't have to do much, but when he had to lace up his boots, he was reliable.

5.Paul Heyman- From his time with the Dangerous Alliance to managing CM Punk, his facial expressions and charisma at ringside make him just as interesting as what goes on in the ring...

6.Ric Flair- Ric was awesome to watch as HHH's chief second....point blank.

But to try and directly answer your question, I guess any match similar to what you mentioned. Any match where the manager tried like hell to get the win and definitely made their presence felt and was the deciding factor in the outcome.
Ok so I thought about it like I said in the rep I gave the OP, and while my response is not as detailed as that my answer is Bobby Heenan managing Rick Rude to the IC title at Mania 5. He was a constant annoyance to The Warrior the whole match distracting him every chance he got. You have to remember the mind games he played with Warrior leading up to the match as well. Then at the end being in the right place at the right time to grab Warrior's foot helping Rude to get the 3 count and the IC title. Rude literally would not have won that match without Bobby's prescence at ring side. One of the all time great who helped Rude win his one and only title in the WWF.
Interesting thread.

Paul Heyman at No Mercy 2002. The Hell in a Cell match between Lesnar & Taker was already awesome and brutal, but Heyman's presence helped me enjoy the match even more. Heyman couldn't do a lot obviously cause he was locked outside of the Cell, but there were times in the match where both Lesnar & Taker would fight near the cell wall and Heyman would use some pretty clever methods to help out Lesnar, like when he used his belt to strap Undertaker's armcast against the cell wall and allow Lesnar to weaken his arm down more by hitting it repeatedly with a Chair. Heyman would also scream loudly in the background like he was in a hospital, giving birth, whenever Brock was getting his ass handed to him by Taker. Heyman, at one point in the match, took a beating from the Deadman which caused him to bleed like a stuck pig, but that still didn't stop him from helping out Lesnar and gloating like a madman whenever Lesnar beat the piss out of Taker.

I don't know why this one gets a lot of hate but I liked the "McMahon in every corner" concept at Wrestlemania 2000. It was a unique idea and something nobody had ever seen before or thought they would ever see. Vince & Shane's little scuffles and fight outside the ring were enjoyable for me. And at the end of the match I felt really sorry for Linda McMahon as Vince, Shane & Steph had duped everybody including her. I marked like a little girl though when Rock ran back into the ring and took out Vince, Shane and Stephanie with the Rock Bottom & People's Elbow to end the show.

Bill Alfonso was a treat during any of RVD's matches in ECW. He would always squirt waterbottles he brought to the ring with him on RVD to cool him down whenever he was down on the mat, he'd also use towels. He would bring Chairs into the ring for RVD to use and even hold them in front of Van Dam's opponents' faces while Van Dam went to the top rope to hit a Van Terminator or whatever. And Bill would always make me laugh whenever he shouted out directions with his funny voice.
JJ Dillion was usually a much bigger part of the show when The Horsemen lost, he was always heavily involved in the action and made a significant impact on the match keeping his guys in it till they ultimately lost. Typically when various Horsemen won he wasnt as much a factor although he was known for knocking opponents feet off the ropes or distracting refs to set up the finish.

One big match he managed, was heavily involved in, and won was Tully Blanchard vs Dusty Rhodes in the $100,000 challenge match in June 1987. Dillion was constantly pacing ringside, shouting advice and having in corner conferences with Blanchard and occassionally threatening to physically intervene against Rhodes. He was essential to the finish, stealing Dusty's money from Magnum TA (in his first appearance, now partiallly crippled, after his tragic car accident) which caused Dusty to get counted out as he ran to Magnum's rescue and then tried to retrieve his money.
Although he lost, Mr Perfect Curt Henning was excellent as Ric Flair's manager at WrestleMania VIII vs Randy Savage, he had significant involvement in the action but not enough to overshadow either wrestler.
Bobby Heenan at WrestleMania V. He essentially won the match for his man, Rick Rude, in the bout against Ultimate Warrior for the Intercontinental Title. Not only did his leg grabbing interference gain Rude the win, but he made his presence felt throughout. Considering the stakes, the opponent, and the stage, I'm giving "The Brain" the nod.
To the OP....I don't know if it's the greatest match ever managed but no doubt Sherri was in my opinion the greatest female manager. Her niece was in my grade in high school and even though we didn't have a whole lot in common or mutual friends, I always talked to her about wrestling (mainly Sherri) and she was pretty open to me & my friends about her (since we knew she was because we watched wrestling & even though when we were growing up Sherri was on her last leg in WCW and they had a Thunder event in Birmingham AL) when we were teenagers & Sherri hooked us up getting us backstage and free tickets (even though I was a WWF fan it was still cool getting to see Hogan, Savage, hell even Virgil they were all cool too us). I lost touch with the girl but when I heard Sherri died I got back in touch with her to thank her for hooking us up with a cool experience as kids. But regarding the actual question I would have to go with Mr.Perfect at WM 8

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