Greatest entrance music ever?


Occasional Pre-Show
So I've been looking through some old classic entrance musics, and yea - you got Rocky's, Austin's, HBK, Hogan..

But I don't know what it is. Something about Goldust's old music just hit me, everytime as a good, no matter how much I hated/liked the guy - the second that music hit I got pumped.

So here's the question. Whose music did you absolutely fall in love with?

So, a little top 5 in my opinion; (you don't have to rate)

5. The Rock. (The moment I would hear "IF YOU SMELL" no matter what, I just jumped lol)
4. Hogan's WCW theme (a.k.a. Voodoo Child. It was voodoo child xD 'nuff said.)
3. HBK "Sexy Boy" - It was so catchy xD
2. Kurt Angle (pre "you suck", it was just epic. Something about it was electric lol)
1. Goldust (read above)
A good entrance theme is more than just the song. It's gotta have the right flow, match the superstar's gimmick, and the first 2-3 seconds have gotta be the hook. Undertaker's gong, Austin's shattering glass, The Rock's "if ya smellllll"... etc.

Anyways, here's my top 5 based on those merits:

5) CM Punk (not Cult of Personality... I haven't gotten used to it yet)
4) Edge (the Rob Zombie one)
3) Lita
2) Y2J
1) Chris Benoit -- something about his song just made him feel dangerous
Benoit's Our Lady Peace entrance was always one of my favs. I also liked Maven's theme by Big Mother Trucker (I believe). And Punk's Killswitch Engage theme. Those are my top 3. HHH's 2000 theme also is up there.
just gonna name some off the top..

Goldberg(1st theme)- Just a great composition it made it feel epic when he debuted on raw
Nexus theme/ cm punk original theme
Cena's theme is my favorite thing about him
Evan Bourne
Ric flair's theme (wcw/wwe) I dont know what he uses now...
Rock, Austin, HHH are all classics...
I Like Heath Slaters theme that they just gave him
Del Rios theme is nice....
Orton's is catchy too.

Truth is there have been so many great entrance themes its one of the most important things in wrestling without a doubt. It seemed like for a while in the mid to late 2000's they werent as good but they're nice now.....
I'm just gonna name a couple off the top of my head.

Triple H's "My Time" theme was just so epic to me. Always preferred it over "The Game"
Edge's Theme
That Undertaker one with the guitar playing at the beginning
Drew McIntyre's sets his character so well
The Miz's is cool
Dolph Ziggler's. I wasn't really feeling the remix at first but it's growing on me
I also like Randy's "Burn in My Light" because of the guitar work.
I liked "My Time" Triple H
The Million Dollar Man's theme
Randy Orton "Voices"
Edge's theme
I loved Hogan's Voodoo Child theme also
My favorites are Chris Benoit's Shooter, Bryan Danielson's Final Countdown, Triple H's My Time, Chris Jericho's Break The Walls Down, Either of Edge's themes because i like the "You think you know me?" intro even though Myles Kennedy's vocals are a bit annoying, Stone Cold's Glass Shatters, Bret Hart's Hart Attack, CM Punk's COP and This Fire Burns, and I guess Cody Rhodes new theme.
5.Legion Of Doom...and Demolition's theme
4. Undertaker (98-99 Pre-Ministry) with the lead guitar in the beginning
3. Hulk Hogan (Real American)
2. Stone Cold
1. Ultimate Warrior
There are a lot of themes to choose from especially from the 80s/90s.
Ultimate Warrior's "Unstable" was my first favorite. Hulk's "Real American" is awesome. Also, Shawn Michaels "Sexy Boy" and I always liked the Rockers theme too. Ted Dibiase's "Money, money, money, money, money, " was great. I don't know why but I like Dusty Rhodes "Common Man Boogie."

I'm not sure but if Jim Johnston isn't in the WWE Hall of Fame, he should be. His contributions to the business are without parallel.

From the 90s/00s, I liked the Vince McMahon's "No Chance" theme. The DX theme was great (If the theme was for Shawn Michaels it rocked). Chris Jericho's "Break the Walls Down" was awesome. I liked HHH's theme that started with the distorted scream from after the DX days but before "The Game." Christian's rock opera theme before going to TNA was great too. Maven's guitar intro was cool.

Now, I like CM Punk's music, both the Killswitch Engage theme and Cult of Personality. If Cena's theme was instrumental only it'd better. I like Edge's theme, it worked great to introduce his character and seemed very poignant during his retirement montages.

From WCW, DDP's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" cover might be the best theme ever. Ric Flair's "Theme from Space Odyssey 2001" fit a legend like him to a T. Macho Man's "Pomp and Circumstance" with electric guitars is my preferred version. And the NWO's "Voodoo Chile" needs mentioning.

So all time top 5 best themes would be...
5. Hulk Hogan "Real American"
4. CM Punk's by Killswitch Engage
3. Ultimate Warrior
2. Shawn Michaels "Sexy Boy"
1. DDP
CM Punk- Cult of Personality
Daniel Bryan- Ride of the Valkyrie
Macho Man- Pomp and Circumstance
Kurt Angle- Medal
Evolution- Line in the Sand
In no particular order...

CM Punk (Miseria Cantare - The Beginning/Cult of Personality/Night Train):
They all fit the character/situation perfectly. I know it is technically three different songs, but for me they are all so closely linked to Punk in my eyes that they belong together.

Bryan Danielson (The Final Countdown): I still say that WWE should get the rights to use this theme for that Daniel Bryan guy... it really was a great theme and fun to sing along to as well

Undertaker (Ministry/Your Gonna Pay): Both of these themes were great during their run and fit the Undertaker character perfectly at the time.

Stone Cold Steve Austin (Glass Shatters by Disturbed): even though I was never that big of a fan of Steve Austin, I loved this theme.

The Hollywood Blondes ["Stunning" Steve Austin and "Flyin'" Brian Pillman]:
I don't even know the name of the theme, it was probably just a track number in the Turner library of generic music, but it really was great.
My top 5 picks would be

5. Hogans Real American
4. LODs 1st WWE Theme
3. The Rocks
2. Bret Harts

And my Number 1 would be -


Always loved this tune and was gutted when they changed it to his trust me tune.

Other notable mentions - Austins disturbed tune, Mr Perfect, British Bulldog, DX, NWO..... infact there are just to many to mention.
the miz's theme is my all time favourite, and u can tell he loves it too if you watch the video on utube of him lipsyncing its epic
1. Zack Ryder's theme.
2. Alex Riley Say it to my face
3. The Miz current theme
4. Both of Cody Rhodes' themes
5. Both of CM Punk themes
6. Wade Barrett End of Days
7. Nexus we are one
8. Alberto Del Rio
9. Randy Orton's old theme
10. Drew McIntyre's theme
and David Otunga/Mike McGuillicutty's Power theme
5. Brock Lesnar (Next big thing) - When his theme hit, You knew that you was facing a monster. Loved the theme tbh.
4. DDP - Amazing Theme. Say No More.
3. The Undertaker (Ministry) - Loved it. The guitar was awesome! It was just a great song.
2. Hulk Hogan - Honestly, Im not a fan of Hogan, But this theme Rocks! Way Back When, When his theme hit, A Huge pop went across the arena.
1. Stone Cold - As soon as you heard the glass shatter, You knew some tough S.O.B was coming out and ready to unleash hell.

Honorable Mentions -
Dolph Ziggler (Downstait)
Kurt Angle (Medal)
Shawn Michaels (Sexy Boy)
Triple H (My Time)
Edge & Christian (You Think You Know Me)
Chris Benoit
Eddie Guerrero (Gangsta Lane)
Ultimate Warrior (WWF)
Rick Rude (all of them, especially his first WCW theme)
Million Dollar Man
Abyss (The theme before the one he's using now)
The Brian Kendrick (man with a plan)
Jeff Hardy (modest original version)
Vince McMahon!!
My favorites, in no order, because it's too hard to put in order:

Hulk Hogan: This was the stuff back in the day. Nothing rivaled the epicness of this music, and then hearing Howard Finkle say 'And now, walking down the aisle, the IMMORTAL HULK Hoooooogan!!!!', I'm getting shivers just thinking abou it.

Legion of Doom: Whaaaaaaaaat a Ruuuusssh, then that long guitar riff, I loved it!!!

Million Dollar Man: That laugh will be in my head when I'm 90.

Undertaker: The original, with the long pauses in between the gongs, then finally starting, taking his time.

Macho Man: It fit him more than anything.

Shawn Micheals: That theme, with HIM singing it, is timeless.

Mr. Perfect: I'm biased, but I freaking LOVE this theme song.

Earthquake: Simple but awesome.
Bret Hart

And last but not least, I have to say:

Kurt Angle's theme song when everyone chanted 'You Suck!'. I can't remember a theme song that got that loud of a reaction. Even Hogan, Rock, Stone Cold, etc. No one ever got a reaction like that.
bret heart, HBK, taker ( all of them minus the american bad ass), flair, macho man, hogan, austin, rock, shane o mac, orton burn in my light version, and all NWO related themes and believe it or not the nation of domination theme.
1-nWo Wolfpack Theme (Don't turn your back on the wolfpack..) Just epic!
2-WWE's Kurt Angle
3-Stone Cold
4-WWE's Dudley boyz (Turn The tables, 2nd version)
5-Undertaker (Rollin')
6-Rey Mysterio (Booyaka 619, 2005's version)
7-Cena (My time is now)
9-WWF's Jeff Jarrett and Debra (Tennesee Jam or something like that)
10-WWE's Orlando Jordan theme (Nothing new but the money). An excelent entrance theme.
11-Shawn Michael (Sexy boy)
Top 5?

#1. Hulk Hogan; Real American, this was an entire generation
#2. nWo theme; This theme has held relevance in WCW, WWF, WWE and TNA (Hogan's remix) and I actually hear the nWo music when I think attitude era for some reason.
#3. Degeneration X; Another theme that stayed relevant for years, I may be stuck in the late 90's, but hearing DX really makes me smile, unfortunately the last incarnation was "BUY THIS ^_^"
#4. Triple H; Time to play the game - As much as people like to knock on him, I find his theme fits the mood and character tremendously, honorable mention for king of kings, it fits as well as Trips~
#5. Kane; Original theme; His entrance and music were so dynamically perfect for his character, I just remember the light's going out, hearing that music was intimidating as hell. That is, before he demasked and became a PG teddy bear.

My honorable mentions that I would put top 10, but not fully reasoned; Y2J(Any variation), HBK, Goldberg, Brett Hart and William Regal (His music just fits him so damn well)
I'm a Jericho mark, so I love his theme. Wolfpac is another favorite of mine. I like the 90s/80s themes because they seem like they say more about the character then current "Rock song we have access to" + Wrestler = Profit???.

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